Index for words including 我


I, Me, My, We, Use, Our, Ourselves

Word Links for words containing 我 (sorted via character pairs)

我 woˇ
I, Me, My, We, Use, Our, Ourselves

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


我只是想 I was only trying

我只是想看看 I just want to see, I just wanted to see

我只知道這麼多 I know that much, I only know that much, I only know so much

我只是自以為知道 I assumed that I knew, I only thought I knew

我只能告訴妳我所看到的事實 I can only tell you what I see

我只不過是要別人欣賞我這個人罷了 I just want others to appreciate me for who I am


我叫 I am telling you, I told you to

我叫 Wake me, Woke me


把發生的事情一五一十地造訴我吧 Tell me everything that happened


我唯一確定的是 All I know for sure is


跟著我唸 Say it with me


我喝下第一杯咖啡以前 Before my first cup of coffee, Before I've had my first cup of coffee


你見過我嗎 Have you seen me?

這是測試我嗎 Is this to test me?, Is this some sort of test?


我嚷 I shout, I shout out, I yell


我屬於這裡 I belong here


我跟 Me and him

我跟你保證 I promise you, I assure you

我跟他們不一樣 I'm not like them, I'm different from them


我踢進陰溝裡 Kick me into a ditch, Threw me into the gutter


我回頭一看 I turned to look


我國 Our country, My country


我早就會游泳了 I already know how to swim


我最喜愛的 My favorite


我是 I am, Me

我是 I am saying, I mean, I meant

我是 Who am I, Who I am

如果我是 If I was her

我是單身 I am single

我是個殺手 I am a killer

我是工程師 I am an engineer

我是藝術家 I am an artist

我是夜晚的生物 I am a creature of the night

我是犯了哪條罪 What crime did I commit?

我是獨一無二的 I'm unique, I'm one of a kind

我是我自己的主人 I am my own master, I am my own man, I am my own woman, I am my own mistress

沒告訴我是什麼事 Didn't tell me what it was, Didn't tell me what it was about

你想知道我是不是聽說了什麼特別有料的謠言 You want to know if I've heard any especially juicy rumors, You want to know if I've heard any particularly helpful rumors

我是一個人來的 I came alone

我是為什麼來的 Why am I here?, Why I came


我明白了 I see, I understand, I get it

是的我明白了 Yes, I see


我開 Shot me, Shot at me

我開始享受它 I began to enjoy


我母文化 My native culture


畫在我黑板上 Drew on my blackboard


我睡了多久 How long did I sleep?, How long was I asleep for?, How long was I out?

我睡了兩個小時 I slept for two hours, I had two hours sleep

我睡著的時候 While I go to sleep


我剛剛在上網 I was just online

我剛剛才知道 I just found out

我剛好想起來 I've just realized, Now it occurs to me that

我剛看見他了 I just saw him

我剛才是自主控制呼吸 I just controlled my breathing

我剛剛說的話你都沒聽到嗎 Did you not hear what I just said?

我剛剛說的話妳都沒聽到嗎 Did you not hear what I just said?


我用幾張錫箔紙和口香糖就能辦到的 All I needed to do it was some tin foil and chewing gum


誰在搔我臉癢癢 Who is tickling my face


我風光的日子早晚會來的 Sooner or later my time will come, My time will come


我出 I'll pay

費用全由我出 I'll pay for everything, I'll cover the entire cost


我以 I thought, I assumed


我收到了 I received, I have received

我收到了令人不安的消息 I've received disturbing news, I have received some unsettling news


我努 I strive to, I am striving to, I strived to

我努力集中意志力 I strive to concentrate all of my willpower, I strived to concentrated all of my willpower, I strive to focus all of my willpower, I strived to focus all of my willpower


我媽 My mother


也許我能幫忙 Maybe I could help

我能做的事情 There are things that I can do, I can do something about it


原來我紀錯了時間 I got the time mixed up, I forgot what day it was, I got the days mixed up


我終於了解 I finally understood

我終於了解媽媽剛才為什麼說 I finally understood why mother a moment ago said


我緩緩張開眼睛 I slowly opened my eyes


我總是一手拿著筆記本 I always had the notebook in one hand, I always held the book in one hand


我張開眼睛 I opened my eyes


我已 I've been, I've already, I've

我已經教 I've taught, I've been teaching

我已經下定決心 I am determined


我又失眠了 I can't sleep, And so I can't sleep


我發 I discovered, I realized, I found out


我了 I understand

嚇死我了 Scared me to death, I was scared to death

這一點就像我了 Just like me


我建議你別用 I would recommend that you not use


我願意用一切交換一個機會 I'd do anything for the chance to, I'd give anything for the chance to


