訊號 xunˋ haoˋ
Signal, Communication(s)
Code, Communication(s), Cry, Designation, Howl, Identification, Mark, Number, Shout, Sign, Signal, Symbol
Words with 訊號:
xunˋ haoˋ jie ˉ shou ˉ qiˋ
Receiver | Communications receiver | Dish (signal receiving device)
dieˊ xingˊ xunˋ haoˋ jie ˉ shou ˉ qiˋ
Communications dish | Dish shaped receiving device
zhuˇ yaoˋ dieˊ xingˊ xunˋ haoˋ jie ˉ shou ˉ qiˋ
Main communication dish | Main communications dish
yiˊ zuoˋ jianˇ yiˋ xunˋ haoˋ jie ˉ shou ˉ qiˋ
A rudimentary receiver | A basic receiver
chuanˊ daˊ xunˋ haoˋ
Communication | Communicating | To communicate | Communicate | Communicates | Communicated | To send a signal | Send a signal | Sends a signal | Sending a signal | Sent a signal | To send signals | Send signals | Sends signals | Sending signals | Sent signals
Words with 號:
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