
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 點


IV, Intravenous drip

zhuˋ sheˋ dianˇ di¯ de˙ jingˋ maiˋ shu¯ yeˋ guanˇ

點 dianˇ
Dot, Point, Speck, Degree, Check, Order, Nod, MW For O'Clock

(hide char details)

Phone , Tone


注射 zhuˋ sheˋ

靜脈輸 jingˋ maiˋ shu¯

輸液 shu¯ yeˋ

Words that rhyme with 注射點滴的靜脈輸液管 (wu-e)

Grouped by first phone

zhu, bu, chu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zu

註冊 zhuˋ ceˋ

Register (to register)

註冊我的選單 zhuˋ ceˋ woˇ de˙ xuanˇ dan¯

Registering My Menu

註冊的 zhuˋ ceˋ de˙


註冊相片風格 zhuˋ ceˋ xiangˋ pianˋ feng¯ geˊ

Registering (saving) a picture style

主車架 zhuˇ che¯ jiaˋ


住得不錯 zhuˋ deˊ buˊ cuoˋ


住得起 zhuˋ deˊ qiˇ

Able to live in, Afford to live in

住得下 zhuˋ de˙ xiaˋ

Living capacity (is), Number of people who can live (here/there is)

住的 zhuˋ de˙


屬和 zhuˇ heˋ

Correspond via verses

祝賀 zhuˋ heˋ

Congratulate, Congratulations

住客 zhuˋ keˋ

Resident, Residents

住了一段時間 zhuˋ le˙ yiˋ duanˋ shiˊ jian¯

Lived for a while

注射 zhuˋ sheˋ

Inject, Get a needle, Get a shot

注射到 zhuˋ sheˋ daoˋ

Inject into, Injects into, Injected into

注射點滴的靜脈輸液管 zhuˋ sheˋ dianˇ di¯ de˙ jingˋ maiˋ shu¯ yeˋ guanˇ

IV, Intravenous drip

屬者 zhuˇ zheˇ


住著 zhuˋ zhe˙


zhu, bu, chu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zu

不得不 buˋ deˊ buˋ

Have to, Had to, Must

不得不去哀求 buˋ deˊ buˊ quˋ ai¯ qiuˊ

Had to beg

不得不感到好奇 buˋ deˊ buˋ ganˇ daoˋ haoˇ qiˊ

Cannot help being curious, Cannot help but to be curious

不得不知道 buˋ deˊ buˋ zhi¯ daoˋ

Had to know, Have to know, Force to know

不得了 buˋ deˊ liaoˇ

Extremely, Exceedingly

不得以只好 buˋ deˊ yiˇ zhiˇ haoˇ

Have no choice but to, Had not choice but to

不得已 buˋ deˊ yiˇ

Have to, No other options, Last resort

不得而知 buˋ deˊ erˊ zhi¯


不得要領 buˋ deˊ yaoˋ lingˇ

Doesn't get the main point, Misses the point, Cannot get the gist, Pointless

不得 buˋ de˙


不喝 buˋ he¯

Don't (want to) drink

不喝比無糖汽水還要烈的飲料 buˋ he¯ biˇ wuˊ tangˊ qiˋ shuiˇ haiˊ yaoˋ lieˋ de˙ yinˇ liaoˋ

Drink nothing stronger than a diet or sugar free soda

不合 buˋ heˊ

Not suitable, Unfit, Substandard

不合乎生態學 buˋ heˊ hu¯ sheng¯ taiˋ xueˊ

Not ecological, Not ecologically friendly

不合理 buˋ heˊ liˇ

Unreasonable, Unreasoning

不客氣 buˊ keˋ qiˋ

You are welcome, Pleasure, My pleasure

補課 buˇ keˋ

Make up lesson, Take a make up lesson

不可 buˋ keˇ

No, None, Hard, Difficult, Not allowed, Forbidden

不可以 buˋ keˇ yiˇ

Not allowed

不可加熱 buˋ keˇ jia¯ reˋ

Cannot be heated

不可勝數 buˋ keˇ sheng¯ shuˋ


不可原諒 buˋ keˇ yuanˊ liangˋ

Unforgivable, Unforgivably, Inexcusable, Inexcusably

不可思議 buˋ keˇ si¯ yiˋ

Surprisingly, Incredibly, Incredible, Inconceivable, Wonderful, Unbelievable, Strange, Funny, Wonder, A wonder

