Index for words including 說

shuo¯, shuiˋ, yueˋ, tuo¯

Speak, Speaks, Speaking, Spoke, Say, Says, Saying, Said, Narrate, Talk, Tell, Explain, Scold, (Shui4), Persuade, Influence, (Yue4), Delight, Please

Word Links for words containing 說 (sorted via character pairs)

說 shuo¯, shuiˋ, yueˋ, tuo¯
Speak, Speaks, Speaking, Spoke, Say, Says, Saying, Said, Narrate, Talk, Tell, Explain, Scold, (Shui4), Persuade, Influence, (Yue4), Delight, Please

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


說吧 Speak, Say it

我就說吧 I told you so!


有什麼話要說嗎 Have something you want to say?


說回 Having said that, Anyway

但是話說回 But then, But having said that


說明 Describe, Narrate, Explain, Instruct

再行說明 Will then go over

首先說明 Right away explains

說明 Leaflet, Brochure

說明 Written instructions, Instruction manual

說明 Explains

說明 This instruction manual

除了說明 Except for describing, Except for explaining

說明原因 Explain why

說明白點 To be frank

說明單裡沒有 Is not in the brochure, Is not covered in the leaflet

說明得很清楚 Describe clearly, Described clearly

說明單我可以留著吧 Can I keep the brochure?

除了說明外沒別的可做 Had nothing to do but narrate, Apart from explaining had nothing to do


說時遲那時快 Quickly, Suddenly, Before it was too late


說閒 Gossip


說服 Convince, Persuade

堅持說服 Insistently tries to persuade, Persist in trying to persuade

說服不了 Can't convince, Can't persuade

盡全力說服 Did everything possible


說出 Say, Says

低聲說出 Whispered

悅耳的字眼說出 Fine-sounding terminology

把話用這串聽起來很悅耳的字眼說出 Put it so eloquently, Put it in such fine-sounding terminology

說出 Talk about it

說出 Say it, Speak it

說出 Speak

不曾說出 Never said, Never spoken

心中暗想但沒說出 Thought but didn't say

不曾說出口的 Never said, Never spoken

是絕不說出口的 Never voiced, Never spoken aloud

說出課文在寫些什麼 Describe what the text is about

老師叫大家說出畢業以後要做什麼 The teacher asked everyone to say what they wanted to do after graduating, The teacher had asked everyone to declare what they wanted to do when they finished school


說給 Speak to


說了 Said, Spoke

說了一遍 Said it again, Said once again, Repeated

說了一遍 Repeated, Said again

說了什麼 Said what?

說了什麼讓他笑了 Said something to make him smile

說了什麼有意義的話 Said something meaningful, Said something significant

說了幾句 Spoke a few sentences, Spoke a few words

咕嚕說了幾句 Mumbled a few sentences, Muttered a few sentences, Said something that couldn't be made out

用不熟悉的咕嚕說了幾句 Said a few words in an unfamiliar tongue

說了你也不會懂 You wouldn't understand even if I told you, You wouldn't understand

說了妳也不會懂 You wouldn't understand even if I told you, You wouldn't understand


說無 What can I say, Talking was useless, Nothing useful could be said, It is pointless to dwell on it, It was pointless to dwell on it


說什 What did you say?, What?

於是她沒說什 And so she didn't say anything

聽不見他們說什 Couldn't hear what they said


說任何話 Say anything

不願再開口說任何話 Unwilling to say anything, Refuse to say anything at all, Refuse to speak at all


說動 Reason with, Talk with


說得 Said (e.g. said very well)

說得精確點 Actually

說得 Good one, Well said

說得 Can say (it) correctly

說得 Made sense

說得 That makes sense, That explains it

說得不好 Don't speak very well, Can't speak (it) very well

小時候的國語說得不好 When I was a child my Mandarin was not very good!

說得很慢 Speak slowly, Speaks slowly, Spoke slowly

說得好聽一點 Fancy way of saying, Nice way of saying

說得再準確一點 More to the point


說笑 Tell jokes

說笑 Talking and laughing

談天說笑 Have enjoyable conversation, Talk and laugh, Converse and laugh


說話 Speak, Speak words

說話 Doesn't speak, Didn't speak, Was silent

不肯說話 Wouldn't speak, Refused to talk

含糊說話 Mumble, Mumbled

拒絕說話 Not talking, Refusing to talk

沒多說話 Didn't say much

沒有說話 Said nothing, Didn't say a thing, Didn't speak

聲音說話 Voice

誰在說話 Who is speaking?, Who is that speaking?

