A picture, A painting
yiˋ fuˊ huaˋ
一 yiˋ, yiˊ, yi¯
One, 1, Single, A, An, Once, As Soon As, The
Grouped by first phone
yi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi
衣部 yi¯ buˋ
Radical for Clothing
一不小心 yiˊ buˋ xiaoˇ xin¯
Carelessly, A little carelessly
一不小心點 yiˊ buˋ xiaoˇ xin¯ dianˇ
A little carelessly, Not paying attention, Accidentally, A little incautiously
一步 yiˊ buˋ
One step
一步也沒落空 yiˊ buˋ yeˇ meiˊ luoˋ kong¯
Not missing a step, Without missing a step
一部 yiˊ buˋ
A book or movie, A volume
一部份 yiˊ buˋ fenˋ
A part, A portion, An element, A component
一部分 yiˊ buˋ fen¯
Portion, Part
一部電視電影 yiˊ buˋ dianˋ shiˋ dianˋ yingˇ
A made-for-TV movie
以不同的形式書寫 yiˇ buˋ tongˊ de˙ xingˊ shiˋ shu¯ xieˇ
Written in a different way
以不同的方式 yiˇ buˋ tongˊ de˙ fang¯ shiˋ
Differently, Using different methods
一不變的 yiˋ buˊ bianˋ de˙
Unchanging, Constant
亦步亦趨 yiˋ buˋ yiˋ qu¯
To follow someone's example
異步 yiˋ buˋ
異步傳輸 yiˋ buˋ chuanˊ shu¯
Asynchronous transmission
衣櫥 yi¯ chuˊ
Closet, Wardrobe
移除 yiˊ chuˊ
Remove, Removes, Removing, Removed
移除了 yiˊ chuˊ le˙
一出現時 yiˋ chu¯ xianˋ shiˊ
As soon as it appears, As soon as it appeared
溢出 yiˋ chu¯
溢出到地板上的地方 yiˋ chu¯ daoˋ diˋ banˇ shangˋ de˙ diˋ fang¯
Overflowed onto the floor
逸出 yiˋ chu¯
Escape, Escapes, Escaping, Escaped
益處 yiˋ chuˇ
一蹴而就 yiˊ cuˋ erˊ jiuˋ
To succeed after a single attempt
一蹴而幾 yiˊ cuˋ erˊ ji¯
To succeed after a single attempt
一度 yiˊ duˋ
Once, On one occasion
一睹國際巨星 yiˋ duˇ guoˊ jiˋ juˋ xing¯
An international superstar
伊芙 yi¯ fuˊ
伊芙的 yi¯ fuˊ de˙
衣服 yi¯ fuˊ
衣服沒脫 yi¯ fuˊ meiˊ tuo¯
With clothes still on, Without taking clothes off
一副 yiˊ fuˋ
A set or pair of (eyewear, Goggles, To do with face)
一副假牙 yiˊ fuˋ jiaˇ yaˊ
Set of false teeth, Pair of dentures
一副無辜 yiˊ fuˋ wuˊ gu¯
Look innocent
一幅畫 yiˋ fuˊ huaˋ
A picture, A painting
一幅相關的圖照 yiˋ fuˊ xiang¯ guan¯ de˙ tuˊ zhaoˋ
A relevant photo, A relevant image
一股壓力 yiˋ guˇ ya¯ liˋ
A surge of pressure, A wave of pressure
一股新生的焦慮 yiˋ guˇ xin¯ sheng¯ de˙ jiao¯ luuˋ
A new anxiety, A new worry
一股氣味 yiˋ guˇ qiˋ weiˋ
A smell
一股清新 yiˋ guˇ qing¯ xin¯
A fresh
一股清涼 yiˋ guˇ qing¯ liangˊ
A coolness, A cool feeling
一股灰燼般的雲 yiˋ guˇ hui¯ jinˋ ban¯ de˙ yunˊ
A cloud of ashes, An ash-like cloud
一股透明薄霧 yiˋ guˇ touˋ mingˊ boˊ wuˋ
A transparent haze
一鼓作氣 yiˋ guˇ zuoˋ qiˋ
In one go
醫護人員 yi¯ huˋ renˊ yuanˊ
Medical Staff
異乎尋常 yiˋ hu¯ xunˊ changˊ
Unusual, Extraordinary
一路 yiˊ luˋ
All the way, Throughout the journey, Straight through, Go the same way, Single file
一路上 yiˊ luˋ shangˋ
Along the way
一路叫嚷 yiˊ luˋ jiaoˋ rangˇ
Shouting all the way
一路坐在後面 yiˊ luˋ zuoˋ zaiˋ houˋ mianˋ
Sat all the way in the back
一路平安 yiˊ luˋ pingˊ an¯
Have a safe journey, Safe travels
一路滑下另一側 yiˊ luˋ huaˊ xiaˋ lingˋ yiˊ ceˋ
Sliding down the other side, Coasting down the other side
一路生長出來 yiˊ luˋ sheng¯ zhangˇ chu¯ laiˊ
Grown straight from
一路順風 yiˊ luˋ shunˋ feng¯
Safe travels, Have a safe journey, Bon voyage
一路領到 yiˊ luˋ lingˇ daoˋ
Led all the way to, Took as far as
一路飛 yiˊ luˋ fei¯
一路跟蹤他 yiˋ luˋ gen¯ zong¯ ta¯
Follow him, Followed him
一路跟蹤他到 yiˋ luˋ gen¯ zong¯ ta¯ daoˋ
Follow him to, Followed him to
一目了然 yiˊ muˋ liaoˇ ranˊ
Understand at a glance
一目十行 yiˊ muˋ shiˊ hangˊ
Read ten lines in a single glance, Fast reader
