Index for words including 司


Company, Control, Manage, Preside, Take Charge Of, Officer

Word Links for words containing 司 (sorted via character pairs)

司 si¯
Company, Control, Manage, Preside, Take Charge Of, Officer

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


司長 Director, Chief


司空見慣 Commonplace


司法 Judicial, Judiciary

司法範圍 Judicial framework

司法系統 Justice system, System of justice

儒家司法系統 System of Confucian justice


司令 Commanding officer, Commander

艦隊司令 Fleet commander, Admiral


司機 Driver, Operator

成為司機 Become a driver

公共汽車司機 Bus driver


吐司 Toast


祭司 Priest, Priests

祭司 High priest

祭司 Priests


官司 Lawsuit

官司 Engage in a lawsuit

官司訴訟 Lawsuit, Court case


公司 Company, Corporation

公司 Large company, Big company, Major company

一間公司 A company, One company

保全公司 Security company, Security business

巨型公司 Large company, Large companies, Immense company

建築公司 Construction company

百貨公司 Department store

西聯公司 Western Union

軍火公司 Defense manufacturer, Arms manufacturer

這家公司 This company

那家公司 That company

東印度公司 East India Company

一家保全公司 A security company

股份有限公司 Limited company, Limited, Ltd., Co.

那家航空公司 That airline company

創立自己的公司 Start your own company, Starting your own company, Start their own company, Starting their own company

好幾家巨型公司 Several large companies

家剛成立的公司 A newly established company, A start-up

中華電信股份有限公司 Chung Hua Telecom

公司 Company

在大公司 In a big company

好幾家巨型公司的策略聯盟 A strategic alliance of several giant corporations


盎司 Ounce

盎司 Quarter pound, Four ounce, 4 Ounce

盎司 Four ounces, 4 ounces, Quarter pound, 1/4 pound


上司 Boss, Bosses, Superior, Superiors

最高上司 Chairman

把成果呈現給他的上司 Present the results to his boss, Presenting the results to his boss, Presented the results to his boss


土司 Toast


起司 Cheese

起司 Sliced Cheese, Slice Of Cheese, Cheese Slices

烤肉起司 Roasted meat with cheese and egg

起司漢堡 Cheeseburger

一個起司漢堡 A cheeseburger

起司蛋糕 Cheese cake

鮪魚起司三明治 Tuna melt, Tuna and cheese sandwich

看都沒看就點了一個起司漢堡和一杯汽水 Ordered a cheeseburger and soda without looking


壽司 Sushi

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