我所 As far as I know, as far as I can tell

我所 As far as I know, From what I've heard

我所想的 I thought

我所能想到的 All I can think of is

不夠我所需要的量 Not quite the amount that I need

我所想的要危險得多 A lot more dangerous than I thought

我所看到的事實 That facts as I see them

我只能告訴妳我所看到的事實 I can only tell you what I see


我肩 My shoulder

按著我肩 Pressing on my shoulder, Leaning on my shoulder


我覺 I would say that, I feel that

我覺 Make me feel

我覺得好餓 I feel really hungry, I'm really hungry


我豎起耳朵 I prick up my ears, I listen, I listened


我生 My birthday


我先 My husband


我怎麼回家呢 How will I get back home?


我知 I know, I knew

我知道她會 I know she will, I know she can

我知道妳能應付 I know you can handle it, I knew you could handle it

我知道我該怎麼做 I knew what I needed to do


我什麼沒有 I don't have anything else to do

我什麼都跟你講 I'll tell you everything


我位置的人 A man in my position


以前我住 I used to live in, Before I lived in


我倆 We both


我個人的 My own, My personal

我個人的童年 My own childhood, My personal childhood


我們 We, Us, Our, Ourselves

我們 Help us

我們 Allowing us to, Allows us to, Letting us

一旦我們 Once we

會幫我們 Will help us, Can help us

你救了我們 You saved us

幫不了我們 Couldn't help us

不過一旦我們 But once we

有人在注意我們 We are being watched

我們 Us two

我們 We then

我們 We need to

我們 We guessed

我們 Our

我們 Our feet

我們 Let's go, We're going

我們 Took us to

光靠我們 Just the two of us

我們僅能 We can only

我們兩個 We two, Us two

我們只是 Only we are

我們可以 We can

我們就得 We'll have to

我們已經 We have

我們或可 We possibly, We probably

我們身體 Our body, Our bodies, Our body's

我們需要 We need

我們之間 Among us, With us

我們所知 For all we know

我們一定要 We have to, We must

我們倆合作 We both cooperate

我們去看看 Let's go and see

我們就是要 We just want, We just want to

我們怎麼辦 What do we do?

我們撤回了 We are pulling out, We are coming out

我們約會吧 Let's go on a date together

我們被跟隨 We've been followed

我們見過面 We've met (before)

我們還沒完 We are not done yet, We are not yet finished, It is not over for us, Not for us it isn't

我們共同認識 We both know

我們可不知道 We don't know

我們可以假設 We can assume

我們才剛見面 We've only just met

我們最好希望 We'd better hope that

我們簡稱它為 We refer to is as

我們腳的皮膚 The skin of our feet

我們都得搬家 We'll all have to move house

我們幹活吧 So let's do it, So let's get on with it then

我們點菜吧 Then let's order, So let's order

不要把我們帶走 Don't take us away

幸虧我們運氣好 Luckily for us, Fortunately for ourselves

我們不是野蠻人 We're not savages

我們得小心謹慎 We have to be careful

我們的雙腳中間 Between our feet, Between both feet

我們有麻煩了 Then we're in trouble

在與我們的關係中 In our relationship

我們不會被發現的 We won't be discovered, No one will find out what we've done

我們不能坐視不管 We can't just sit and do nothing

我們在前一節學過 We learned in the previous section

我們大家一起分擔 We all have to pitch in, We all have to do our part

我們已經不年輕了 We aren't getting any younger

我們已經感染上了 We are infected

我們還有六個小時 We still have six hours, We have six hours left

我們還能怎麼辦呢 What else could we do?

我們來看下面的討論 Let's look at the discussion below

我們找個地方私下說 Let's find somewhere to talk in private

我們政府的運作方式 How our government works

我們就等這件事完畢吧 We'll see this through to the end, We'll wait till this is finished

我們承受得起一點浪費 We can afford a little largesse, We can afford a little extravagance

我們沒辦法像以前那樣 We can't go back to the way it was

我們可以一起坐在家門口 We can sit together in front of the house

我們需要某種神奇的藥物 We need some sort of wonder drug

我們該把所有幫手都召集起來 We need all the help we can get

你認為我們的學校能做到這點嗎 Do you think that our schools accomplish this?