已入 yiˇ ruˋ
Credited, Entered into an account
一如 yiˋ ruˊ
Just like, Just as
一如他所知的 yiˋ ruˊ ta¯ suoˇ zhi¯ de˙
As he had known would be the case, As he had known
一如往常地 yiˋ ruˊ wangˇ changˊ diˋ
As usual
一如既往 yiˋ ruˊ jiˋ wangˇ
As always
一束 yiˊ shuˋ
Bunch, Bundle
一束光線 yiˊ shuˋ guang¯ xianˋ
A beam of light
一束分子輸送帶 yiˊ shuˋ fen¯ ziˇ shu¯ songˋ daiˋ
A bunch of molecular conveyor belts
一束又一束 yiˊ shuˋ youˋ yiˊ shuˋ
Bunches and bunches, Bunches
一束平行光射 yiˊ shuˋ pingˊ xingˊ guang¯ sheˋ
A beam of parallel rays of light
藝術 yiˋ shuˋ
藝術家 yiˋ shuˋ jia¯
意圖 yiˋ tuˊ
Intent, Intention
異途同歸 yiˋ tuˊ tongˊ gui¯
Arrive at the same place using different paths, Reach the same conclusion via different means
衣物 yi¯ wuˋ
醫務 yi¯ wuˋ
一物剋一物 yiˊ wuˋ keˋ yiˊ wuˋ
The circle of life, There is always one thing that limits or restricts another
遺物 yiˊ wuˋ
Relic, Relics
已無 yiˇ wuˊ
No longer
已無大礙 yiˇ wuˊ daˋ aiˋ
Nothing serious happened
以武力為後盾 yiˇ wuˇ liˋ weiˋ houˋ dunˋ
Used force of arms for backup, Used force for backup, Backed by force
一無所有 yiˋ wuˊ suoˇ youˇ
一無所有再無可失 yiˋ wuˊ suoˇ youˇ zaiˋ wuˊ keˇ shi¯
Nothing to lose
一無所獲 yiˋ wuˊ suoˇ huoˋ
Achieved nothing
一無所知 yiˋ wuˊ suoˇ zhi¯
Know nothing, Knew nothing
一五一十 yiˋ wuˇ yiˋ shiˊ
Tell it exactly as it happened, Count five at a time
異物 yiˋ wuˋ
Foreign object (choking), Rare treasure, Peculiar item, The dead
異物哽塞 yiˋ wuˋ gengˇ seˋ
Foreign object choking, Choking on something stuck in the throat
義務 yiˋ wuˋ
Duty, Obligation, Compulsory
遺囑 yiˊ zhuˇ
挹注 yiˋ zhuˋ
Supplement, Draw from one to make up for the deficit in another
一組 yiˋ zuˇ
A set of, Set of
一組先發置人的 yiˋ zuˇ xian¯ fa¯ zhiˋ renˊ de˙
A preemptive
一組組 yiˋ zuˇ zuˇ
A bundle, A group
yi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi
比不上 biˇ buˊ shangˋ
Can not compare (with)
必不可少 biˋ buˋ keˇ shaoˇ
逼出去 bi¯ chu¯ quˋ
Expel, Drive out
比出 biˇ chu¯
Form, Shape, Make
彼處 biˇ chuˇ
鼻骨 biˊ guˇ
Nasal Bone
庇護 biˋ huˋ
Shelter, Refuge, Asylum
庇護所 biˋ huˋ suoˇ
庇護權 biˋ huˋ quanˊ
Asylum, Refuge
筆錄 biˇ luˋ
Record, Transcript
閉路電視 biˋ luˋ dianˋ shiˋ
Close circuit tv
閉幕 biˋ muˋ
Lower the curtain, Close, Conclude, End
閉幕式 biˋ muˋ shiˋ
Closing ceremony
比如 biˇ ruˊ
For example
比如說 biˇ ruˊ shuo¯
For example
避暑 biˋ shuˇ
Escape from the heat
避暑夏居 biˋ shuˇ xiaˋ ju¯
Summer residence, Summer residences, Aestival residence
yi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi
底部 diˇ buˋ
Bottom section
地步 diˋ buˋ
Point, Extent, Situation, Condition, Room to move, Room to take action
低處 di¯ chuˋ
Low down
抵觸 diˇ chuˋ
低估 di¯ gu¯
低估了 di¯ gu¯ le˙
低谷 di¯ guˇ
嘀咕 diˊ gu¯
Whisper, Be indecisive, Undecided, Hesitant, Not sure
低庫存 di¯ kuˋ cunˊ
Low inventory
滴入 di¯ ruˋ
Dripped, Dripping
滴入杯水中 di¯ ruˋ bei¯ shuiˇ zhong¯
Dropped into a glass of water
地圖 diˋ tuˊ
第五十四 diˋ wuˇ shiˊ siˋ
第五段 diˋ wuˇ duanˋ
Section 5
第五章 diˋ wuˇ zhang¯
Chapter five
地主 diˋ zhuˇ
Host, Landowner, Landlord
低租金 di¯ zu¯ jin¯
Low rent
yi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi
激不得 ji¯ buˋ deˊ
Can't argue, Can't (rouse, Excite, Disagree, Oppose)
吉布提 jiˊ buˋ tiˊ
幾步 jiˇ buˋ
A few steps
記不住 jiˋ buˊ zhuˋ
Remember, Keep straight in one's head
記不得 jiˋ buˋ de˙
Can not remember
記不清的 jiˋ buˋ qing¯ de˙
Barely remembered
