
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 心


Calm the heart and clear the mind

chengˊ xin¯ qing¯ yiˋ

心 xin¯
Heart, Mind, Spirit, Center, Soul, Idea, Target

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Phone , Tone


澄心 chengˊ xin¯

Words that rhyme with 澄心清意 (eng-yin)

Grouped by first phone

cheng, deng, feng, geng, leng, reng, sheng, zeng

成品 chengˊ pinˇ

Finished products

澄心 chengˊ xin¯

Calm the mind

澄心清意 chengˊ xin¯ qing¯ yiˋ

Calm the heart and clear the mind

誠心 chengˊ xin¯


誠心誠意 chengˊ xin¯ chengˊ yiˋ

Earnestly and in good faith

誠信 chengˊ xinˋ

Honesty, Integrity

成因 chengˊ yin¯


成癮 chengˊ yinˇ


cheng, deng, feng, geng, leng, reng, sheng, zeng

登臨 deng¯ linˊ

Climb high hill or tall mountain (or building) for the view

燈芯 deng¯ xin¯


cheng, deng, feng, geng, leng, reng, sheng, zeng

封信 feng¯ xinˋ

Message, Letter, Email

封印 feng¯ yinˋ


cheng, deng, feng, geng, leng, reng, sheng, zeng

更新 gengˋ xin¯

Update, Upgrade

更新奇 gengˋ xin¯ qiˊ

Even more interesting

cheng, deng, feng, geng, leng, reng, sheng, zeng

冷飲 lengˇ yinˇ

Cold drink, Cold drinks

cheng, deng, feng, geng, leng, reng, sheng, zeng

扔進 reng¯ jinˋ

Toss into, Throw into

cheng, deng, feng, geng, leng, reng, sheng, zeng

聲音 sheng¯ yin¯

Sound, Voice

聲音中帶著失望 sheng¯ yin¯ zhong¯ daiˋ zhe˙ shi¯ wangˋ

Sounding disappointed

聲音壓得低低的 sheng¯ yin¯ ya¯ de˙ di¯ di¯ de˙

Low voice

聲音大 sheng¯ yin¯ daˋ


聲音大到所有人都聽得見 sheng¯ yin¯ daˋ daoˋ suoˇ youˇ renˊ dou¯ ting¯ deˊ jianˋ

Loud enough for everyone to hear

聲音尖銳 sheng¯ yin¯ jian¯ ruiˋ

Shrill, Sharp voiced

聲音很輕 sheng¯ yin¯ henˇ qing¯

A small sound

聲音極輕 sheng¯ yin¯ jiˊ qing¯

In a quiet voice, Using a quiet voice, Using a hushed voice

聲音說 sheng¯ yin¯ shuo¯

Voice said

聲音說話 sheng¯ yin¯ shuo¯ huaˋ


cheng, deng, feng, geng, leng, reng, sheng, zeng

增進 zeng¯ jinˋ

Increase, Further, Promote, Advance

Grouped in tone pairs

21, 11, 12, 14, 23, 24, 33, 41

澄心 chengˊ xin¯

Calm the mind

澄心清意 chengˊ xin¯ qing¯ yiˋ

Calm the heart and clear the mind

誠心 chengˊ xin¯


誠心誠意 chengˊ xin¯ chengˊ yiˋ

Earnestly and in good faith

成因 chengˊ yin¯


21, 11, 12, 14, 23, 24, 33, 41

燈芯 deng¯ xin¯


聲音 sheng¯ yin¯

Sound, Voice

聲音中帶著失望 sheng¯ yin¯ zhong¯ daiˋ zhe˙ shi¯ wangˋ

Sounding disappointed

聲音壓得低低的 sheng¯ yin¯ ya¯ de˙ di¯ di¯ de˙

Low voice

聲音大 sheng¯ yin¯ daˋ


聲音大到所有人都聽得見 sheng¯ yin¯ daˋ daoˋ suoˇ youˇ renˊ dou¯ ting¯ deˊ jianˋ

Loud enough for everyone to hear

聲音尖銳 sheng¯ yin¯ jian¯ ruiˋ

Shrill, Sharp voiced

聲音很輕 sheng¯ yin¯ henˇ qing¯

A small sound

聲音極輕 sheng¯ yin¯ jiˊ qing¯

In a quiet voice, Using a quiet voice, Using a hushed voice

聲音說 sheng¯ yin¯ shuo¯

Voice said

聲音說話 sheng¯ yin¯ shuo¯ huaˋ


21, 11, 12, 14, 23, 24, 33, 41

登臨 deng¯ linˊ

Climb high hill or tall mountain (or building) for the view

21, 11, 12, 14, 23, 24, 33, 41

封信 feng¯ xinˋ

Message, Letter, Email

封印 feng¯ yinˋ


扔進 reng¯ jinˋ

Toss into, Throw into

增進 zeng¯ jinˋ

Increase, Further, Promote, Advance

21, 11, 12, 14, 23, 24, 33, 41

成品 chengˊ pinˇ

Finished products

成癮 chengˊ yinˇ


21, 11, 12, 14, 23, 24, 33, 41

誠信 chengˊ xinˋ

Honesty, Integrity

21, 11, 12, 14, 23, 24, 33, 41

冷飲 lengˇ yinˇ

Cold drink, Cold drinks

21, 11, 12, 14, 23, 24, 33, 41

更新 gengˋ xin¯

Update, Upgrade

更新奇 gengˋ xin¯ qiˊ

Even more interesting


丶-氵 : > : > [澄]-澄心 : > [澄]-澄心清意 >

丶-心 : > : > [心]-澄心 : > [心]-澄心清意 >

丶-氵 : > : > [清]-清意 : > [清]-澄心清意 >

丶-立 : > : > [意]-清意 : > [意]-澄心清意 >

澄心清意 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 心

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