我們以後講起這件事一定會笑死 We'll have a good laugh about this afterwards

我們的人 One of ours, One of our own

我們的腳 Our feet

我們重心 Our center of gravity

我們的重心 Our center of gravity

我們一家人 Our family

我們沒有要求你做很多家事 We don't ask you to do a lot of chores

我們可以用 We can use

我們稍微聊聊以後 After we've talked for a bit

我們回去吧 Let's go back, Let's return, Let's go home

我們還去不去了 Are we still going or not, Are we still going

我們必須用 We must use

那麼我們必須用 Then we must use, We must then use

我們所有人 All of us

我們兩人都有的 We both have, That we both have

我們的關係 Our relationship

我們的關係 Relationship with us

我們身體的 Our body's

注意我們的體重 Notice our weight, Notice our body weight, Notice that our weight

我們一起 Let's go together

我們打了一架 We had a fight

我們以前漫遊一般 Roam like we used used to, Like we roamed before

我們住的地方 The place that we live, Where we live

我們去別的地方 We're going someplace else, We're going somewhere different, We're going to a different place

一旦我們逮到她 Once we catch her

不過一旦我們逮到她 But once we catch her

我們也會阻止你 We'll stop you too

我們有沒有辦法阻止它 Is there any way we could stop it?, Would we be able to stop it?

我們是為什麼來的 Why are we here?, Why we came

你早就知道我們是為什麼來的 You already know why we are here

妳早就知道我們是為什麼來的 You already know why we are here


我倒喜歡這麼想 I like to think so, I like to think

這點我倒不知道 The point escaped me, I fully don't understand


我做好準備 I was ready, I am ready


佛於是把我化作一棵樹 Buddha then turned me into a tree


我垂下眼睛 I lowered my eyes, I looked down


我看 In my opinion

我看到了 I saw

我看到阿公了 I see grandpa

才剛我看見他了三年 I just saw him three years ago

才剛我看見他了三分鐘 I just saw him three minutes ago

我看來是很合理的回應 In my opinion it was a very reasonable response, It was a very reasonable response in my opinion

至少在我看來是那樣沒錯 At least that's what it looks like to me

我看到一個了 I see one now

我想我看到一個了 I believe I see one know


我愛 I love him

我愛 I love her

我愛 I love to watch, I love to see


我從來沒聽過他 I never heard of him

我從來沒聽過她 I never heard of her

我從高塔上丟下去 Throw me from a tower, Threw me from a tower

我從我自己的經驗就知道了 I know from my own experience


我很 I'm fine, I'm all right

我很 I am tired

我很好奇 I am curious, I am interested

我很感動 Inspired me, Moved me, Encouraged me

我很遺憾 I am sorry

我很確定 Makes me pretty sure (that)

我很不好意思 I am sorry, I am ashamed

我很了解他們 I know them well

我很驚訝的是 I'm surprised, It's surprising to me

我很佩服他把你從監獄裡救了出來 I appreciate him for getting you out of prison, I appreciate that he got you out of jail


我得 I must

我得走了 I have to go, I gotta go, I gotta take off

我得接一下 I have to get that

我得開誠布公 I have to be frank (or honest)

那麼我得提醒你 Then I must remind you

那麼我得提醒您 Then I must remind you


我笑 I smile, I am smiling


除了我之 Except for me, Apart from me


稱呼我為 Address me as

稱呼我為庭上 Address me as Your Honour

我為了這個快要趕不上和家人共進晚餐了 This is making me late for dinner with the family


我就知道 Now I know

我就說吧 I told you so!

我就靠你們了 I am counting on you

我就是這個意思 That's exactly what I mean, That's exactly what I meant

我就是為這個過來的 That's why I came here


我立刻在筆記本上寫上 I immediately wrote in my notebook


正合我意 Exactly what I'm hoping for


坐到我旁 Sit beside me


我記得最後一件事 The last thing I remember (is/was)


我試 I try, I try to

我試著去數它 I tried to count them


我該 I should

或許我該 Perhaps I should

我該怎麼做 What I needed to do

我知道我該怎麼做 I knew what I needed to do

我該從哪說起呢 Where should I begin? Where do I begin?


如果我認識那個人 If I know that person, If that person is someone I know

我認識她的時間比你還久 I've known her longer than you


我誤以為 I assumed in error, I made a mistaken assumption, I mistakenly assumed


我說 I say, I said

我說 Listen to me

我說的是 I said

我說笑的啦 I'm joking, I'm kidding, I was joking

我說了什麼 What did I say

我說些教訓 Listen to me and learn something

他不相信我說的一切 He doesn't believe anything that I say


我讓 I allowed

我讓你自己決定 I'll let you decide


我家 My home

我家 Come to my home, Come to my house, Come to my place

歡迎來我家 Welcome to my home

如果你來我家 If you come to my house, If you come to my home


我實在不太喜歡這個畫面 I really don't like the look of this picture, I really don't like the way things are looking, I really don't like the way that this looks

