
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 求


Search for, Sought, Sought-after

keˇ qiuˊ

求 qiuˊ
Seek, Look For, Beg, Request, Demand, Beseech, Desire

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 渴求 (e-you)

Grouped by first phone

ke, ge, he, te, zhe

客流 keˋ liuˊ

Passenger flow

渴求 keˇ qiuˊ

Search for, Sought, Sought-after

渴求的特質 keˇ qiuˊ de˙ teˋ zhiˊ

Sought-after qualities, Sought-after characteristics

ke, ge, he, te, zhe

各有一條 geˋ youˇ yiˋ tiaoˊ

Each has one, One for each

各有不同哲學 geˋ youˇ buˋ tongˊ zheˊ xueˊ

Each had a different philosophy, Varied in their philosophy

各有自己的 geˋ youˇ ziˋ jiˇ de˙

Each with its own

ke, ge, he, te, zhe

喝酒 he¯ jiuˇ

Drank alcohol, Drink wine, Drink beer

喝酒了 he¯ jiuˇ le˙

Drank alcohol, Drink wine, Drink beer

喝酒時 he¯ jiuˇ shiˊ

While drinking alcohol, When drinking alcohol

河流 heˊ liuˊ


ke, ge, he, te, zhe

特有 teˋ youˇ

Characteristic, Peculiarity, Peculiar

特有的 teˋ youˇ de˙

Unique, Peculiar, Characteristic

ke, ge, he, te, zhe

這就 zheˋ jiuˋ

That, This then, That then

這就奇怪了 zheˋ jiuˋ qiˊ guaiˋ le˙

That's weird, That's strange, That's mystifying

這就是 zheˋ jiuˋ shiˋ

This is

這就是我所做的 zheˋ jiuˋ shiˋ woˇ suoˇ zuoˋ de˙

And so that is what I did

這就是說 zheˋ jiuˋ shiˋ shuo¯

That is to say, This means that

折柳 zheˊ liuˇ

Break a willow branch, Bid farewell to a friend

Grouped in tone pairs

32, 13, 22, 23, 42, 43, 44

渴求 keˇ qiuˊ

Search for, Sought, Sought-after

渴求的特質 keˇ qiuˊ de˙ teˋ zhiˊ

Sought-after qualities, Sought-after characteristics

32, 13, 22, 23, 42, 43, 44

喝酒 he¯ jiuˇ

Drank alcohol, Drink wine, Drink beer

喝酒了 he¯ jiuˇ le˙

Drank alcohol, Drink wine, Drink beer

喝酒時 he¯ jiuˇ shiˊ

While drinking alcohol, When drinking alcohol

32, 13, 22, 23, 42, 43, 44

河流 heˊ liuˊ


32, 13, 22, 23, 42, 43, 44

折柳 zheˊ liuˇ

Break a willow branch, Bid farewell to a friend

32, 13, 22, 23, 42, 43, 44

客流 keˋ liuˊ

Passenger flow

32, 13, 22, 23, 42, 43, 44

各有一條 geˋ youˇ yiˋ tiaoˊ

Each has one, One for each

各有不同哲學 geˋ youˇ buˋ tongˊ zheˊ xueˊ

Each had a different philosophy, Varied in their philosophy

各有自己的 geˋ youˇ ziˋ jiˇ de˙

Each with its own

特有 teˋ youˇ

Characteristic, Peculiarity, Peculiar

特有的 teˋ youˇ de˙

Unique, Peculiar, Characteristic

32, 13, 22, 23, 42, 43, 44

這就 zheˋ jiuˋ

That, This then, That then

這就奇怪了 zheˋ jiuˋ qiˊ guaiˋ le˙

That's weird, That's strange, That's mystifying

這就是 zheˋ jiuˋ shiˋ

This is

這就是我所做的 zheˋ jiuˋ shiˋ woˇ suoˇ zuoˋ de˙

And so that is what I did

這就是說 zheˋ jiuˋ shiˋ shuo¯

That is to say, This means that


丶-氵 : > : > [渴]-渴求 : > [渴]-渴求 >

丶-丶 : > : > [求]-渴求 : > [求]-渴求 >

渴求 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 求

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