
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 刻


Constantly, Moment to moment, By the moment

shiˊ shiˊ keˋ keˋ

刻 keˋ
Carve, Engrave, Detailed, Rugged, Cruel, Oppressive, Heartless, Quarter Of An Hour, MW For Quarter Of An Hour

刻 刻 (hide char details)

Phone , Tone


時時 shiˊ shiˊ

時刻 shiˊ keˋ

Words that rhyme with 時時刻刻 (i-i)

Grouped by first phone

shi, chi, ci, ri, si, zhi, zi

十次 shiˊ ciˋ

Ten times

十次裡她的看法總有九次是對的 shiˊ ciˋ liˇ ta¯ de˙ kanˋ faˇ zongˇ youˇ jiuˇ ciˋ shiˋ duiˋ de˙

She is proved right nine out of ten times

濕濕 shi¯ shi¯

Wet, Damp, Moist

濕濕的 shi¯ shi¯ de˙

Wet, Damp, Moist

失事 shi¯ shiˋ

Accident, Suffer an accident

實施 shiˊ shi¯

Implement, Implementation

食屍鬼 shiˊ shi¯ guiˇ


時時 shiˊ shiˊ

Often, Frequently, Continually

時時刻刻 shiˊ shiˊ keˋ keˋ

Constantly, Moment to moment, By the moment

實事求是 shiˊ shiˋ qiuˊ shiˋ

Seek truth from facts

時事 shiˊ shiˋ

Current affairs

士師 shiˋ shi¯


事實 shiˋ shiˊ

Reality, Fact

事實上 shiˋ shiˊ shangˋ

In fact, Truth is, In reality

是時候 shiˋ shiˊ houˋ

It's time

適時 shiˋ shiˊ

Timely, In good time

世事 shiˋ shiˋ

World affairs, Affairs of the world

世事多變 shiˋ shiˋ duo¯ bianˋ

Thing's change

世事難料 shiˋ shiˋ nanˊ liaoˋ

What do you know, You never know

事事 shiˋ shiˋ


式式看 shiˋ shiˋ kanˋ

Attempt, Try

式式看用 shiˋ shiˋ kanˋ yongˋ

Try using

試試 shiˋ shiˋ

Try, Try it

試試看 shiˋ shiˋ kanˋ

Try, Give it a go

試試跳傘 shiˋ shiˋ tiaoˋ sanˇ

Try skydiving

逝世 shiˋ shiˋ

Passed away

十四 shiˊ siˋ

Fourteen, 14

十四歲 shiˊ siˋ suiˋ

Fourteen years old

誓死 shiˋ siˇ

Swear, Sworn to

市肆 shiˋ siˋ

Shops in a market

師直為壯 shi¯ zhiˊ weiˊ zhuangˋ

High troop morale as a result of fighting for a just cause

實質 shiˊ zhiˊ

Substance, Essence

十指 shiˊ zhiˇ

Ten fingers, Fingers

食指 shiˊ zhiˇ

Index finger

使之 shiˇ zhi¯

Enabling, Enable, Enables, Enabled

使之充分混合 shiˇ zhi¯ chong¯ fen¯ hunˋ heˊ

Mix thoroughly, Mixed thoroughly

是蜘蛛 shiˋ zhi¯ zhu¯

It's a spider, It was a spider

是志工 shiˋ zhiˋ gong¯

Is a volunteer

師資 shi¯ zi¯


獅子座 shi¯ ziˇ zuoˋ


獅子 shi¯ zi˙

Lion, Leo

石子 shiˊ ziˇ

Cobbles, Stones

十字 shiˊ ziˋ

Cross, Cross shape

十字手 shiˊ ziˋ shouˇ

Cross Hands

十字準心 shiˊ ziˋ zhunˇ xin¯


十字路口 shiˊ ziˋ luˋ kouˇ


式子 shiˋ ziˇ

Equation, Formula

柿子 shiˋ ziˇ


識字 shiˋ ziˋ


柿子樹 shiˋ zi˙ shuˋ

Persimmon tree

shi, chi, ci, ri, si, zhi, zi

遲遲 chiˊ chiˊ


遲遲不來 chiˊ chiˊ buˋ laiˊ

Still not arrived, Late in coming

嗤之以鼻 chi¯ zhi¯ yiˇ biˊ

Pooh-pooh, Snicker at, Look down on, Laugh at the idea, Never admit to the idea, Turn nose up at the idea

