
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 另


To another place

daoˋ lingˋ yiˋ chuˇ

另 lingˋ
Other, Another, Besides, Separate, Separation

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Phone , Tone


另一 lingˋ yiˋ

Words that rhyme with 到另一處 (ao-ying)

Grouped by first phone

dao, bao, cao, chao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

到另一處 daoˋ lingˋ yiˋ chuˇ

To another place

道聽塗說 daoˋ ting¯ tuˊ shuo¯


dao, bao, cao, chao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

刨冰 baoˋ bing¯

Shaved ice

飽經風霜 baoˇ jing¯ feng¯ shuang¯

Weathered, Weather beaten, Well experienced in life, Having experienced the hardships of life

報警 baoˋ jingˇ

Report to the police, Call the police, Make a report (to the police)

保齡球 baoˇ lingˊ qiuˊ


報名 baoˋ mingˊ

Sign up, Register

寶瓶 baoˇ pingˊ


寶瓶座 baoˇ pingˊ zuoˋ


報亭 baoˋ tingˊ


報應 baoˋ yingˋ


dao, bao, cao, chao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

草坪 caoˇ pingˊ


dao, bao, cao, chao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

朝另一方向 chaoˊ lingˋ yiˋ fang¯ xiangˋ

In the other direction, Facing the other direction

吵醒 chaoˇ xingˇ

Wake up by being too noisy

dao, bao, cao, chao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

搞定 gaoˇ dingˋ

Got it

高齡 gao¯ lingˊ

Advanced age

高領上 gao¯ lingˇ shangˋ

Turtle neck, High collar

高明 gao¯ mingˊ

Superior, Better, Clever, Smart, Qualified, Expert, Master

搞清楚 gaoˇ qing¯ chuˇ

Make clear, Clarify, Now for sure

搞清楚狀況 gaoˇ qing¯ chuˇ zhuangˋ kuangˋ

Figure out the situation, Figure out what's going on

高挺的胸部 gao¯ tingˇ de˙ xiong¯ buˋ

High breasts

高興 gao¯ xingˋ

Happy, Glad, High spirits, Elated

高興得 gao¯ xingˋ de˙


高興得叫了起來 gao¯ xingˋ de˙ jiaoˋ le˙ qiˇ laiˊ

Happily shouted

高興得很 gao¯ xingˋ deˊ henˇ

Were happy, Were having a good time

高興極了 gao¯ xingˋ jiˊ le˙

So happy!