不可思議地 buˋ keˇ si¯ yiˋ de˙

Incredibly, Inconceivably, Unbelievably, Strangely

不可恥 buˋ keˇ chiˇ

No shame

不可用 buˋ keˇ yongˋ

Do not use, Unavailable

不可用口吹熄 buˋ keˇ yongˋ kouˇ chui¯ xi¯

Do not put it out by blowing on it

不可置信地 buˋ keˇ zhiˋ xinˋ de˙

Unbelievingly, Incredulously

不可聞 buˋ keˇ wenˊ


不可能 buˋ keˇ nengˊ

Impossible, No, Can not, Could not, Could not have

不可能的 buˋ keˇ nengˊ de˙


不可能的事 buˋ keˇ nengˊ de˙ shiˋ

The impossible

不可能破解 buˋ keˇ nengˊ poˋ jieˇ

Could not be cracked, Could not be decrypted

不可能那麼小 buˋ keˇ nengˊ naˋ me˙ xiaoˇ

Can't be that small

不可衡量 buˋ keˇ hengˊ liangˊ

Measureless, Immeasurable

不可衡量的價值 buˋ keˇ hengˊ liangˊ de˙ jiaˋ zhiˊ

Unmeasurable value, Measureless value, Immeasurable value

不可赦 buˋ keˇ sheˋ

Unforgivable, Unforgivably

不可避免 buˋ keˇ biˋ mianˇ


不可避免的是 buˋ keˇ biˋ mianˇ de˙ shiˋ


不可靠 buˋ keˇ kaoˋ

Unreliable, Not reliable

補了一句 buˇ le˙ yiˊ juˋ

Said in addition, Added

布射遼丸 buˋ sheˋ liaoˊ wanˊ

Lu Bu (Skilled archer and General of the Eastern Han dynasty) and Yi Liao (a skillful juggler)

不折不扣 buˋ zheˊ buˊ kouˋ


不著火 buˋ zhe˙ huoˇ


zhu, bu, chu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zu

出得來 chu¯ de˙ laiˊ

Can come out

出得去 chu¯ de˙ quˋ

Can go out

出了什麼問題 chu¯ le˙ shenˊ me˙ wenˋ tiˊ

What happened?, What went wrong?

