
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 神


He showed his analytical expression, An analytical expression appeared on his face

ta¯ luˋ chu¯ pouˇ xi¯ de˙ shenˊ qingˊ

神 shenˊ
Spirit, Soul, Essence, Expression, God, Divine

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Phone , Tone


露出 luˋ chu¯

剖析 pouˇ xi¯

神情 shenˊ qingˊ

Words that rhyme with 他露出剖析的神情 (a-wu)

Grouped by first phone

ta, a, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, ka, la, ma, na, pa, sa, sha, ya, za, zha

他不再相信的女神 ta¯ buˊ zaiˋ xiang¯ xinˋ de˙ nuuˇ shenˊ

The goddess he no longer believed in

他不夠聰明 ta¯ buˊ gouˋ cong¯ mingˊ

He's not smart enough

他不是 ta¯ buˊ shiˋ

He isn't, He is not

他不會在乎 ta¯ buˊ huiˋ zaiˋ hu¯

He doesn't care, He wouldn't care, He wouldn't have minded

她不會在乎 ta¯ buˊ huiˋ zaiˋ hu¯

She doesn't care, She wouldn't care, She wouldn't have minded

他不喜歡打領帶 ta¯ buˋ xiˇ huan¯ daˇ lingˇ daiˋ

He doesn't like to wear a tie, He doesn't like wearing ties

他不想回到以前的生活 ta¯ buˋ xiangˇ huiˊ daoˋ yiˇ qianˊ de˙ sheng¯ huoˊ

He doesn't want to return to his old life

他不想往下看 ta¯ buˋ xiangˇ wangˇ xiaˋ kanˋ

He did not want to look down

他不慌不忙 ta¯ buˋ huang¯ buˋ mangˊ

He didn't rush, He took his time

他不理會上頭那個人的嘲諷 ta¯ buˋ liˇ huiˋ shangˋ touˊ neiˋ ge˙ renˊ de˙ chaoˊ fengˋ

He ignored the goading of the person above

他不相信 ta¯ buˋ xiang¯ xinˋ

He does not believe, He did not believe

他不相信我說的一切 ta¯ buˋ xiang¯ xinˋ woˇ shuo¯ de˙ yiˋ qieˋ

He doesn't believe anything that I say

他不解原因 ta¯ buˋ jieˇ yuanˊ yin¯

He didn't understand why, He couldn't understand why

她不希望如此 ta¯ buˋ xi¯ wangˋ ruˊ ciˇ

She didn't want that, She didn't want that to happen

她不想往下看 ta¯ buˋ xiangˇ wangˇ xiaˋ kanˋ

She did not want to look down

她不慌不忙 ta¯ buˋ huang¯ buˋ mangˊ

She didn't rush, She took her time

她不理會上頭那個人的嘲諷 ta¯ buˋ liˇ huiˋ shangˋ touˊ neiˋ ge˙ renˊ de˙ chaoˊ fengˋ

She ignored the goading of the person above

她不相信 ta¯ buˋ xiang¯ xinˋ

She does not believe, She did not believe

她不知道 ta¯ buˋ zhi¯ daoˋ

She doesn't know

她不知道她是怎麼辦到的 ta¯ buˋ zhi¯ daoˋ ta¯ shiˋ zenˇ me˙ banˋ daoˋ de˙

She doesn't know how she does it

她不需要人幫她打理床單 ta¯ buˋ xu¯ yaoˋ renˊ bang¯ ta¯ daˇ liˇ chuangˊ dan¯

She didn't need turn-down service (at a hotel), She didn't need anyone making her bed for her

踏步 taˋ buˋ


踏步機 taˋ buˋ ji¯

Step machine

他肚子餓了 ta¯ duˋ ziˇ eˋ le˙

He was hungry

她肚子餓了 ta¯ duˋ ziˇ eˋ le˙

She was hungry

她父親 ta¯ fuˋ qin¯

Her father

它復活了 ta¯ fuˋ huoˊ le˙

It came back to life, It is resurrected, It was resurrected

它復活了之後 ta¯ fuˋ huoˊ le˙ zhi¯ houˋ

After it was brought back to life, After it was resurrected

他露出剖析的神情 ta¯ luˋ chu¯ pouˇ xi¯ de˙ shenˊ qingˊ

He showed his analytical expression, An analytical expression appeared on his face

她目前的程度 ta¯ muˋ qianˊ de˙ chengˊ duˋ

Her current level, Her current level of ability, Her current ability, Her current abilities