激出 ji¯ chu¯
Caused, Forced, Aroused
激出大笑 ji¯ chu¯ daˋ xiaoˋ
Hearty laughter, Burst out laughing, Laugh out loud
基礎 ji¯ chuˇ
Foundation, Foundational, Basic
基礎醫療訓練 ji¯ chuˇ yi¯ liaoˊ xunˋ lianˋ
Basic medical training
擠出 jiˇ chu¯
擠出微笑 jiˇ chu¯ weiˊ xiaoˋ
Squeeze out a smile, Squeezed out a smile
急促 jiˊ cuˋ
急促了起來 jiˊ cuˋ le˙ qiˇ laiˊ
Sped up, Became strained
基督 ji¯ du¯
Jesus Christ
基督教 ji¯ du¯ jiaoˋ
嫉妒 jiˊ duˋ
Envy, Jealousy
極度 jiˊ duˋ
極度驚嚇人 jiˊ duˋ jing¯ xiaˋ renˊ
Startling, Shocking, Alarming
季度 jiˋ duˋ
Season, Quarter
肌膚 ji¯ fu¯
Skin, Flesh, Intimate relations between man and woman
繼父 jiˋ fuˋ
幾乎 ji¯ hu¯
Almost, Nearly, Hardly, Practically
幾乎一年到頭都如此 ji¯ hu¯ yiˋ nianˊ daoˋ touˊ dou¯ ruˊ ciˇ
It was like this nearly the whole year round
幾乎一百八十度 ji¯ hu¯ yi¯ baiˇ ba¯ shiˊ duˋ
Nearly 180 degrees
幾乎不記得了 ji¯ hu¯ buˊ jiˋ deˊ liaoˇ
Barely remembered, Almost completely forgotten about
幾乎勢必會去想 ji¯ hu¯ shiˋ biˋ huiˋ quˋ xiangˇ
Would almost certainly have to wonder
幾乎垂直 ji¯ hu¯ chuiˊ zhiˊ
Almost vertical
幾乎想到了 ji¯ hu¯ xiangˇ daoˋ le˙
Almost knew, Almost realized
幾乎所有人 ji¯ hu¯ suoˇ youˇ renˊ
Almost everyone
幾乎打從一開始就知道 ji¯ hu¯ daˇ congˊ yiˋ kai¯ shiˇ jiuˋ zhi¯ daoˋ
Had known from almost the very beginning
幾乎看不見 ji¯ hu¯ kanˋ buˊ jianˋ
Barely visible, Nearly invisible
幾乎算是 ji¯ hu¯ suanˋ shiˋ
Could be thought of as
幾乎總是有用 ji¯ hu¯ zongˇ shiˋ youˇ yongˋ
Almost always helps
幾乎被 ji¯ hu¯ beiˋ
幾乎遺忘了 ji¯ hu¯ yiˊ wangˋ le˙
Almost forgotten
幾乎都 ji¯ hu¯ dou¯
Most of, Most, Almost all of, Almost all
幾乎得以快樂地迅速解除 jiˇ hu¯ deˊ yiˇ kuaiˋ leˋ diˋ xunˋ suˋ jieˇ chuˊ
Happily resolved in practically no time
幾乎沒有 jiˇ hu¯ meiˊ youˇ
Few, Very little
幾乎沒變 jiˇ hu¯ meiˊ bianˋ
Had barely changed
幾乎無限 jiˇ hu¯ wuˊ xianˋ
Nearly infinite
幾乎能把所有的髒東西轉到 jiˇ hu¯ nengˊ baˇ suoˇ youˇ de˙ zang¯ dong¯ xi¯ zhuanˇ daoˋ
Could transfer almost all of the dirt to, Could transfer most of the dirt to
紀錄 jiˋ luˋ
Record, Keep track, Keep track of, History
紀錄下來 jiˋ luˋ xiaˋ laiˊ
紀錄下來的資料 jiˋ luˋ xiaˋ laiˊ de˙ zi¯ liaoˋ
Recorded information
紀錄片 jiˋ luˋ pianˋ
記錄 jiˋ luˋ
Record, Recorder (person who records)
記錄儀 jiˋ luˋ yiˊ
Recorder, Logger
記錄器 jiˋ luˋ qiˋ
繼母 jiˋ muˇ
激怒 ji¯ nuˋ
Provoke, Irritate, Infuriate, Enrage
激怒人 ji¯ nuˋ renˊ
激怒人的 ji¯ nuˋ renˊ de˙
激怒人的無禮 ji¯ nuˋ renˊ de˙ wuˊ liˇ
Infuriating rudeness
吉普 jiˊ puˇ
擠入 jiˇ ruˋ
Squeeze in
奇數 ji¯ shuˋ
Odd numbers
肌束膜 ji¯ shuˋ moˊ
技術 jiˋ shuˋ
Technique, Techniques, Technology, Skill, Skills
計數 jiˋ shuˋ
激素 ji¯ suˋ
急速 jiˊ suˋ
急速加快 jiˊ suˋ jia¯ kuaiˋ
Accelerate rapidly
極速 jiˊ suˋ
At top speed, As quickly as possible
棘突 jiˊ tuˊ
Spinous Process
機悟 ji¯ wuˋ
Quick witted
即無法 jiˊ wuˊ faˇ
Then cannot, Then unable to
機杼 ji¯ zhuˋ
Shuttle of a loom
脊柱 jiˊ zhuˋ
Spinal column, Spine
記住 jiˋ zhuˋ
yi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi
離不開 liˊ buˋ kai¯
Can't do without
力不從心 liˋ buˋ congˊ xin¯
Lacking the ability to do what one wishes, Lacking the resources or power to do what one wants
犁鋤式 liˊ chuˊ shiˋ
Plough Pose, Halasana
栗犢 liˋ duˊ
Calf, Calf with horns like chestnuts
力度 liˋ duˋ
禮服 liˇ fuˊ
Dress, Gown
理副主廚 liˇ fuˋ zhuˇ chuˊ
Assistant chef, Sous chef
犁骨 liˊ guˇ
Vomer Bone
離譜兒 liˊ puˇ er˙
例如 liˋ ruˊ
Example, For example, For instance, E.g.
