舒適 shu ˉ shiˋ
Comfortable, Comfortably, Pleasant, Pleasantly, Cozy, Cozily
Comfortable, Comfortably, Cozily, Cozy, Pleasant, Pleasantly
舒 Comfortable, Leisurely, Open, Pleasant, Relax, Relaxed, Slow, Stretch, Sue, Unfold, Unhurried
適 At Ease, Comfortable, Fit, Follow, Just Right, Match, Suit, Suitable
Words with shared element: 舒適
zaiˋ mouˇ ge˙ shu ˉ shiˋ de˙ xiaoˇ ka ˉ fei ˉ guanˇ waiˋ touˊ he ˉ jiuˇ
Drinking outside some comfortable little cafe
puˊ shiˊ hanˋ xiaˋ jiˋ shu ˉ shiˋ zhi ˉ jian ˉ buˋ wenˇ dingˋ de˙ xin ˉ lingˇ yuˋ
The variable border between modesty and summer comfort
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