他努力集中注意力 ta¯ nuˇ liˋ jiˊ zhong¯ zhuˋ yiˋ liˋ

He's trying to focus, He tried to focus

她努力集中注意力 ta¯ nuˇ liˋ jiˊ zhong¯ zhuˋ yiˋ liˋ

She's trying to focus, She tried to focus

他怒瞪著她 ta¯ nuˋ dengˋ zhe˙ ta¯

He stared at her angrily

他如何成為 ta¯ ruˊ heˊ chengˊ weiˋ

How he became

她如何成為 ta¯ ruˊ heˊ chengˊ weiˋ

How she became

踏入 taˋ ruˋ

Step into, Stepped into

他五歲了 ta¯ wuˇ suiˋ le˙

He was five, He was five years old

他五歲時 ta¯ wuˇ suiˋ shiˊ

When he was five

他注意到 ta¯ zhuˋ yiˋ daoˋ

He noticed

她助理的 ta¯ zhuˋ liˇ de˙

Her assistant's

她注視著他們 ta¯ zhuˋ shiˋ zhe˙ ta¯ men˙

She watched them, She looked at them intently

ta, a, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, ka, la, ma, na, pa, sa, sha, ya, za, zha

阿布哈茲 a¯ buˋ ha¯ zi¯


阿富汗 a¯ fuˋ hanˋ


阿魯巴 a¯ luˇ ba¯

Aruba (Netherlands)

阿祿古 a¯ luˋ guˇ

Alugu, a chief of the Mudan tribe

阿圖 a¯ tuˊ


ta, a, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, ka, la, ma, na, pa, sa, sha, ya, za, zha

巴布亞新幾內亞 ba¯ buˋ yaˋ xin¯ ji¯ neiˋ yaˋ

Papua New Guinea

巴不得 ba¯ bu˙ deˊ


把不合身體的東西弄出來 baˇ buˋ heˊ shen¯ tiˇ de˙ dong¯ xi¯ nongˋ chu¯ laiˊ

Bring up or vomit something that didn't agree with his body

拔出 baˊ chu¯

Extracted, Pulled out

拔出來 baˊ chu¯ laiˊ

Pull out

拔出舊槍 baˊ chu¯ jiuˋ qiang¯

Extracted the old gun, Pulled out the old gun

拔除 baˊ chuˊ

Pull out, Remove

拔除雜草 baˊ chuˊ zaˊ caoˇ

Pull out weeds

把斧頭 baˇ fuˇ touˊ


拔虎鬚 baˊ huˇ xu¯

Pluck the tiger's hair, Offend a powerful person

把路人撞倒 baˇ luˋ renˊ zhuangˋ daoˇ

Knock down somebody, Crash into someone

把書鎖進辦公桌抽屜 baˇ shu¯ suoˇ jinˋ banˋ gong¯ zhuo¯ chou¯ tiˋ

Locked the book in a desk drawer

耙梳 baˋ shu¯

Rake, Comb

耙梳過 baˋ shu¯ guoˋ

Combed, Raked, Ran through

把土挖鬆 baˇ tuˇ wa¯ song¯

Loosen soil by digging

把巫師引到安靜偏僻的角落 baˇ wu¯ shi¯ yinˇ daoˋ an¯ jingˋ pian¯ piˋ de˙ jiaoˇ luoˋ

Led the sorcerer to a quiet and remote location

ta, a, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, ka, la, ma, na, pa, sa, sha, ya, za, zha

擦布 ca¯ buˋ

Rag, Cloth

ta, a, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, ka, la, ma, na, pa, sa, sha, ya, za, zha

差不多 chaˋ buˋ duo¯

About, There abouts, Approximately

差不多了 chaˋ buˋ duo¯ le˙

Almost, Just about, Close enough

差不多同一地區 chaˋ buˋ duo¯ tongˊ yiˊ diˋ qu¯

Roughly the same area

差不多沒有 chaˋ buˋ duo¯ meiˊ youˇ

Almost none, Almost never, Hardly any, Hardly ever

差不多沒有上過學 chaˋ buˋ duo¯ meiˊ youˇ shangˋ guoˋ xueˊ

Almost never went to school

差不多那一樣 chaˋ buˋ duo¯ naˋ yiˊ yangˋ

Pretty much the same

差不多都是 chaˋ buˋ duo¯ dou¯ shiˋ

Was usually, Nearly always

查出 chaˊ chu¯

Trace, Track, Tracking, Tracking, Find out, Discover

查出下落了 chaˊ chu¯ xiaˋ luoˋ le˙

Has been located, Located

查處 chaˊ chuˇ


插入 cha¯ ruˋ

Insert, Plug in or into

插圖 cha¯ tuˊ


插圖頁 cha¯ tuˊ yeˋ

Illustrated page, Illustrated pages

ta, a, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, ka, la, ma, na, pa, sa, sha, ya, za, zha