禮數 liˇ shuˋ
栗鼠 liˋ shuˇ
隸屬 liˋ shuˇ
Affiliated, Part of
隸屬另一區 liˋ shuˇ lingˋ yiˋ qu¯
Part of a separate district
禮物 liˇ wuˋ
Gift(s), Present(s)
立足 liˋ zuˊ
Based on
yi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi
彌補 miˊ buˇ
Make up for, Make up for a wrong doing
彌補這件事 miˊ buˇ zheiˋ jianˋ shiˋ
Make up for it
密不可分 miˋ buˋ keˇ fen¯
密度 miˋ duˋ
迷糊 miˊ huˊ
Confused, Absent minded
迷路 miˊ luˋ
Lose the way, Get lost
迷路了 miˊ luˋ le˙
Got lost
秘魯 miˋ luˇ
祕書 miˋ shu¯
秘書 miˋ shu¯
秘書長 miˋ shu¯ zhangˇ
Secretary General
迷途 miˊ tuˊ
yi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi
你不在家 niˇ buˊ zaiˋ jia¯
You aren't at home, You weren't at home
你不是 niˇ buˊ shiˋ
You aren't, You're not
你不應該回來的 niˇ buˋ ying¯ gai¯ huiˊ laiˊ de˙
You shouldn't have come back, You shouldn't have returned
妳不應該回來的 niˇ buˋ ying¯ gai¯ huiˊ laiˊ de˙
You shouldn't have come back, You shouldn't have returned
你父親 niˇ fuˋ qin¯
Your father
尼姑 niˊ gu¯
你努力工作的表情很認真 niˇ nuˇ liˋ gong¯ zuoˋ de˙ biaoˇ qingˊ henˇ renˋ zhen¯
Your facial expression is very serious when you work
你如果找不到他 niˇ ruˊ guoˇ zhaoˇ buˊ daoˋ ta¯
If you can't find him
你如果找不到她 niˇ ruˊ guoˇ zhaoˇ buˊ daoˋ ta¯
If you can't find her
你叔叔 niˇ shuˊ shuˊ
Your uncle
你叔叔好厲害喔 niˇ shuˊ shuˊ haoˇ liˋ haiˋ wo¯
Your uncle is awesome
你屬於監獄 niˇ shuˇ yuˊ jian¯ yuˋ
You belong in jail, You belong in prison
妳屬於監獄 niˇ shuˇ yuˊ jian¯ yuˋ
You belong in jail, You belong in prison
泥土 niˊ tuˇ
Soil, Earth, Dirt
泥土之神 niˊ tuˇ zhi¯ shenˊ
Dirt god, God of dirt
yi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi
皮膚 piˊ fu¯
皮膚堆 piˊ fu¯ dui¯
Heap of skin, Pile of skin
皮膚極黑 piˊ fu¯ jiˊ hei¯
Very dark-skinned
皮膚黃 piˊ fu¯ huangˊ
Sallow skinned, Yellow skinned
屁股 piˋ guˇ
披露 pi¯ luˋ
譬如 piˋ ruˊ
This is, For example
譬如說 piˋ ruˊ shuo¯
For example
yi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi
起不來 qiˇ buˋ laiˊ
Can't get up
起步 qiˇ buˋ
起初 qiˇ chu¯
At first, Initially, In the beginning
氣度 qiˋ duˋ
欺負 qi¯ fuˋ
Oppress, bully, Insult, Ridicule, Make fun of, Mock
起伏 qiˇ fuˊ
Ups and downs, Undulate, Undulating
起伏搖擺 qiˇ fuˊ yaoˊ baiˇ
Bobbed and swayed
溪谷 qi¯ guˇ
Vale, Valley, Dale, Canyon, Gorge
旗鼓 qiˊ guˇ
Flags and drums
旗鼓相當 qiˊ guˇ xiang¯ dang¯
Well matched, Of equal ability, Of equal strength
奇普 qiˊ puˇ
漆書 qi¯ shu¯
Books of lacquered bamboo
氣數 qiˋ shuˋ
Fate, Fated to
氣數已絕 qiˋ shuˋ yiˇ jueˊ
起訴 qiˇ suˋ
Accuse, Sue, Prosecute, Charge, Indicted
起訴他們 qiˇ suˋ ta¯ men˙
Prosecute them, Charge them, Accuse them, Sue them
起訴書 qiˇ suˋ shu¯
企圖 qiˋ tuˊ
Intend, Plan, Attempt, Try, Intention, Plan, Scheme
企圖心 qiˋ tuˊ xin¯
Enterprising spirit, Aggressiveness, Aggressive
欺侮 qi¯ wuˇ
Bully, Insult, Ridicule, Make fun of, Mock
起舞 qiˇ wuˇ
Dance, Dancing, Get up and dance, Excited
起霧 qiˇ wuˋ
Rising fog
器物 qiˋ wuˋ
Utensil, Utensils, Tool, Tools, Device, Devices
其助手 qiˊ zhuˋ shouˇ
Assistant, His or her or their assistant
yi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi
踢出 ti¯ chu¯
Kicked up
剔除 ti¯ chuˊ
Eliminate, Reject
提出 tiˊ chu¯
Put forward, Raise (question)
提出來了 tiˊ chu¯ laiˊ le˙
Had raised, Had mentioned, Had brought up
提出明顯的問題 tiˊ chu¯ mingˊ xianˇ de˙ wenˋ tiˊ
Asked the obvious question
剃鬍 tiˋ huˊ
題目 tiˊ muˋ
Subject or title, Test question or problem
提速 tiˊ suˋ
Speed up
體無完膚 tiˇ wuˊ wanˊ fu¯
Injured everywhere, Verbally assaulted
踢足球 ti¯ zuˊ qiuˊ
Play football or soccer
yi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi
西部 xi¯ buˋ
西部人 xi¯ buˋ renˊ
席不暇暖 xiˊ buˋ xiaˊ nuanˇ
Too busy to sit for long, So busy can't sit long enough to warm a seat
喜出望外 xiˇ chu¯ wangˋ waiˋ
吸毒 xi¯ duˊ
Smoke opium, Drug addict
細讀 xiˋ duˊ
Read carefully, Perused, Read attentively
細讀著 xiˋ duˊ zhe˙
西服 xi¯ fuˊ
Western style clothing
西服打扮 xi¯ fuˊ daˇ banˋ
Dressed in western style clothing
媳婦 xiˊ fuˋ
徙木立信 xiˇ muˋ liˋ xinˋ
More trees to establish trust,
喜怒哀樂 xiˇ nuˋ ai¯ leˋ
Emotions, sorrows and joys
吸入 xi¯ ruˋ
Intake, Intakes
吸入物 xi¯ ruˋ wuˋ
Snuff, Substance for sniffing
吸入部份 xi¯ ruˋ buˋ fenˋ
Air intake, Air intakes, Intake, Intakes
細如毛髮 xiˋ ruˊ maoˊ faˇ
Hair-like, Hair-thin
稀疏 xi¯ shu¯
Sparse, Scattered, Dispersed
係數 xiˋ shuˋ
系數 xiˋ shuˋ
窸窣聲 xi¯ suˋ sheng¯
Rustling sound, Rustling
窸窣騷動著 xi¯ suˋ sao¯ dongˋ zhe˙
Rustled, Rattled
習俗 xiˊ suˊ
Custom, Practice
Grouped in tone pairs
42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44
地圖 diˋ tuˊ
記不住 jiˋ buˊ zhuˋ
Remember, Keep straight in one's head
栗犢 liˋ duˊ
Calf, Calf with horns like chestnuts
例如 liˋ ruˊ
Example, For example, For instance, E.g.