還能說話 Can still talk, Can still speak

爭著要說話 Arguing to speak, Fighting to speak

跟彼此說話 To talk with each other

仍然不肯說話 Still wouldn't speak, Still refused to talk

聽著他們說話 Listened to them

聽著她們說話 Listened to them

能夠再開口說話 Was able to talk again

用正常音量對他們說話 Spoke to them in a normal tone of voice,

說話 Speaks, Talks

說話 Voice

說話 Non-speaking, Unspeakable

說話又直又衝 Straight talking and impulsive, Straight and impulsive talking, Straight talking, Straight talkers


說說笑笑 Talking and laughing


說謊 Lie, Tell a lie

說謊 Lie, Tell a lie


說完 Finished speaking or talking

話才說完 As soon as the words were spoken, No sooner had the words been spoken

說完 After finishing what they had to say

該說的都說完 That's all there is to say


說實 To be honest, Truthful

一沒說實 Spoke false, Lied, Did not tell the truth


說白 To be honest


說的 Say, Said

說的 Didn't say

像他們說的 Like they said, As they said it would

說的 Said

說的和做的 Say and do, Said and did, Said and done

他連自己說的話都不是很了解 He doesn't understand what he's saying

我剛剛說的話你都沒聽到嗎 Did you not hear what I just said?

我剛剛說的話妳都沒聽到嗎 Did you not hear what I just said?


說自 Speak for yourself


說法 Say

保守說法 Putting it mildly

套句他的說法 To paraphrase him

套句她的說法 To paraphrase her


說清 To be clear, For the record

把需要的說清 Make it clear what you need, Make it clear what is needed

把整件事說清楚吧 Explain the whole thing


說這 Say this, Says this, Saying this, Said this

說這句話就會是一個徹徹底底的偽君子 To say this would be the height of hypocrisy, Saying this was the height of hypocrisy


說過 Said

說過 Haven't spoken


說道 Said

嘶嘶說道 Said with a hoarse voice

很愉快說道 Pleasantly said, Very pleasantly said

語音隆隆說道 Rumbled, Rumbled words

沉默片刻才說道 After a moment of silence said, After a silent pause said, Said at last


說情 Intercede


學語言就得不怕說錯 Don't be afraid to make mistakes when learning a language


說對 Say correctly


說著 Was saying, Said

好像在說著過往的故事 Seemingly speaking about old experiences


說一 Talk about, Discuss

說一 Not say a thing

說一個字 Didn't say a word, Didn't say anything

卻沒說一個字 But didn't say a word, But didn't say anything

妳以前不是喜歡說一句話 What was it you used to say?


說到 After all


說不 Can't say

說不 Not finished speaking, Not finished saying

說不 Maybe, Could have

說不 Can't say it correctly

他的冒險故事我連一半都說不 I can't tell half his adventures

說不出來 Wanted to speak but couldn't

說不出話 Speechless, Could not speak, Unable to speak

說不出來了 Wanted to speak but couldn't

說不定會把我自己絆倒 I could trip, I could have tripped


說中 Speak Chinese


說數種羅曼語系語文 Speak a few Romance languages


說真 Honestly, In fact, Actually


說教 Didactic, Intended to teach, Pedantic, Moralistic


說老實話 To be honest


說故 Tell stories


說乾就乾 Just do it


說起 Begin (talking about)

面前說起 Say in front of

說起 Talk about

認真說起 For that matter

我該從哪說起 Where should I begin? Where do I begin?