嗤之以鼻地稱為 chi¯ zhi¯ yiˇ biˊ de˙ cheng¯ weiˊ

Sneeringly called, Snidely referred to as

持之以恆 chiˊ zhi¯ yiˇ hengˊ


遲滯 chiˊ zhiˋ

Lagging, Inert, Lifeless

遲滯不前 chiˊ zhiˋ buˋ qianˊ

Sit still, Make no progress

池子 chiˊ ziˇ

Pond, Opera boxes, Theater boxes

尺子 chiˇ zi˙

Ruler, Measuring instrument

赤字 chiˋ ziˋ


shi, chi, ci, ri, si, zhi, zi

此次 ciˇ ciˋ

This time

次日 ciˋ riˋ

Next day

此時 ciˇ shiˊ

This time, At this time, Now, At that moment

此時期 ciˇ shiˊ qiˊ

This period, This period's

此時此刻 ciˇ shiˊ ciˇ keˋ

Now, At that very moment, Real quick, Really quickly, Really soon

此時鐘 ciˇ shiˊ zhong¯

This clock

此事 ciˇ shiˋ

This matter

此事件 ciˇ shiˋ jianˋ

This event, This incident

此事時 ciˇ shiˋ shiˊ

That particular time (of an even/matter)

辭職 ciˊ zhiˊ


瓷製 ciˊ zhiˋ

Made from porcelain

此致 ciˇ zhiˋ

With best wishes, Sincerely, Regards, Thus I inform you

shi, chi, ci, ri, si, zhi, zi

日日都 riˋ riˋ dou¯

Each (day, Week, Evening, Time, Part, Portion), Every, All

日式 riˋ shiˋ

Japanese style

日治時期 riˋ zhiˋ shiˊ qiˊ

Period of Japanese occupation

日誌 riˋ zhiˋ

Log entry, Journal entry, Daily entry, Daily record

日子 riˋ ziˇ

Day, Days

日子一天天過去 riˋ ziˇ yiˋ tian¯ tian¯ guoˋ quˋ

As the days went by

shi, chi, ci, ri, si, zhi, zi

四次 siˋ ciˋ

Four times

四次項 siˋ ciˋ xiangˋ

Fourth order term

四次項係數 siˋ ciˋ xiangˋ xiˋ shuˋ

Fourth order (quartic) coefficient

四次項係數為 siˋ ciˋ xiangˋ xiˋ shuˋ weiˋ

The fourth order (quartic) coefficient is

私事 si¯ shiˋ

Private matter, Private business

死屍 siˇ shi¯

Corpse, Corpses, Dead body, Dead bodies

四十 siˋ shiˊ

Forty, 40

四十五 siˋ shiˊ wuˇ

Forty five, 45

四十五度角 siˋ shiˊ wuˇ duˋ jiaoˇ

45 degree angle, Forty-five degree angle

四十萬 siˋ shiˊ wanˋ

Four hunder thousand

似是而非 siˋ shiˋ erˊ fei¯


似是而非的 siˋ shiˋ erˊ fei¯ de˙

Plausible, Specious

似是而非的謊言編織而成的網 siˋ shiˋ erˊ fei¯ de˙ huangˇ yanˊ bian¯ zhi¯ erˊ chengˊ de˙ wangˇ