立足 liˋ zuˊ
Based on
譬如 piˋ ruˊ
This is, For example
譬如說 piˋ ruˊ shuo¯
For example
企圖 qiˋ tuˊ
Intend, Plan, Attempt, Try, Intention, Plan, Scheme
企圖心 qiˋ tuˊ xin¯
Enterprising spirit, Aggressiveness, Aggressive
剃鬍 tiˋ huˊ
細讀 xiˋ duˊ
Read carefully, Perused, Read attentively
細讀著 xiˋ duˊ zhe˙
細如毛髮 xiˋ ruˊ maoˊ faˇ
Hair-like, Hair-thin
一不變的 yiˋ buˊ bianˋ de˙
Unchanging, Constant
一幅畫 yiˋ fuˊ huaˋ
A picture, A painting
一幅相關的圖照 yiˋ fuˊ xiang¯ guan¯ de˙ tuˊ zhaoˋ
A relevant photo, A relevant image
一如 yiˋ ruˊ
Just like, Just as
一如他所知的 yiˋ ruˊ ta¯ suoˇ zhi¯ de˙
As he had known would be the case, As he had known
一如往常地 yiˋ ruˊ wangˇ changˊ diˋ
As usual
一如既往 yiˋ ruˊ jiˋ wangˇ
As always
意圖 yiˋ tuˊ
Intent, Intention
異途同歸 yiˋ tuˊ tongˊ gui¯
Arrive at the same place using different paths, Reach the same conclusion via different means
一無所有 yiˋ wuˊ suoˇ youˇ
一無所有再無可失 yiˋ wuˊ suoˇ youˇ zaiˋ wuˊ keˇ shi¯
Nothing to lose
一無所獲 yiˋ wuˊ suoˇ huoˋ
Achieved nothing
一無所知 yiˋ wuˊ suoˇ zhi¯
Know nothing, Knew nothing
42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44
逼出去 bi¯ chu¯ quˋ
Expel, Drive out
低估 di¯ gu¯
低估了 di¯ gu¯ le˙
低租金 di¯ zu¯ jin¯
Low rent
激出 ji¯ chu¯
Caused, Forced, Aroused
激出大笑 ji¯ chu¯ daˋ xiaoˋ
Hearty laughter, Burst out laughing, Laugh out loud
基督 ji¯ du¯
Jesus Christ
基督教 ji¯ du¯ jiaoˋ
肌膚 ji¯ fu¯
Skin, Flesh, Intimate relations between man and woman
幾乎 ji¯ hu¯
Almost, Nearly, Hardly, Practically
幾乎一年到頭都如此 ji¯ hu¯ yiˋ nianˊ daoˋ touˊ dou¯ ruˊ ciˇ
It was like this nearly the whole year round
幾乎一百八十度 ji¯ hu¯ yi¯ baiˇ ba¯ shiˊ duˋ
Nearly 180 degrees
幾乎不記得了 ji¯ hu¯ buˊ jiˋ deˊ liaoˇ
Barely remembered, Almost completely forgotten about
幾乎勢必會去想 ji¯ hu¯ shiˋ biˋ huiˋ quˋ xiangˇ
Would almost certainly have to wonder
幾乎垂直 ji¯ hu¯ chuiˊ zhiˊ
Almost vertical
幾乎想到了 ji¯ hu¯ xiangˇ daoˋ le˙
Almost knew, Almost realized
幾乎所有人 ji¯ hu¯ suoˇ youˇ renˊ
Almost everyone
幾乎打從一開始就知道 ji¯ hu¯ daˇ congˊ yiˋ kai¯ shiˇ jiuˋ zhi¯ daoˋ
Had known from almost the very beginning
幾乎看不見 ji¯ hu¯ kanˋ buˊ jianˋ
Barely visible, Nearly invisible
幾乎算是 ji¯ hu¯ suanˋ shiˋ
Could be thought of as
幾乎總是有用 ji¯ hu¯ zongˇ shiˋ youˇ yongˋ
Almost always helps
幾乎被 ji¯ hu¯ beiˋ
幾乎遺忘了 ji¯ hu¯ yiˊ wangˋ le˙
Almost forgotten
幾乎都 ji¯ hu¯ dou¯
Most of, Most, Almost all of, Almost all
漆書 qi¯ shu¯
Books of lacquered bamboo
踢出 ti¯ chu¯
Kicked up
稀疏 xi¯ shu¯
Sparse, Scattered, Dispersed
42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44
剔除 ti¯ chuˊ
Eliminate, Reject
踢足球 ti¯ zuˊ qiuˊ
Play football or soccer
吸毒 xi¯ duˊ
Smoke opium, Drug addict
西服 xi¯ fuˊ
Western style clothing
西服打扮 xi¯ fuˊ daˇ banˋ
Dressed in western style clothing
衣櫥 yi¯ chuˊ
Closet, Wardrobe
伊芙 yi¯ fuˊ
伊芙的 yi¯ fuˊ de˙
衣服 yi¯ fuˊ
衣服沒脫 yi¯ fuˊ meiˊ tuo¯
With clothes still on, Without taking clothes off
42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44
低谷 di¯ guˇ
基礎 ji¯ chuˇ
Foundation, Foundational, Basic
基礎醫療訓練 ji¯ chuˇ yi¯ liaoˊ xunˋ lianˋ
Basic medical training
溪谷 qi¯ guˇ
Vale, Valley, Dale, Canyon, Gorge
欺侮 qi¯ wuˇ
Bully, Insult, Ridicule, Make fun of, Mock
42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44
低處 di¯ chuˋ
Low down
低庫存 di¯ kuˋ cunˊ
Low inventory
滴入 di¯ ruˋ
Dripped, Dripping
滴入杯水中 di¯ ruˋ bei¯ shuiˇ zhong¯
Dropped into a glass of water
激不得 ji¯ buˋ deˊ
Can't argue, Can't (rouse, Excite, Disagree, Oppose)
激怒 ji¯ nuˋ
Provoke, Irritate, Infuriate, Enrage
激怒人 ji¯ nuˋ renˊ
激怒人的 ji¯ nuˋ renˊ de˙
激怒人的無禮 ji¯ nuˋ renˊ de˙ wuˊ liˇ
Infuriating rudeness
奇數 ji¯ shuˋ
Odd numbers
肌束膜 ji¯ shuˋ moˊ
