
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 司


That airline company

naˋ jia¯ hangˊ kong¯ gong¯ si¯

司 si¯
Company, Control, Manage, Preside, Take Charge Of, Officer

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Phone , Tone


航空 hangˊ kong¯

公司 gong¯ si¯

Words that rhyme with 那家航空公司 (a-ia)

Grouped by first phone

na, ba, cha, da, fa, ka, la, pa, sa, sha, ya

哪家汽車旅館 naˇ jia¯ qiˋ che¯ luuˇ guanˇ

Which motel

哪家汽車旅館裡 naˇ jia¯ qiˋ che¯ luuˇ guanˇ liˇ

In which motel, Which motel

那家公司 naˋ jia¯ gong¯ si¯

That company

那家航空公司 naˋ jia¯ hangˊ kong¯ gong¯ si¯

That airline company

拿下 naˊ xiaˋ

Pull down

na, ba, cha, da, fa, ka, la, pa, sa, sha, ya

八加一 ba¯ jia¯ yiˋ

Eight plus one

把夾子推到他面前 baˇ jia¯ ziˇ tui¯ daoˋ ta¯ mianˋ qianˊ

Push the binder in front of him, Pushes the binder in front of him, Pushed the binder towards him

na, ba, cha, da, fa, ka, la, pa, sa, sha, ya

插下去 cha¯ xiaˋ quˋ

Plug in, Stick in, Jab in, Plugged in, Stuck in, Jabbed in

na, ba, cha, da, fa, ka, la, pa, sa, sha, ya

打架 daˇ jiaˋ


大家 daˋ jia¯

Everybody, Everyone, Every person, People in general, People

大家庭 daˋ jia¯ tingˊ

Extended family

大家怎麼沒看見 daˋ jia¯ zenˇ me˙ meiˊ kanˋ jianˋ

How is it that nobody can see it

大家族 daˋ jia¯ zuˊ

Great families, Great Family, Major families, Nobility

大家沒別的事好說了 daˋ jia¯ meiˊ bieˊ de˙ shiˋ haoˇ shuo¯ le˙

People had nothing else to talk about

大家都不知道 daˋ jia¯ dou¯ buˋ zhi¯ daoˋ

Nobody knew, Nobody had a clue

大家都來看他 daˋ jia¯ dou¯ laiˊ kanˋ ta¯

Everybody came to see him

大家都嚇了一跳 daˋ jia¯ dou¯ xiaˋ le˙ yiˊ tiaoˋ

Everybody jumped in fear, Everbody was startled

大家都知道 daˋ jia¯ dou¯ zhi¯ daoˋ

Everybody knows, Everybody knew, Apparently, Obviously

大家都說 daˋ jia¯ dou¯ shuo¯

Everyone said

大家都跑出來 daˋ jia¯ dou¯ paoˇ chu¯ laiˊ

Everyone came running out

na, ba, cha, da, fa, ka, la, pa, sa, sha, ya

髮夾 faˇ jia¯


髮下 faˇ xiaˋ

Black hair

na, ba, cha, da, fa, ka, la, pa, sa, sha, ya

卡匣 kaˇ xiaˊ

Cartridge, Cartridges

na, ba, cha, da, fa, ka, la, pa, sa, sha, ya

拉下 la¯ xiaˋ

Pull down, Pulled down, Pulling down

na, ba, cha, da, fa, ka, la, pa, sa, sha, ya

趴下來 pa¯ xiaˋ laiˊ

Lie down

爬下去 paˊ xiaˋ quˋ

Climbed down

na, ba, cha, da, fa, ka, la, pa, sa, sha, ya

灑下 saˇ xiaˋ


灑下仙塵 saˇ xiaˋ xian¯ chenˊ

Sprinkle with Fairy dust

na, ba, cha, da, fa, ka, la, pa, sa, sha, ya

殺價 sha¯ jiaˋ

Reduce prices, Slash prices

na, ba, cha, da, fa, ka, la, pa, sa, sha, ya

壓下了一個呵欠 ya¯ xiaˋ le˙ yiˊ ge˙ he¯ qianˋ