出了很多力 chu¯ le˙ henˇ duo¯ liˋ

Expended a lot of effort, Worked hard, Earned through hard work

出了錯 chu¯ le˙ cuoˋ

Made a mistake

除了 chuˊ le˙

Except for, Except, Apart from, In addition to

除了我之外 chuˊ le˙ woˇ zhi¯ waiˋ

Except for me, Apart from me

除了空氣什麼也沒有 chuˊ le˙ kong¯ qiˋ sheˊ me˙ yeˇ meiˊ youˇ

Nothing but air

除了第一個之外 chuˊ le˙ diˋ yi¯ ge˙ zhi¯ waiˋ

Except for the first one, Except the first one

除了親生父母 chuˊ le˙ qin¯ sheng¯ fuˋ muˇ

Except for their parents, Apart from their parents

除了說明外 chuˊ le˙ shuo¯ mingˊ waiˋ

Except for describing, Except for explaining

除了說明外沒別的可做 chuˊ le˙ shuo¯ mingˊ waiˋ meiˊ bieˊ de˙ keˇ zuoˋ

Had nothing to do but narrate, Apart from explaining had nothing to do

除了謀殺罪以外 chuˊ le˙ mouˊ sha¯ zuiˋ yiˇ waiˋ

Apart from murder, Other than murder

出色 chu¯ seˋ

Excellent, Outstanding

zhu, bu, chu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zu

堵車 duˇ che¯

Traffic jam

讀了 duˊ le˙

Read, Have read, Finished reading

讀了一小時故事 duˊ le˙ yi¯ xiaoˇ shiˊ guˋ shiˋ

Read stories for an hour

讀了很多書 duˊ le˙ henˇ duo¯ shu¯

Read many books

毒蛇 duˊ sheˊ

Poisonous snake, Poisonous snakes

獨特 duˊ teˋ

Unique, Special

讀者 duˊ zheˇ


讀著 duˊ zhe˙


zhu, bu, chu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zu

付額外 fuˋ eˊ waiˋ

Pay extra

付額外的錢 fuˋ eˊ waiˋ de˙ qianˊ

Pay extra

副歌 fuˋ ge¯

Refrain, Chorus

符合 fuˊ heˊ

Correspond, Match, Suit, Suited, Fit, Fitted

符合空氣動力 fuˊ heˊ kong¯ qiˋ dongˋ liˋ


複合 fuˋ heˊ


負荷 fuˋ heˊ

Load, Carry, Lift

附和 fuˋ heˋ

Agree, Agreed

附和他 fuˋ heˋ ta¯

Agree with him, Agreed with him, Agreed

附和她 fuˋ heˋ ta¯

Agree with her, Agreed with her, Agreed

婦科 fuˋ ke¯


婦科醫師 fuˋ ke¯ yi¯ shi¯


浮肋 fuˊ leˋ

Floating Ribs

富勒 fuˋ leˋ


膚色 fu¯ seˋ

Flesh Color, Complexion, Skin Colour, Color, Flesh Tones

膚色有點深 fu¯ seˋ youˇ dianˇ shen¯

Skin was a little dark, Skin was tanned a little

膚色歧視 fu¯ seˋ qiˊ shiˋ

Racial discrimination

輻射 fuˊ sheˋ

Radiation, Radiate

輻射出 fuˊ sheˋ chu¯

Radiated, Emitted

福特 fuˊ teˋ


負責 fuˋ zeˊ

Responsible, Oversee, Handle, Handles, Handling, Handled

負責人 fuˋ zeˊ renˊ

Person in charge, Officer

負責任的大人 fuˋ zeˊ renˋ de˙ daˋ renˊ

Responsible adult, Responsible adults

負責指揮一切 fuˋ zeˊ zhiˇ hui¯ yiˊ qieˋ

In total command

負責的區域 fuˋ zeˊ de˙ qu¯ yuˋ

Area of responsibility

負責的區域面積 fuˋ zeˊ de˙ qu¯ yuˋ mianˋ ji¯

Area of responsibility

負責的區域面積比較小 fuˋ zeˊ de˙ qu¯ yuˋ mianˋ ji¯ biˇ jiaoˋ xiaoˇ

A relatively smaller area of responsibility

負責的範圍內 fuˋ zeˊ de˙ fanˋ weiˊ neiˋ

Field of responsibility, Within (one's) field of responsibility

附著 fuˋ zhe˙

Attach, Stick to

zhu, bu, chu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zu

僱的 guˋ de˙


骨骼 guˇ geˊ

Skeleton, Bones

古柯鹼 guˇ ke¯ jianˇ


顧客 guˋ keˋ


顧客服務 guˋ keˋ fuˊ wuˋ

Customer service

顧客服務品質極佳 guˋ keˋ fuˊ wuˋ pinˇ zhiˊ jiˊ jia¯

Excellent customer service

鼓了起來 guˇ le˙ qiˇ laiˊ

Bulged up

雇了 guˋ le˙


鼓瑟 guˇ seˋ

Play the lute

骨折 guˇ zheˊ


古者 guˇ zheˇ

Ancient, Ancients

zhu, bu, chu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zu

胡扯 huˊ cheˇ

Lies, Random chatter, Nonsense

虎克 huˇ keˋ


護著 huˋ zhe˙


zhu, bu, chu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zu

哭了 ku¯ le˙

Cried, Wept

哭了一聲 ku¯ le˙ yiˋ sheng¯