激素 ji¯ suˋ
機悟 ji¯ wuˋ
Quick witted
機杼 ji¯ zhuˋ
Shuttle of a loom
披露 pi¯ luˋ
欺負 qi¯ fuˋ
Oppress, bully, Insult, Ridicule, Make fun of, Mock
西部 xi¯ buˋ
西部人 xi¯ buˋ renˊ
吸入 xi¯ ruˋ
Intake, Intakes
吸入物 xi¯ ruˋ wuˋ
Snuff, Substance for sniffing
吸入部份 xi¯ ruˋ buˋ fenˋ
Air intake, Air intakes, Intake, Intakes
窸窣聲 xi¯ suˋ sheng¯
Rustling sound, Rustling
窸窣騷動著 xi¯ suˋ sao¯ dongˋ zhe˙
Rustled, Rattled
衣部 yi¯ buˋ
Radical for Clothing
醫護人員 yi¯ huˋ renˊ yuanˊ
Medical Staff
衣物 yi¯ wuˋ
醫務 yi¯ wuˋ
42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44
嘀咕 diˊ gu¯
Whisper, Be indecisive, Undecided, Hesitant, Not sure
尼姑 niˊ gu¯
皮膚 piˊ fu¯
皮膚堆 piˊ fu¯ dui¯
Heap of skin, Pile of skin
皮膚極黑 piˊ fu¯ jiˊ hei¯
Very dark-skinned
皮膚黃 piˊ fu¯ huangˊ
Sallow skinned, Yellow skinned
提出 tiˊ chu¯
Put forward, Raise (question)
提出來了 tiˊ chu¯ laiˊ le˙
Had raised, Had mentioned, Had brought up
提出明顯的問題 tiˊ chu¯ mingˊ xianˇ de˙ wenˋ tiˊ
Asked the obvious question
42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44
棘突 jiˊ tuˊ
Spinous Process
即無法 jiˊ wuˊ faˇ
Then cannot, Then unable to
犁鋤式 liˊ chuˊ shiˋ
Plough Pose, Halasana
迷糊 miˊ huˊ
Confused, Absent minded
迷途 miˊ tuˊ
習俗 xiˊ suˊ
Custom, Practice
移除 yiˊ chuˊ
Remove, Removes, Removing, Removed
移除了 yiˊ chuˊ le˙
42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44
鼻骨 biˊ guˇ
Nasal Bone
吉普 jiˊ puˇ
犁骨 liˊ guˇ
Vomer Bone
離譜兒 liˊ puˇ er˙
彌補 miˊ buˇ
Make up for, Make up for a wrong doing
彌補這件事 miˊ buˇ zheiˋ jianˋ shiˋ
Make up for it
泥土 niˊ tuˇ
Soil, Earth, Dirt
泥土之神 niˊ tuˇ zhi¯ shenˊ
Dirt god, God of dirt
旗鼓 qiˊ guˇ
Flags and drums
旗鼓相當 qiˊ guˇ xiang¯ dang¯
Well matched, Of equal ability, Of equal strength
奇普 qiˊ puˇ
遺囑 yiˊ zhuˇ
42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44
吉布提 jiˊ buˋ tiˊ
急促 jiˊ cuˋ
急促了起來 jiˊ cuˋ le˙ qiˇ laiˊ
Sped up, Became strained
嫉妒 jiˊ duˋ
Envy, Jealousy
極度 jiˊ duˋ
極度驚嚇人 jiˊ duˋ jing¯ xiaˋ renˊ
Startling, Shocking, Alarming
急速 jiˊ suˋ
急速加快 jiˊ suˋ jia¯ kuaiˋ
Accelerate rapidly
極速 jiˊ suˋ
At top speed, As quickly as possible
脊柱 jiˊ zhuˋ
Spinal column, Spine
離不開 liˊ buˋ kai¯
Can't do without
迷路 miˊ luˋ
Lose the way, Get lost
迷路了 miˊ luˋ le˙
Got lost
其助手 qiˊ zhuˋ shouˇ
Assistant, His or her or their assistant
題目 tiˊ muˋ
Subject or title, Test question or problem
提速 tiˊ suˋ
Speed up
席不暇暖 xiˊ buˋ xiaˊ nuanˇ
Too busy to sit for long, So busy can't sit long enough to warm a seat
媳婦 xiˊ fuˋ
一不小心 yiˊ buˋ xiaoˇ xin¯
Carelessly, A little carelessly
一不小心點 yiˊ buˋ xiaoˇ xin¯ dianˇ
A little carelessly, Not paying attention, Accidentally, A little incautiously
一步 yiˊ buˋ
One step
一步也沒落空 yiˊ buˋ yeˇ meiˊ luoˋ kong¯
Not missing a step, Without missing a step
一部 yiˊ buˋ
A book or movie, A volume
一部份 yiˊ buˋ fenˋ
A part, A portion, An element, A component
一部分 yiˊ buˋ fen¯
Portion, Part
一部電視電影 yiˊ buˋ dianˋ shiˋ dianˋ yingˇ
A made-for-TV movie
一蹴而就 yiˊ cuˋ erˊ jiuˋ
To succeed after a single attempt
一蹴而幾 yiˊ cuˋ erˊ ji¯
To succeed after a single attempt
一度 yiˊ duˋ
Once, On one occasion
一副 yiˊ fuˋ
A set or pair of (eyewear, Goggles, To do with face)
一副假牙 yiˊ fuˋ jiaˇ yaˊ
Set of false teeth, Pair of dentures
一副無辜 yiˊ fuˋ wuˊ gu¯
Look innocent
一路 yiˊ luˋ
All the way, Throughout the journey, Straight through, Go the same way, Single file
一路上 yiˊ luˋ shangˋ
Along the way
一路叫嚷 yiˊ luˋ jiaoˋ rangˇ
Shouting all the way
一路坐在後面 yiˊ luˋ zuoˋ zaiˋ houˋ mianˋ
Sat all the way in the back
一路平安 yiˊ luˋ pingˊ an¯
Have a safe journey, Safe travels
一路滑下另一側 yiˊ luˋ huaˊ xiaˋ lingˋ yiˊ ceˋ
