Receive, Choose, Get, Obtain, Fetch
Word Links for words containing 取 (sorted via character pairs)
取出 Remove, Take out, Withdraw, Withdrew
粹取出 Extract
安裝及取出 Installing and removing
安裝及取出電池 Installing and removing the battery, Installing and removing batteries
粹取出所需的原子 Extract the necessary atoms, Extracting the desired atoms
他從手套中取出左手 He withdrew his left hand from the glove
捨短取長 Hire or take on someone based on their good points while ignoring their bad points, Hire based on merit
取名 Name, Named, Given the name of, Christen, Christened
沒有取名 Had no name, Had no name for, Was not christened
取代 Replace, Replaced, Substitute for, Replacement for, Displace, Supplant
逐漸取代 Gradually replaced
逐漸被取代 Gradually replaced, Gradually supplanted
樟腦的重要性才逐漸被取代 Camphor's importance was gradually supplanted, Camphor increasingly became less important
取代了 Replaced, Substituted for, Displaced
取得 Get, Obtain, Secure
新取得 Newly acquired
取得聯繫 Get in touch, Contact
取得了進步 Made progress, Improved
你想要取得信用貸款 You wish to obtain a line of credit
採取 Take, Adopt, Use, Pick, Taken
決定採取 Decided to use, Decided to adopt, Decided to take
採取行動 Take action, Do something, React, Respond
不採取行動 Didn't take action, Did nothing, Didn't react
採取折衷的辦法 Compromised
須立即採取相關 Require immediate action, Requiring immediate action, Must take immediate action
依舊採取古典作法 Still use this classical method
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