
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 掉



duanˋ diaoˋ

掉 diaoˋ
Drop, Fall, Lose, Fade, Change, Substitute, Shake, Turn, Move, Wag, Verb Ending, For Completion

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 斷掉 (wan-yao)

Grouped by first phone

duan, chuan, guan, huan, luan, wan, zhuan

斷掉 duanˋ diaoˋ


短小 duanˇ xiaoˇ


duan, chuan, guan, huan, luan, wan, zhuan

傳票 chuanˊ piaoˋ

Summons, Subpoena

穿小鞋 chuan¯ xiaoˇ xieˊ

Wear small shoes

duan, chuan, guan, huan, luan, wan, zhuan

關掉 guan¯ diaoˋ

Turn off

管教 guanˇ jiaoˋ

Teach, Direct, Instruct, Educate, Discipline, Sure to make

官僚 guan¯ liaoˊ


官僚主義 guan¯ liaoˊ zhuˇ yiˋ


官僚機構 guan¯ liaoˊ ji¯ gouˋ


管小孩 guanˇ xiaoˇ haiˊ

Manage a child, Manage children, Manage kids, Managed the kids, Managed the kids, Look after children

duan, chuan, guan, huan, luan, wan, zhuan

換掉衣服 huanˋ diaoˋ yi¯ fuˊ

Change clothes, Changes clothes, Changing clothes, Changed clothes

歡笑 huan¯ xiaoˋ

Laughter, Joy, Fun

歡笑聲 huan¯ xiaoˋ sheng¯

Sound of laughter, Sound of people having a good time

duan, chuan, guan, huan, luan, wan, zhuan

亂調彈出 luanˋ diaoˋ tanˊ chu¯

Strum, Strumming

duan, chuan, guan, huan, luan, wan, zhuan

腕錶 wanˋ biaoˇ


玩翹翹板 wanˊ qiaoˊ qiaoˊ banˇ

Play on the seesaw

玩笑 wanˊ xiaoˋ


玩笑說 wanˊ xiaoˋ shuo¯


彎腰 wan¯ yao¯

Bend over, Stoop

彎腰駝背 wan¯ yao¯ tuoˊ beiˋ

Hunched over, Slouched

duan, chuan, guan, huan, luan, wan, zhuan

轉交 zhuanˇ jiao¯

Send, Pass on, Forward

轉交給 zhuanˇ jiao¯ geiˇ

Hand over to, Hands over to, Handing over to, Handed over to, Given to, Transferred to

轉角 zhuanˇ jiaoˇ

Corner, Turning

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43

斷掉 duanˋ diaoˋ


換掉衣服 huanˋ diaoˋ yi¯ fuˊ

Change clothes, Changes clothes, Changing clothes, Changed clothes

亂調彈出 luanˋ diaoˋ tanˊ chu¯

Strum, Strumming

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43

彎腰 wan¯ yao¯

Bend over, Stoop

彎腰駝背 wan¯ yao¯ tuoˊ beiˋ

Hunched over, Slouched

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43

官僚 guan¯ liaoˊ


官僚主義 guan¯ liaoˊ zhuˇ yiˋ


官僚機構 guan¯ liaoˊ ji¯ gouˋ


44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43

穿小鞋 chuan¯ xiaoˇ xieˊ

Wear small shoes

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43

關掉 guan¯ diaoˋ

Turn off

歡笑 huan¯ xiaoˋ

Laughter, Joy, Fun

歡笑聲 huan¯ xiaoˋ sheng¯

Sound of laughter, Sound of people having a good time

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43

玩翹翹板 wanˊ qiaoˊ qiaoˊ banˇ

Play on the seesaw

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43

傳票 chuanˊ piaoˋ

Summons, Subpoena

玩笑 wanˊ xiaoˋ


玩笑說 wanˊ xiaoˋ shuo¯


44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43

轉交 zhuanˇ jiao¯

Send, Pass on, Forward

轉交給 zhuanˇ jiao¯ geiˇ

Hand over to, Hands over to, Handing over to, Handed over to, Given to, Transferred to

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43

短小 duanˇ xiaoˇ


管小孩 guanˇ xiaoˇ haiˊ

Manage a child, Manage children, Manage kids, Managed the kids, Managed the kids, Look after children

轉角 zhuanˇ jiaoˇ

Corner, Turning

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43

管教 guanˇ jiaoˋ

Teach, Direct, Instruct, Educate, Discipline, Sure to make

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43

腕錶 wanˋ biaoˇ



𠄌-㡭 : > : > [斷]-斷掉 : > [斷]-斷掉 >

十-扌 : > : > [掉]-斷掉 : > [掉]-斷掉 >

斷掉 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 掉

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