達不到 daˊ buˊ daoˋ

Cannot reach, Cannot get, Cannot obtain

答不出來 daˊ buˋ chu¯ laiˊ

Could not answer

打不開 daˇ buˋ kai¯

Can't open, Not able to open

大步 daˋ buˋ


大步的走向 daˋ buˋ de˙ zouˇ xiangˋ

Walked towards, Deliberately headed off in the direction of

大步走過 daˋ buˋ zouˇ guoˋ

Strode past, Strode through

大部份 daˋ buˋ fenˋ

Large portion, Most of, Most

大部份工程師 daˋ buˋ fenˋ gong¯ chengˊ shi¯

Most engineers

大部分 daˋ buˋ fenˋ

Largest portion, For the most part

大部分人 daˋ buˋ fen¯ renˊ

Most people

搭出 da¯ chu¯

Erect, Put up

打出 daˇ chu¯

Riddled with

大儲存槽 daˋ chuˇ cunˊ caoˊ

Big storage tanks

打賭 daˇ duˇ

Wager, Make a bet

答復 daˊ fuˋ

Answer, Reply

答覆 daˊ fuˋ

Reply, Answer

大夫 daˋ fu¯


大幅度 daˋ fuˊ duˋ


大骨 daˋ guˇ

Big bone

大鼓 daˋ guˇ

Big drum

打呼 daˇ hu¯

Snore, Snoring, And so, It turns out that

打呼聲 daˇ hu¯ sheng¯

Snoring sound, Sound of snoring

打蝴蝶領結 daˇ huˊ dieˊ lingˇ jieˊ

Bow tie

大路 daˋ luˋ

Main road

大陸 daˋ luˋ

Mainland, Mainland China

大拇指 daˋ muˇ zhiˇ


大木板 daˋ muˋ banˇ

Large board or plank

打入 daˇ ruˋ

Inputting, Entering data, Entering

大暑 daˋ shuˇ

Big Or Great Heat, Jul 23 to Aug 8

大數據 daˋ shuˋ juˋ

Big Data

大樹 daˋ shuˋ

Tree, Large tree

大屠殺 daˋ tuˊ sha¯

Massacre, Great massacre

ta, a, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, ka, la, ma, na, pa, sa, sha, ya, za, zha

發不出來 fa¯ buˋ chu¯ laiˊ

Cannot produce, Could not produce

發佈 fa¯ buˋ

Announce, Declare

發布會 fa¯ buˋ huiˋ

Press conference

發出 fa¯ chu¯

Generate, Send out, Emit, Issue forth

發出了 fa¯ chu¯ le˙

Emitted, Let loose

發出去 fa¯ chu¯ quˋ

Shot (from a gun), Fired

發出去的子彈 fa¯ chu¯ quˋ de˙ ziˇ danˋ

The shot, The bullet shot

發出咻咻聲 fa¯ chu¯ xiu¯ xiu¯ sheng¯

Emitted a hissing sound, Gave out a hissing sound

發出哭喊 fa¯ chu¯ ku¯ hanˇ

Cry out

發出提示音 fa¯ chu¯ tiˊ shiˋ yin¯

Emit a beeping sound, Emit a beep sound, Beep

發出橘香 fa¯ chu¯ juˊ xiang¯

Gave of the scent of citrus, Smelling of citrus

發出磷光 fa¯ chu¯ linˊ guang¯


發出芽 fa¯ chu¯ yaˊ

Sprouted, Grew

發出銀光 fa¯ chu¯ yinˊ guang¯

Glowing silver, Silver glow

伐木 faˊ muˋ

Fell a tree, Fell trees

伐木人 faˊ muˋ renˊ

Woodman, Lumberjack, Logger, Tree feller

發怒 fa¯ nuˋ

Get angry

法普 faˇ puˇ

Fop, Fap

法屬波利尼西亞 faˇ shuˇ bo¯ liˋ niˊ xi¯ yaˋ

French Polynesia (France)

髮束 faˋ shuˋ

Hair band

法租界 faˇ zu¯ jieˋ

French concession

ta, a, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, ka, la, ma, na, pa, sa, sha, ya, za, zha

卡布 kaˇ buˋ


卡布其諾 kaˇ buˋ qiˊ nuoˋ


卡布基諾 kaˇ buˋ ji¯ nuoˋ


髂骨 kaˋ guˇ


髂骨前上棘 kaˋ guˇ qianˊ shangˋ jiˊ

Anterior Superior Iliac Spine, ASIS, Anterior Superior Iliac Crest, ASIC

髂骨棘 kaˋ guˇ jiˊ

Iliac Crest

ta, a, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, ka, la, ma, na, pa, sa, sha, ya, za, zha