我實際上扮演好幾個角色 I actually play several roles all at once


我窗 At my window, In front of my window


我感 Makes me feel

我感覺到了 I felt it


我應該說 I would say, I should say that

我應該解釋 I should explain

我應該提一下 I should mention that


我店 My store

我店的對面 Opposite my store


我癢 Tickle me

別搔我癢 Don't tickle me


我的 My, Mine

我的 Oh my goodness!, Oh my God

我的 My house

我的 I certainly

我的 My face

我的 Got angry with me

偷了我的 Stole my money

拍拍我的 Patted my head, Gave me a pat on my head

親親我的 Kissed my face, Kissed me on the face

緊貼著我的 Close to my face, Tight to my face, Pressed against my face

寬不用寬我的 Don't try to console me

要是她沒先殺死我的 If she doesn't kill me first

我的助理 My assistant

我的地盤 My neck of the woods

我的天呀 My god!

我的女兒 My daughter

我的掌控 My control

我的經理 My manager

我的保證人 My sponsor

我的個子小 I am very tiny

我的媽媽有 My mother has

我的安全毯 My security blanket

我的確知道 I sure knew, I certainly knew

我的手能動嗎 Can I move my hand?, Can I move my hands?, Can my hand move?, Can my hands move?

我的鞋帶鬆了 My shoelace was untied

註冊我的選單 Registering My Menu

他知道我的本事 He knows my ability, He knows what I am

你知道我的意思 You know what I mean.

我的掌控之中 Under my control

我的下一場聚會 My next meeting

我的心跳得好快 My heart beat quickly

我的背痛得要死 My back is killing me

看著我的一個同事 Look at one of my colleagues, Looked at one of my colleagues, Look at a colleague of mine

你把我的鼻子打斷了啦 You broke my nose

我的年紀和地球一樣大 I am as old as the earth

請你們一起加入我的生日宴會 Won't you please all join my birthday party

我的機械專長或許可以救我一命 My mechanical knowledge might save my life

我的卷子 My test paper

老師不小心瞄到我的卷子 Teacher accidentally saw my test paper

我的家人 My family

我的家庭 My family

你喜歡我的家嗎 Do you like my home

我的眼皮 My eyelids, My eyelid

我的眼睛 My eye, My eyes

我的想法相反 I am of the opposite opinion, My opinion is the complete opposite

我的想法正好相反 It seems as if I am of the opposite opinion

你把我的鼻子打斷了 You broke my nose

好把我的鼻子打斷了 You broke my nose

這工作讓我的腰簡直快要斷了 This is back-breaking work!

你就逃不出我的手掌心了 You can't escape my grasp

妳就逃不出我的手掌心了 You can't escape my grasp

是什麼風把你吹到我的地盤上來 What brings you to my neck of the woods

是什麼風把妳吹到我的地盤上來 What brings you to my neck of the woods


我自 Myself, I myself

我自己一個人沒辦法做 I can't do it alone

我從我自己的經驗就知道了 I know from my own experience

讓我來告訴你一點我自己的事吧 Allow me to tell you a little about myself

我自己絆倒 Trip myself up

說不定會把我自己絆倒 I could trip, I could have tripped

追求屬於我自己的人生 Pursue my own life


我身 On my body, Attached to my body

我身 At my side

我身 Beside me

我身 At my side, Right beside me

回到我身 Come back to me, Come back to my side

圍在我身 Gather around me

走到我身 Walked to my side

陪在我身 Stand beside me, stood beside me

喜歡圍在我身 Like to gather around me


我躺 I lie down, I am lying down, I was lying down


我決 I decided


我沒 I'm allright, I'm fine, I'm OK

我沒 I don't have

我沒 I've not changed, I'm the same

我沒想到 I never thought, I never imagined

不過我沒想到 But I never thought

我沒辦法 I can't

我沒有主人 I do not have a master

我沒有電話 I don't have a phone

我沒忘記這點 I have not forgotten, I did not forget

我沒教妳什麼 I didn't teach you anything

我沒有任何家人 I don't have any family

如果我沒有會錯意 If I understand correctly

我沒有辦法事先知道 There's no way I could have known in advance

我沒辦法接住你 I can't catch you

我沒辦法接住妳 I can't catch you


幫忙我這件事 Help me in this matter

我這可是告訴你一個秘密 I tell you this in all confidence

我只不過是要別人欣賞我這個人罷了 I just want others to appreciate me for who I am


他的冒險故事我連一半都說不完 I can't tell half his adventures


我過上三百天 Enough for me to last for 300 days


我遲 I hesitated

我遲疑一秒 I hesitated for a second

我遲繳房租 Give me a rent extension, Let me pay rent a little late


我還沒完 I am not done yet

為什麼我還沒死 Why aren't I dead yet? Why am I still alive?

