zuoˋ, zuoˊ
Act, Do, Serve As, Make, Write, Compose, Create, Author, Creator, Composer
Word Links for words containing 作 (sorted via character pairs)
作品 Written by, Composed by, Done by
文人模仿樂府詩的作品 Literati poetry imitating the poems of the music bureau
作品雛型 Prototype
作用 Function, Objective, Purpose, Effect, Application
副作用 Side effect
加分作用 Extra
發揮作用 Task, Role, Produce a result, To be effective
發揮的作用 Task, Role, Play a role
無法發揮作用 Unable to do their job, Unable to function, Unable to take action
它該發揮的作用 Its role, Its task, What it should do, What it was supposed to do
鐵粉與空氣作用 Iron powder interacts with air
暖暖包中的鐵粉與空氣作用 The iron powder in the hand warmer reacts with air
作響 Sound
劈啪作響 Crackling or rustling sound
叩叩作響 Knocked, Clacked
叮叮作響 Clicking, Clinking, Clanking
叮噹作響 Jingling
沙沙作響 Rustle
敲在人行道上叩叩作響 Knocked on the pavement, Clacked on the sidewalk
作物 Crops
農作物 Crops
當地作物豐饒的溪谷 Vales rich with indigenous produce, Valleys filled with local crops
農作物因氣候轉變和疾病而經常欠收 Crops are failing due to climate change and disease
作為 As, Use as, Serve as, By way of
無所作為 Do nothing
作為一個 As a
作為你媽媽 As your mother
作為一個學生 As a student
作為一個銀行 As a bank
作為生日禮物 As a birthday present
作為反應或加熱時 For reactions or while heating
作家 Author, Writer
專欄作家 Columnist
成了作家 Became an author
最喜歡的作家 Favorite author
不是很大牌的作家 Not a big-time author
作法 Act in a particular way, Do things in a particular fashion, Approach
友善的作法 Friendly approach, User friendly approach
直覺式的作法 Intuitive approach, An intuitive approach
依舊採取古典作法 Still use this classical method
那可是我沒想到的作法 That approach had not occurred to me, That is an approach that I had not thought of
作法如下 This is done as follows:, The method is as follows:
作對 Against
跟他作對 Go against him, Fight against him, Mess with him
不敢跟他作對 Wouldn't dare go against him, Wouldn't dare mess with him
默不作聲 Keep silent, Keeps silent, Kept silent, Stay silent, Stays silent, Staying silent, Stayed silent
佳作 Excellent work, Piece of excellent work, Masterpiece
那個小組之所以偶有佳作 The reason for that unit's occasional outstanding successes
動作 Movement, Action, Motion, Gesture
做動作 Do exercise, Do an activity, Do something active
慢動作 Slow-motion
加快動作 Work faster (add speed to your work)
噁心動作 Disgusting act
這個動作 This movement
人物的動作 Person's actions
做這個動作 Do this movement, Perform this movement
跳舞的動作 Dance moves
進入慢動作 Went into slow-motion
像陀螺儀般動作 Act like a gyroscope, Acting like a gyroscope
透過人物的動作 Through a person's actions, make use of a person's actions
幾個鬆弛肩膀的動作 A few exercises to relax the shoulder, A few shoulder loosening exercises
不管他做出哪一種體操動作 No matter what kind of gymnastic movement he did, No matter what gymnastic feat he performed
動作幅度 Amount of movement, Movement extent, Range of movement
動作迅速 Move quickly
朝動作拉近 Move closer to the action, Moves closer to the action, Moving closer to the action, Moved closer to the action
動作不算優雅 It was not elegant, It was not graceful
動作幅度不大 The movement was small
動作快如閃電 As quick as lightning
重複這個動作幾次 Repeat this movement a few times
動作驚人快速且堅定 Moving with shocking speed and steadiness, Moved with alarming speed and determination
重複這個動作幾次後 After repeating this movement a few times
完全照著她的動作在動 Match her movements completely, Move exactly as she moved
的動作有 Hand actions
所有的動作都 All the action
稱作 Called, Referred to as…
還有一種澱粉與肥豬肉混合的香腸也稱作粉腸 There is also a kind of sausage made from starch and fatty pork that is also known as rice sausage
運作 Operate, Function
無法運作 Won't work, Inoperable, Non-functioning, Non-functional
終止運作 Stopped work, Stopped working
無法運作的原因 Limiting factor (beyond which a system won't function)
讓東西運作起來 Make something work, Get something to work
我們政府的運作方式 How our government works
合作 Cooperate, Work together, Work together with, Cooperative
我們倆合作 We both cooperate
合作的 Cooperation, Collaboration
合作社 Cooperative
密切合作關係 Close working relationship
曾有過密切合作關係 Had a close working relationship
直到她自己判斷合作對她最有利為止 Until she decides on her own that it's in her best interests to cooperate
當作 As, Use as, Regard as, Treat as
用手當作 Use the hand as, Use the hands as, Use our hands as
用膝蓋當作 Using the knees as
用雙腳當作 Use both feet as, Use the feet as
用身體其他部位當作 Use other parts of the body as
當作書房使用 Used as a study
當作朋友對待 Treat as a friend
把某人當作朋友 Treat someone as a friend
工作 Work, Job, Task, Profession, Employment
在工作 Is working, Was working, Were working
找工作 Look for work, Looking for work, Looking for a job
有工作 Have work, Had work, Had a job
並肩工作 Work side by side, Work shoulder to shoulder
做些工作 Do some work, Do a little work
努力工作 Work hard at job
哪類工作 What kind of work?