談天說地 Chatted about many things


說來 Said to, This is (what I am about to say next)

一般說來 Usually, In general, For the most part


說有 Talked and laughed together


別說 Don't say

別說 Not to mention, It goes without saying


呱說 Quacked, Spoke with a duck-like voice


嚕說 Mumbled


雖說 Although, Although it was said, Supposedly


提高音量說 With a raised voice said

故意提高音量說 With an intentionally raised voice, Deliberately raising their voice


是說 Is saying

是說 You are saying, You mean

是說 That is to say

是說 I am saying, I mean, I meant

是說 Always says

是說 That is to say, That is

並不是說 Not that, Not to say

也就是說 That is to say, Another way of saying

他總是說 He always says

這就是說 That is to say, This means that

你意思是說 You mean to say

這並不是說 This is not to say that, This was not to say that

是說如果 That is saying if

這不是說他很窮或很吝嗇 It's not that he's poor or stingy, It's not that he was poor or mean

這不是說她很窮或很吝嗇 It's not that she's poor or mean, It's not that she was poor or mean


照說 Talk about the


界說 Definition


果說 Assume, If we assume, If, say


用說 Needless to say

這還用說 Needless to say, Oh yes


腦說 The computer says, Says the computer, The computer said, Said the computer


且說 Let us now talk about…


如說 Rather say

如說 For example

如說 For example


她說 She said

可是他沒跟她說 But he didn't tell her

她說 Waited for her to finish, Waiting for her to finish

尤其當她說話時 Especially when she was talking, Especially while she was talking


好說 Easy to say

好說服自己的解釋 Better explanation

沒別的事好說 Nothing else to say, Nothing else to talk about

大家沒別的事好說 People had nothing else to talk about


對自己說 Told themselves

他對自己說 He told himself

她對自己說 She told herself


依據道耳頓原子說 According to Dalton's atomic theory


所說 What was said, Referred to as

正如你所說 As you said

所說 What was said, Referred to as

所說的話 His words, Whatever he says


學說 Theory


駁說 Argued


解說 Explain, Narrate, Comment, Define

解說 Unexplained, Not yet explained

解說完畢 Completely explained, Finish explaining, Finishes explaining, Finishing explaining, Finished explaining


對被告說 Said to the accused, Said to the defendant


長話短說 Make a long story short


他說 He said

他說 Said to him

他說 Said to him

可是她沒跟他說 But she didn't tell him

尤其當他說話時 Especially when he was talking, Especially while he was talking

聽完他說的所有事情 Listened to everything that he said


你說 You say, You said

還用你說 You're telling me

你說了算 Perhaps it is as you say, Perhaps you can

你說什麼 What did you say?, What?

你說這話 You say this, You are saying this, You said this

你說是就是吧 If you say so

你說的和做的 What you say and do, What you said and did

她希望你說出來 She wants you to talk about it

就像你說 It's like you say, It's like you said

我喜歡聽你說 I like hearing you, I like hearing you speak


假說 Hypothesis, Postulate


傳說 Legend, Legends

傳說 Legendary, Legend has it that

傳說 According to legend, Legend says that

傳說故事 Legends

透過各族群口耳相傳的傳說故事 Go through each groups oral history


我說 I say, I said

我說 Said to me

我說 Listen to me

我說 Tell me, Speak to me

我說的是 I said

我說笑的啦 I'm joking, I'm kidding, I was joking

我說了什麼 What did I say

我說些教訓 Listen to me and learn something

他不相信我說的一切 He doesn't believe anything that I say


亂說 Lie

胡謅亂說 Ramble on, Talk nonsense


釋說 Explained (verbally)


