
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 項


This polynomial, (Cats: Math next)

ciˇ duo¯ xiangˋ shiˋ

項 xiangˋ
Nape, Nape Of The Neck, Back Of The Neck, Nuchal, Sum, Item, Items, Term, Terms, Funds, Project, MW For Items Or Components

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Phone , Tone


多項式 duo¯ xiangˋ shiˋ

Words that rhyme with 此多項式 (i-wo)

Grouped by first phone

ci, chi, ri, shi, si, zhi, zi

此多項式 ciˇ duo¯ xiangˋ shiˋ

This polynomial

此多項式的次數為 ciˇ duo¯ xiangˋ shiˋ de˙ ciˋ shuˋ weiˋ

This polynomial is of degree

次國族 ciˋ guoˊ zuˊ

Tribal offshoot, Subphyle

ci, chi, ri, shi, si, zhi, zi

吃過 chi¯ guoˋ

Tasted, Ate

赤裸 chiˋ luoˇ


赤裸著身子 chiˋ luoˇ zhe˙ shen¯ zi˙

Naked, Naked body

赤裸著身子坐在馬桶上 chiˋ luoˇ zhe˙ shen¯ zi˙ zuoˋ zaiˋ maˇ tongˇ shangˋ

Sitting naked on the toilet

赤裸裸 chiˋ luoˇ luoˇ

Naked, Exposed

ci, chi, ri, shi, si, zhi, zi

日落大道 riˋ luoˋ daˋ daoˋ

Sunset Boulevard

日落大道西段 riˋ luoˋ daˋ daoˋ xi¯ duanˋ

West Sunset Boulevard

ci, chi, ri, shi, si, zhi, zi

失措 shi¯ cuoˋ

Panic, Scared witless

是錯 shiˋ cuoˋ

Is wrong

是錯的 shiˋ cuoˋ de˙

Is wrong

十多年前的 shiˊ duo¯ nianˊ qianˊ de˙

A decade ago, A decade previously

是多麼耀眼 shiˋ duo¯ me˙ yaoˋ yanˇ

How it had dazzled, How it had glimmered, How dazzling

十國 shiˊ guoˊ

Ten Kingdoms

是過去的事情了 shiˋ guoˋ quˋ de˙ shiˋ qingˊ le˙

Were a thing of the past

失落 shi¯ luoˋ


視若無物 shiˋ ruoˋ wuˊ wuˋ

Disregard, To see as nothing, To look at as unimportant

是說 shiˋ shuo¯

Is saying

是我 shiˋ woˇ

Is me, Was me

是我們 shiˋ woˇ men˙

Us, Is us, It is we

是我前世的盼望 shiˋ woˇ qianˊ shiˋ de˙ panˋ wangˋ

A hope from a previous life

是我的 shiˋ woˇ de˙

Is my, Is mine

是我讓 shiˋ woˇ rangˋ

It was me who allowed

ci, chi, ri, shi, si, zhi, zi

斯洛伐克 si¯ luoˋ faˊ keˋ


斯洛文尼亞 si¯ luoˋ wenˊ niˊ yaˋ


思索 si¯ suoˇ

Ponder, Think, Consider, Search one's mind for

思索著 si¯ suoˇ zhe˙


ci, chi, ri, shi, si, zhi, zi

擲過 zhiˊ guoˋ

Threw, Flung

之所以 zhi¯ suoˇ yiˇ

The reason why

之所在 zhi¯ suoˇ zaiˋ

Was positioned, Was located, Was

製作 zhiˋ zuoˋ

Make, Produce, Manufacture

製作的 zhiˋ zuoˋ de˙


製做 zhiˋ zuoˋ

Made, Produced

ci, chi, ri, shi, si, zhi, zi

紫羅蘭色 ziˇ luo¯ lanˊ seˋ


自說自話 ziˋ shuo¯ ziˋ huaˋ

Speak for yourself

自我 ziˋ woˇ


自我介紹 ziˋ woˇ jieˋ shaoˋ

Introduce themselves, Introducing themselves

自我存續 ziˋ woˇ cunˊ xuˋ

Self-perpetuating, Self-sustaining

自我存續的官僚機構 ziˋ woˇ cunˊ xuˋ de˙ guan¯ liaoˊ ji¯ gouˋ

Self-perpetuating bureaucracy

自我實現 ziˋ woˇ shiˊ xianˋ


自我意識 ziˋ woˇ yiˋ shiˋ

Self-conscious, Self aware

自我毀滅 ziˋ woˇ huiˇ mieˋ

Self-destruct, Self-destructed

自我決定 ziˋ woˇ jueˊ dingˋ

Decide for one's self

自我瓦解 ziˋ woˇ waˇ jieˇ


自我的 ziˋ woˇ de˙

My self, Our self

自我評量 ziˋ woˇ pingˊ liangˋ


自我黏上 ziˋ woˇ nianˊ shangˋ

Stuck to itself

自作主張 ziˋ zuoˋ zhuˇ zhang¯

Taking charge

Grouped in tone pairs

31, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 41, 42, 43, 44

此多項式 ciˇ duo¯ xiangˋ shiˋ

This polynomial

此多項式的次數為 ciˇ duo¯ xiangˋ shiˋ de˙ ciˋ shuˋ weiˋ

This polynomial is of degree