Cry, A cry, Cry aloud, Cry out, Cried out

zhu, bu, chu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zu

木刻 muˋ keˋ

Woodcut, Wood carving

暮色 muˋ seˋ


暮色昏暝 muˋ seˋ hun¯ mingˊ

Twilight, Becoming darker

zhu, bu, chu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zu

撲克 pu¯ keˋ


撲了過去 pu¯ le˙ guoˋ quˋ

Rushed over

鋪設 pu¯ sheˋ

Lay out, Arrange

鋪著 pu¯ zhe˙

Paved, Paved with

鋪著石頭 pu¯ zhe˙ shiˊ touˊ

Paved with stone

zhu, bu, chu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zu

如何 ruˊ heˊ

What if, How, How to

如何找到他 ruˊ heˊ zhaoˇ daoˋ ta¯

How to find him

如何灌輸 ruˊ heˊ guanˋ shu¯

How to instill

如何秤大象 ruˊ heˊ chengˋ daˋ xiangˋ

How to weigh an elephant

如何賺錢 ruˊ heˊ zhuanˋ qianˊ

How to make money

入射線 ruˋ sheˋ xianˋ

Incident line, Incident ray, Line of incidence

入射角 ruˋ sheˋ jiaoˇ

Angle of incidence

zhu, bu, chu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zu

書的上緣 shu¯ de˙ shangˋ yuanˊ

The book's top edge

梳的頭髮 shu¯ de˙ touˊ faˇ

Styled hair

樹德 shuˋ deˊ

Exemplar, Show integrity in words and action

數額 shuˋ eˊ

The amount

數個 shuˋ ge˙

Several, Number of

輸了 shu¯ le˙

Lose, Have lost

豎折 shuˋ zheˊ

Vertical calligraphy stroke with a horizontal bend

zhu, bu, chu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zu

蘇格蘭 su¯ geˊ lanˊ


宿舍 suˋ sheˋ


zhu, bu, chu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zu

塗得黑黑 tuˊ deˊ hei¯ hei¯

Daubed completely black, Daubed almost completely black

吐的 tuˇ de˙

Spit, Vomited (in)

土的力量 tuˇ de˙ liˋ liangˋ

Earth power

吐了一口血 tuˇ le˙ yiˋ kouˇ xieˇ

Spat out a mouthful of blood, Spat blood

zhu, bu, chu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zu

無惡不作 wuˊ eˋ buˊ zuoˋ

Do all kinds of evil

五個 wuˇ ge˙

Five, 5

烏克蘭 wu¯ keˋ lanˊ


無可 wuˊ keˇ


無可厚非 wuˊ keˇ houˋ fei¯

Nothing wrong

無可奈何 wuˊ keˇ naiˋ heˊ

To have no alternative, Powerless

無可奉告 wuˊ keˇ fengˋ gaoˋ

No comment

無可挑剔 wuˊ keˇ tiao¯ ti¯

Perfect, Nothing can be found wrong with

無可諱言 wuˊ keˇ huiˋ yanˊ

Needn't avoid mentioning, No need to avoid mentioning

無可避免 wuˊ keˇ biˋ mianˇ

Inevitable, Impossible to avoid

五顆梨子 wuˇ ke¯ liˊ zi˙

5 pears

物色 wuˋ seˋ

Seek, Look for, Scout for

捂著臉 wuˇ zhe˙ lianˇ

Cover your face, Covers their face, Covering their face, Covered their face

zhu, bu, chu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zu

組合 zuˇ heˊ

Assemble, Assembles, Assembling, Assembled, Compile, Combine, Combinations

組合成 zuˇ heˊ chengˊ


組合爐 zuˇ heˊ luˊ


租了 zu¯ le˙


Grouped in tone pairs

44, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 45

布射遼丸 buˋ sheˋ liaoˊ wanˊ

Lu Bu (Skilled archer and General of the Eastern Han dynasty) and Yi Liao (a skillful juggler)

附和 fuˋ heˋ

Agree, Agreed

附和他 fuˋ heˋ ta¯

Agree with him, Agreed with him, Agreed

附和她 fuˋ heˋ ta¯

Agree with her, Agreed with her, Agreed

富勒 fuˋ leˋ


顧客 guˋ keˋ


顧客服務 guˋ keˋ fuˊ wuˋ

Customer service

顧客服務品質極佳 guˋ keˋ fuˊ wuˋ pinˇ zhiˊ jiˊ jia¯

Excellent customer service

木刻 muˋ keˋ

Woodcut, Wood carving

暮色 muˋ seˋ


暮色昏暝 muˋ seˋ hun¯ mingˊ

Twilight, Becoming darker

入射線 ruˋ sheˋ xianˋ

Incident line, Incident ray, Line of incidence

入射角 ruˋ sheˋ jiaoˇ

Angle of incidence

宿舍 suˋ sheˋ


物色 wuˋ seˋ

Seek, Look for, Scout for

註冊 zhuˋ ceˋ

Register (to register)

