
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 來


Increasingly violent, Increasingly more violent

yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ ji¯ lieˋ

來 laiˊ
Come, Do, Later, Ever Since, Bring, Return, Next, From, Verb substitute, Verb beginning, Verb ending

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Phone , Tone


愈來愈 yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ

激烈 ji¯ lieˋ

Words that rhyme with 愈來愈激烈 (yu-ai)

Grouped by first phone

yu, ju, nuu, qu, xu

欲蓋彌彰 yuˋ gaiˋ miˊ zhang¯

Hide, Cover up

雨還沒停 yuˇ haiˊ meiˊ tingˊ

It continued to rain, The rain still had not stopped

裕凱 yuˋ kaiˇ


愈來愈 yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ

Increasingly, More and more

愈來愈堅定 yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ jian¯ dingˋ

Increasingly more steady, Increasingly more firm

愈來愈多 yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ duo¯

Increased, More and more

愈來愈大 yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ daˋ

Getting bigger, Greater and greater, More and more, Increasingly, Increasing

愈來愈廣 yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ guangˇ

Ever widening

愈來愈清晰 yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ qing¯ xi¯

More and more clear, Become clearer, Start to make sense

愈來愈激烈 yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ ji¯ lieˋ

Increasingly violent, Increasingly more violent

愈來愈確信 yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ queˋ xinˋ

More and more convinced, More and more certain

愈來愈穩固 yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ wenˇ guˋ

Increasingly more stable, More and more stable

愈來愈結實 yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ jieˊ shiˊ

Getting stronger

愈來愈重 yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ zhongˋ

Becoming increasingly heavier

愈來愈高 yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ gao¯

Taller and taller, Higher and higher, Getting taller, Getting higher

與拍攝模式對應的可用功能表 yuˇ pai¯ sheˋ moˊ shiˋ duiˋ yingˋ de˙ keˇ yongˋ gong¯ nengˊ biaoˇ

Function Availability According to Shooting Mode Table

預賽 yuˋ saiˋ


yu, ju, nuu, qu, xu

聚在一塊兒 juˋ zaiˋ yiˊ kuaiˋ erˊ

Gather together

yu, ju, nuu, qu, xu

女孩 nuuˇ haiˊ


女孩兒 nuuˇ haiˊ erˊ


女孩子 nuuˇ haiˊ ziˇ


yu, ju, nuu, qu, xu

去拜佛 quˋ baiˋ foˊ

Go to worship Buddha

去拜訪 quˋ baiˋ fangˇ

Go to visit

取材 quˇ caiˊ

Select material for a specific purpose

取材自 quˇ caiˊ ziˋ

Selected from, Taken from

取代 quˇ daiˋ

Replace, Replaced, Substitute for, Replacement for, Displace, Supplant

取代了 quˇ daiˋ le˙

Replaced, Substituted for, Displaced

去買 quˋ maiˇ

Go and buy, Go to buy

yu, ju, nuu, qu, xu

許凱 xuˇ kaiˇ


Grouped in tone pairs

42, 31, 32, 33, 34, 43, 44

愈來愈 yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ

Increasingly, More and more

愈來愈堅定 yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ jian¯ dingˋ

Increasingly more steady, Increasingly more firm

愈來愈多 yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ duo¯

Increased, More and more

愈來愈大 yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ daˋ

Getting bigger, Greater and greater, More and more, Increasingly, Increasing

愈來愈廣 yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ guangˇ

Ever widening

愈來愈清晰 yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ qing¯ xi¯

More and more clear, Become clearer, Start to make sense

愈來愈激烈 yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ ji¯ lieˋ

Increasingly violent, Increasingly more violent

愈來愈確信 yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ queˋ xinˋ

More and more convinced, More and more certain

愈來愈穩固 yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ wenˇ guˋ

Increasingly more stable, More and more stable

愈來愈結實 yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ jieˊ shiˊ

Getting stronger

愈來愈重 yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ zhongˋ

Becoming increasingly heavier

愈來愈高 yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ gao¯

Taller and taller, Higher and higher, Getting taller, Getting higher

42, 31, 32, 33, 34, 43, 44

與拍攝模式對應的可用功能表 yuˇ pai¯ sheˋ moˊ shiˋ duiˋ yingˋ de˙ keˇ yongˋ gong¯ nengˊ biaoˇ

Function Availability According to Shooting Mode Table

42, 31, 32, 33, 34, 43, 44

女孩 nuuˇ haiˊ


女孩兒 nuuˇ haiˊ erˊ


女孩子 nuuˇ haiˊ ziˇ


取材 quˇ caiˊ

Select material for a specific purpose

取材自 quˇ caiˊ ziˋ

Selected from, Taken from

雨還沒停 yuˇ haiˊ meiˊ tingˊ

It continued to rain, The rain still had not stopped

42, 31, 32, 33, 34, 43, 44

許凱 xuˇ kaiˇ


42, 31, 32, 33, 34, 43, 44

取代 quˇ daiˋ

Replace, Replaced, Substitute for, Replacement for, Displace, Supplant

取代了 quˇ daiˋ le˙

Replaced, Substituted for, Displaced

42, 31, 32, 33, 34, 43, 44

去買 quˋ maiˇ

Go and buy, Go to buy

裕凱 yuˋ kaiˇ


42, 31, 32, 33, 34, 43, 44

聚在一塊兒 juˋ zaiˋ yiˊ kuaiˋ erˊ

Gather together

去拜佛 quˋ baiˋ foˊ

Go to worship Buddha

去拜訪 quˋ baiˋ fangˇ

Go to visit

欲蓋彌彰 yuˋ gaiˋ miˊ zhang¯

Hide, Cover up

預賽 yuˋ saiˋ



人-人 : > : > [愈]-愈來 : > [愈]-愈來愈激烈 >

十-木 : > : > [來]-來愈 : > [來]-愈來愈激烈 >

人-人 : > : > [愈]-愈來 : > [愈]-愈來愈激烈 >

丶-氵 : > : > [激]-激烈 : > [激]-愈來愈激烈 >

一-歹 : > : > [烈]-激烈 : > [烈]-愈來愈激烈 >

愈來愈激烈 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 來

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