
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 空


Find time, Make time to do something, Evacuated

chou¯ kong¯

空 kong¯, kongˋ
Empty, Have Free Time, Space, Air, Sky, In Vain, Bare, Hollow, Deserted

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 抽空 (ou-wong)

Grouped by first phone

chou, gou, hou, kou, lou, mou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

抽動 chou¯ dongˋ

Twitch, Twitched

抽空 chou¯ kong¯

Find time, Make time to do something, Evacuated

抽空兒 chou¯ kong¯ erˊ

Find time, Make time to do something

chou, gou, hou, kou, lou, mou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

夠聰明 gouˋ cong¯ mingˊ

Smart enough

溝通 gou¯ tong¯

Communicate with, Talk with or to

chou, gou, hou, kou, lou, mou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

後空翻 houˋ kong¯ fan¯

Tumble back, Tumbled back, Roll back, Rolled back, Backflip, Backflipped

喉嚨 houˊ longˊ


喉嚨痛 houˊ longˊ tongˋ

Sore throat

厚重 houˋ zhongˋ

Thick, Heavy, Bulky

chou, gou, hou, kou, lou, mou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

口紅 kouˇ hongˊ


chou, gou, hou, kou, lou, mou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

漏洞 louˋ dongˋ

Shortcoming, Failure, Loophole, Breach

chou, gou, hou, kou, lou, mou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

某種 mouˇ zhongˇ

Particular, Certain, Some sort of, Some kind of

某種人 mouˇ zhongˇ renˊ

Particular kind of person

某種冷爵士樂 mouˇ zhongˇ lengˇ jueˊ shiˋ leˋ

Some kind of cool jazz

某種神奇的藥物 mouˇ zhongˇ shenˊ qiˊ de˙ yaoˋ wuˋ

Some sort of wonder drug

某種蛋 mouˇ zhongˇ danˋ

A kind of egg

某種這些人想要的東西 mouˇ zhongˇ zheˋ xie¯ renˊ xiangˇ yaoˋ de˙ dong¯ xi¯

A particular something that these people want

chou, gou, hou, kou, lou, mou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

手動 shouˇ dongˋ

Manual (as opposed to automatic)

手動對焦 shouˇ dongˋ duiˋ jiao¯

Manual Focus, Focusing Manually

手動曝光 shouˇ dongˋ puˋ guang¯

Manual exposure

手動清潔 shouˇ dongˋ qing¯ jieˊ

Manual cleaning

手工 shouˇ gong¯

Hand made

手工織雕 shouˇ gong¯ zhi¯ diao¯

Hand woven and sculpted

收攏 shou¯ longˇ

Collapse, Draw in, Close up

手中 shouˇ zhong¯

In the hand, Held in the hand

手中拿著 shouˇ zhong¯ naˊ zhe˙

Holding (in their hands)

手中的 shouˇ zhong¯ de˙

Held in the hand

壽終正寢 shouˋ zhong¯ zhengˋ qinˇ

Die naturally of old age

chou, gou, hou, kou, lou, mou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

頭痛 touˊ tongˋ


頭痛加深 touˊ tongˋ jia¯ shen¯

Headache deepened, Headache got worse

chou, gou, hou, kou, lou, mou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

週公告於 zhou¯ gong¯ gaoˋ yuˊ

Weekly bulletin

chou, gou, hou, kou, lou, mou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

走動 zouˇ dongˋ

Walk, Walking

Grouped in tone pairs

11, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 44

抽空 chou¯ kong¯

Find time, Make time to do something, Evacuated

抽空兒 chou¯ kong¯ erˊ

Find time, Make time to do something

溝通 gou¯ tong¯

Communicate with, Talk with or to

週公告於 zhou¯ gong¯ gaoˋ yuˊ

Weekly bulletin

11, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 44

收攏 shou¯ longˇ

Collapse, Draw in, Close up

11, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 44

抽動 chou¯ dongˋ

Twitch, Twitched

11, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 44

喉嚨 houˊ longˊ


喉嚨痛 houˊ longˊ tongˋ

Sore throat

11, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 44

頭痛 touˊ tongˋ


頭痛加深 touˊ tongˋ jia¯ shen¯

Headache deepened, Headache got worse

11, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 44

手工 shouˇ gong¯

Hand made

手工織雕 shouˇ gong¯ zhi¯ diao¯

Hand woven and sculpted

手中 shouˇ zhong¯

In the hand, Held in the hand

手中拿著 shouˇ zhong¯ naˊ zhe˙

Holding (in their hands)

手中的 shouˇ zhong¯ de˙

Held in the hand

11, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 44

口紅 kouˇ hongˊ


11, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 44

某種 mouˇ zhongˇ

Particular, Certain, Some sort of, Some kind of

某種人 mouˇ zhongˇ renˊ

Particular kind of person

某種冷爵士樂 mouˇ zhongˇ lengˇ jueˊ shiˋ leˋ

Some kind of cool jazz

某種神奇的藥物 mouˇ zhongˇ shenˊ qiˊ de˙ yaoˋ wuˋ

Some sort of wonder drug

某種蛋 mouˇ zhongˇ danˋ

A kind of egg

某種這些人想要的東西 mouˇ zhongˇ zheˋ xie¯ renˊ xiangˇ yaoˋ de˙ dong¯ xi¯

A particular something that these people want

11, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 44

手動 shouˇ dongˋ

Manual (as opposed to automatic)

手動對焦 shouˇ dongˋ duiˋ jiao¯

Manual Focus, Focusing Manually

手動曝光 shouˇ dongˋ puˋ guang¯

Manual exposure

手動清潔 shouˇ dongˋ qing¯ jieˊ

Manual cleaning

走動 zouˇ dongˋ

Walk, Walking

11, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 44

夠聰明 gouˋ cong¯ mingˊ

Smart enough

後空翻 houˋ kong¯ fan¯

Tumble back, Tumbled back, Roll back, Rolled back, Backflip, Backflipped

壽終正寢 shouˋ zhong¯ zhengˋ qinˇ

Die naturally of old age

11, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 44

厚重 houˋ zhongˋ

Thick, Heavy, Bulky

漏洞 louˋ dongˋ

Shortcoming, Failure, Loophole, Breach


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抽空 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 空

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