Web of plausible lies

嘶嘶說道 si¯ si¯ shuo¯ daoˋ

Said with a hoarse voice

四四方方 siˋ siˋ fang¯ fang¯

Square, Very square, Square shape

絲質 si¯ zhiˊ


四肢 siˋ zhi¯

Arms and legs, Four limbs, All four limbs

四肢動物 siˋ zhi¯ dongˋ wuˋ

Four limbs

四肢攤開 siˋ zhi¯ tan¯ kai¯

Limbs spread out, Sprawled

四肢攤開躺 siˋ zhi¯ tan¯ kai¯ tangˇ


四肢支撐式 siˋ zhi¯ zhi¯ cheng¯ shiˋ

Four Legged Plank Pose, Chatarunga

四肢發軟 siˋ zhi¯ fa¯ ruanˇ

Limbs became weak

四肢著地 siˋ zhi¯ zhuoˊ diˋ

Went on all fours

四肢跪 siˋ zhi¯ guiˋ

Knee on all fours

私自 si¯ ziˋ

Privately, Secretly, Personally

shi, chi, ci, ri, si, zhi, zi

支持 zhi¯ chiˊ

Support, Supports, Supporting, Supported, Bolster, Bolsters, Bolstering, Bolstered

支持大一統國家觀念 zhi¯ chiˊ daˋ yiˋ tongˇ guoˊ jia¯ guan¯ nianˋ

Support the concept of a unified country

直尺 zhiˊ chiˇ

Straight edge, Ruler

只吃 zhiˇ chi¯

Only eat

致辭 zhiˋ ciˊ


至此 zhiˋ ciˇ

Arrive at, Come to

之日 zhi¯ riˋ

Day of arrival

之時 zhi¯ shiˊ

During, Time when

知識分子 zhi¯ shiˊ fenˋ ziˇ

Intellectuals, Scholars, Free thinking and independent

支室內電話 zhi¯ shiˋ neiˋ dianˋ huaˋ

Land line

知識 zhi¯ shiˋ

Knowledge, Information, Intellect, Intellectual

知識快遞 zhi¯ shiˋ kuaiˋ diˋ

Knowledge express

知識系統 zhi¯ shiˋ xiˋ tongˇ

Intellectual system

芝士 zhi¯ shiˋ


直式 zhiˊ shiˋ

Vertical style

直視 zhiˊ shiˋ

Look at steadily, Looks at, Looking at, looking at, Looked at

直視那人的眼睛 zhiˊ shiˋ neiˋ renˊ de˙ yanˇ jing¯

Look into the man's eyes, Looks into the man's eyes, Looked into the man's eyes

指使 zhiˇ shiˇ

Instigate, Incite, Entice, Cause, Make

只是 zhiˇ shiˋ

Just, Just is

只是個遙遠的煩惱 zhiˇ shiˋ ge˙ yaoˊ yuanˇ de˙ fanˊ naoˇ

Was just a distant worry

只是學會了如何控制 zhiˇ shiˋ xueˊ huiˋ le˙ ruˊ heˊ kongˋ zhiˋ

Just learned to control it

只是幾個位置奇佳的島 zhiˇ shiˋ jiˇ ge˙ weiˋ zhiˋ qiˊ jia¯ de˙ daoˇ

Just a few fantastically located islands, Just a few islands in fantastic locations