拉出 la¯ chu¯

Pulled out

拉出行李 la¯ chu¯ xingˊ liˇ

Pull out luggage, Pulls out luggage, Pulling out luggage, Pulled out luggage

拉肚子 la¯ duˋ ziˇ

Loose bowels, Diarrhea

拉烏爾 la¯ wu¯ erˇ


拉住 la¯ zhuˋ

Pulled, Pulled on, Put on, Applied

拉住剎車 la¯ zhuˋ chaˋ che¯

Pulled on the brakes, Applied the brakes, Put on the brakes

拉住煞車 la¯ zhuˋ chaˋ che¯

Pulled on the brakes, Applied the brakes, Put on the brakes

蜡燭 laˋ zhuˊ


蠟燭 laˋ zhuˊ


蠟燭燃燒 laˋ zhuˊ ranˊ shao¯

Burning candle

ta, a, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, ka, la, ma, na, pa, sa, sha, ya, za, zha

馬不停蹄 maˇ buˋ tingˊ tiˊ

Non-stop, Travel on horseback without resting

馬虎 maˇ huˇ

Careless, Sloppy, Negligent

馬虎鞠躬 maˇ huˇ ju¯ gong¯

Perfunctory bow

馬路 maˇ luˋ

Road, Roads, Street, Streets

馬路又長又直 maˇ luˋ youˋ changˊ youˋ zhiˊ

Long straight streets

麻木 maˊ muˋ


麻糬 maˊ shuˇ

Japanese dessert dumpling

馬術 maˇ shuˋ


馬術家 maˇ shuˋ jia¯


馬祖 maˇ zuˇ


ta, a, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, ka, la, ma, na, pa, sa, sha, ya, za, zha

拿不動 naˊ buˊ dongˋ

Can't move it, Can't move them, Unable to move them

拿不了 naˊ buˋ liaoˇ

Can't grab

那不是猜 naˋ buˊ shiˋ cai¯

That wasn't a guess

那不是蛋嗎 naˋ buˊ shiˋ danˋ ma˙

Isn't that an egg?

拿出 naˊ chu¯

Take out, Takes out, Took out, Remove, Removed

拿出一件絲袍 naˊ chu¯ yiˊ jianˋ si¯ paoˊ

Grabbed a silk robe

拿出一個黑色三孔活頁夾 naˊ chu¯ yiˋ ge˙ hei¯ seˋ san¯ kongˇ huoˊ yeˋ jia¯

Took out a black three ring binder

拿出一張白紙 naˊ chu¯ yiˋ zhang¯ baiˊ zhiˇ

Pulled out a blank piece of paper

拿出來 naˊ chu¯ laiˊ

Take out

那齣電視劇 naˋ chu¯ dianˋ shiˋ juˋ

That show, That TV show

那股信任 naˋ guˇ xinˋ renˋ

That faith, That trust, That belief

那股信任讓 naˋ guˇ xinˋ renˋ rangˋ

That faith was such that, That belief was such that

納入 naˋ ruˋ

Bring into

拿樹枝當劍 naˊ shuˋ zhi¯ dang¯ jianˋ

Used a branch as a sword

拿住 naˊ zhuˋ

Grabbed, Took hold of, Grasped

ta, a, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, ka, la, ma, na, pa, sa, sha, ya, za, zha

爬出來 paˊ chu¯ laiˊ

Climb out

爬樹 paˊ shuˋ

Climb a tree, Tree climb

ta, a, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, ka, la, ma, na, pa, sa, sha, ya, za, zha

薩芙琳 saˋ fuˊ linˊ


ta, a, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, ka, la, ma, na, pa, sa, sha, ya, za, zha

殺毒 sha¯ duˊ

Antivirus, Antiviral

沙土 sha¯ tuˇ

Sand, Sandy soil, Dirt

沙土上留有帶爪大腳印的區域 sha¯ tuˇ shangˋ liuˊ youˇ daiˋ zhuaˇ daˋ jiaoˇ yinˋ de˙ qu¯ yuˋ

Areas were large clawed paws left marks in the dirt, Areas were large clawed paw prints were left in the dirt

ta, a, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, ka, la, ma, na, pa, sa, sha, ya, za, zha

亞述 yaˋ shuˋ


壓住 ya¯ zhuˋ

Hold down, Holds down, Holding down, Held down

壓住了他的一邊肩膀 ya¯ zhuˋ le˙ ta¯ de˙ yiˋ bian¯ jian¯ bangˇ

Press his shoulder, Presses one of his shoulders, Pressing one of his shoulders, Pressed one of his shoulders

壓住了她的一邊肩膀 ya¯ zhuˋ le˙ ta¯ de˙ yiˋ bian¯ jian¯ bangˇ

Press her shoulder, Presses one of her shoulders, Pressing one of her shoulders, Pressed one of her shoulders

