
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 心



juanˇ xin¯ caiˋ

心 xin¯
Heart, Mind, Spirit, Center, Soul, Idea, Target

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 捲心菜 (yuan-yin)

Grouped by first phone

juan, quan, xuan, yuan

捲進 juanˇ jinˋ

Drawn into

捲心菜 juanˇ xin¯ caiˋ


juan, quan, xuan, yuan

全心 quanˊ xin¯

Preoccupied, Focused on

全心全意 quanˊ xin¯ quanˊ yiˋ

Whole heartedly

全新 quanˊ xin¯

New, Brand new

全新捏造 quanˊ xin¯ nie¯ zaoˋ

Freshly fabricated, Freshly made, Freshly composed

juan, quan, xuan, yuan

選民 xuanˇ minˊ


juan, quan, xuan, yuan

遠近知名 yuanˇ jinˋ zhi¯ mingˊ

Famous, Well know (known far and wide)

遠近聞名 yuanˇ jinˋ wenˊ mingˊ


園林 yuanˊ linˊ

Garden, Gardens

遠心力 yuanˇ xin¯ liˋ

Centrifugal force

元音 yuanˊ yin¯


原因 yuanˊ yin¯

Cause, Reason

原因在哪裡 yuanˊ yin¯ zaiˋ naˇ liˇ

What is the reason, What is the cause

原因很多 yuanˊ yin¯ henˇ duo¯

For many reasons, This was for many reasons

Grouped in tone pairs

31, 21, 22, 32, 34

捲心菜 juanˇ xin¯ caiˋ


遠心力 yuanˇ xin¯ liˋ

Centrifugal force

31, 21, 22, 32, 34

全心 quanˊ xin¯

Preoccupied, Focused on

全心全意 quanˊ xin¯ quanˊ yiˋ

Whole heartedly

全新 quanˊ xin¯

New, Brand new

全新捏造 quanˊ xin¯ nie¯ zaoˋ

Freshly fabricated, Freshly made, Freshly composed

元音 yuanˊ yin¯


原因 yuanˊ yin¯

Cause, Reason

原因在哪裡 yuanˊ yin¯ zaiˋ naˇ liˇ

What is the reason, What is the cause

原因很多 yuanˊ yin¯ henˇ duo¯

For many reasons, This was for many reasons

31, 21, 22, 32, 34

園林 yuanˊ linˊ

Garden, Gardens

31, 21, 22, 32, 34

選民 xuanˇ minˊ


31, 21, 22, 32, 34

捲進 juanˇ jinˋ

Drawn into

遠近知名 yuanˇ jinˋ zhi¯ mingˊ

Famous, Well know (known far and wide)

遠近聞名 yuanˇ jinˋ wenˊ mingˊ



十-扌 : > : > [捲]-捲心 : > [捲]-捲心菜 >

丶-心 : > : > [心]-心菜 : > [心]-捲心菜 >

人-艹 : > : > [菜]-心菜 : > [菜]-捲心菜 >

捲心菜 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 心

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