只是幾個位置奇佳的島而已 zhiˇ shiˋ jiˇ ge˙ weiˋ zhiˋ qiˊ jia¯ de˙ daoˇ erˊ yiˇ

Just a few islands in fantastic locations really

只是強忍著微笑 zhiˇ shiˋ qiangˊ renˇ zhe˙ weiˊ xiaoˋ

Just holding back a smile, Trying not to smile, Trying not to grin

只是稍微 zhiˇ shiˋ shao¯ weiˊ

Just a little

只是聳聳肩 zhiˇ shiˋ songˇ songˇ jian¯

Just shrugged

指示 zhiˇ shiˋ

Direct, Directions, Give directions to, Instructions

指示他 zhiˇ shiˋ ta¯

Directs him

指示燈 zhiˇ shiˋ deng¯

Indicator light

指示牌 zhiˇ shiˋ paiˊ


致使 zhiˋ shiˇ


支支吾吾 zhi¯ zhi¯ wuˊ wuˊ

Hemming and hawing, Prevarication, Equivocation

枝枝都 zhi¯ zhi¯ dou¯

Each (brush), Every, All

隻隻都 zhi¯ zhi¯ dou¯

Each (animal), Every, All

直直 zhiˊ zhiˊ


直直下墜 zhiˊ zhiˊ xiaˋ zhuiˋ

Straight down, Plummeting

直直地 zhiˊ zhiˊ de˙


直直的 zhiˊ zhiˊ de˙


直至 zhiˊ zhiˋ


職志 zhiˊ zhiˋ

Aspiration, Lifework, Flag officer

只知道 zhiˇ zhi¯ daoˋ

Only knew

指指 zhiˇ zhiˇ

Pointed to, Pointed at

指指地板 zhiˇ zhiˇ diˋ banˇ

Pointed at the floor

置之不理 zhiˋ zhi¯ buˋ liˇ

Disregard, Ignore

置之度外 zhiˋ zhi¯ duˋ waiˋ

Without regard to, Gave no thought to, Regardless of

置之死地而後生 zhiˋ zhi¯ siˇ diˋ erˊ houˋ sheng¯

Strategy of placing troops in a dire situation so that they fight for their lives to win a battle

置之腦後 zhiˋ zhi¯ naoˇ houˋ


制止 zhiˋ zhiˇ

Prevent, Stop

梔子花 zhi¯ ziˇ hua¯


之字形 zhi¯ ziˋ xingˊ

Zig-zagging shape

shi, chi, ci, ri, si, zhi, zi

字詞 ziˋ ciˊ


字詞句 ziˋ ciˊ juˋ

Words and sentences

姿勢 zi¯ shiˋ


滋事 zi¯ shiˋ


滋事份子 zi¯ shiˋ fenˋ ziˇ

Troublemaker, Hooligan

自食其果 ziˋ shiˊ qiˊ guoˇ

Reap what one has sown

自始至終 ziˋ shiˇ zhiˋ zhong¯

From start to finish

自事件開始 ziˋ shiˋ jianˋ kai¯ shiˇ

From the start of the incident, Since the start of the incident

自視為 ziˋ shiˋ weiˋ

Styled itself, Self styled itself, Thought of itself as

自私 ziˋ si¯


自私自利 ziˋ si¯ ziˋ liˋ


自制 ziˋ zhiˋ

Self-control, Self discipline, Self-restraint

自治 ziˋ zhiˋ

Self-government, Autonomy, Self-discipline

自製 ziˋ zhiˋ


吱吱喳 zi¯ zi¯ cha¯

Onomatopoeic for bird sounds

Grouped in tone pairs

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

遲遲 chiˊ chiˊ


遲遲不來 chiˊ chiˊ buˋ laiˊ

Still not arrived, Late in coming

辭職 ciˊ zhiˊ


時時 shiˊ shiˊ

Often, Frequently, Continually

時時刻刻 shiˊ shiˊ keˋ keˋ

Constantly, Moment to moment, By the moment

實質 shiˊ zhiˊ

Substance, Essence

直直 zhiˊ zhiˊ


直直下墜 zhiˊ zhiˊ xiaˋ zhuiˋ

Straight down, Plummeting

直直地 zhiˊ zhiˊ de˙


直直的 zhiˊ zhiˊ de˙


22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

嗤之以鼻 chi¯ zhi¯ yiˇ biˊ

Pooh-pooh, Snicker at, Look down on, Laugh at the idea, Never admit to the idea, Turn nose up at the idea

嗤之以鼻地稱為 chi¯ zhi¯ yiˇ biˊ de˙ cheng¯ weiˊ

Sneeringly called, Snidely referred to as

濕濕 shi¯ shi¯

Wet, Damp, Moist

濕濕的 shi¯ shi¯ de˙

Wet, Damp, Moist

師資 shi¯ zi¯


嘶嘶說道 si¯ si¯ shuo¯ daoˋ

Said with a hoarse voice

支支吾吾 zhi¯ zhi¯ wuˊ wuˊ

Hemming and hawing, Prevarication, Equivocation

枝枝都 zhi¯ zhi¯ dou¯

Each (brush), Every, All

隻隻都 zhi¯ zhi¯ dou¯

Each (animal), Every, All

吱吱喳 zi¯ zi¯ cha¯

Onomatopoeic for bird sounds

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

師直為壯 shi¯ zhiˊ weiˊ zhuangˋ

High troop morale as a result of fighting for a just cause

絲質 si¯ zhiˊ


支持 zhi¯ chiˊ

Support, Supports, Supporting, Supported, Bolster, Bolsters, Bolstering, Bolstered