註冊我的選單 zhuˋ ceˋ woˇ de˙ xuanˇ dan¯

Registering My Menu

註冊的 zhuˋ ceˋ de˙


註冊相片風格 zhuˋ ceˋ xiangˋ pianˋ feng¯ geˊ

Registering (saving) a picture style

祝賀 zhuˋ heˋ

Congratulate, Congratulations

住客 zhuˋ keˋ

Resident, Residents

注射 zhuˋ sheˋ

Inject, Get a needle, Get a shot

注射到 zhuˋ sheˋ daoˋ

Inject into, Injects into, Injected into

注射點滴的靜脈輸液管 zhuˋ sheˋ dianˇ di¯ de˙ jingˋ maiˋ shu¯ yeˋ guanˇ

IV, Intravenous drip

44, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 45

蘇格蘭 su¯ geˊ lanˊ


44, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 45

出色 chu¯ seˋ

Excellent, Outstanding

膚色 fu¯ seˋ

Flesh Color, Complexion, Skin Colour, Color, Flesh Tones

膚色有點深 fu¯ seˋ youˇ dianˇ shen¯

Skin was a little dark, Skin was tanned a little

膚色歧視 fu¯ seˋ qiˊ shiˋ

Racial discrimination

撲克 pu¯ keˋ


鋪設 pu¯ sheˋ

Lay out, Arrange

烏克蘭 wu¯ keˋ lanˊ


44, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 45

出得來 chu¯ de˙ laiˊ

Can come out

出得去 chu¯ de˙ quˋ

Can go out

出了什麼問題 chu¯ le˙ shenˊ me˙ wenˋ tiˊ

What happened?, What went wrong?

