diˋ, de˙
Earth, Ground, Soil, Region, Land, Place, Territory, Situation, (De5), Adverbial
Word Links for words containing 地 (sorted via character pairs)
如釋重負地嘆了口氣 Breathe a sigh of relief, Breathes a sigh of relief, Breathing a sigh of relief, Breathed a sigh of relief
費力地悶哼一聲 Grunt with exertion, Grunts with exertion, Grunting with exertion, Grunted with exertion
地點 Location
遠地點 Apogee, Point in orbit of greatest distance from orbital center
工作地點 Place of work
到達工作地點 Arrive at work, Arrives at work, Arrive at place of work
在離家不遠的地點 At a location close to home
你會被關在離家不遠的地點 You will be held at a location close to home
表示地點的副詞 Positional Adverbs, Adverbs of position, Position adverbs
從四面八方朝島的地點集合 From all directions converged on the island, Converged on the island from all directions, Converging on the island from all around
憤怒地瞪視著 Angrily stared, Angrily stared at
惡狠狠地瞪著他 Glaring at him angrily, Glared at him angrily
惡狠狠地瞪著她 Glaring at her angrily, Glared at her angrily
憤怒地瞪視著他 Angrily stared at him
地瓜 Sweet Potato
地瓜圓 Rounded chunks (balls) of sweet potato
地瓜葉 Sweet potato leaves
燙地瓜葉 Boiled sweet potato leaves
地區 Region, Area, Location
同一地區 Same area
您所在地區 Your area, In your area
最繁華的地區 Busiest area, Busiest areas
有人煙的地區 Inhabited area, Inhabited areas
黃河下游地區 Lower Reaches of the Yellow River
黃河中游地區 Middle Reaches of the Yellow River
差不多同一地區 Roughly the same area
地區的體育 Local sports, Regional sports
地位 Position, Ranking, Status
有地位 Respectable
社會地位 Social rank, Social status
統治地位 Sovereign status, Ruling status, Governing status
擔負重任的地位 Demanding and very responsible position
舉足輕重的地位 Important position, Important post
驚訝地看著 Look at with amazement, Looked at with an amazed look
仔細地看了看 Looked carefully, Peered
認真地看待他 Take him seriously
認真地看待她 Take her seriously
面無表情地看著他 Looking at him without expression, Looked at him blankly
面無表情地看著她 Looking at her expressionlessly, Stared at her blankly
地毯 Carpet, Rug
紅地毯 Red rug, Red carpet
沒鋪地毯 Uncarpeted, Carpetless
將兩腳擺盪到地毯上 Swung their feet onto the rug, Swung their feet onto the carpet
地產 Real estate
小地產 Estate, Small estate
房地產 Real estate
每批新地產 Every new parcel of land
世界上最貴的地產 Most expensive real estate in the world
地方 Place, Local, District
老地方 At the usual place
這地方 This place
那地方 That place
任何地方 Anywhere, Any place
在老地方 At the usual place
找個地方 Find somewhere
放錯地方 Misplaced
某個地方 A particular place
上班的地方 Place of work
不遠的地方 Close by, Nearby
固定的地方 Fixed location
居住的地方 Place of residence
很遠的地方 Far away place, Far away
生長的地方 Spend my life
選定的地方 Selected location
在露天的地方 In the open air
我們住的地方 The place that we live, Where we live
找到住的地方 Found a place to live
是絕佳的地方 Was perfect, Was a perfect place to be, A perfect location
望向別的地方 Looked away, Looked elsewhere
生活過的地方 Place someone lived or spent most of their life
值得留影的地方 Photo worthy
停留在某個地方 Stay somewhere, Pick a place to stay
我們去別的地方 We're going someplace else, We're going somewhere different, We're going to a different place
有那麼一個地方 There is such a place, There was such a place
本該是手的地方 Where a hand should be, Where hands should be
可以注意到的地方 Could keep an eye on
在比路面高的地方 At a place high above street level, High above street level
有值得一顧的地方 Something to be said for, Worthy of visiting
陽光照不到的地方 Where the sun doesn't shine
之前來過的那個地方 The same place as last time
溢出到地板上的地方 Overflowed onto the floor
探住了陽光照不到的地方 Poking where the shone doesn't shine, Someplace where the sun doesn't shine, Exploring places where the sun does not shine
還是有些更差的掙錢地方 There are worst places to make some money
原子可以被放在選定的地方 Atoms can be placed in selected or predetermined locations
看不出那裡有什麼值得留影的地方 Could not see anything there that was photo worthy
地方官 Magistrate
地方長官 Magistrate
區地方首長 District governor
地方小報 Local newspaper, Local rag