支持大一統國家觀念 zhi¯ chiˊ daˋ yiˋ tongˇ guoˊ jia¯ guan¯ nianˋ

Support the concept of a unified country

之時 zhi¯ shiˊ

During, Time when

知識分子 zhi¯ shiˊ fenˋ ziˇ

Intellectuals, Scholars, Free thinking and independent

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

獅子座 shi¯ ziˇ zuoˋ


梔子花 zhi¯ ziˇ hua¯


22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

失事 shi¯ shiˋ

Accident, Suffer an accident

私事 si¯ shiˋ

Private matter, Private business

私自 si¯ ziˋ

Privately, Secretly, Personally

之日 zhi¯ riˋ

Day of arrival

支室內電話 zhi¯ shiˋ neiˋ dianˋ huaˋ

Land line

知識 zhi¯ shiˋ

Knowledge, Information, Intellect, Intellectual

知識快遞 zhi¯ shiˋ kuaiˋ diˋ

Knowledge express

知識系統 zhi¯ shiˋ xiˋ tongˇ

Intellectual system

芝士 zhi¯ shiˋ


之字形 zhi¯ ziˋ xingˊ

Zig-zagging shape

姿勢 zi¯ shiˋ


滋事 zi¯ shiˋ


滋事份子 zi¯ shiˋ fenˋ ziˇ

Troublemaker, Hooligan

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

獅子 shi¯ zi˙

Lion, Leo

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

持之以恆 chiˊ zhi¯ yiˇ hengˊ


實施 shiˊ shi¯

Implement, Implementation

食屍鬼 shiˊ shi¯ guiˇ


22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

池子 chiˊ ziˇ

Pond, Opera boxes, Theater boxes

十指 shiˊ zhiˇ

Ten fingers, Fingers

食指 shiˊ zhiˇ

Index finger

石子 shiˊ ziˇ

Cobbles, Stones

直尺 zhiˊ chiˇ

Straight edge, Ruler

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

遲滯 chiˊ zhiˋ

Lagging, Inert, Lifeless

遲滯不前 chiˊ zhiˋ buˋ qianˊ

Sit still, Make no progress

瓷製 ciˊ zhiˋ

Made from porcelain

十次 shiˊ ciˋ

Ten times

十次裡她的看法總有九次是對的 shiˊ ciˋ liˇ ta¯ de˙ kanˋ faˇ zongˇ youˇ jiuˇ ciˋ shiˋ duiˋ de˙

She is proved right nine out of ten times

實事求是 shiˊ shiˋ qiuˊ shiˋ

Seek truth from facts

時事 shiˊ shiˋ

Current affairs

十四 shiˊ siˋ

Fourteen, 14

十四歲 shiˊ siˋ suiˋ

Fourteen years old

十字 shiˊ ziˋ

Cross, Cross shape

十字手 shiˊ ziˋ shouˇ

Cross Hands

十字準心 shiˊ ziˋ zhunˇ xin¯


十字路口 shiˊ ziˋ luˋ kouˇ


直式 zhiˊ shiˋ

Vertical style

直視 zhiˊ shiˋ

Look at steadily, Looks at, Looking at, looking at, Looked at

直視那人的眼睛 zhiˊ shiˋ neiˋ renˊ de˙ yanˇ jing¯

Look into the man's eyes, Looks into the man's eyes, Looked into the man's eyes

直至 zhiˊ zhiˋ


職志 zhiˊ zhiˋ

Aspiration, Lifework, Flag officer

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

使之 shiˇ zhi¯

Enabling, Enable, Enables, Enabled

使之充分混合 shiˇ zhi¯ chong¯ fen¯ hunˋ heˊ

Mix thoroughly, Mixed thoroughly

死屍 siˇ shi¯

Corpse, Corpses, Dead body, Dead bodies

只吃 zhiˇ chi¯

Only eat