紫羅蘭色 ziˇ luo¯ lanˊ seˋ


31, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 41, 42, 43, 44

思索 si¯ suoˇ

Ponder, Think, Consider, Search one's mind for

思索著 si¯ suoˇ zhe˙


之所以 zhi¯ suoˇ yiˇ

The reason why

之所在 zhi¯ suoˇ zaiˋ

Was positioned, Was located, Was

31, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 41, 42, 43, 44

吃過 chi¯ guoˋ

Tasted, Ate

失措 shi¯ cuoˋ

Panic, Scared witless

失落 shi¯ luoˋ


斯洛伐克 si¯ luoˋ faˊ keˋ


斯洛文尼亞 si¯ luoˋ wenˊ niˊ yaˋ


31, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 41, 42, 43, 44

十多年前的 shiˊ duo¯ nianˊ qianˊ de˙

A decade ago, A decade previously

31, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 41, 42, 43, 44

十國 shiˊ guoˊ

Ten Kingdoms

31, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 41, 42, 43, 44

擲過 zhiˊ guoˋ

Threw, Flung

31, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 41, 42, 43, 44

是多麼耀眼 shiˋ duo¯ me˙ yaoˋ yanˇ

How it had dazzled, How it had glimmered, How dazzling

是說 shiˋ shuo¯

Is saying

自說自話 ziˋ shuo¯ ziˋ huaˋ

Speak for yourself

31, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 41, 42, 43, 44

次國族 ciˋ guoˊ zuˊ

Tribal offshoot, Subphyle

31, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 41, 42, 43, 44

赤裸 chiˋ luoˇ


赤裸著身子 chiˋ luoˇ zhe˙ shen¯ zi˙

Naked, Naked body

赤裸著身子坐在馬桶上 chiˋ luoˇ zhe˙ shen¯ zi˙ zuoˋ zaiˋ maˇ tongˇ shangˋ

Sitting naked on the toilet

赤裸裸 chiˋ luoˇ luoˇ

Naked, Exposed

是我 shiˋ woˇ

Is me, Was me

是我們 shiˋ woˇ men˙

Us, Is us, It is we

是我前世的盼望 shiˋ woˇ qianˊ shiˋ de˙ panˋ wangˋ

A hope from a previous life

是我的 shiˋ woˇ de˙

Is my, Is mine

是我讓 shiˋ woˇ rangˋ

It was me who allowed

自我 ziˋ woˇ


自我介紹 ziˋ woˇ jieˋ shaoˋ

Introduce themselves, Introducing themselves

自我存續 ziˋ woˇ cunˊ xuˋ

Self-perpetuating, Self-sustaining

自我存續的官僚機構 ziˋ woˇ cunˊ xuˋ de˙ guan¯ liaoˊ ji¯ gouˋ

Self-perpetuating bureaucracy

自我實現 ziˋ woˇ shiˊ xianˋ


自我意識 ziˋ woˇ yiˋ shiˋ

Self-conscious, Self aware

自我毀滅 ziˋ woˇ huiˇ mieˋ

Self-destruct, Self-destructed

自我決定 ziˋ woˇ jueˊ dingˋ

Decide for one's self

自我瓦解 ziˋ woˇ waˇ jieˇ


自我的 ziˋ woˇ de˙

My self, Our self

自我評量 ziˋ woˇ pingˊ liangˋ


自我黏上 ziˋ woˇ nianˊ shangˋ

Stuck to itself

31, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 41, 42, 43, 44

日落大道 riˋ luoˋ daˋ daoˋ

Sunset Boulevard

日落大道西段 riˋ luoˋ daˋ daoˋ xi¯ duanˋ

West Sunset Boulevard

是錯 shiˋ cuoˋ

Is wrong

是錯的 shiˋ cuoˋ de˙

Is wrong

是過去的事情了 shiˋ guoˋ quˋ de˙ shiˋ qingˊ le˙

Were a thing of the past

視若無物 shiˋ ruoˋ wuˊ wuˋ

Disregard, To see as nothing, To look at as unimportant

製作 zhiˋ zuoˋ

Make, Produce, Manufacture

製作的 zhiˋ zuoˋ de˙


製做 zhiˋ zuoˋ

Made, Produced

自作主張 ziˋ zuoˋ zhuˇ zhang¯

Taking charge


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丿-夕 : > : > [多]-多項 : > [多]-此多項式 >

一-工 : > : > [項]-項式 : > [項]-此多項式 >

丶-弋 : > : > [式]-項式 : > [式]-此多項式 >

此多項式 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 項

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