輸入 shu ˉ ruˋ
An input, The input, The inputs, To input, Input, Inputs, Inputting, Inputted, To come in, Come in, Comes in, Coming in, Came in, To enter, Enter, Enters, Entering, Entered, To enter information, Enter information, Enters information, Entering information, Entered information
Came in, Come in, Comes, Coming, Enter, Entered, Entering, Enters, Input, Inputs, Inputted, Inputting, To come, To enter, To input
輸 Be Defeated, Carry, Contribute, Convey, Donate, Export, Hand In, Haul, Import, Infuse, Input, Lose, Loser, Lug, Output, Pay, Submit, Transfuse, Transmit, Transport
入 Agree, Arrive, Captivate, Enter, Entrance, Go into, Income, Intrude, Invade, Join, Receipt, Receive
Words with shared element: 輸入
shu ˉ, ruˋ
An input | The input | The inputs | To input | Input | Inputs | Inputting | Inputted | To come in | Come in | Comes in | Coming in | Came in | To enter | Enter | Enters | Entering | Entered | To enter information | Enter information | Enters information | Entering information | Entered information
輸出, 輸給, 輸了, 輸卵管, 輸氣管, 輸家, 輸血, 輸液, 輸送, 輸入, 靜脈輸, 傳輸, 的輸出, 灌輸, 運輸, 我們統統都會輸入:
入口, 入園, 入門, 入眠, 入學, 入侵, 入伍, 入手, 入夜, 入席, 入座, 入射線, 入射角, 入選, 入迷, 入教, 入土, 入境, 入場, 入獄, 入世, 吸入, 踏入, 跳入, 躍入水中, 映入眼簾, 闖入, 水果入菜, 置入, 墜入, 度墜入夢鄉, 墮入, 陷入, 嵌入, 出入, 可供出入, 收入, 納入, 織入, 引入, 已入, 登入, 就像母親哄孩子入睡一樣, 駭入, 消失入, 倒入, 傳入, 侵入, 不具侵入性, 伸入, 升入, 放入, 誤入, 溶入, 潛入, 混入, 深深沉入, 流入, 沈入, 滑入, 滴入, 湧入, 滲入, 將腳趾浸入水中以測試溫度, 添入, 深入, 漸入佳境, 注入, 灌入, 逃入, 送入, 進入, 恨入之骨, 引人入勝, 介入, 分入的組, 走火入魔, 融入, 四捨五入, 格格不入, 攻入, 列入, 步入, 考入, 存入, 加入, 請你們一起加入, 刺入, 想入非非, 植入, 走入, 填入, 在空格中填入, 捨入, 插入, 未插入, 將電池插入, 捲入, 跟某個捲入虛假末日論的人聊天, 打入, 投入, 擠入, 把我扯入, 掉入, 切入, 劃入, 輸入, 轉入Frag (shared element) page
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