笑說 Joke


本來打算說 Had meant to say

我本來打算說 I had meant to say


方說 For example


於說 Said at last, Finally said


音說 Voice said

沒發出聲音說 Mouthed silently


把她到一旁說 Took her to one side, Took her aside


訴說 Tell, Say, Speak


話說 As the saying goes


該說 Need to say

該說 Should just say

我應該說 I would say, I should say that

該說的話 Things that should be said

講了該說的話 Said the things that should be said, Said the right things

不知道該說什麼 Did not know what to say, Had nothing to say

該說的都說完了 That's all there is to say


句諺語說 A saying, A maxim, A proverb

有句諺語說 There's a saying, There's a phrase


誰說 Who says, Who says that, Whoever said


它說 It said


實說 Honestly say, To be honest, Truthful

實話實說 Be honest


別這麼說 Don't say that, Don't speak like this

她怎麼說 What did she say

他只這麼說 Was all he said

話雖這麼說 That being said

我想你可以這麼說 I think you could say, I guess you could say that

我終於了解媽媽剛才為什麼說 I finally understood why mother a moment ago said


輕輕的說 Softly said, Gently spoke

開心的說 Said happily

我不以為意的說 I indifferently said, I uncaringly said


道聽塗說 Hearsay


源說 Origin theory, Origin


演說 Speech


一字一字慢慢說 Speak slowly, Speaks slowly, Speaking slowly, Spoke slowly


人說 People say, They say that

沒跟任何人說 Without saying a word to anyone, Not saying a word to anyone


會說 Spoke, Could speak

會說 I would say, I could say

會說中文 Can speak Chinese

會說故事 Will tell stories, Can tell stories

會說他的語言 Spoke his language, Could speak his language

不知道他們會說什麼呢 Don't know what they'll say


小說 Novel, Fiction book

章回小說 Serial novel

色情小說 Pornographic novel

超自然小說 Supernatural novel

小說 Novelist


常說 Often say

常說 Often say


勸說 Persuade

在將領勸說 Persuaded by generals, Under the urging of generals


著說 Said with a smile, Said with a laugh, Laughingly said

微笑著說 Smilingly said, Said while smiling


難說 Hard to say

難說 Hard to say


一說 Talk about, Discuss

你這麼一說 Now that you mention it


下說 Say in private, Say privately

我們找個地方私下說 Let's find somewhere to talk in private


一句話不說 Didn't speak, Didn't speak a word


異端邪說 Heresy, Heretical beliefs


可說 Can be said, Pretty much

無話可說 Nothing to say

只有一句話可說 Only had one thing to say

可說 It's said that, It can be said that, It could be said that


再說 Repeat, Say again, Moreover, Besides, What's more, Then we'll talk

先做再說 First try, Then discuss

再說一次 Say once more, Say again

再說 Stop talking, Don't say anything else, Enough already


我也敢說 I dare say, Dare I say


理說 It stands to reason

理說 It stands to reason


要說 Something to say


聽說 Hear, Hears, Heard, Be told, Been told, Heard say, Has been said

聽說 I heard, I have heard

我還聽說 And I heard, I also heard

聽說 Heard, Been told

聽說 Have you heard, Have you ever heard, Have you heard of

聽說 Have you heard, Have you ever heard, Have you heard of

從沒聽說 Never heard of

大概從沒聽說 Probably never heard of

你大概從沒聽說 You've probably never heard of

你想知道我是不是聽說了什麼特別有料的謠言 You want to know if I've heard any especially juicy rumors, You want to know if I've heard any particularly helpful rumors


硬說 Assert, Insist, Insist on saying, Obstinate, Insistant


人人都說 Everybody says that

大家都說 Everyone said


胡說 Nonsense

胡說什麼 What nonsense, Speaking nonsense

胡說八道 Nonsense, Bullshit, Horseshit, Bogus


不斷地說 Kept saying, Kept repeating

低喃地說 Whispered

喃喃地說 Murmured, Quietly spoke, Quietly said

很快地說 Said very quickly

恨恨地說 Said bitterly

惡狠狠地說 Said angrily, Said ferociously, Snapped

更確切地說 That is, That is to say

陰沉沉地說 Said darkly, Said gloomily

一本正經地說 Seriously, Said seriously

不慍不火地說 Calmly said, Evenly said


聲說 Whisper, Whispered

聲說 Rasped, Said roughly, Said in a hoarse voice

聲說 Loudly said, Said loudly


來說 It's said, It can be said, For (the)

一般來說 Usually, In general, For the most part

反過來說 On the other hand

嚴格來說 Strictly speaking

實際來說 Practically speaking, For all intents and purposes

對我來說 To me, For me

整體來說 Overall, Altogether

模糊來說 Vaguely speaking

簡單來說 To put it simply

總的來說 In general

這次來說 In this case, This time,

來說 To illustrate

對我來說很簡單 To me it's simple

在某方面來說也確是如此 In a way it is true, In a way it is, In a way it was

我對你來說就沒多大用處了 I'm not much use to you, I wouldn't be much use to you


語氣像是在說 The tone seemed to say


按說 Ordinarily


據說 It was said that, It's said that, According to legend

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