Stifled a yawn, Suppressed a yawn

Grouped in tone pairs

41, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34

大家 daˋ jia¯

Everybody, Everyone, Every person, People in general, People

大家庭 daˋ jia¯ tingˊ

Extended family

大家怎麼沒看見 daˋ jia¯ zenˇ me˙ meiˊ kanˋ jianˋ

How is it that nobody can see it

大家族 daˋ jia¯ zuˊ

Great families, Great Family, Major families, Nobility

大家沒別的事好說了 daˋ jia¯ meiˊ bieˊ de˙ shiˋ haoˇ shuo¯ le˙

People had nothing else to talk about

大家都不知道 daˋ jia¯ dou¯ buˋ zhi¯ daoˋ

Nobody knew, Nobody had a clue

大家都來看他 daˋ jia¯ dou¯ laiˊ kanˋ ta¯

Everybody came to see him

大家都嚇了一跳 daˋ jia¯ dou¯ xiaˋ le˙ yiˊ tiaoˋ

Everybody jumped in fear, Everbody was startled

大家都知道 daˋ jia¯ dou¯ zhi¯ daoˋ

Everybody knows, Everybody knew, Apparently, Obviously

大家都說 daˋ jia¯ dou¯ shuo¯

Everyone said

大家都跑出來 daˋ jia¯ dou¯ paoˇ chu¯ laiˊ

Everyone came running out

那家公司 naˋ jia¯ gong¯ si¯

That company

那家航空公司 naˋ jia¯ hangˊ kong¯ gong¯ si¯

That airline company

41, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34

八加一 ba¯ jia¯ yiˋ

Eight plus one

41, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34

插下去 cha¯ xiaˋ quˋ

Plug in, Stick in, Jab in, Plugged in, Stuck in, Jabbed in

拉下 la¯ xiaˋ

Pull down, Pulled down, Pulling down

趴下來 pa¯ xiaˋ laiˊ

Lie down

殺價 sha¯ jiaˋ

Reduce prices, Slash prices

壓下了一個呵欠 ya¯ xiaˋ le˙ yiˊ ge˙ he¯ qianˋ

Stifled a yawn, Suppressed a yawn

41, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34

拿下 naˊ xiaˋ

Pull down

爬下去 paˊ xiaˋ quˋ

Climbed down

41, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34

把夾子推到他面前 baˇ jia¯ ziˇ tui¯ daoˋ ta¯ mianˋ qianˊ

Push the binder in front of him, Pushes the binder in front of him, Pushed the binder towards him

髮夾 faˇ jia¯


哪家汽車旅館 naˇ jia¯ qiˋ che¯ luuˇ guanˇ

Which motel

哪家汽車旅館裡 naˇ jia¯ qiˋ che¯ luuˇ guanˇ liˇ

In which motel, Which motel

41, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34

卡匣 kaˇ xiaˊ

Cartridge, Cartridges

41, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34

打架 daˇ jiaˋ


髮下 faˇ xiaˋ

Black hair

灑下 saˇ xiaˋ


灑下仙塵 saˇ xiaˋ xian¯ chenˊ

Sprinkle with Fairy dust


𠃌-𠃌 : > : > [那]-那家 : > [那]-那家航空公司 >

丶-宀 : > : > [家]-家航 : > [家]-那家航空公司 >

丶-舟 : > : > [航]-航空 : > [航]-那家航空公司 >

丶-穴 : > : > [空]-航空 : > [空]-那家航空公司 >

人-八 : > : > [公]-公司 : > [公]-那家航空公司 >

𠃌-𠃌 : > : > [司]-公司 : > [司]-那家航空公司 >

那家航空公司 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 司

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