台灣只有很少數地方的氣候適合種植小麥 There are only a few places in Taiwan where the climate is suitable for growing wheat
向地方官報案 Report to the magistrate, Report it to the magistrate
沒向地方官報案 Didn't report to the magistrate, Didn't report it to the magistrate
在某個地方定下來 Settle down somewhere
我們找個地方私下說 Let's find somewhere to talk in private
從更高的地方摔出去過 Have fallen from higher places, Been thrown from higher places
你又不是沒有從更高的地方摔出去過 It's not like you haven't been thrown from higher, You've been thrown from higher
妳又不是沒有從更高的地方摔出去過 It's not like you haven't been thrown from higher, You've been thrown from higher
不斷地說 Kept saying, Kept repeating
低喃地說 Whispered
喃喃地說 Murmured, Quietly spoke, Quietly said
很快地說 Said very quickly
恨恨地說 Said bitterly
惡狠狠地說 Said angrily, Said ferociously, Snapped
更確切地說 That is, That is to say
陰沉沉地說 Said darkly, Said gloomily
一本正經地說 Seriously, Said seriously
不慍不火地說 Calmly said, Evenly said
畫地自限 Limit oneself, Control oneself, Restrict oneself
心淨地自涼 One feels cooler in hot weather the less one worries, Cool minds prevail
地盤 Occupied piece of land or territory, Domain, Sphere of influence, Neck of the woods, Crust of the earth, Foundation of a building
劃地盤 Survey a piece of land, Chart a region or territory
我的地盤 My neck of the woods
不再是你的地盤了 It's no longer your neck of the woods
不再是妳的地盤了 It's no longer your neck of the woods
是什麼風把你吹到我的地盤上來 What brings you to my neck of the woods
是什麼風把妳吹到我的地盤上來 What brings you to my neck of the woods
慢吞吞地過去 Went by slowly
一分鐘慢吞吞地過去 A minute dragged by slowly
粗略地過目一遍 Cursory look over
邊喝上午的咖啡邊將郵件粗略地過目一遍 Glance over the mail while drinking their morning coffee
地下 Underground, Beneath the ground
往地下 Head underground
地下室 Cellar, Basement, Room below ground
地下水 Groundwater
地下道 Underground tunnel
地下鐵 Subway
往地下挖洞 Digging underground
地下室的角落 Subterranean quarters, Basement room
地平線 Horizon, Earth's horizon
星球地平線 Planetary horizon, Planet's horizon
僅是籠罩在地平線上 Encompassed the horizon
地平線劃過一道閃電 Lightning flashes on the horizon, Lightning flashed on the horizon
地球 Earth
像地球 Earth like
地球人類 Mankind
地球暖化 Global warming
低地球軌道 Low earth orbit
地球巡洋艦 EarthCruiser
地球生態系統 Global ecosystem
降低地球暖化衝擊 Reduce impact of global warming (in order to reduce), Global warming impact reduction
年紀和地球一樣大 As old as the earth
我的年紀和地球一樣大 I am as old as the earth
置之死地而後生 Strategy of placing troops in a dire situation so that they fight for their lives to win a battle
地面 Ground, Earth's surface
向地面 Towards the ground
戳戳地面 Poke the ground, Poking at the ground
離開地面 Lift off of the ground, Lift up, Lift
靠近地面 Moves towards the ground, Gets closer to the ground
好奇戳戳地面 Poking curiously at the ground
地面控制中心 Ground Control
地面控制中心的 Ground Control's
正下方地面上是什麼 What is on the ground below?, What is below us?
地上 Ground, The ground, Ground level, On the ground
在地上 On the floor
倒在地上 Fell to the ground, Fell
掉到地上 Drop down to the ground, Dropped down, Dropped
摔在地上 Fell to the ground, Fell
落在地上 Fall to the floor, Falls to the floor, Fell to the floor, Drop to the floor, Drops to the floor, Dropped to the floor, Land, Lands, Landed
趴在地上 Crawl on the floor
蹲在地上 Crouch, Crouches, Crouching, Crouched, Squat, Squats, Squatting, Squatted
重重摔在地上 Fell hard
差一點摔到地上 Almost fell down, Almost fell on their ass
書架上的書本無故掉到地上 Books fell from the book shelf for no reason
從地上拉抬起 Hoisted off of the ground
地步 Point, Extent, Situation, Condition, Room to move, Room to take action
他已經坐吃山空到開始思考如何賺錢的地步了 He's already eaten into his savings to the point he was starting to think about how to make money
地支 Earthly branch, Earthly branches
古代中國以天干與地支的組合來紀年 Ancient China used the combination of heavenly stems and earthly branches to record the year
問題總是接二連三地來 Problems always come together
為什麼問題總是接二連三地來呢 Why it is that problems always come together?
