
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 說


Said to the accused, Said to the defendant

duiˋ beiˋ gaoˋ shuo¯

說 shuo¯, shuiˋ, yueˋ, tuo¯
Speak, Speaks, Speaking, Spoke, Say, Says, Saying, Said, Narrate, Talk, Tell, Explain, Scold, (Shui4), Persuade, Influence, (Yue4), Delight, Please

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Phone , Tone


被告 beiˋ gaoˋ

Words that rhyme with 對被告說 (wei-ei)

Grouped by first phone

dui, gui, hui, rui, tui, wei, zui

對被告說 duiˋ beiˋ gaoˋ shuo¯

Said to the accused, Said to the defendant

dui, gui, hui, rui, tui, wei, zui

歸類 gui¯ leiˋ

Categorize, Classify

dui, gui, hui, rui, tui, wei, zui

會被 huiˋ beiˋ

Would be, Could be

會被劍的毒性害死 huiˋ beiˋ jianˋ de˙ duˊ xingˋ haiˋ siˇ

Could be killed by the sword's poison

會費 huiˋ feiˋ

Membership fee

灰黑 hui¯ hei¯


dui, gui, hui, rui, tui, wei, zui

瑞貝卡 ruiˋ beiˋ kaˇ


dui, gui, hui, rui, tui, wei, zui

頹廢 tuiˊ feiˋ

Ruined, Abandoned, Decadent, Low spirited, Feeling down, Feeling depressed

頹廢的古堡 tuiˊ feiˋ de˙ guˇ baoˇ

Ruined castle

推給 tui¯ geiˇ

Push, Give a push

dui, gui, hui, rui, tui, wei, zui

違背 weiˊ beiˋ

To violate

委內瑞拉 weiˇ neiˋ ruiˋ la¯


為這次 weiˋ zheiˋ ciˋ

For this

dui, gui, hui, rui, tui, wei, zui

最黑 zuiˋ hei¯


最美好 zuiˋ meiˇ haoˇ

Most wonderful

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 11, 13, 14, 24, 34, 41, 43

對被告說 duiˋ beiˋ gaoˋ shuo¯

Said to the accused, Said to the defendant

會被 huiˋ beiˋ

Would be, Could be

會被劍的毒性害死 huiˋ beiˋ jianˋ de˙ duˊ xingˋ haiˋ siˇ

Could be killed by the sword's poison

會費 huiˋ feiˋ

Membership fee

瑞貝卡 ruiˋ beiˋ kaˇ


為這次 weiˋ zheiˋ ciˋ

For this

44, 11, 13, 14, 24, 34, 41, 43

灰黑 hui¯ hei¯


44, 11, 13, 14, 24, 34, 41, 43

推給 tui¯ geiˇ

Push, Give a push

44, 11, 13, 14, 24, 34, 41, 43

歸類 gui¯ leiˋ

Categorize, Classify

44, 11, 13, 14, 24, 34, 41, 43

頹廢 tuiˊ feiˋ

Ruined, Abandoned, Decadent, Low spirited, Feeling down, Feeling depressed

頹廢的古堡 tuiˊ feiˋ de˙ guˇ baoˇ

Ruined castle

違背 weiˊ beiˋ

To violate

44, 11, 13, 14, 24, 34, 41, 43

委內瑞拉 weiˇ neiˋ ruiˋ la¯


44, 11, 13, 14, 24, 34, 41, 43

最黑 zuiˋ hei¯


44, 11, 13, 14, 24, 34, 41, 43

最美好 zuiˋ meiˇ haoˇ

Most wonderful


人-业 : > : > [對]-對被 : > [對]-對被告說 >

丶-衤 : > : > [被]-被告 : > [被]-對被告說 >

丿-⺧ : > : > [告]-被告 : > [告]-對被告說 >

丶-言 : > : > [說]-告說 : > [說]-對被告說 >

對被告說 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 說

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