我還聽說 And I heard, I also heard

我還是新手 I'm still a novice

我還聰明亥 Smarter than me

我還來不及回神 Before I know it, Before I knew it

我還很年輕的時候 When I was still young, When I was young

我還是覺得 I still feel that, I still think that

我還真覺得 I really do believe that


我情願是 I would rather be, I would prefer to be


我被自己的回答嚇了一跳 I am surprised by my own answer


我人生中 My life's, During my life


我坐第一排 I sat in the first row


我全身酸痛 I am sore all over, My whole body is sore


我拿 I have

我拿了什麼東西 What have I got?, What am I holding?


我今天晚上被人家從高塔上丟出去 I was thrown from a tower tonight


我會 I can, I will, I would

我會 I will

我會 I would say, I could say

你早就知道我會 You knew I would come

妳早就知道我會 You knew I would come

這種照相機我會 I can use this type of camera

我會保證 I'll make sure, I'll ensure

我會再絡 I'll get back to you

我會猜是 I would guess

我會去哪裡 Where would I go?

我會去那裡 I would go there

我會告訴你 I'm telling you

我會很感謝 I would be grateful, I would be much obliged, I would really appreciate it

我會仔細考慮 I'll consider it carefully, I'll give it my full consideration

我會全力以赴 I will do my best, I will do the best that I can

我會教你游泳 I can teach you how to swim

我會過來找妳 I will come and find you

時不時我會覺得 Now and then it seems that

我會保證妳不再受到干擾 I'll make sure that you aren't disturbed again, I'll make sure that you aren't subjected to any further interruptions


我錯 I was wrong

結果我錯 And I was wrong


不行告訴我爸 Don't tell my parents


我火 I was angry


我對歷史的研究 My historical studies

加上我對歷史的研究 In addition to my historical studies

我對這件事的看法 My opinon on this matter

我對你來說就沒多大用處了 I'm not much use to you, I wouldn't be much use to you


我並沒有抓住你的指望 I had no hope of catching you


我差一點就送命了 I could have died, I almost got killed


我當 I used to be

我當時有點緊張 By then I was feeling a little nervous


我其實很忙 I'm actually quite busy, I'm actually rather busy


我甚至不確定 I'm not even sure, I'm not sure that


我一 Like I did, Like me

我一 Save my life

我一 Wait a moment, Wait for me

我一滿二十一歲 As soon as I turned twenty-one

我的機械專長或許可以救我一 My mechanical knowledge might save my life

我一定會 I will

我一生病 As soon as I got sick

我一下吧 Give me a hand, Help me

我一起過去 Go with me, Come with me to

我一直在思索 I have been thinking, I've been pondering

我一直太忙了 I've been so busy

我一直愛著他 I've always loved him

我一點兒也不老 I'm not old

我一個人有沒有辦法應付 To see if I could handle it alone

我一直都在 I was there, I was always there

我一直都是 I have always been

不過我一直都在 But I was there, But I was always there


我到圖書館 I went to the library

我到底發生了什麼事 What happened to me in the end? What happened to me?

知道我到底發生了什麼事 Know what happened to me in the end


我至少知道 At least I know


我下 Put me down


我不 I dare not, I had better not

我不喜歡 I didn't like, I don't like

我不知道 I don't know, I didn't know

我不確定 I'm not sure

我不能去 I can't go, I can't go to

我不認為 I don't think that, I don't believe that

我不得不坦言 I must confess, I must say frankly

我不想聽故事 I don't want to hear a story

我不是故意的 I didn't mean it, I didn't do it on purpose

我不會有感覺 I wouldn't feel anything., I can't feel anything., I don't feel anything

保障我不被餓死 Keep me from starting to death, Prevent me from starting to death

我不以為意的說 I indifferently said, I uncaringly said

我不敢再走遠了 I dare not go any further, I'd better not go any further

我不是小孩子了 I am not a child

我不會去和他談 I won't go and talk with him

我不會自以為是 I would not presume to imply

我不知道這件事 I didn't know that, I didn't know about that

我不能容忍不服從 I don't tolerate disobedience, I cannot stand insubordination

我不能直接告訴你 I can't just tell you

我不是兒童心理學家 I am not a child psychologist

那時我不知道她是誰 At the time I didn't know who she was

如果發生了什麼我不知道的犯罪行為 If a criminal act occurred that I was not aware of

我不介意 I don't mind

我不會介意 I'm not bitter, I'm not bothered

我不會做 I can't do it, I couldn't do it, I don't know how to do it, I didn't know how to do it