牙箸 yaˊ zhuˋ

Ivory chopsticks

ta, a, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, ka, la, ma, na, pa, sa, sha, ya, za, zha

雜處 zaˊ chuˇ

Mixed, Miscellaneous, Mingled, Mingle

ta, a, ba, ca, cha, da, fa, ka, la, ma, na, pa, sa, sha, ya, za, zha

炸無骨雞排 zhaˊ wuˊ guˇ ji¯ paiˊ

Fried Boneless Chicken

炸豬排 zhaˊ zhu¯ paiˊ

Fried pork strips

Grouped in tone pairs

14, 11, 12, 13, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

阿布哈茲 a¯ buˋ ha¯ zi¯


阿富汗 a¯ fuˋ hanˋ


阿祿古 a¯ luˋ guˇ

Alugu, a chief of the Mudan tribe

巴布亞新幾內亞 ba¯ buˋ yaˋ xin¯ ji¯ neiˋ yaˋ

Papua New Guinea

擦布 ca¯ buˋ

Rag, Cloth

插入 cha¯ ruˋ

Insert, Plug in or into

發不出來 fa¯ buˋ chu¯ laiˊ

Cannot produce, Could not produce

發佈 fa¯ buˋ

Announce, Declare

發布會 fa¯ buˋ huiˋ

Press conference

發怒 fa¯ nuˋ

Get angry

拉肚子 la¯ duˋ ziˇ

Loose bowels, Diarrhea

拉住 la¯ zhuˋ

Pulled, Pulled on, Put on, Applied

拉住剎車 la¯ zhuˋ chaˋ che¯

Pulled on the brakes, Applied the brakes, Put on the brakes

拉住煞車 la¯ zhuˋ chaˋ che¯

Pulled on the brakes, Applied the brakes, Put on the brakes

他不喜歡打領帶 ta¯ buˋ xiˇ huan¯ daˇ lingˇ daiˋ

He doesn't like to wear a tie, He doesn't like wearing ties

他不想回到以前的生活 ta¯ buˋ xiangˇ huiˊ daoˋ yiˇ qianˊ de˙ sheng¯ huoˊ

He doesn't want to return to his old life

他不想往下看 ta¯ buˋ xiangˇ wangˇ xiaˋ kanˋ

He did not want to look down

他不慌不忙 ta¯ buˋ huang¯ buˋ mangˊ

He didn't rush, He took his time

他不理會上頭那個人的嘲諷 ta¯ buˋ liˇ huiˋ shangˋ touˊ neiˋ ge˙ renˊ de˙ chaoˊ fengˋ

He ignored the goading of the person above

他不相信 ta¯ buˋ xiang¯ xinˋ

He does not believe, He did not believe

他不相信我說的一切 ta¯ buˋ xiang¯ xinˋ woˇ shuo¯ de˙ yiˋ qieˋ

He doesn't believe anything that I say

他不解原因 ta¯ buˋ jieˇ yuanˊ yin¯

He didn't understand why, He couldn't understand why

她不希望如此 ta¯ buˋ xi¯ wangˋ ruˊ ciˇ

She didn't want that, She didn't want that to happen

她不想往下看 ta¯ buˋ xiangˇ wangˇ xiaˋ kanˋ

She did not want to look down

她不慌不忙 ta¯ buˋ huang¯ buˋ mangˊ

She didn't rush, She took her time

她不理會上頭那個人的嘲諷 ta¯ buˋ liˇ huiˋ shangˋ touˊ neiˋ ge˙ renˊ de˙ chaoˊ fengˋ

She ignored the goading of the person above

她不相信 ta¯ buˋ xiang¯ xinˋ

She does not believe, She did not believe

她不知道 ta¯ buˋ zhi¯ daoˋ

She doesn't know

她不知道她是怎麼辦到的 ta¯ buˋ zhi¯ daoˋ ta¯ shiˋ zenˇ me˙ banˋ daoˋ de˙

She doesn't know how she does it

她不需要人幫她打理床單 ta¯ buˋ xu¯ yaoˋ renˊ bang¯ ta¯ daˇ liˇ chuangˊ dan¯

She didn't need turn-down service (at a hotel), She didn't need anyone making her bed for her

他肚子餓了 ta¯ duˋ ziˇ eˋ le˙

He was hungry

她肚子餓了 ta¯ duˋ ziˇ eˋ le˙

She was hungry

她父親 ta¯ fuˋ qin¯

Her father

它復活了 ta¯ fuˋ huoˊ le˙

It came back to life, It is resurrected, It was resurrected

它復活了之後 ta¯ fuˋ huoˊ le˙ zhi¯ houˋ

After it was brought back to life, After it was resurrected

他露出剖析的神情 ta¯ luˋ chu¯ pouˇ xi¯ de˙ shenˊ qingˊ

He showed his analytical expression, An analytical expression appeared on his face

