Heart, Mind, Spirit, Center, Soul, Idea, Target
Word Links for words containing 心 (sorted via character pairs)
心臟 Heart
唯一適合的心臟 The only suitable heart, The only heart suitable
它必須拿到一顆心臟 It needs to get a heart, It needed to get a heart
心臟病 Heart disease, Heart attack
心臟病發 Heart attack
心態 Mentality
農民心態 Farmer mentality, Peasant mentality
貴族的心態 Aristocrat's mentality, Aristocrat's emotional stance
了解所謂的農民心態 Understood the so-called peasant mentality
心知 Intelligence, The mind, Consciousness, Knowing
心知肚明 Know perfectly well, Knew perfectly well, Had known for a long time
心無二用 Focus on one thing at a time, Don't do two things at once, To succeed one cannot focus on two things at once, To succeed one must be single minded
心無旁騖 Single minded, Undistracted
心淨 Care free, Unworried
心淨地自涼 One feels cooler in hot weather the less one worries, Cool minds prevail
心淨自然涼 Cool minds prevail
心情 Mood, Frame of mind, Feelings
沒心情 Not in the mood
愉悅心情 Pleasure, Pleasant mood, Pleasant feeling
老友相見的愉悅心情 The pleasure of seing an old friend
心情好 Good mood, In a good mood
心情差 Bad mood, Be in a bad mood
心情大好 In a much better mood
心情沒受到影響 Mood isn't affected
心情愉快 Good mood, Happy mood
讓他們心情愉快 Delighted them, Caused them to be delighted
心慌 Greatly perturbed, Shaken to the core, Panicky
心慌意亂 Perturbed, Panicky, Shaken
心慌意亂地想 Worriedly wondered, Thought of worriedly
心裡 Mentally, In one's mind, In one's heart, At heart, Feel, Feeling, Region of the body around the chest
一天的回憶就湧進他的心裡 Memories of the day flooded into his mind, A days worth of memories flooded into his mind
一天的回憶就湧進她的心裡 Memories of the day flooded into her mind, A days worth of memories flooded into her mind
心裡想 Thoughts, Believes, Thinks, In one's mind thinks
心裡話 From the bottom of my heart
心裡想著 Thinking, Believing
心裡模糊想著 Vaguely thinking, Vaguely thought
心裡明白 Knew, Knew it
心裡猜想 Wonder if, Wondering if, Wondering whether
心裡的苦 Mental suffering
心裡跳回 Mentally jumping back to
心裡好得意 Feel really proud
心裡好歡喜 Feel happy, Excited
心裡好滿意 Feel very satisfied, Feel content
心裡好高興 Feel elated
心裡的沮喪 Depression, Disappointment, Dismay
心裡的大石頭 The stone in my heart
心裡覺得既滿足又輕 Feeling both satisfied and relaxed
心裡跳回去年的夏天 Flashing back to the previous summer
心裡悄悄的起了個念頭 A thought quietly came to mind, A thought quietly rose up and came to mind
她在心裡反覆回顧 Replaying it over and over again in her mind
事後她在心裡反覆回顧 Replaying it over and over again in her mind afterwards
捲心菜 Cabbage
空心菜 Kong Xin Cai, a leafy vegetable with a hollow stem
燙空心菜 Boiled Kong Xin Cai
泰式空心菜 Thai Style Greens
蝦醬空心菜 Greens With Shrimp Sauce Or Shrimp Paste, Kong Xin Cai with shrimp paste
心不在焉 Absent-minded, Forgetful
努力心不在焉 Tried not to pay attention
非常努力心不在焉 Tried hard not to pay attention
心理 Psychological
心理學家 Psychologist
兒童心理學家 Child Psychologist
我不是兒童心理學家 I am not a child psychologist
心理醫生 Psychologist
在心理上讓他留下了不少疤痕 Scarred him mentally, Scarred him emotionally
心中 Heart, Mind
心中只想 Only thought, Main thought
他心中有數 He knew better
心中暗想但沒說出口 Thought but didn't say
心想 Thought, Wondered
他心想 He thought to himself, He thought, He figured
她心想 She thought to herself, She thought, She figured
他醒來時心想 He woke up thinking
心想事成 Think and then it happens
噁心 Disgusting, Gross
最噁心 Grossest
噁心動作 Disgusting act
噁心死了 Disgusting, Revolting
接下來就噁心了 Then it became disgusting.