我不會的 I won't

我不喜歡他 I don't like him

我不喜歡她 I don't like her

我不想看到你 I don't want to see you, I don't like seeing you

我不想看到妳 I don't want to see you, I don't like seeing you

我不喜歡他是因為 I don't like him because

我不喜歡她是因為 I don't like her because

我不能和你一起去 I can't go with you, I won't be able to go with you

我不能和你們一起去 I can't go with you, I won't be able to go with you

我不喜歡他是因為他很邪惡 I don't like him because he is evil

我不喜歡她是因為她很邪惡 I don't like her because she is evil


我可不知道 I don't know

我可以過去 I can come

我想我可 I think I can

我可以自己來 I can handle it, I can deal with it, I'll can take care of it myself

我可能有其他權利 I might have other rights

我可以知道為什麼嗎 Can I know why, Can you tell me why

有什麼事我可以幫你喔 Is there something I can help you with?, Is there anything I can help you with?

我可以留著吧 Can I keep it?

說明單我可以留著吧 Can I keep the brochure?


我更火大了 I am angrier, I am even more irritated


我兩個女兒 My two daughters, My two girls


我再也不會見她了 I can't see her ever again


我二十一歲左右的時候 When I was 21 years old or thereabouts


我正在寫功課 I am doing homework

我正要寫功課 I am about to do homework., I just want to do homework.

我正式報告裡 In my official report


我弄不到 I can't get, I can't get it


我現在仰仗你 I am relying on you


我需要三十分鐘 I need 30 minutes, Give me 30 minutes

我需要和你談談 I need to talk with you

我需要請幾天假 I need a few days off, I need to request some time off


我要 I want to, I will

我要 But what I want

我要宰了 I want to kill, I'm going to kill

我要知道 I need to know

我要怎麼找她 How can I find her?

我要去哪裡 Then where do I go?

今天我要講的是 Today I want to talk about

我要宰了你們兩個 I'm going to kill you both


我覆 I covered


在那之後他持續和我聯 After that he kept in contact with me


我聽 I heard, I have heard

我聽到了 I heard, I'm listening, I understand, I know

如果我聽懂你 If I understand you

是如果我聽懂你的 It is if I understand you

因此如果我聽懂你的意思 If I understand what you mean, If I'm following you


我上路了 I'm on my way, I've set off


我叔 My uncle


我非常確定 I am pretty sure, I am fairly sure


我直發抖 I was shaking, I was shivering

凍得我直發抖 I shivered from the cold, I was so cold I was shivering


我真心覺得 I truly believe that

我真的做了 I really did, I really did it

我真的受夠了 I've had enough

我真的非常抱歉 I'm truly sorry


你和我都 You and I both, You and me both

你和我都明白 You and I both know, You and I both understand

我都要去上學 I still have to go to school, I have to go to school anyway

恐怕連我都不知道 I'm afraid even I don't know, I'm afraid not even I know


我戴 I wear, I am wearing


我去 Take me to

能帶我去 Can take me to, Are able to take me to, Will be able to take me to

我去 I went to

我去 Take me to see

我去過北京 I went to Beijing

我去過郵局 I went to the post office.

我去過圖書館 I was at the library.

沒有錢讓我去上學 Not enough money for me to go to school


我幫助過他一次 I helped him once


我起得來 I can get up

我起得來嗎 Can I get up?


我趕不上你的思緒 I can't follow your train of thought, I am too slow to follow your thinking

我趕不上您的思緒 I can't follow your train of thought, I am too slow to follow your thinking


我喜歡吃的食物 Food that I like to eat, Things that I like to eat

我喜歡聽你說話 I like hearing you, I like hearing you speak


我太優雅了 I'm too graceful, I'm far too elegant


我查 Helping me look


我來 I've come, I am here (to)

我來 I am here, I came, I have arrived

我來 I come from, I came from, I've arrived from

我來想想 Let me think about it, Let me think

我來買單 I'll get the check, My treat, I'll pay

我來幫你吧 Let me help you out, Let me help you

我來自山裡 I come from the mountains, I came from the mountains

我來幫你 Allow me to help you

妳帶我來這裡幹嘛 Why did you bring me here?

