
道 nanˊ daoˋ

Do you mean to say, Is it possible, It's hard to believe, It doesn't seem likely

Complex, Difficult, Disastrous, Do, Hard, Is, It's, It, Not, Prefix, Problem, Problematic, Rebuke, Reprimand, Suffer

Words with 難道:


nanˊ daoˋ

Do you mean to say | Is it possible | It's hard to believe | It doesn't seem likely

難道 |


nanˊ daoˋ buˊ huiˋ

It would be hard not to

難道 | | |


nanˊ daoˋ buˋ nengˊ

Could not | Why shouldn't…

難道 | | |


nanˊ daoˋ buˋ nengˊ zhiˊ jie ˉ

Couldn't just

難道 | | | | |


nanˊ daoˋ ta ˉ buˋ nengˊ zheng ˉ zhi ˉ yanˇ biˋ zhi ˉ yanˇ

Couldn't he play dumb | Wouldn't he have played dumb

難道 | | | | | 隻眼閉隻眼 | 眼閉隻眼 | 睜隻閉隻眼 | 睜隻眼隻眼 | 眼閉隻眼 | 睜隻閉隻眼


nanˊ daoˋ niˇ wangˋ le˙

It's hard to believe you have forgotten | It doesn't seem likely that you forgot

難道 | | | |


nanˊ daoˋ niˇ wangˋ le˙ ma˙

You mean to say that you forgot?

難道 | | | | |


nanˊ daoˋ ta ˉ buˋ nengˊ zheng ˉ zhi ˉ yanˇ biˋ zhi ˉ yanˇ

Couldn't she play dumb | Wouldn't she have played dumb

難道 | | | | | 隻眼閉隻眼 | 眼閉隻眼 | 睜隻閉隻眼 | 睜隻眼隻眼 | 眼閉隻眼 | 睜隻閉隻眼


danˋ zheˋ ge˙ renˊ nanˊ daoˋ buˋ nengˊ zhiˊ jie ˉ

But couldn't this person just

| | | | 難道 | | | | |


ta ˉ men˙ nanˊ daoˋ buˋ zhi ˉ daoˋ

Don't they know

| | 難道 | | | |


zheˋ nanˊ daoˋ buˊ shiˋ yiˋ weiˋ zhe˙

Doesn't this imply

| 難道 | | | | | | 意味

Words with 難:

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