
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 一


Cut into pieces

qieˋ chengˊ yiˊ kuaiˋ yiˊ kuaiˋ

一 yiˋ, yiˊ, yi¯
One, 1, Single, A, An, Once, As Soon As, The

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Phone , Tone


切成 qie¯ chengˊ

一塊 yiˊ kuaiˋ

Words that rhyme with 切成一塊一塊 (ye-eng)

Grouped by first phone

qie, bie, jie, lie, xie, ye

切成 qie¯ chengˊ


切成一塊一塊 qieˋ chengˊ yiˊ kuaiˋ yiˊ kuaiˋ

Cut into pieces

qie, bie, jie, lie, xie, ye

別碰 bieˊ pengˋ

Don't touch

qie, bie, jie, lie, xie, ye

階層 jie¯ cengˊ

Subdivisions with a social class, Social stratum, Walk of life

結成 jieˊ chengˊ

Form, Make

街燈 jie¯ deng¯

Streetlight, Streetlights

節能 jieˊ nengˊ

Energy saving

結繩 jieˊ shengˊ

Knots tied in a piece of rope or string as a means of record keeping

結繩記事 jieˊ shengˊ jiˋ shiˋ

Knots tied in a piece of rope or string as a means of record keeping

節省 jieˊ shengˇ

Save, Economize, Reduce amount used

qie, bie, jie, lie, xie, ye

裂縫 lieˋ fengˊ

Breach, Crack, Fissure, Break, Opening

qie, bie, jie, lie, xie, ye

寫成 xieˇ chengˊ

Write as, Writes as, Written as, Written

qie, bie, jie, lie, xie, ye

也稱為 yeˇ cheng¯ weiˋ

Also known as, AKA

夜風一吹就吹散了 yeˋ feng¯ yiˋ chui¯ jiuˋ chui¯ sanˋ le˙

Dissipated by the night breeze

夜風吹拂 yeˋ feng¯ chui¯ fuˊ

Night wind blew

也能 yeˇ nengˊ

Could also

也能做 yeˇ nengˊ zuoˋ

Can also do

也能用 yeˇ nengˊ yongˋ

Can also be used

野生 yeˇ sheng¯

Feral, Wild, Uncultivated

野生動物 yeˇ sheng¯ dongˋ wuˋ

Wild animals

Grouped in tone pairs

42, 11, 12, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41

裂縫 lieˋ fengˊ

Breach, Crack, Fissure, Break, Opening

切成一塊一塊 qieˋ chengˊ yiˊ kuaiˋ yiˊ kuaiˋ

Cut into pieces

42, 11, 12, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41

街燈 jie¯ deng¯

Streetlight, Streetlights

42, 11, 12, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41

階層 jie¯ cengˊ

Subdivisions with a social class, Social stratum, Walk of life

切成 qie¯ chengˊ


42, 11, 12, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41

結成 jieˊ chengˊ

Form, Make

節能 jieˊ nengˊ

Energy saving

結繩 jieˊ shengˊ

Knots tied in a piece of rope or string as a means of record keeping

結繩記事 jieˊ shengˊ jiˋ shiˋ

Knots tied in a piece of rope or string as a means of record keeping

42, 11, 12, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41

節省 jieˊ shengˇ

Save, Economize, Reduce amount used

42, 11, 12, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41

別碰 bieˊ pengˋ

Don't touch

42, 11, 12, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41

也稱為 yeˇ cheng¯ weiˋ

Also known as, AKA

野生 yeˇ sheng¯

Feral, Wild, Uncultivated

野生動物 yeˇ sheng¯ dongˋ wuˋ

Wild animals

42, 11, 12, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41

寫成 xieˇ chengˊ

Write as, Writes as, Written as, Written

也能 yeˇ nengˊ

Could also

也能做 yeˇ nengˊ zuoˋ

Can also do

也能用 yeˇ nengˊ yongˋ

Can also be used

42, 11, 12, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41

夜風一吹就吹散了 yeˋ feng¯ yiˋ chui¯ jiuˋ chui¯ sanˋ le˙

Dissipated by the night breeze

夜風吹拂 yeˋ feng¯ chui¯ fuˊ

Night wind blew


十-乜 : > : > [切]-切成 : > [切]-切成一塊一塊 >

丶-弋 : > : > [成]-切成 : > [成]-切成一塊一塊 >

一-一 : > : > [一]-一塊 : > [一]-切成一塊一塊 >

十-土 : > : > [塊]-一塊 : > [塊]-切成一塊一塊 >

一-一 : > : > [一]-一塊 : > [一]-切成一塊一塊 >

十-土 : > : > [塊]-一塊 : > [塊]-切成一塊一塊 >

切成一塊一塊 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 一

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