chengˊ, chengˋ
Complete, Finish, Turn Into, Establish, Found, Bias, Embark, Take Shape, Become
Word Links for words containing 成 (sorted via character pairs)
成果 Results, Achievements
成果越好 The better the result
把成果呈現給他的上司 Present the results to his boss, Presenting the results to his boss, Presented the results to his boss
成績 Records, Results, Grades, Academic achievements
二點零平均成績 Grade average of 2.0, 2.0 average
成績太差 Poor grades
因為成績太差 Because of low grades, Because of poor grades
不是因為成績太差 Not because of poor grades
成群 Group
團團轉的成群 Milling around group, Group of milling around
成群結隊 In groups
成群結隊地 Banded together, Working as a group
成年 Adult, Come of age, Reach maturity, Whole year
未成年 Underage, Minor, Non-adult
成年人 Adult, Adults
成年副 Adult vice
成年動 Adult
未成年人 Minor
成年女子 Woman, Adult woman
成年男人 Grown man
有個成年男人支持 Have the support of a grown man
成年女子怎麼不見了 Why is the woman not here?
成年男女各一人 One man and one woman
未成年男女各一人 One minor of each sex
成為 Become, Became, Form, Turn into
更成為 Also became
意外成為 Unexpectedly became
他如何成為 How he became
她如何成為 How she became
成為了 Turned into, Become
成為司機 Become a driver
正式成為夫妻 Officially become man and wife
被迫成為農民 Was forced to become a farmer
才成為廉價的主食 Became a cheap staple food
成為奈米科技革命中數百位先驅中的一名 Became one of the few hundred pioneers of the nanotechnological revolution
成為不再有的事 Become a thing of the past, Prevent from happening again
讓這類意外成為不再有的事 Made this sort of mishap a thing of the past
成立 Establish
剛成立 Newly established, Start-up
成立了 Established
新成立的 Newly established
家剛成立的公司 A newly established company, A start-up
成章 Be logical, Words as if from the pen of a master
出口成章 Export
脫口成章 Speak beautifully
順理成章 Logical
成人 Adult, Grown up
約僅成人兩口份量 Only about two adult mouthfuls, About two adult servings
她覺得即使乖張的小孩也比成人好 She felt that even bratty children where better than adults, She preferred even recalcitrant children over adults
成分 Composition, Ingredient, Ingredients
一個成分 An ingredient
缺乏的成分 Insufficiencies, Missing ingredient, Missing ingredients
缺少的成分 Missing ingredient
少了一個成分 Missing an ingredient
缺乏一個成分 Lack an ingredient, Lacked an ingredient
得到神秘的成分 Retrieve the mysterious ingredient
這最後一個成分 This final ingredient, This last ingredient
那另一個缺少的成分 The other missing ingredient, That other missing ingredient
那另一個缺少的成分是什麼 What is the other missing ingredient?, What was the other missing ingredient
努力讓火花燃燒成火焰 Trying to build the spark into a flame, Tried to build the spark into a flame
成一團 Everyone in a group, Entire regiment
成一體 Form a single piece
聚集成一點 Gathered into a point, Focused into a single point
被拍成一部電視電影 Was made into a made-for-TV movie, Became the subject of a made-for-TV movie
成功 Succesful(ly), Succeed (in), Achieve, Get to
不能成功 Won't work
沒完全成功 Not completely successful, Was not a complete success, Had not been completely successful
他花了八十年才成功 It took him eighty years to do it, It took him eighty years to succeed
她花了八十年才成功 It took her eighty years to do it, It took her eighty years to accomplish
成功了 Did it, Completed it
成功地 Successfully
成功過 Succeed, Succesfull
率成功率 Success rate
從沒成功過 Nothing ever worked
成功的祕訣 Secret to success, Secret of success
成功修飾出他的窄腰 Showed off his narrow waist, Effectively displayed his narrow waist
夢想成真 Dream come true, Realize a dream, Make a dream come true
美夢成真 Beautiful dream made complete and real
就像是美夢成真一樣 It's like a dream come true
成本 Cost
購得的樟腦成本 Cost of buying camphor
成本為 Cost is
購得的樟腦成本上升 Cost of buying camphor is increasing
劈成 Chopped up, Cut up
劈成許多細枝條 Cut up into slender strips
將竹子劈成許多細枝條 Cut the bamboo into lots of slender strips
發展成 Developed, Developed into
大發展成 Expanded and developed into, Expanded into
沒發展成 Had not developed
瞇成 Squint, Squinted
眼睛瞇成 Eyes narrowed, Squinted
眼睛瞇成一線 Eyes narrowed to a line, Squinted narrowly, Eyes squinted to a thin line
組成 Form, Compose, Constitute, Make up
所組成 Made up of, Composed of, Constructed of
由大量的原子或分子組成 Composed of a large number of atoms or molecules
小組成員 Team members, Team
在半私人小隔間組成的巨大矩陣中 In a vast matrix of semiprivate cubicles
組成單元 Building blocks, Components
最小組成單元 Building blocks, Components
結成 Form, Make
凝結成 Condense (and form)
連結成 Join, Connect, Weld
連結成一體 Weld together, Connect together, Join together
變成 Change, Turn into, Turn, Transform into, Transform, Become, Became, Went to, Changed to
