Grab, Take, Bring, Hold, Carry, Seize, Catch, Apprehend
Word Links for words containing 拿 (sorted via character pairs)
拿回 Retrieve, Take back
拿回來 Have back, Get back, Take back
從架上拿回帽子和傘 Retrieve their hat and umbrella from the rack, Retrieved their hat and umbrella from the rack
你要拿回你的生活了嗎 Are you taking your life back?
妳要拿回妳的生活了嗎 Are you taking your life back?
手拿開 Get (your) hand off me
把手拿開 Take hands off, Take hand off, Takes hand off, Taking hand off, Took hand off
拿出 Take out, Takes out, Took out, Remove, Removed
拿出來 Take out
他拿出香菸 Took out his cigarettes
拿出一張白紙 Pulled out a blank piece of paper
拿出一個黑色三孔活頁夾 Took out a black three ring binder
他至少拿出機械懷錶看了十幾次 Pulled out his mechanical pocket watch at least a dozen times
拿出一件絲袍 Grabbed a silk robe
從衣櫥拿出一件絲袍 Grabbed a silk robe from the wardrobe
拿了 Use, Took, Grabbed, Holding, Held
拿了出來 Pulled out
拿了一根筷子 Took a chopstick
拿了一瓶啤酒 Grabbed a beer
從冰箱拿了一瓶啤酒 Grabbed a beer from the fridge
拿手 Good at, Adept, Expert (at)
拿手的 Favorite
拿手電筒 Holding a flashlight, Holding flashlights
最拿手的事 Does best
拿手電筒照在他身上 Holding a flashlight on him, Illuminating him with a flashlight
拿著 Holding
還拿著 Still holding
手上拿著 Carrying
手中拿著 Holding (in their hands)
手裡拿著 Hand holding
拿著劍 Holding a sword, Holding swords
一手拿著雜誌 Holding a magazine in one hand
一手拿著冰啤酒 Holding a cold beer in one hand
另一手拿著咖啡 Had a coffee in the other hand, Had a cup of coffee in the other hand
很少拿著照相機 Seldom takes a camera along
我總是一手拿著筆記本 I always had the notebook in one hand, I always held the book in one hand
有個女侍拿著菜單走來 A waitress came over with menus, The waitress came over with menus
拿到 Grab, Got, Received, Grabbed, Took to, Carried to
必須拿到 Must get, Need to get, Needs to get, Needed to get
拿到了 Grab, Grabbed
拿到樓上他的房間 Took up to their room
它必須拿到一顆心臟 It needs to get a heart, It needed to get a heart
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