我來告訴你一點我自己的事吧 Allow me to tell you a little about myself


我本來打算說 I had meant to say


我想 I think, I believe, I suppose

我想 I thought of, I realized

我想 I want, I would like

如果我想 If I wanted to

我想不出 I can't imagine, I didn't think

我想應該不是 I suppose not

我想知道 I want to know

我想應該是 I suppose that

我想我可以 I think I can

如果我想當個 If I wanted to be a

我想和你約會 I'd like to go on a date with you

我想搞清楚狀況 I'm trying to figure out what's going on, I'm trying to figure out the situation, I want to find out what's going on, I want to find out

你讓我想到一件事 You've given me an idea, You've given me a thought, You've made me think of something

我想你可以這麼說 I think you could say, I guess you could say that

我想我看到一個了 I believe I see one know

我想是時候放棄了 I think it's time to give up.

我想跟你講個故事 I want to tell you a story


我相信這一點 I believe this, I believe that

就當我相信了吧 Say I'm convinced, Consider me convinced


我才知道 I now know

我才五十一歲 I'm only 51 years old

所以我才落後了 That's why I was lagging behind, That's why I was late

你應該要保護我才 You should protect me, You should be protecting me

妳應該要保護我才 You should protect me, You should be protecting me


我妻 My wife


我希望謝謝 I would like to express my gratitude

我希望你回家 I want you to go home


我右腳底 The sole of my right foot, The bottom of my right foot


我有 I have

我有 I intend

我有問題 I have a question, I have a problem

我有辦法 I know how

我有些不耐煩 I am a little impatient

我有個目標 Gave me something do to, Gave me something to work towards, Gave me a goal

我有點惱火 Annoy me, Annoys me, Annoying me, Annoyed me,

我有其他權利嗎 Do I have other rights?

我有感覺到什麼 I feel something, I felt something


我在 I am thinking, I think

包含我在 Including me, Include me

我在等你 I am waiting for you

我在這裡 I am here

我在這裡的原因是 The reason that I'm here is

你知道我在講什麼嗎 Are you getting all of this?, Do you understand what I am saying?

我在美國生活了五年 I lived in America for 5 years.

我在大學主修英國文學 I studied English Literature at University, I studied English Literature in college


我猜 I guess, I am guessing

而且我猜 And I guess

我猜 Let me guess

而且我猜如果 And I guess if


我扯 Drag me into


我找不到乾淨的襯衫 I can't find a clean shirt


我把你整治完了 When I'm done with you

我把妳整治完了 When I'm done with you

我把一束炸藥丟到他身上 I dropped a bunch of dynamite on him, I threw a bundle of dynamite on him


我拉回到 Pull me back


我接一下 I'll get it (in answer to phone ringing)


我擋 Block me


我擺脫她 I got rid of her

我擺脫她之前 Before I got rid of her


我也 I also want

我也想你 I've missed you too

我也敢說 I dare say, Dare I say

我也不知道 I don't know either

我也不在大乎 I didn't much care

我也許錯的但是 I may be wrong but


我帶 I brought

我帶了個禮物給你 I brought you a present


叫我 Call me

他老叫我 He always calls me


不要吃我 Don't eat me


跟我 With me

曾經跟我 I have in the past

跟我 Follow me

跟我 Tell me, Speak to me

跟我見面 Meet me

跟我一起去 Go with me, Come with me

跟我討工作 Beg for work from me, Begging for work from me, Begged for work from me

妳會跟我一起去嗎 Are you coming with me?, Will you accompany me?

妳會跟我們一起去嗎 Are you coming with us?, Will you accompany us?


是我 Is me, Was me

如果是我 If it was me, If it were me

是我 Us, Is us, It is we

是我 Is my, Is mine

是我 It was me who allowed

在他們眼中墮落的是我 In their eyes it is us who are degenerates

是我真名 Not my real name

是我們能 If we can, If only we can

是我記得沒錯 If I remember correctly

這也是我的房間 This is also my room

這就是我所做的 And so that is what I did

那可是我沒想到 I never thought of that, That had not occurred to me, I had not expected that

是我並不知道啊 But I didn't know!

那可是我沒想到的作法 That approach had not occurred to me, That is an approach that I had not thought of

通常沒有什麼是我弄不到的 There isn't much that I can't get

是我的錯 It's all my fault

如果是我的話 If it were me

是我沒記錯的話 Unless my memory is at fault, Unless I've forgotten something, If I remember correctly

你會是我第一個殺掉的人 You will be the first person I kill

妳會是我第一個殺掉的人 You will be the first person I kill

是我前世的盼望 A hope from a previous life

是我前世的盼望 Each a hope from my previous life

他們不是我的主人 They are not my masters

是我自己的主人 I am my own master, I am my own man, I am my own woman, I am my own mistress


問我 Question me, Ask me

你們問我 You asked me


別離開我 Don't leave me


記得看見我 Remember seeing me

有很多人記得看見我 Plenty of people remember seeing me


陪我 Accompany me, Accompanying me

陪我 Stay with me, Stick around

陪我一陣子 Stay with me for a while, Stick around for a while


恕我 Forgive me (for)


妳我 To you and me


給我 Give me, Give that to me!, Give it to me

就把他帶來給我 Bring him to me

就把她帶來給我 Bring her to me

給我 Give our

有留話給我 Is there a message for me?, Was there a message left for me?