Sliding down the other side, Coasting down the other side
一路生長出來 yiˊ luˋ sheng¯ zhangˇ chu¯ laiˊ
Grown straight from
一路順風 yiˊ luˋ shunˋ feng¯
Safe travels, Have a safe journey, Bon voyage
一路領到 yiˊ luˋ lingˇ daoˋ
Led all the way to, Took as far as
一路飛 yiˊ luˋ fei¯
一目了然 yiˊ muˋ liaoˇ ranˊ
Understand at a glance
一目十行 yiˊ muˋ shiˊ hangˊ
Read ten lines in a single glance, Fast reader
一束 yiˊ shuˋ
Bunch, Bundle
一束光線 yiˊ shuˋ guang¯ xianˋ
A beam of light
一束分子輸送帶 yiˊ shuˋ fen¯ ziˇ shu¯ songˋ daiˋ
A bunch of molecular conveyor belts
一束又一束 yiˊ shuˋ youˋ yiˊ shuˋ
Bunches and bunches, Bunches
一束平行光射 yiˊ shuˋ pingˊ xingˊ guang¯ sheˋ
A beam of parallel rays of light
一物剋一物 yiˊ wuˋ keˋ yiˊ wuˋ
The circle of life, There is always one thing that limits or restricts another
遺物 yiˊ wuˋ
Relic, Relics
42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44
比出 biˇ chu¯
Form, Shape, Make
擠出 jiˇ chu¯
擠出微笑 jiˇ chu¯ weiˊ xiaoˋ
Squeeze out a smile, Squeezed out a smile
幾乎得以快樂地迅速解除 jiˇ hu¯ deˊ yiˇ kuaiˋ leˋ diˋ xunˋ suˋ jieˇ chuˊ
Happily resolved in practically no time
幾乎沒有 jiˇ hu¯ meiˊ youˇ
Few, Very little
幾乎沒變 jiˇ hu¯ meiˊ bianˋ
Had barely changed
幾乎無限 jiˇ hu¯ wuˊ xianˋ
Nearly infinite
幾乎能把所有的髒東西轉到 jiˇ hu¯ nengˊ baˇ suoˇ youˇ de˙ zang¯ dong¯ xi¯ zhuanˇ daoˋ
Could transfer almost all of the dirt to, Could transfer most of the dirt to
起初 qiˇ chu¯
At first, Initially, In the beginning
喜出望外 xiˇ chu¯ wangˋ waiˋ
42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44
比不上 biˇ buˊ shangˋ
Can not compare (with)
比如 biˇ ruˊ
For example
比如說 biˇ ruˊ shuo¯
For example
禮服 liˇ fuˊ
Dress, Gown
你不在家 niˇ buˊ zaiˋ jia¯
You aren't at home, You weren't at home
你不是 niˇ buˊ shiˋ
You aren't, You're not
你如果找不到他 niˇ ruˊ guoˇ zhaoˇ buˊ daoˋ ta¯
If you can't find him
你如果找不到她 niˇ ruˊ guoˇ zhaoˇ buˊ daoˋ ta¯
If you can't find her
你叔叔 niˇ shuˊ shuˊ
Your uncle
你叔叔好厲害喔 niˇ shuˊ shuˊ haoˇ liˋ haiˋ wo¯
Your uncle is awesome
起伏 qiˇ fuˊ
Ups and downs, Undulate, Undulating
起伏搖擺 qiˇ fuˊ yaoˊ baiˇ
Bobbed and swayed
體無完膚 tiˇ wuˊ wanˊ fu¯
Injured everywhere, Verbally assaulted
已無 yiˇ wuˊ
No longer
已無大礙 yiˇ wuˊ daˋ aiˋ
Nothing serious happened
42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44
彼處 biˇ chuˇ
你努力工作的表情很認真 niˇ nuˇ liˋ gong¯ zuoˋ de˙ biaoˇ qingˊ henˇ renˋ zhen¯
Your facial expression is very serious when you work
你屬於監獄 niˇ shuˇ yuˊ jian¯ yuˋ
You belong in jail, You belong in prison
妳屬於監獄 niˇ shuˇ yuˊ jian¯ yuˋ
You belong in jail, You belong in prison
起舞 qiˇ wuˇ
Dance, Dancing, Get up and dance, Excited
以武力為後盾 yiˇ wuˇ liˋ weiˋ houˋ dunˋ
Used force of arms for backup, Used force for backup, Backed by force
42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44
筆錄 biˇ luˋ
Record, Transcript
底部 diˇ buˋ
Bottom section
抵觸 diˇ chuˋ
幾步 jiˇ buˋ
A few steps
擠入 jiˇ ruˋ
Squeeze in
理副主廚 liˇ fuˋ zhuˇ chuˊ
Assistant chef, Sous chef
禮數 liˇ shuˋ
禮物 liˇ wuˋ
Gift(s), Present(s)
你不應該回來的 niˇ buˋ ying¯ gai¯ huiˊ laiˊ de˙
You shouldn't have come back, You shouldn't have returned
妳不應該回來的 niˇ buˋ ying¯ gai¯ huiˊ laiˊ de˙
You shouldn't have come back, You shouldn't have returned
你父親 niˇ fuˋ qin¯
Your father
起不來 qiˇ buˋ laiˊ
Can't get up
起步 qiˇ buˋ
起訴 qiˇ suˋ
Accuse, Sue, Prosecute, Charge, Indicted
起訴他們 qiˇ suˋ ta¯ men˙
Prosecute them, Charge them, Accuse them, Sue them
起訴書 qiˇ suˋ shu¯
起霧 qiˇ wuˋ
Rising fog
徙木立信 xiˇ muˋ liˋ xinˋ
More trees to establish trust,
喜怒哀樂 xiˇ nuˋ ai¯ leˋ
Emotions, sorrows and joys
以不同的形式書寫 yiˇ buˋ tongˊ de˙ xingˊ shiˋ shu¯ xieˇ
Written in a different way
