
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 破


Cause the rupture to be sealed

baˇ poˋ dongˋ feng¯ shangˋ

破 poˋ
Break, Split, Cleave, Damage, Wear Out, Expose, Solve, End, Defeat, Ruined, Destroyed

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Phone , Tone


破洞 poˋ dongˋ

封上 feng¯ shangˋ

Words that rhyme with 把破洞封上 (a-o)

Grouped by first phone

ba, a, da, fa, sa, sha, ya

把破洞封上 baˇ poˋ dongˋ feng¯ shangˋ

Cause the rupture to be sealed

把破洞補好 baˇ poˋ dongˋ buˇ haoˇ

Repaired the rupture

ba, a, da, fa, sa, sha, ya

阿婆 a¯ poˊ

Grandmother, Polite term for older lady

ba, a, da, fa, sa, sha, ya

打磨 daˇ moˊ

Polish, Burnish, Shine, Hone, Polished, Burnished, Shined, Honed

打磨者 daˇ moˊ zheˇ

Honer, Refiner, Polisher

大模大樣 daˋ moˊ daˋ yangˋ


打破 daˇ poˋ


大破天幕殺機 daˋ poˋ tian¯ muˋ sha¯ ji¯


ba, a, da, fa, sa, sha, ya

發播 fa¯ bo¯

Transmit, Emit, Broadcast

ba, a, da, fa, sa, sha, ya

薩博本 saˋ boˊ benˇ


薩摩亞 saˋ moˊ yaˋ


ba, a, da, fa, sa, sha, ya

沙漠 sha¯ moˋ


ba, a, da, fa, sa, sha, ya

亞佛加厥 yaˋ foˊ jia¯ jueˊ


亞佛加厥數 yaˋ foˊ jia¯ jueˊ shuˋ

Avogadro's number

壓迫 ya¯ poˋ

Pressurize, Force, Oppress

牙婆 yaˊ poˊ

Procuress, Madam

Grouped in tone pairs

34, 11, 12, 14, 22, 32, 42, 44

把破洞封上 baˇ poˋ dongˋ feng¯ shangˋ

Cause the rupture to be sealed

把破洞補好 baˇ poˋ dongˋ buˇ haoˇ

Repaired the rupture

打破 daˇ poˋ


34, 11, 12, 14, 22, 32, 42, 44

發播 fa¯ bo¯

Transmit, Emit, Broadcast

34, 11, 12, 14, 22, 32, 42, 44

阿婆 a¯ poˊ

Grandmother, Polite term for older lady

34, 11, 12, 14, 22, 32, 42, 44

沙漠 sha¯ moˋ


壓迫 ya¯ poˋ

Pressurize, Force, Oppress

34, 11, 12, 14, 22, 32, 42, 44

牙婆 yaˊ poˊ

Procuress, Madam

34, 11, 12, 14, 22, 32, 42, 44

打磨 daˇ moˊ

Polish, Burnish, Shine, Hone, Polished, Burnished, Shined, Honed

打磨者 daˇ moˊ zheˇ

Honer, Refiner, Polisher

34, 11, 12, 14, 22, 32, 42, 44

大模大樣 daˋ moˊ daˋ yangˋ


薩博本 saˋ boˊ benˇ


薩摩亞 saˋ moˊ yaˋ


亞佛加厥 yaˋ foˊ jia¯ jueˊ


亞佛加厥數 yaˋ foˊ jia¯ jueˊ shuˋ

Avogadro's number

34, 11, 12, 14, 22, 32, 42, 44

大破天幕殺機 daˋ poˋ tian¯ muˋ sha¯ ji¯



十-扌 : > : > [把]-把破 : > [把]-把破洞封上 >

一-石 : > : > [破]-破洞 : > [破]-把破洞封上 >

丶-氵 : > : > [洞]-破洞 : > [洞]-把破洞封上 >

十-土 : > : > [封]-封上 : > [封]-把破洞封上 >

丨-卜 : > : > [上]-封上 : > [上]-把破洞封上 >

把破洞封上 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 破

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