只知道 zhiˇ zhi¯ daoˋ

Only knew

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

此時 ciˇ shiˊ

This time, At this time, Now, At that moment

此時期 ciˇ shiˊ qiˊ

This period, This period's

此時此刻 ciˇ shiˊ ciˇ keˋ

Now, At that very moment, Real quick, Really quickly, Really soon

此時鐘 ciˇ shiˊ zhong¯

This clock

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

指使 zhiˇ shiˇ

Instigate, Incite, Entice, Cause, Make

指指 zhiˇ zhiˇ

Pointed to, Pointed at

指指地板 zhiˇ zhiˇ diˋ banˇ

Pointed at the floor

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

此次 ciˇ ciˋ

This time

此事 ciˇ shiˋ

This matter

此事件 ciˇ shiˋ jianˋ

This event, This incident

此事時 ciˇ shiˋ shiˊ

That particular time (of an even/matter)

此致 ciˇ zhiˋ

With best wishes, Sincerely, Regards, Thus I inform you

只是 zhiˇ shiˋ

Just, Just is

只是個遙遠的煩惱 zhiˇ shiˋ ge˙ yaoˊ yuanˇ de˙ fanˊ naoˇ

Was just a distant worry

只是學會了如何控制 zhiˇ shiˋ xueˊ huiˋ le˙ ruˊ heˊ kongˋ zhiˋ

Just learned to control it

只是幾個位置奇佳的島 zhiˇ shiˋ jiˇ ge˙ weiˋ zhiˋ qiˊ jia¯ de˙ daoˇ

Just a few fantastically located islands, Just a few islands in fantastic locations

只是幾個位置奇佳的島而已 zhiˇ shiˋ jiˇ ge˙ weiˋ zhiˋ qiˊ jia¯ de˙ daoˇ erˊ yiˇ

Just a few islands in fantastic locations really

只是強忍著微笑 zhiˇ shiˋ qiangˊ renˇ zhe˙ weiˊ xiaoˋ

Just holding back a smile, Trying not to smile, Trying not to grin

只是稍微 zhiˇ shiˋ shao¯ weiˊ

Just a little

只是聳聳肩 zhiˇ shiˋ songˇ songˇ jian¯

Just shrugged

指示 zhiˇ shiˋ

Direct, Directions, Give directions to, Instructions

指示他 zhiˇ shiˋ ta¯

Directs him

指示燈 zhiˇ shiˋ deng¯

Indicator light

指示牌 zhiˇ shiˋ paiˊ


22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

尺子 chiˇ zi˙

Ruler, Measuring instrument

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

士師 shiˋ shi¯


是蜘蛛 shiˋ zhi¯ zhu¯

It's a spider, It was a spider

四肢 siˋ zhi¯

Arms and legs, Four limbs, All four limbs

四肢動物 siˋ zhi¯ dongˋ wuˋ

Four limbs

四肢攤開 siˋ zhi¯ tan¯ kai¯

Limbs spread out, Sprawled

四肢攤開躺 siˋ zhi¯ tan¯ kai¯ tangˇ


四肢支撐式 siˋ zhi¯ zhi¯ cheng¯ shiˋ

Four Legged Plank Pose, Chatarunga

四肢發軟 siˋ zhi¯ fa¯ ruanˇ

Limbs became weak

四肢著地 siˋ zhi¯ zhuoˊ diˋ

Went on all fours

四肢跪 siˋ zhi¯ guiˋ

Knee on all fours

置之不理 zhiˋ zhi¯ buˋ liˇ

Disregard, Ignore

置之度外 zhiˋ zhi¯ duˋ waiˋ

Without regard to, Gave no thought to, Regardless of

置之死地而後生 zhiˋ zhi¯ siˇ diˋ erˊ houˋ sheng¯

Strategy of placing troops in a dire situation so that they fight for their lives to win a battle