以不同的方式 yiˇ buˋ tongˊ de˙ fang¯ shiˋ
Differently, Using different methods
已入 yiˇ ruˋ
Credited, Entered into an account
42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44
祕書 miˋ shu¯
秘書 miˋ shu¯
秘書長 miˋ shu¯ zhangˇ
Secretary General
一出現時 yiˋ chu¯ xianˋ shiˊ
As soon as it appears, As soon as it appeared
溢出 yiˋ chu¯
溢出到地板上的地方 yiˋ chu¯ daoˋ diˋ banˇ shangˋ de˙ diˋ fang¯
Overflowed onto the floor
逸出 yiˋ chu¯
Escape, Escapes, Escaping, Escaped
異乎尋常 yiˋ hu¯ xunˊ changˊ
Unusual, Extraordinary
42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44
避暑 biˋ shuˇ
Escape from the heat
避暑夏居 biˋ shuˇ xiaˋ ju¯
Summer residence, Summer residences, Aestival residence
第五十四 diˋ wuˇ shiˊ siˋ
第五段 diˋ wuˇ duanˋ
Section 5
第五章 diˋ wuˇ zhang¯
Chapter five
地主 diˋ zhuˇ
Host, Landowner, Landlord
繼母 jiˋ muˇ
栗鼠 liˋ shuˇ
隸屬 liˋ shuˇ
Affiliated, Part of
隸屬另一區 liˋ shuˇ lingˋ yiˋ qu¯
Part of a separate district
秘魯 miˋ luˇ
屁股 piˋ guˇ
益處 yiˋ chuˇ
一睹國際巨星 yiˋ duˇ guoˊ jiˋ juˋ xing¯
An international superstar
一股壓力 yiˋ guˇ ya¯ liˋ
A surge of pressure, A wave of pressure
一股新生的焦慮 yiˋ guˇ xin¯ sheng¯ de˙ jiao¯ luuˋ
A new anxiety, A new worry
一股氣味 yiˋ guˇ qiˋ weiˋ
A smell
一股清新 yiˋ guˇ qing¯ xin¯
A fresh
一股清涼 yiˋ guˇ qing¯ liangˊ
A coolness, A cool feeling
一股灰燼般的雲 yiˋ guˇ hui¯ jinˋ ban¯ de˙ yunˊ
A cloud of ashes, An ash-like cloud
一股透明薄霧 yiˋ guˇ touˋ mingˊ boˊ wuˋ
A transparent haze
一鼓作氣 yiˋ guˇ zuoˋ qiˋ
In one go
一五一十 yiˋ wuˇ yiˋ shiˊ
Tell it exactly as it happened, Count five at a time
一組 yiˋ zuˇ
A set of, Set of
一組先發置人的 yiˋ zuˇ xian¯ fa¯ zhiˋ renˊ de˙
A preemptive
一組組 yiˋ zuˇ zuˇ
A bundle, A group
42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44
必不可少 biˋ buˋ keˇ shaoˇ
庇護 biˋ huˋ
Shelter, Refuge, Asylum
庇護所 biˋ huˋ suoˇ
庇護權 biˋ huˋ quanˊ
Asylum, Refuge
閉路電視 biˋ luˋ dianˋ shiˋ
Close circuit tv
閉幕 biˋ muˋ
Lower the curtain, Close, Conclude, End
閉幕式 biˋ muˋ shiˋ
Closing ceremony
地步 diˋ buˋ
Point, Extent, Situation, Condition, Room to move, Room to take action
記不得 jiˋ buˋ de˙
Can not remember
記不清的 jiˋ buˋ qing¯ de˙
Barely remembered
季度 jiˋ duˋ
Season, Quarter
繼父 jiˋ fuˋ
紀錄 jiˋ luˋ
Record, Keep track, Keep track of, History
紀錄下來 jiˋ luˋ xiaˋ laiˊ
紀錄下來的資料 jiˋ luˋ xiaˋ laiˊ de˙ zi¯ liaoˋ
Recorded information
紀錄片 jiˋ luˋ pianˋ
記錄 jiˋ luˋ
Record, Recorder (person who records)
記錄儀 jiˋ luˋ yiˊ
Recorder, Logger
記錄器 jiˋ luˋ qiˋ
技術 jiˋ shuˋ
Technique, Techniques, Technology, Skill, Skills
計數 jiˋ shuˋ
記住 jiˋ zhuˋ
力不從心 liˋ buˋ congˊ xin¯
Lacking the ability to do what one wishes, Lacking the resources or power to do what one wants
力度 liˋ duˋ
密不可分 miˋ buˋ keˇ fen¯
密度 miˋ duˋ
氣度 qiˋ duˋ
氣數 qiˋ shuˋ
Fate, Fated to
氣數已絕 qiˋ shuˋ yiˇ jueˊ
器物 qiˋ wuˋ
Utensil, Utensils, Tool, Tools, Device, Devices
係數 xiˋ shuˋ
系數 xiˋ shuˋ
亦步亦趨 yiˋ buˋ yiˋ qu¯
To follow someone's example
異步 yiˋ buˋ
異步傳輸 yiˋ buˋ chuanˊ shu¯
Asynchronous transmission
一路跟蹤他 yiˋ luˋ gen¯ zong¯ ta¯
Follow him, Followed him
一路跟蹤他到 yiˋ luˋ gen¯ zong¯ ta¯ daoˋ
Follow him to, Followed him to
藝術 yiˋ shuˋ
藝術家 yiˋ shuˋ jia¯
異物 yiˋ wuˋ
Foreign object (choking), Rare treasure, Peculiar item, The dead
異物哽塞 yiˋ wuˋ gengˇ seˋ
Foreign object choking, Choking on something stuck in the throat
義務 yiˋ wuˋ
Duty, Obligation, Compulsory
挹注 yiˋ zhuˋ
Supplement, Draw from one to make up for the deficit in another
一-一 : > 一: > [一]-一幅 : > [一]-一幅畫 >
丨-巾 : > 幅: > [幅]-幅畫 : > [幅]-一幅畫 >
十-肀 : > 畫: > [畫]-幅畫 : > [畫]-一幅畫 >
一幅畫 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 一
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