
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 對


Will make it easier to focus, Will make focusing easier

huiˋ gengˋ yiˋ yuˊ duiˋ jiao¯

對 duiˋ
Correct, To, Towards, Opposite, Oppose, Pair, Right, Proper, Corresponding

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Phone , Tone


更易 gengˋ yiˋ

會更易 huiˋ gengˋ yiˋ

於對 yuˊ duiˋ

對焦 duiˋ jiao¯

Words that rhyme with 會更易於對焦 (wei-eng)

Grouped by first phone

hui, chui, shui, sui, wei, zhui, zui

會更易 huiˋ gengˋ yiˋ

Will make easier, Will make it easier

會更易於對焦 huiˋ gengˋ yiˋ yuˊ duiˋ jiao¯

Will make it easier to focus, Will make focusing easier

恢生機 hui¯ sheng¯ ji¯

Rejuvenate, Revive

回升 huiˊ sheng¯

Pick up, Get back up

回聲定位法 huiˊ sheng¯ dingˋ weiˋ faˇ

Echo location

繪聲繪色 huiˋ sheng¯ huiˋ seˋ


回正 huiˊ zhengˋ

Became upright again, Returned to being upright

彙整 huiˋ zhengˇ

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hui, chui, shui, sui, wei, zhui, zui

吹風機 chui¯ feng¯ ji¯

Hair dryer

吹捧 chui¯ pengˇ


吹聲口哨 chui¯ sheng¯ kouˇ shaoˋ


hui, chui, shui, sui, wei, zhui, zui

睡夢中 shuiˋ mengˋ zhong¯

While sleeping, While in the midst of a dream

水生 shuiˇ sheng¯


水生植物 shuiˇ sheng¯ zhiˊ wuˋ

Water plant, Aquatic plants

水蒸氣 shuiˇ zheng¯ qiˋ

Water vapor

水蒸汽 shuiˇ zheng¯ qiˋ

Water vapor

hui, chui, shui, sui, wei, zhui, zui

隨風飄揚 suiˊ feng¯ piao¯ yangˊ

Fluttering, Blown by the wind

hui, chui, shui, sui, wei, zhui, zui

未曾 weiˋ cengˊ


未成年 weiˋ chengˊ nianˊ

Underage, Minor, Non-adult

未成年人 weiˋ chengˊ nianˊ renˊ


未成年男女各一人 weiˋ chengˊ nianˊ nanˊ nuuˇ geˋ yiˋ renˊ

One minor of each sex

未承重 weiˋ chengˊ zhongˋ

Unloaded, Unweighted, Non weight bearing

未承重的腳 weiˋ chengˊ zhongˋ de˙ jiaoˇ

Unweighted leg

尾燈 weiˇ deng¯

Tail light, Tail lights

威風 wei¯ feng¯

Imposing, Awe inspiring, Military bearing, Prestige

威風的 wei¯ feng¯ de˙

Mighty, True blooded

微風 wei¯ feng¯

Breeze, The breeze, A breeze

微風吹來 wei¯ feng¯ chui¯ laiˊ

Breeze, Blowing breeze

微風習習 weiˊ feng¯ xiˊ xiˊ


微風習習的走廊 weiˊ feng¯ xiˊ xiˊ de˙ zouˇ langˊ

Breezy veranda, Breezy verandas

未能 weiˋ nengˊ

Incapable, Unable, Fail to

未能如願 weiˋ nengˊ ruˊ yuanˋ

Failed to get what they wanted, Failed

為生 weiˊ sheng¯

To make a living, Livelihood

維生系統 weiˊ sheng¯ xiˋ tongˇ

Life support system

維生素 weiˊ sheng¯ suˋ

Vitamin, Vitamins

尾聲 weiˇ sheng¯


衛生 weiˋ sheng¯


衛生福利部 weiˋ sheng¯ fuˊ liˋ buˋ

Ministry of Health and Welfare

衛生紙 weiˋ sheng¯ zhiˇ

Toilet paper

衛生間 weiˋ sheng¯ jian¯

Bathroom, Washroom, Toilet

偽證 weiˇ zhengˋ


為正方形面積與邊長的關係表 weiˋ zhengˋ fang¯ xingˊ mianˋ ji¯ yuˇ bian¯ changˊ de˙ guan¯ xiˋ biaoˇ

Shows the relationship between the area of a square and its side length

hui, chui, shui, sui, wei, zhui, zui

贅生牙 zhuiˋ sheng¯ yaˊ

Supernumerary or extra tooth

hui, chui, shui, sui, wei, zhui, zui

最能吊 zuiˋ nengˊ diaoˋ

Most hoistable, Ability to lift is at its greatest

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 11, 13, 21, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43

