
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 員


Player, Players

qiuˊ yuanˊ

員 yuanˊ
Employee, Staff, Member

(hide char details)

Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 球員 (you-yuan)

Grouped by first phone

qiu, jiu, you

求援 qiuˊ yuanˊ

Ask for help

球員 qiuˊ yuanˊ

Player, Players

qiu, jiu, you

救援 jiuˋ yuanˊ

Rescue, Save

qiu, jiu, you

有緣 youˇ yuanˊ

Fated, Linked by destiny, Destined

Grouped in tone pairs

22, 32, 42

求援 qiuˊ yuanˊ

Ask for help

球員 qiuˊ yuanˊ

Player, Players

22, 32, 42

有緣 youˇ yuanˊ

Fated, Linked by destiny, Destined

22, 32, 42

救援 jiuˋ yuanˊ

Rescue, Save


一-王 : > : > [球]-球員 : > [球]-球員 >

口-口 : > : > [員]-球員 : > [員]-球員 >

球員 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 員

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