出了很多力 chu¯ le˙ henˇ duo¯ liˋ

Expended a lot of effort, Worked hard, Earned through hard work

出了錯 chu¯ le˙ cuoˋ

Made a mistake

哭了 ku¯ le˙

Cried, Wept

哭了一聲 ku¯ le˙ yiˋ sheng¯

Cry, A cry, Cry aloud, Cry out, Cried out

撲了過去 pu¯ le˙ guoˋ quˋ

Rushed over

鋪著 pu¯ zhe˙

Paved, Paved with

鋪著石頭 pu¯ zhe˙ shiˊ touˊ

Paved with stone

書的上緣 shu¯ de˙ shangˋ yuanˊ

The book's top edge

梳的頭髮 shu¯ de˙ touˊ faˇ

Styled hair

輸了 shu¯ le˙

Lose, Have lost

租了 zu¯ le˙


44, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 45

毒蛇 duˊ sheˊ

Poisonous snake, Poisonous snakes

符合 fuˊ heˊ

Correspond, Match, Suit, Suited, Fit, Fitted

符合空氣動力 fuˊ heˊ kong¯ qiˋ dongˋ liˋ


如何 ruˊ heˊ

What if, How, How to

如何找到他 ruˊ heˊ zhaoˇ daoˋ ta¯

How to find him

如何灌輸 ruˊ heˊ guanˋ shu¯

How to instill

如何秤大象 ruˊ heˊ chengˋ daˋ xiangˋ

How to weigh an elephant

如何賺錢 ruˊ heˊ zhuanˋ qianˊ

How to make money

塗得黑黑 tuˊ deˊ hei¯ hei¯

Daubed completely black, Daubed almost completely black

44, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 45

讀者 duˊ zheˇ


胡扯 huˊ cheˇ

Lies, Random chatter, Nonsense

無可 wuˊ keˇ


無可厚非 wuˊ keˇ houˋ fei¯

Nothing wrong

無可奈何 wuˊ keˇ naiˋ heˊ

To have no alternative, Powerless

無可奉告 wuˊ keˇ fengˋ gaoˋ

No comment

無可挑剔 wuˊ keˇ tiao¯ ti¯

Perfect, Nothing can be found wrong with

無可諱言 wuˊ keˇ huiˋ yanˊ

Needn't avoid mentioning, No need to avoid mentioning

無可避免 wuˊ keˇ biˋ mianˇ

Inevitable, Impossible to avoid

44, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 45

不客氣 buˊ keˋ qiˋ

You are welcome, Pleasure, My pleasure

獨特 duˊ teˋ

Unique, Special

浮肋 fuˊ leˋ

Floating Ribs

輻射 fuˊ sheˋ

Radiation, Radiate

輻射出 fuˊ sheˋ chu¯

Radiated, Emitted

福特 fuˊ teˋ


無惡不作 wuˊ eˋ buˊ zuoˋ

Do all kinds of evil

44, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 45

除了 chuˊ le˙

Except for, Except, Apart from, In addition to

除了我之外 chuˊ le˙ woˇ zhi¯ waiˋ

Except for me, Apart from me

除了空氣什麼也沒有 chuˊ le˙ kong¯ qiˋ sheˊ me˙ yeˇ meiˊ youˇ

Nothing but air

除了第一個之外 chuˊ le˙ diˋ yi¯ ge˙ zhi¯ waiˋ

Except for the first one, Except the first one

除了親生父母 chuˊ le˙ qin¯ sheng¯ fuˋ muˇ

Except for their parents, Apart from their parents

除了說明外 chuˊ le˙ shuo¯ mingˊ waiˋ

Except for describing, Except for explaining

除了說明外沒別的可做 chuˊ le˙ shuo¯ mingˊ waiˋ meiˊ bieˊ de˙ keˇ zuoˋ

Had nothing to do but narrate, Apart from explaining had nothing to do

除了謀殺罪以外 chuˊ le˙ mouˊ sha¯ zuiˋ yiˇ waiˋ

Apart from murder, Other than murder

讀了 duˊ le˙

Read, Have read, Finished reading

讀了一小時故事 duˊ le˙ yi¯ xiaoˇ shiˊ guˋ shiˋ

Read stories for an hour

讀了很多書 duˊ le˙ henˇ duo¯ shu¯

Read many books

讀著 duˊ zhe˙


44, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 45

堵車 duˇ che¯

Traffic jam

古柯鹼 guˇ ke¯ jianˇ


五顆梨子 wuˇ ke¯ liˊ zi˙

5 pears

主車架 zhuˇ che¯ jiaˋ


44, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 45

骨骼 guˇ geˊ

Skeleton, Bones

骨折 guˇ zheˊ


組合 zuˇ heˊ

Assemble, Assembles, Assembling, Assembled, Compile, Combine, Combinations

組合成 zuˇ heˊ chengˊ


組合爐 zuˇ heˊ luˊ


44, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 45

古者 guˇ zheˇ

Ancient, Ancients

屬者 zhuˇ zheˇ


44, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 45

補課 buˇ keˋ

Make up lesson, Take a make up lesson

鼓瑟 guˇ seˋ

Play the lute

虎克 huˇ keˋ


屬和 zhuˇ heˋ

Correspond via verses

44, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 45

補了一句 buˇ le˙ yiˊ juˋ

Said in addition, Added

鼓了起來 guˇ le˙ qiˇ laiˊ

Bulged up

吐的 tuˇ de˙

Spit, Vomited (in)