轉變成 Changed, Transformed
變成了 Changed into, Became
變成漿 Pulped, Starched, Turned to pulp
已經變成了 Turned into, Already changed into
變成個頭 Became a head, Turned into a head
變成化石 Fossilized
變成好友 Become close friends
把殺人變成了藝術 Turn murder into a kind of art, Turn killing into a kind of art, Turning killing into a form of art
從壞到極點變成荒謬 Had gone from bad to absolutely farsical
變成很怪異的一團物體 Turning into an awkward heap
分解成 Break down into, Completely changes, Completely decomposes, Completely changes into
可因式分解成 Can be factored into
做成 Made from, Made with, to make
用來做成 Use as, Make into
做成了 Making, Made, Creating, Created, Forming, Formed, Building, Built
做成大秤 Make a big scale
記成 Write down as, Write down, Written as, Written
可簡記成 Can be abbreviated as, Can be shortened to
完成 Complete, Realize, Finish
剛剛完成 Just finished, Just completed
順利完成 Went smoothly
歷時十秒完成 Took all of ten seconds, Took about ten seconds to finish
完成了 Completed, Finished, Solved
完成品 Completed product
完成後 After finishing
反應完成後 After the reaction is complete
早就完成了 Would already be finished
完成任務 Whole mission, Complete mission
完成的進度 The total amount moved in, The total amount advanced
完成下列的空格 Complete the blanks below, Fill in the empty spaces below
完成的進度只夠 The total amount moved in was just enough to, The total amount advanced was just enough to
完成八公里的路跑 Complete an 8 kilometer run, Ran for 8 kilometers, Did an 8 kilometer run
在相片拍攝完成之前 While picture is being taken
造成 Cause, Result in
會造成 Can result in, Can cause
沒造成 Not causing
造成了 Caused
造成的 Caused, Causing
而造成了 And so caused
造成不同 Made a difference, Made it different
或許這會造成不同 And maybe that made it different, Maybe that made a difference
造成危險 Be a danger, Be dangerous, Be a threat
可能造成危險 Could be dangerous, Could be a threat
造成威脅 Endanger, Threaten
可能對他們造成威脅 Could be a threat to them
所造成的影響 The effect it's had on, The impact it has had on
造成兩個直接影響 Had two direct effects
造成流行蔓延 Cause an epidemic to spread, Cause an epidemic
造成的昏眩感 Causing dizziness
沒造成什麼毀損 Not causing much damage
合成 Synthesis, Synthesize, Synthetic
組合成 Assembled
綜合成 Synthesized, Combined
合成機油 Synthetic oil
半合成機油 Synthetic-blend oil
聚酯合成纖維 Polyester fiber
分成 Divide into, Divides into, Dividing into, Divided into, Divide, Divides, Dividing, Divided, Separated into, As a whole can be divided into
可分成 Can be separated into, Can be divided into, Can be cut into
均分成 Evenly divided
寬分成 Divide the width into, Separate the width into
可被分成 Can be divided into, Can be separated into
將寬分成 Divide the width into
分成四份 Divide into four portions
被分成四個 Divided into four
均分成兩半 Divided evenly into two halves
平均分成兩份 Divided evenly into two portions
分成四個區域 Divided into four areas
分成許多小片 Cut into many small pieces, Divide into many small pieces
養成 Cultivate, Train, Imbue with discipline
撫養成人 Raise, Bring up
教養成人 Raised, Raised to adulthood, Brought up
營養成分 Nutrients
當成 Use as, Act as, Undertake to become
當成筆 Use as a pen or brush
把自己當成他們 Be like them, Become them, Be them
設身處地把自己當成他們 Put yourself in their position
不成 Not suitable, Won't do, Won't succeed
不成體統 Act inappropriately
不成人 Immoral person, Person of loose morals
不成功 Unsuccessful, Unsuccessfully
不成器 Useless, Good for nothing
不成話 Unreasonable, Ridiculous, Absurd
形成 Form, Formed, Forming, Act of forming, Develop, Developed
變形成 Deform, Morph, Transmogriphy
逐漸形成 Gradually forming
開始形成 Began to form, Began to develop
形成了 Form, Formed, Developed
形成一個環帶 Form a loop, Forming a belt
形成一條稜線 Forms a ridge, Forms a ridge-line
形成激烈的碎形花樣 Form a turbulent fractal bloom, Forming a turbulent self-replicating pattern, Formed a violent chaotically self-similar blossom
把一切綁到一起形成網路 Tied them together to form a network, Tied them all together to form a network
形成一個在未來將會影響他政治見解的看法 Form an idea or opinion that would in the future shape his political views
而成 Prepared
晾乾而成 Air dried, Dried
謊言編織而成的網 Web of lies
似是而非的謊言編織而成的網 Web of plausible lies
一張由似是而非的謊言編織而成的網 A web of plausible lies
晾乾而成的一種香腸 A kind of dried sausage, A dried sausage
換成 Change, Replace, Become, Became
將絞車換成踏車 Replace a winch with a treadmill
如果將絞車換成踏車 If the winch is replaced with a treadmill
切成 Cut
把蛋糕切成相等的四分 Cut the cake into four equal pieces
切成一塊一塊 Cut into pieces
把你切成一塊一塊 Cut you into pieces
把妳切成一塊一塊 Cut you into pieces
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