
某個捲入虛假末日論的人聊天 gen ˉ mouˇ ge˙ juanˇ ruˋ xuˉ jiaˇ moˋ riˋ lunˋ de˙ renˊ liaoˊ tianˉ

Chat with somebody involved in bogus doomsday theories

And, Chat, Follow, Go, Heel, With

Words with 跟某個捲入虛假末日論的人聊天:



gen ˉ mouˇ ge˙ juanˇ ruˋ xu ˉ jiaˇ moˋ riˋ lunˋ de˙ renˊ liaoˊ tian ˉ

Chat with somebody involved in bogus doomsday theories

跟某個捲入虛假末日論的人聊天 | | | | | | | | | 虛假末日 | 跟某個捲入虛假末日論人聊天 | 跟某個捲入虛假末日論的聊天 | |


yiˊ duanˋ woˇ gen ˉ mouˇ ge˙ juanˇ ruˋ xu ˉ jiaˇ moˋ riˋ lunˋ de˙ renˊ liaoˊ tian ˉ de˙ suiˊ ji ˉ jiˋ yiˋ

A random memory of me talking with someone involved in bogus doomsday theories

| | | 跟某個捲入虛假末日論的人聊天 | | | | | | | | | 虛假末日 | 跟某個捲入虛假末日論人聊天 | 跟某個捲入虛假末日論的聊天 | | | | | | |

Words with 跟:

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