地板 Floor
擦地板 Mop or scrub the floor, Mopped or scrubbed the floor
指指地板 Pointed at the floor
溢出到地板上的地方 Overflowed onto the floor
地板下 Under the floor
地板塊 Slab of flooring, Floor slap, Section of floor
在地板上 On the floor
躺臥在地板上 Lying on the floor
地板磨光機 Floor buffing machine, Buffer
地板上有足夠空間 There was enough room on the floor, There was plenty of room on the floor
從地板上的側肩背包中 From the shoulder bag on the floor
狠狠地打在他臉上 Hit his face hard, Hits his face hard, Hitting him hard in the face
狠狠地打在她臉上 Hit her face hard, Hits her face hard, Hitting her hard in the face
不安地把錶蓋開開關關 Nervously opening and closing the watch cover
設身處地把自己當成他們 Put yourself in their position
地帶 Zone, Area, Region, Vicinity
塵封地帶 Dusty area, Unfrequented
市區地帶 Urban zone
平坦地帶 Flat area, Flat region
綠色地帶 Greenbelt
陸地 Land, Solid land
從陸地上看到 In sight of the land
內陸地帶 Inland, Inland area, Inland region
更內陸地帶 Further inland
懷疑地 Skeptical, Critical, Doubtful, Skeptically, Critically, Doubtfully
並不十分懷疑地 Not quite believingly
各地 Throughout
全國各地 All over the country, All around the country
東亞各地 Throughout East Asia, Around East Asia
各地不盡相同 Varied from place to place
全國各地的機場和碼頭 Airports and docks around the country
離地 Lift up, Lift off the ground, Lift off of the ground
離地面多遠 How far off the ground, How far from the ground
實地 On the spot, In the field
腳踏實地 Plant feet on solid ground, Do a job honestly
腳踏實地站著 Stood their ground with feet planted
目的地 Destination, Heading towards, Toward, Towards
就來到了目的地 Then arrived at the destination, Then reached the destination, Then reached our destination
般地 Just as, In the same way
如秋水般地明亮 Like autumn waters, Just as clear
如蝗蟲般地來來去去 Like locusts in the same way coming and going
有如毛巾般地擰扭著 Twisted like a rag
像你這般地位的人 A person in your position
像您這般地位的人 A person in your position
心地 Heart
小心地 Carefully
開心地 Enjoy
很好心地 Kindly, Very kindly, Kind-heartedly
緩慢小心地 Slowly, carefully, Slowly and carefully
耐心地等待 Patiently wait, Wait patiently, Waits patiently, Waited patiently
餘地 Room
留餘地 Not go too far, Not go to extremes, Allow for unseen circumstances, Not push one's luck
不留餘地 Without leeway, Pursue to the brutal end
當地 Local, Indigenous
當地人 Locals
當地的 Local, Indigenous
當地的社會 Local societies, Local societies
當地作物豐饒的溪谷 Vales rich with indigenous produce, Valleys filled with local crops
落地 Fell, Fell down, Born, Landed
一落地 Lands, Landed, , Touches down, Touched down
他一落地 As he landed, As soon as he landed
她一落地 As she landed, As soon as she landed
優雅地落地 Landing gracefully, Landed gracefully
她兩腳落地 She landed on both feet, Her feet landed, She got to her feet
降落地點 Landing site
她飛機落地時 When her flight lands
在落地以前 Before landing, Before falling
他飛機落地時會跟你聯絡嗎 Will he call you when he lands?
她飛機落地時會跟你聯絡嗎 Will she call you when she lands?
土地 Land
廣大土地 Vast land
毗鄰土地 Adjoining land, Neighboring land
長方形土地 Rectangle of land, Rectangular piece of land
這塊正方形土地 This square of land, This parcel of land
一塊正方形的土地 A square patch of land, A parcel of land
有一塊正方形的土地 There is a square patch of land, There is a parcel of land
面對新征服的廣大土地 Facing a vast 廣大 and newly conquered 征服 land
土地種植向日葵 Land for growing sunflowers
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