她目前的程度 ta¯ muˋ qianˊ de˙ chengˊ duˋ

Her current level, Her current level of ability, Her current ability, Her current abilities

他怒瞪著她 ta¯ nuˋ dengˋ zhe˙ ta¯

He stared at her angrily

他注意到 ta¯ zhuˋ yiˋ daoˋ

He noticed

她助理的 ta¯ zhuˋ liˇ de˙

Her assistant's

她注視著他們 ta¯ zhuˋ shiˋ zhe˙ ta¯ men˙

She watched them, She looked at them intently

壓住 ya¯ zhuˋ

Hold down, Holds down, Holding down, Held down

壓住了他的一邊肩膀 ya¯ zhuˋ le˙ ta¯ de˙ yiˋ bian¯ jian¯ bangˇ

Press his shoulder, Presses one of his shoulders, Pressing one of his shoulders, Pressed one of his shoulders

壓住了她的一邊肩膀 ya¯ zhuˋ le˙ ta¯ de˙ yiˋ bian¯ jian¯ bangˇ

Press her shoulder, Presses one of her shoulders, Pressing one of her shoulders, Pressed one of her shoulders

14, 11, 12, 13, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

搭出 da¯ chu¯

Erect, Put up

發出 fa¯ chu¯

Generate, Send out, Emit, Issue forth

發出了 fa¯ chu¯ le˙

Emitted, Let loose

發出去 fa¯ chu¯ quˋ

Shot (from a gun), Fired

發出去的子彈 fa¯ chu¯ quˋ de˙ ziˇ danˋ

The shot, The bullet shot

發出咻咻聲 fa¯ chu¯ xiu¯ xiu¯ sheng¯

Emitted a hissing sound, Gave out a hissing sound

發出哭喊 fa¯ chu¯ ku¯ hanˇ

Cry out

發出提示音 fa¯ chu¯ tiˊ shiˋ yin¯

Emit a beeping sound, Emit a beep sound, Beep

發出橘香 fa¯ chu¯ juˊ xiang¯

Gave of the scent of citrus, Smelling of citrus

發出磷光 fa¯ chu¯ linˊ guang¯


發出芽 fa¯ chu¯ yaˊ

Sprouted, Grew

發出銀光 fa¯ chu¯ yinˊ guang¯

Glowing silver, Silver glow

拉出 la¯ chu¯

Pulled out

拉出行李 la¯ chu¯ xingˊ liˇ

Pull out luggage, Pulls out luggage, Pulling out luggage, Pulled out luggage

拉烏爾 la¯ wu¯ erˇ


14, 11, 12, 13, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

阿圖 a¯ tuˊ


插圖 cha¯ tuˊ


插圖頁 cha¯ tuˊ yeˋ

Illustrated page, Illustrated pages

殺毒 sha¯ duˊ

Antivirus, Antiviral

他不再相信的女神 ta¯ buˊ zaiˋ xiang¯ xinˋ de˙ nuuˇ shenˊ

The goddess he no longer believed in

他不夠聰明 ta¯ buˊ gouˋ cong¯ mingˊ

He's not smart enough

他不是 ta¯ buˊ shiˋ

He isn't, He is not

他不會在乎 ta¯ buˊ huiˋ zaiˋ hu¯

He doesn't care, He wouldn't care, He wouldn't have minded

她不會在乎 ta¯ buˊ huiˋ zaiˋ hu¯

She doesn't care, She wouldn't care, She wouldn't have minded

他如何成為 ta¯ ruˊ heˊ chengˊ weiˋ

How he became

她如何成為 ta¯ ruˊ heˊ chengˊ weiˋ

How she became

14, 11, 12, 13, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

阿魯巴 a¯ luˇ ba¯

Aruba (Netherlands)

沙土 sha¯ tuˇ

Sand, Sandy soil, Dirt

沙土上留有帶爪大腳印的區域 sha¯ tuˇ shangˋ liuˊ youˇ daiˋ zhuaˇ daˋ jiaoˇ yinˋ de˙ qu¯ yuˋ

Areas were large clawed paws left marks in the dirt, Areas were large clawed paw prints were left in the dirt