給我們聽 For us to listen to

給我些提示 Give me some clues, Give me some tips

給我們兒童 Give our children

餵食給我們兒童 Feed to our children


了我 Gave me

你救了我 You saved me

謝謝你救了我 Thank you for saving me.


一點兒也不了解我 Doesn't know or understand me at all, Completely misunderstands me


事先警告我 Warn me first


知我 Inform me, Get back to me, Let me know


付我 Pay me

他們叫你來對付我 They called you to deal with me, They sent you to deal with me

他們叫妳來對付我 They called you to deal with me, They sent you to deal with me


住我 Catch me

你每次都會接住我 You always catch me


你我 To you and me


信我 Believe me, Trust me


借我 Lend me, For lending me


看我 Come to see me, Coming to see me


和我 You and I, You and me


笑我 Laugh at me, Mock me


等我 Waiting for me

你的語氣聽起來像在等我 From your tone, it sounds as if you were waiting for me, You sound like you were waiting for me

妳的語氣聽起來像在等我 From your tone, it sounds as if you were waiting for me, You sound like you were waiting for me


向我 Reach towards me, Reaches towards me, Reaching towards me, Reached towards me


忘我 Selfless


於我 Belong to me, Belongs to me, It is my, They are my


訊我 Message me, Send me a private message

可私訊我 Can message me


訴我 Tell me, Inform me, Told me, Informed me

她告訴我 She told me

請告訴我 Please tell me

你是在告訴我 You are telling me, Are you telling me

怎麼現在才告訴我 Why is it that only now do you tell me


試我 Test me, Testing me


容我 Please may I, Please allow me


磨我 Torment me, Tormenting me, Tormented me, My tormenting, my tormentor

不斷折磨我 Torment me, Tormenting me, Torture me, Torturing me


自我 Self

迷失自我 Lose one's self

自我 My self, Our self

自我介紹 Introduce themselves, Introducing themselves

自我存續 Self-perpetuating, Self-sustaining

自我實現 Self-realization

自我意識 Self-conscious, Self aware

自我毀滅 Self-destruct, Self-destructed

自我評量 Self-assessment

自我黏上 Stuck to itself

一個自我性行為 Self gratification (act of), Sexual self gratification (act of)

你還是懂得自我管理 You still know how to control yourself, You're still in control of yourself

自我存續的官僚機構 Self-perpetuating bureaucracy

自我決定 Decide for one's self

自我決定 Can decide for one's self

自我瓦解 Self-destruct

自我瓦解 Cause it to self-destruct, Cause it to disintegrate


派我 First position me


送我 Lent me, Gave me, Sent me


還我 Gave back to me, Gave it back to me


困擾情我 Puzzled me

一直在困擾情我 Has always puzzle me, Constantly perplexes me


再也不適合我 No longer suitable for me, No longer suitable


煩我 Hassle me, Vex me, Trouble me, Bother me, Annoy me, Hassling me, Vexing me, Troubling me, Bothering me, Annoying me

不要煩我 Don't bother me, Leave me alone


對我 With respect to me

對我 Said to me

對我了解 Understand me

對我來說 To me, For me

對我招招手 Waved me over

對我來說很簡單 To me it's simple

對我們豎起大拇指 Gave us a thumb's up


不喜歡我 Don't like me, Doesn't like me


惹我 Mess with me


著我 Facing me, Directly opposite me

著我 Look at me

用翻白的眼神對著我 Rolling their eyes at me (in exasperation)


要我 Want me (to)

要我做什麼 What do you want me to do?, What do you need me to do?

每當你需要我的時候 Any time you needed me, Whenever you needed me


止我 Stop me


教我 Taught me

教我 Taught us

教我 Teach my

這都是你當年教我 It's what you taught me back then, Like you taught me way back when, Just like you taught me


幫我 Come (and) help me


他威脅我 He threatened me


來追殺我 Come after me, Come to kill me


有我 Just me

有我 And also me, And then there is also me


找我 Find me, Finding me

為了找我 To find me

找我 Called me here

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