唯一工作 Sole job, Only job
在家工作 Work from home
帶病工作 Work despite being sick or ill
戶外工作 Outdoor work, Working outdoors
找到工作 Found work
教書工作 Teaching job
無法工作 Unable to work
這些工作 This work, These jobs
這項工作 This job
那份工作 That work
一直在工作 Work continuously, Worked continuously
做了些工作 Did some work
固定的工作 Regular work, A stable job
手上的工作 Task at hand
把風的工作 Job as a lookout
沒錢的工作 Work for nothing, Work for very low wage
第一份工作 First job
跑腿的工作 Work as an errand runner, Work as a runner
跟我討工作 Beg for work from me, Begging for work from me, Begged for work from me
做些顧問工作 Do a bit of consulting work
一個固定的工作 A regular job
他現在在家工作 How he worked from home
他很擅長分內的工作 He was good at his job, He was good at what he did
他想找個把風的工作 He sought a job as a lookout, He looked for work as a lookout
把時間都花在了工作 Work all the time, Spend all available time working
雖然他現在在家工作 Even though he now worked from home
在這項計畫上也做了些工作 Did some work on this project
工作了 Worked
工作室 Workshop
工作日 Work day
工作的 Working, Employed (at, As)
工作站 Workstation
工作證 Work permit
工作量 Workload
工作靴 Work boots
從那份工作中 From that job
因背傷無法工作時 When unable to work due to back injury, While unable to work due to back injury
在她因背傷無法工作時 When she couldn't work because of a back injury, While she couldn't work due to back injuries
工作事業 Work, Business
工作人員 Workers, Staff
工作倫理 Work ethic, Work ethics
工作條件 Working conditions
工作關係 Working relationship, Work together
工作到深夜 Work until late at night
跟工作有關 Work related, Related to work
跟工作無關 Not job related, Not work related
工作一做五年 Work for five years, Worked for five years
不管工作多辛苦 No matter how difficult work is
工作了十六小時 Worked for sixteen hours
工作起來像頭騾子 Works like a mule
這工作不能做一輩子 This job isn't forever
為手上的工作特別設計 Designed specifically for the task at hand
你努力工作的表情很認真 Your facial expression is very serious when you work
看到工作有進展感覺挺不錯的 It's nice to see the work progressing, It's nice to seem some progress (in the work)
這工作讓我的腰簡直快要斷了 This is back-breaking work!
工作地點 Place of work
到達工作地點 Arrive at work, Arrives at work, Arrive at place of work
工作市場 Job market
流入工作市場 Into the job market
把工作做完 Finish the work
在自家工作室做的 Made in their home workshop
操作 Operate, Operated, Operating, Maneuver, Operation (of equipment), Perform (exercise)
單人操作 Single handed, Single person operation, One person operating
基本操作 Basic Operation
選單操作 Menu Operations
輕率的操作 Curt maneuver, Abrupt maneuver
操作口 Control access panel, Control access port
操作完後 When finished
操作實驗 Performing experiments, Carrying out experiments, Carry out experiments, Carries out experiments, Carried out experiments
操作實驗時 When performing experiments, While performing experiments, When performing an experiment, While performing an experiment
熟悉操作過程 Become conversant with each step of the process
被這輕率的操作激出大笑 Were driven to laugh heartily by the curt maneuver, The curt maneuver drew hearty laughter
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