高興的表情 gao¯ xingˋ de˙ biaoˇ qingˊ

Happy expression

高興起來 gao¯ xingˋ qiˇ laiˊ

Cheered up, Brightened up, Brightened

dao, bao, cao, chao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

號令 haoˋ lingˋ

Command, Order

好評 haoˇ pingˊ


好聽 haoˇ ting¯

Pleasant sounding, Sounds good, Interesting to listen to

好聽的故事 haoˇ ting¯ de˙ guˋ shiˋ

Interesting story to listen to, Interesting story

dao, bao, cao, chao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

烤杏果那緹 kaoˇ xingˋ guoˇ naˋ tiˊ

Roast Almond Latte

dao, bao, cao, chao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

老兵 laoˇ bing¯


老兵們 laoˇ bing¯ men˙


老鷹 laoˇ ying¯


dao, bao, cao, chao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

毛病 maoˊ bingˋ

Defective, Fault, Blemish

dao, bao, cao, chao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

腦病變 naoˇ bingˋ bianˋ

Brain disease

撓性 naoˊ xingˋ

Pliant, Flexible, Flexibility

撓性聯軸節 naoˊ xingˋ lianˊ zhouˊ jieˊ

Flexible coupling

dao, bao, cao, chao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

掃興 saoˇ xing˙

Spoil the fun

dao, bao, cao, chao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

燒餅 shao¯ bingˇ


哨兵 shaoˋ bing¯


少齡 shaoˇ lingˊ


少齡淑女 shaoˇ lingˊ shu¯ nuuˇ

Young lady

燒瓶 shao¯ pingˊ


dao, bao, cao, chao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

逃兵 taoˊ bing¯

Deserter, Deserters, AWOL soldiers

dao, bao, cao, chao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

造型 zaoˋ xingˊ

Model, Mold, Shape

dao, bao, cao, chao, gao, hao, kao, lao, mao, nao, sao, shao, tao, zao, zhao

照明 zhaoˋ mingˊ

Illuminate, Shine, Light

照明器 zhaoˋ mingˊ qiˋ

Illumination device, Illumination devices, Illumination, Illuminator

照應 zhaoˋ yingˋ

Take care of, Look after

照映 zhaoˋ yingˋ

Light, Illumination, Reflection

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

報應 baoˋ yingˋ


到另一處 daoˋ lingˋ yiˋ chuˇ

To another place

號令 haoˋ lingˋ

Command, Order

照應 zhaoˋ yingˋ

Take care of, Look after

照映 zhaoˋ yingˋ

Light, Illumination, Reflection

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

高齡 gao¯ lingˊ

Advanced age

高明 gao¯ mingˊ

Superior, Better, Clever, Smart, Qualified, Expert, Master

燒瓶 shao¯ pingˊ


44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

高領上 gao¯ lingˇ shangˋ

Turtle neck, High collar

高挺的胸部 gao¯ tingˇ de˙ xiong¯ buˋ

High breasts

燒餅 shao¯ bingˇ


44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

高興 gao¯ xingˋ

Happy, Glad, High spirits, Elated

高興得 gao¯ xingˋ de˙


高興得叫了起來 gao¯ xingˋ de˙ jiaoˋ le˙ qiˇ laiˊ

Happily shouted

高興得很 gao¯ xingˋ deˊ henˇ

Were happy, Were having a good time

高興極了 gao¯ xingˋ jiˊ le˙

So happy!

高興的表情 gao¯ xingˋ de˙ biaoˇ qingˊ

Happy expression

高興起來 gao¯ xingˋ qiˇ laiˊ

Cheered up, Brightened up, Brightened

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

逃兵 taoˊ bing¯

Deserter, Deserters, AWOL soldiers

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

朝另一方向 chaoˊ lingˋ yiˋ fang¯ xiangˋ

In the other direction, Facing the other direction

毛病 maoˊ bingˋ

Defective, Fault, Blemish

撓性 naoˊ xingˋ

Pliant, Flexible, Flexibility

撓性聯軸節 naoˊ xingˋ lianˊ zhouˊ jieˊ

Flexible coupling

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

飽經風霜 baoˇ jing¯ feng¯ shuang¯

Weathered, Weather beaten, Well experienced in life, Having experienced the hardships of life

搞清楚 gaoˇ qing¯ chuˇ

Make clear, Clarify, Now for sure

搞清楚狀況 gaoˇ qing¯ chuˇ zhuangˋ kuangˋ

Figure out the situation, Figure out what's going on

好聽 haoˇ ting¯

Pleasant sounding, Sounds good, Interesting to listen to

好聽的故事 haoˇ ting¯ de˙ guˋ shiˋ

Interesting story to listen to, Interesting story

老兵 laoˇ bing¯


老兵們 laoˇ bing¯ men˙


老鷹 laoˇ ying¯


44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

保齡球 baoˇ lingˊ qiuˊ


寶瓶 baoˇ pingˊ


寶瓶座 baoˇ pingˊ zuoˋ


草坪 caoˇ pingˊ


好評 haoˇ pingˊ


少齡 shaoˇ lingˊ


少齡淑女 shaoˇ lingˊ shu¯ nuuˇ

Young lady

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

吵醒 chaoˇ xingˇ

Wake up by being too noisy

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

搞定 gaoˇ dingˋ

Got it

烤杏果那緹 kaoˇ xingˋ guoˇ naˋ tiˊ

Roast Almond Latte

腦病變 naoˇ bingˋ bianˋ

Brain disease

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

掃興 saoˇ xing˙

Spoil the fun

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

刨冰 baoˋ bing¯

Shaved ice

道聽塗說 daoˋ ting¯ tuˊ shuo¯


哨兵 shaoˋ bing¯


44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

報名 baoˋ mingˊ

Sign up, Register

報亭 baoˋ tingˊ


造型 zaoˋ xingˊ

Model, Mold, Shape

照明 zhaoˋ mingˊ

Illuminate, Shine, Light

照明器 zhaoˋ mingˊ qiˋ

Illumination device, Illumination devices, Illumination, Illuminator

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

報警 baoˋ jingˇ

Report to the police, Call the police, Make a report (to the police)


一-一 : > : > [到]-到另 : > [到]-到另一處 >

口-口 : > : > [另]-另一 : > [另]-到另一處 >

一-一 : > : > [一]-另一 : > [一]-到另一處 >

丨-虍 : > : > [處]-一處 : > [處]-到另一處 >

到另一處 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 另

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