他努力集中注意力 ta¯ nuˇ liˋ jiˊ zhong¯ zhuˋ yiˋ liˋ

He's trying to focus, He tried to focus

她努力集中注意力 ta¯ nuˇ liˋ jiˊ zhong¯ zhuˋ yiˋ liˋ

She's trying to focus, She tried to focus

他五歲了 ta¯ wuˇ suiˋ le˙

He was five, He was five years old

他五歲時 ta¯ wuˇ suiˋ shiˊ

When he was five

14, 11, 12, 13, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

巴不得 ba¯ bu˙ deˊ


14, 11, 12, 13, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

拔出 baˊ chu¯

Extracted, Pulled out

拔出來 baˊ chu¯ laiˊ

Pull out

拔出舊槍 baˊ chu¯ jiuˋ qiang¯

Extracted the old gun, Pulled out the old gun

查出 chaˊ chu¯

Trace, Track, Tracking, Tracking, Find out, Discover

查出下落了 chaˊ chu¯ xiaˋ luoˋ le˙

Has been located, Located

拿出 naˊ chu¯

Take out, Takes out, Took out, Remove, Removed

拿出一件絲袍 naˊ chu¯ yiˊ jianˋ si¯ paoˊ

Grabbed a silk robe

拿出一個黑色三孔活頁夾 naˊ chu¯ yiˋ ge˙ hei¯ seˋ san¯ kongˇ huoˊ yeˋ jia¯

Took out a black three ring binder

拿出一張白紙 naˊ chu¯ yiˋ zhang¯ baiˊ zhiˇ

Pulled out a blank piece of paper

拿出來 naˊ chu¯ laiˊ

Take out

爬出來 paˊ chu¯ laiˊ

Climb out

炸豬排 zhaˊ zhu¯ paiˊ

Fried pork strips

14, 11, 12, 13, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

拔除 baˊ chuˊ

Pull out, Remove

拔除雜草 baˊ chuˊ zaˊ caoˇ

Pull out weeds

達不到 daˊ buˊ daoˋ

Cannot reach, Cannot get, Cannot obtain

拿不動 naˊ buˊ dongˋ

Can't move it, Can't move them, Unable to move them

炸無骨雞排 zhaˊ wuˊ guˇ ji¯ paiˊ

Fried Boneless Chicken

14, 11, 12, 13, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

拔虎鬚 baˊ huˇ xu¯

Pluck the tiger's hair, Offend a powerful person

查處 chaˊ chuˇ


麻糬 maˊ shuˇ

Japanese dessert dumpling

雜處 zaˊ chuˇ

Mixed, Miscellaneous, Mingled, Mingle

14, 11, 12, 13, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

答不出來 daˊ buˋ chu¯ laiˊ

Could not answer

答復 daˊ fuˋ

Answer, Reply

答覆 daˊ fuˋ

Reply, Answer

伐木 faˊ muˋ

Fell a tree, Fell trees

伐木人 faˊ muˋ renˊ

Woodman, Lumberjack, Logger, Tree feller

麻木 maˊ muˋ


拿不了 naˊ buˋ liaoˇ

Can't grab

拿樹枝當劍 naˊ shuˋ zhi¯ dang¯ jianˋ

Used a branch as a sword

拿住 naˊ zhuˋ

Grabbed, Took hold of, Grasped

爬樹 paˊ shuˋ

Climb a tree, Tree climb

牙箸 yaˊ zhuˋ

Ivory chopsticks

14, 11, 12, 13, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

把書鎖進辦公桌抽屜 baˇ shu¯ suoˇ jinˋ banˋ gong¯ zhuo¯ chou¯ tiˋ

Locked the book in a desk drawer

把巫師引到安靜偏僻的角落 baˇ wu¯ shi¯ yinˇ daoˋ an¯ jingˋ pian¯ piˋ de˙ jiaoˇ luoˋ

Led the sorcerer to a quiet and remote location

打出 daˇ chu¯

Riddled with

打呼 daˇ hu¯

Snore, Snoring, And so, It turns out that

打呼聲 daˇ hu¯ sheng¯

Snoring sound, Sound of snoring

法租界 faˇ zu¯ jieˋ

French concession

14, 11, 12, 13, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

打蝴蝶領結 daˇ huˊ dieˊ lingˇ jieˊ

Bow tie

14, 11, 12, 13, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

把斧頭 baˇ fuˇ touˊ


把土挖鬆 baˇ tuˇ wa¯ song¯

Loosen soil by digging

打賭 daˇ duˇ

Wager, Make a bet

法普 faˇ puˇ

Fop, Fap

法屬波利尼西亞 faˇ shuˇ bo¯ liˋ niˊ xi¯ yaˋ

French Polynesia (France)