土的力量 tuˇ de˙ liˋ liangˋ

Earth power

吐了一口血 tuˇ le˙ yiˋ kouˇ xieˇ

Spat out a mouthful of blood, Spat blood

五個 wuˇ ge˙

Five, 5

捂著臉 wuˇ zhe˙ lianˇ

Cover your face, Covers their face, Covering their face, Covered their face

44, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 45

不喝 buˋ he¯

Don't (want to) drink

不喝比無糖汽水還要烈的飲料 buˋ he¯ biˇ wuˊ tangˊ qiˋ shuiˇ haiˊ yaoˋ lieˋ de˙ yinˇ liaoˋ

Drink nothing stronger than a diet or sugar free soda

副歌 fuˋ ge¯

Refrain, Chorus

婦科 fuˋ ke¯


婦科醫師 fuˋ ke¯ yi¯ shi¯


44, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 45

不得不 buˋ deˊ buˋ

Have to, Had to, Must

不得不去哀求 buˋ deˊ buˊ quˋ ai¯ qiuˊ

Had to beg

不得不感到好奇 buˋ deˊ buˋ ganˇ daoˋ haoˇ qiˊ

Cannot help being curious, Cannot help but to be curious

不得不知道 buˋ deˊ buˋ zhi¯ daoˋ

Had to know, Have to know, Force to know

不得了 buˋ deˊ liaoˇ

Extremely, Exceedingly

不得以只好 buˋ deˊ yiˇ zhiˇ haoˇ

Have no choice but to, Had not choice but to

不得已 buˋ deˊ yiˇ

Have to, No other options, Last resort

不得而知 buˋ deˊ erˊ zhi¯


不得要領 buˋ deˊ yaoˋ lingˇ

Doesn't get the main point, Misses the point, Cannot get the gist, Pointless

不合 buˋ heˊ

Not suitable, Unfit, Substandard

不合乎生態學 buˋ heˊ hu¯ sheng¯ taiˋ xueˊ

Not ecological, Not ecologically friendly

不合理 buˋ heˊ liˇ

Unreasonable, Unreasoning

不折不扣 buˋ zheˊ buˊ kouˋ


付額外 fuˋ eˊ waiˋ

Pay extra

付額外的錢 fuˋ eˊ waiˋ de˙ qianˊ

Pay extra

複合 fuˋ heˊ


負荷 fuˋ heˊ

Load, Carry, Lift

負責 fuˋ zeˊ

Responsible, Oversee, Handle, Handles, Handling, Handled

負責人 fuˋ zeˊ renˊ

Person in charge, Officer

負責任的大人 fuˋ zeˊ renˋ de˙ daˋ renˊ

Responsible adult, Responsible adults

負責指揮一切 fuˋ zeˊ zhiˇ hui¯ yiˊ qieˋ

In total command

負責的區域 fuˋ zeˊ de˙ qu¯ yuˋ

Area of responsibility

負責的區域面積 fuˋ zeˊ de˙ qu¯ yuˋ mianˋ ji¯

Area of responsibility

負責的區域面積比較小 fuˋ zeˊ de˙ qu¯ yuˋ mianˋ ji¯ biˇ jiaoˋ xiaoˇ

A relatively smaller area of responsibility

負責的範圍內 fuˋ zeˊ de˙ fanˋ weiˊ neiˋ

Field of responsibility, Within (one's) field of responsibility

樹德 shuˋ deˊ

Exemplar, Show integrity in words and action

數額 shuˋ eˊ

The amount

豎折 shuˋ zheˊ

Vertical calligraphy stroke with a horizontal bend

住得不錯 zhuˋ deˊ buˊ cuoˋ


住得起 zhuˋ deˊ qiˇ

Able to live in, Afford to live in

44, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 45

不可 buˋ keˇ

No, None, Hard, Difficult, Not allowed, Forbidden

不可以 buˋ keˇ yiˇ

Not allowed

不可加熱 buˋ keˇ jia¯ reˋ

Cannot be heated

不可勝數 buˋ keˇ sheng¯ shuˋ


不可原諒 buˋ keˇ yuanˊ liangˋ

Unforgivable, Unforgivably, Inexcusable, Inexcusably

不可思議 buˋ keˇ si¯ yiˋ

Surprisingly, Incredibly, Incredible, Inconceivable, Wonderful, Unbelievable, Strange, Funny, Wonder, A wonder

不可思議地 buˋ keˇ si¯ yiˋ de˙

Incredibly, Inconceivably, Unbelievably, Strangely

不可恥 buˋ keˇ chiˇ

No shame

不可用 buˋ keˇ yongˋ

Do not use, Unavailable

不可用口吹熄 buˋ keˇ yongˋ kouˇ chui¯ xi¯

Do not put it out by blowing on it

不可置信地 buˋ keˇ zhiˋ xinˋ de˙

Unbelievingly, Incredulously

不可聞 buˋ keˇ wenˊ


不可能 buˋ keˇ nengˊ

Impossible, No, Can not, Could not, Could not have

不可能的 buˋ keˇ nengˊ de˙


不可能的事 buˋ keˇ nengˊ de˙ shiˋ

The impossible

不可能破解 buˋ keˇ nengˊ poˋ jieˇ

Could not be cracked, Could not be decrypted

不可能那麼小 buˋ keˇ nengˊ naˋ me˙ xiaoˇ

Can't be that small

不可衡量 buˋ keˇ hengˊ liangˊ

Measureless, Immeasurable

不可衡量的價值 buˋ keˇ hengˊ liangˊ de˙ jiaˋ zhiˊ

Unmeasurable value, Measureless value, Immeasurable value

不可赦 buˋ keˇ sheˋ

Unforgivable, Unforgivably

不可避免 buˋ keˇ biˋ mianˇ


不可避免的是 buˋ keˇ biˋ mianˇ de˙ shiˋ


不可靠 buˋ keˇ kaoˋ

Unreliable, Not reliable

44, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 45

不得 buˋ de˙


不著火 buˋ zhe˙ huoˇ


附著 fuˋ zhe˙

Attach, Stick to

僱的 guˋ de˙


雇了 guˋ le˙


護著 huˋ zhe˙


數個 shuˋ ge˙

Several, Number of

住得下 zhuˋ de˙ xiaˋ

Living capacity (is), Number of people who can live (here/there is)

住的 zhuˋ de˙


住了一段時間 zhuˋ le˙ yiˋ duanˋ shiˊ jian¯

Lived for a while

住著 zhuˋ zhe˙


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