開心 Happy
不開心 Unhappy, Sad
很開心 Very happy
不怎麼開心 Not very happy
笑得很開心 Smiled happily
給人尋開心 Be made fun of, Give others happiness at own expense
有時不怎麼開心 Not always happy, Not entirely happy
開心地 Enjoy
開心果 Pistachio
最開心的 Happiest
開開心心 Happily
開心死了 Thrilled, Die from happiness
開心的說 Said happily
關心 Concern, Concerned about
才不關心 Just don't care, Just didn't care, Not concerned (with)
只關心其中一個 Only cared about one of them, Was only concerned about one of them
點心 Dessert, Snack, Dim sum
吃點心 Nibble on snacks, Eat finger foods, Eat dessert
有點心不在焉 A little absent-minded, Not quite present
點心而非正餐 A snack as opposed to a meal
同心 Concentric, Sharing a center, Of one heart and mind, United in purpose, United in purpose
同心合力 Work together, Worked together
好心 Kind, Nice
很好心 Kind, Very kind, Kind-hearted, Well-intentioned
好心人 Kind people, Good hearted people
好心情 Pleasant frame of mind, Good mood, Happy
很好心地 Kindly, Very kindly, Kind-heartedly
重心 Center of gravity
我們重心 Our center of gravity
我們的重心 Our center of gravity
重心不穩 Unbalanced
位於重心上方 Located above the center of gravity
維持重心在腳上 Keep center of gravity over the foot, Keeping center of gravity over the foot
將重心落在雙腳中間 Centering your weight between your feet
愛心 Compassion, Kindness, Heart shape
一個大大的愛心 A big heart (shape)
愛心志工 Volunteer(s)
寫一張小小的愛心卡 Write a short thank you card
力不從心 Lacking the ability to do what one wishes, Lacking the resources or power to do what one wants
放心 Relax, Don't worry, Be at ease, Unworried, Rest assured
不放心 Worry, Worried, Uneasy
何不放心 Why not have confidence
總是不放心 Always worry
放心了 Relaxed
何不放心的 Why not have the confidence to
安心 Peace of mind, Reassurance
好安心 Very content
感到安心 Feel reassured, Feel relaxed, Feel comfortable
可讓他安心 Reassure him
讓人感到安心 Reassuring, Reassure people
安心的假設 Comfortable assumption, Safe assumption
安心的學習 Safely study, Learn safely
凋零的心 Withered heart
感謝的心 Gratitude, A grateful heart
狂跳的心 Pounding heart
寬不用寬我的心 Don't try to console me
抱著科學研究的心 Embrace the idea of science, Embrace the idea of scientific research
江心 Middle of a river
船到江心補漏遲 It's too late too fix a leak when the boat is in the middle of a river, It's best to make sure things are working before a crisis occurs
決心 Determination
下決心 Make up your mind
有決心 Determined, Resolute
下定決心 Determined
我已經下定決心 I am determined
人心 Heart, Will, Emotion, Feeling, Morale
深入人心 Deeply rooted in the hearts of the people
扣人心弦 Exciting
沁人心脾 Touch one's heart, Affect someone deeply
溫暖人心的 Heart warming
小心 Careful, Cautious
不小心 Accidentally, Inadvertently, Inadvertent, Careless, Carelessly, By chance
一不小心 Carelessly, A little carelessly
謹慎小心 Discreet, Careful
妳必須小心 You must be careful
小心地 Carefully
一不小心點 A little carelessly, Not paying attention, Accidentally, A little incautiously
緩慢小心地 Slowly, carefully, Slowly and carefully
小心翼翼 Carefully
小心翼翼的 Carefully, Gently
小心計劃出 Carefully planned
不小心關上了 Closed by accident, Accidentally closed
小心不驚擾到 So as not to disturb, Trying not to disturb
老師不小心瞄到我的卷子 Teacher accidentally saw my test paper
得小心謹慎 Have to be careful
我們得小心謹慎 We have to be careful
掌心 Palm
握在掌心 Held in his palm, Held in her palm, Held in their palm, Hold it in your palm
感覺到空氣抵著他的掌心 Feel the air against his palm, Feeling the air against his palm
感覺到空氣抵著她的掌心 Feel the air against her palm, Feeling the air against her palm
你就逃不出我的手掌心了 You can't escape my grasp
妳就逃不出我的手掌心了 You can't escape my grasp
一心 Whole heartedly
一心一意 One heart and one mind, Focused, Whole heartedly
一心二用 Inattentive, Trying to do two or more things at once
中心 Center, Center point
市中心 City center, Downtown
商務中心 Business Center
工業中心 Industrial center, Industrial heart
控制中心 Control center
購物中心 Mall, Shopping center
通報中心 Notification Center
不會在市中心 Wouldn't be in the city center, Wouldn't be downtown
以火堆為中心 Around the fire, Centered around the fire
地面控制中心 Ground Control
退伍軍人中心 Veteran's center
全國藥物不良反應通報中心 National Adverse Drug Reaction Notification Center
家失蹤及被剝削兒童援助中心 National center for missing and exploited children
中心點 Center point, Point of origin
為中心的 At the center of, Acting as center of
集中心神 Focus, Focusing, Focused, Concentrate, Concentrating, Concentrated
地面控制中心的 Ground Control's
中心理想 Central ideal
中心的一點 A spot in the middle
以黑洞為中心的恆星系統 A star system with a black hole at its center
距離某個中心理想還不算太遠 Not too far from a central ideal
背心 Vest, Vests, Waistcoat, Waistcoats
深色背心 Dark vest, Dark vests
掩飾他們肚子的深色背心 Dark waistcoats that masked their bellies, Their belly deemphasizing dark vests
背心兒 Vest
真心 Sincere, Heart felt
真心的 Sincere, Sincerely
真心實意 Genuinely and sincerely, Truly and wholeheartedly
真心認為 Really felt, Really believed
我真心覺得 I truly believe that
盡心 Fully devote one's self to
盡心竭力 Devote all efforts both mental and physical to the task at hand
核心 Core, Heart, Mid-section, Center
電樞核心 Armature core
核心區 Core area
這個問題的核心是 The crux of the matter is
核心穩定 Core stability, Core stabilization
像銀河核心般密集 As dense as a the core of the milky way, As dense as a galactic core
擔心 Worry
別擔心 Don't worry
很擔心 Was worried
他們會擔心 They would be worried or concerned
還不用擔心 Don't have to worry
他會不會擔心 Was he worried, Did it worry him
她會不會擔心 Was she worried, Did it worry her
他在擔心某件事 He is worried about something
她在擔心某件事 She is worried about something
擔心了那麼一秒鐘 Felt a moment of worry
沒有什麼好擔心的了 Nothing to worry about
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