馬虎 maˇ huˇ

Careless, Sloppy, Negligent

馬虎鞠躬 maˇ huˇ ju¯ gong¯

Perfunctory bow

馬祖 maˇ zuˇ


14, 11, 12, 13, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

把不合身體的東西弄出來 baˇ buˋ heˊ shen¯ tiˇ de˙ dong¯ xi¯ nongˋ chu¯ laiˊ

Bring up or vomit something that didn't agree with his body

把路人撞倒 baˇ luˋ renˊ zhuangˋ daoˇ

Knock down somebody, Crash into someone

打不開 daˇ buˋ kai¯

Can't open, Not able to open

打入 daˇ ruˋ

Inputting, Entering data, Entering

卡布 kaˇ buˋ


卡布其諾 kaˇ buˋ qiˊ nuoˋ


卡布基諾 kaˇ buˋ ji¯ nuoˋ


馬不停蹄 maˇ buˋ tingˊ tiˊ

Non-stop, Travel on horseback without resting

馬路 maˇ luˋ

Road, Roads, Street, Streets

馬路又長又直 maˇ luˋ youˋ changˊ youˋ zhiˊ

Long straight streets

馬術 maˇ shuˋ


馬術家 maˇ shuˋ jia¯


14, 11, 12, 13, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

耙梳 baˋ shu¯

Rake, Comb

耙梳過 baˋ shu¯ guoˋ

Combed, Raked, Ran through

大夫 daˋ fu¯


那齣電視劇 naˋ chu¯ dianˋ shiˋ juˋ

That show, That TV show

14, 11, 12, 13, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

大幅度 daˋ fuˊ duˋ


大屠殺 daˋ tuˊ sha¯

Massacre, Great massacre

蜡燭 laˋ zhuˊ


蠟燭 laˋ zhuˊ


蠟燭燃燒 laˋ zhuˊ ranˊ shao¯

Burning candle

那不是猜 naˋ buˊ shiˋ cai¯

That wasn't a guess

那不是蛋嗎 naˋ buˊ shiˋ danˋ ma˙

Isn't that an egg?

薩芙琳 saˋ fuˊ linˊ


14, 11, 12, 13, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

大儲存槽 daˋ chuˇ cunˊ caoˊ

Big storage tanks

大骨 daˋ guˇ

Big bone

大鼓 daˋ guˇ

Big drum

大拇指 daˋ muˇ zhiˇ


大暑 daˋ shuˇ

Big Or Great Heat, Jul 23 to Aug 8

髂骨 kaˋ guˇ


髂骨前上棘 kaˋ guˇ qianˊ shangˋ jiˊ

Anterior Superior Iliac Spine, ASIS, Anterior Superior Iliac Crest, ASIC

髂骨棘 kaˋ guˇ jiˊ

Iliac Crest

那股信任 naˋ guˇ xinˋ renˋ

That faith, That trust, That belief

那股信任讓 naˋ guˇ xinˋ renˋ rangˋ

That faith was such that, That belief was such that

14, 11, 12, 13, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

差不多 chaˋ buˋ duo¯

About, There abouts, Approximately

差不多了 chaˋ buˋ duo¯ le˙

Almost, Just about, Close enough

差不多同一地區 chaˋ buˋ duo¯ tongˊ yiˊ diˋ qu¯

Roughly the same area

差不多沒有 chaˋ buˋ duo¯ meiˊ youˇ

Almost none, Almost never, Hardly any, Hardly ever

差不多沒有上過學 chaˋ buˋ duo¯ meiˊ youˇ shangˋ guoˋ xueˊ

Almost never went to school

差不多那一樣 chaˋ buˋ duo¯ naˋ yiˊ yangˋ

Pretty much the same

差不多都是 chaˋ buˋ duo¯ dou¯ shiˋ

Was usually, Nearly always

大步 daˋ buˋ


大步的走向 daˋ buˋ de˙ zouˇ xiangˋ

Walked towards, Deliberately headed off in the direction of

大步走過 daˋ buˋ zouˇ guoˋ

Strode past, Strode through

大部份 daˋ buˋ fenˋ

Large portion, Most of, Most

大部份工程師 daˋ buˋ fenˋ gong¯ chengˊ shi¯

Most engineers

大部分 daˋ buˋ fenˋ

Largest portion, For the most part

大部分人 daˋ buˋ fen¯ renˊ

Most people

大路 daˋ luˋ

Main road

大陸 daˋ luˋ

Mainland, Mainland China

大木板 daˋ muˋ banˇ

Large board or plank

大數據 daˋ shuˋ juˋ

Big Data

大樹 daˋ shuˋ

Tree, Large tree

髮束 faˋ shuˋ

Hair band

納入 naˋ ruˋ

Bring into

踏步 taˋ buˋ


踏步機 taˋ buˋ ji¯

Step machine

踏入 taˋ ruˋ

Step into, Stepped into

亞述 yaˋ shuˋ


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