置之腦後 zhiˋ zhi¯ naoˇ houˋ


自私 ziˋ si¯


自私自利 ziˋ si¯ ziˋ liˋ


22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

事實 shiˋ shiˊ

Reality, Fact

事實上 shiˋ shiˊ shangˋ

In fact, Truth is, In reality

是時候 shiˋ shiˊ houˋ

It's time

適時 shiˋ shiˊ

Timely, In good time

四十 siˋ shiˊ

Forty, 40

四十五 siˋ shiˊ wuˇ

Forty five, 45

四十五度角 siˋ shiˊ wuˇ duˋ jiaoˇ

45 degree angle, Forty-five degree angle

四十萬 siˋ shiˊ wanˋ

Four hunder thousand

致辭 zhiˋ ciˊ


字詞 ziˋ ciˊ


字詞句 ziˋ ciˊ juˋ

Words and sentences

自食其果 ziˋ shiˊ qiˊ guoˇ

Reap what one has sown

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

日子 riˋ ziˇ

Day, Days

日子一天天過去 riˋ ziˇ yiˋ tian¯ tian¯ guoˋ quˋ

As the days went by

誓死 shiˋ siˇ

Swear, Sworn to

式子 shiˋ ziˇ

Equation, Formula

柿子 shiˋ ziˇ


至此 zhiˋ ciˇ

Arrive at, Come to

致使 zhiˋ shiˇ


制止 zhiˋ zhiˇ

Prevent, Stop

自始至終 ziˋ shiˇ zhiˋ zhong¯

From start to finish

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

赤字 chiˋ ziˋ


次日 ciˋ riˋ

Next day

日日都 riˋ riˋ dou¯

Each (day, Week, Evening, Time, Part, Portion), Every, All

日式 riˋ shiˋ

Japanese style

日治時期 riˋ zhiˋ shiˊ qiˊ

Period of Japanese occupation

日誌 riˋ zhiˋ

Log entry, Journal entry, Daily entry, Daily record

世事 shiˋ shiˋ

World affairs, Affairs of the world

世事多變 shiˋ shiˋ duo¯ bianˋ

Thing's change

世事難料 shiˋ shiˋ nanˊ liaoˋ

What do you know, You never know

事事 shiˋ shiˋ


式式看 shiˋ shiˋ kanˋ

Attempt, Try

式式看用 shiˋ shiˋ kanˋ yongˋ

Try using

試試 shiˋ shiˋ

Try, Try it

試試看 shiˋ shiˋ kanˋ

Try, Give it a go

試試跳傘 shiˋ shiˋ tiaoˋ sanˇ

Try skydiving

逝世 shiˋ shiˋ

Passed away

市肆 shiˋ siˋ

Shops in a market

是志工 shiˋ zhiˋ gong¯

Is a volunteer

識字 shiˋ ziˋ


四次 siˋ ciˋ

Four times

四次項 siˋ ciˋ xiangˋ

Fourth order term

四次項係數 siˋ ciˋ xiangˋ xiˋ shuˋ

Fourth order (quartic) coefficient

四次項係數為 siˋ ciˋ xiangˋ xiˋ shuˋ weiˋ

The fourth order (quartic) coefficient is

似是而非 siˋ shiˋ erˊ fei¯


似是而非的 siˋ shiˋ erˊ fei¯ de˙

Plausible, Specious

似是而非的謊言編織而成的網 siˋ shiˋ erˊ fei¯ de˙ huangˇ yanˊ bian¯ zhi¯ erˊ chengˊ de˙ wangˇ

Web of plausible lies

四四方方 siˋ siˋ fang¯ fang¯

Square, Very square, Square shape

自事件開始 ziˋ shiˋ jianˋ kai¯ shiˇ

From the start of the incident, Since the start of the incident

自視為 ziˋ shiˋ weiˋ

Styled itself, Self styled itself, Thought of itself as

自制 ziˋ zhiˋ

Self-control, Self discipline, Self-restraint

自治 ziˋ zhiˋ

Self-government, Autonomy, Self-discipline

自製 ziˋ zhiˋ


22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

柿子樹 shiˋ zi˙ shuˋ

Persimmon tree


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口-日 : > : > [時]-時時 : > [時]-時時刻刻 >

丶-亠 : > : > [刻]-刻刻 : > [刻]-時時刻刻 >

丶-亠 : > : > [刻]-刻刻 : > [刻]-時時刻刻 >

時時刻刻 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 刻

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