會更易 huiˋ gengˋ yiˋ

Will make easier, Will make it easier

會更易於對焦 huiˋ gengˋ yiˋ yuˊ duiˋ jiao¯

Will make it easier to focus, Will make focusing easier

睡夢中 shuiˋ mengˋ zhong¯

While sleeping, While in the midst of a dream

為正方形面積與邊長的關係表 weiˋ zhengˋ fang¯ xingˊ mianˋ ji¯ yuˇ bian¯ changˊ de˙ guan¯ xiˋ biaoˇ

Shows the relationship between the area of a square and its side length

44, 11, 13, 21, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43

吹風機 chui¯ feng¯ ji¯

Hair dryer

吹聲口哨 chui¯ sheng¯ kouˇ shaoˋ


恢生機 hui¯ sheng¯ ji¯

Rejuvenate, Revive

威風 wei¯ feng¯

Imposing, Awe inspiring, Military bearing, Prestige

威風的 wei¯ feng¯ de˙

Mighty, True blooded

微風 wei¯ feng¯

Breeze, The breeze, A breeze

微風吹來 wei¯ feng¯ chui¯ laiˊ

Breeze, Blowing breeze

44, 11, 13, 21, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43

吹捧 chui¯ pengˇ


44, 11, 13, 21, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43

回升 huiˊ sheng¯

Pick up, Get back up

回聲定位法 huiˊ sheng¯ dingˋ weiˋ faˇ

Echo location

隨風飄揚 suiˊ feng¯ piao¯ yangˊ

Fluttering, Blown by the wind

微風習習 weiˊ feng¯ xiˊ xiˊ


微風習習的走廊 weiˊ feng¯ xiˊ xiˊ de˙ zouˇ langˊ

Breezy veranda, Breezy verandas

為生 weiˊ sheng¯

To make a living, Livelihood

維生系統 weiˊ sheng¯ xiˋ tongˇ

Life support system

維生素 weiˊ sheng¯ suˋ

Vitamin, Vitamins

44, 11, 13, 21, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43

回正 huiˊ zhengˋ

Became upright again, Returned to being upright

44, 11, 13, 21, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43

水生 shuiˇ sheng¯


水生植物 shuiˇ sheng¯ zhiˊ wuˋ

Water plant, Aquatic plants

水蒸氣 shuiˇ zheng¯ qiˋ

Water vapor

水蒸汽 shuiˇ zheng¯ qiˋ

Water vapor

尾燈 weiˇ deng¯

Tail light, Tail lights

尾聲 weiˇ sheng¯


44, 11, 13, 21, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43

偽證 weiˇ zhengˋ


44, 11, 13, 21, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43

繪聲繪色 huiˋ sheng¯ huiˋ seˋ


衛生 weiˋ sheng¯


衛生福利部 weiˋ sheng¯ fuˊ liˋ buˋ

Ministry of Health and Welfare

衛生紙 weiˋ sheng¯ zhiˇ

Toilet paper

衛生間 weiˋ sheng¯ jian¯

Bathroom, Washroom, Toilet

贅生牙 zhuiˋ sheng¯ yaˊ

Supernumerary or extra tooth

44, 11, 13, 21, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43

未曾 weiˋ cengˊ


未成年 weiˋ chengˊ nianˊ

Underage, Minor, Non-adult

未成年人 weiˋ chengˊ nianˊ renˊ


未成年男女各一人 weiˋ chengˊ nianˊ nanˊ nuuˇ geˋ yiˋ renˊ

One minor of each sex

未承重 weiˋ chengˊ zhongˋ

Unloaded, Unweighted, Non weight bearing

未承重的腳 weiˋ chengˊ zhongˋ de˙ jiaoˇ

Unweighted leg

未能 weiˋ nengˊ

Incapable, Unable, Fail to

未能如願 weiˋ nengˊ ruˊ yuanˋ

Failed to get what they wanted, Failed

最能吊 zuiˋ nengˊ diaoˋ

Most hoistable, Ability to lift is at its greatest

44, 11, 13, 21, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43

彙整 huiˋ zhengˇ

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人-人 : > : > [會]-會更 : > [會]-會更易於對焦 >

一-一 : > : > [更]-更易 : > [更]-會更易於對焦 >

口-日 : > : > [易]-更易 : > [易]-會更易於對焦 >

丶-亠 : > : > [於]-於對 : > [於]-會更易於對焦 >

人-业 : > : > [對]-於對 : > [對]-會更易於對焦 >

丿-亻 : > : > [焦]-對焦 : > [焦]-會更易於對焦 >

會更易於對焦 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 對

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