
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 用


Use to, Use

yongˋ laiˊ

用 yongˋ
Use, Employ, Operate, Apply, Exert, Try, Sample

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Words that rhyme with 用來 (yong-ai)

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用來 yongˋ laiˊ

Use to, Use

用來做 yongˋ laiˊ zuoˋ

Use for, Use to perform

用來做成 yongˋ laiˊ zuoˋ chengˊ

Use as, Make into

用來吸取或添加 yongˋ laiˊ xi¯ quˇ huoˋ tian¯ jia¯

Use to suck up or add

用來將液體傾倒至 yongˋ laiˊ jiang¯ yeˋ tiˇ qing¯ daoˇ zhiˋ

Used for pouring liquids into

用來攻擊 yongˋ laiˊ gong¯ jiˊ

Use against, Used against

用來殺 yongˋ laiˊ sha¯

Used to kill, Used for killing

用來盛裝 yongˋ laiˊ chengˊ zhuang¯

Used to hold, Use to hold

用來防 yongˋ laiˊ fangˊ

Use for defense, Use defensively against, Use to protect

用來防壞人 yongˋ laiˊ fangˊ huaiˋ renˊ

Use as defense against bad people

擁塞 yong¯ sai¯

Bottleneck, Block, Jam

Grouped in tone pairs

42, 11

用來 yongˋ laiˊ

Use to, Use

用來做 yongˋ laiˊ zuoˋ

Use for, Use to perform

用來做成 yongˋ laiˊ zuoˋ chengˊ

Use as, Make into

用來吸取或添加 yongˋ laiˊ xi¯ quˇ huoˋ tian¯ jia¯

Use to suck up or add

用來將液體傾倒至 yongˋ laiˊ jiang¯ yeˋ tiˇ qing¯ daoˇ zhiˋ

Used for pouring liquids into

用來攻擊 yongˋ laiˊ gong¯ jiˊ

Use against, Used against

用來殺 yongˋ laiˊ sha¯

Used to kill, Used for killing

用來盛裝 yongˋ laiˊ chengˊ zhuang¯

Used to hold, Use to hold

用來防 yongˋ laiˊ fangˊ

Use for defense, Use defensively against, Use to protect

用來防壞人 yongˋ laiˊ fangˊ huaiˋ renˊ

Use as defense against bad people

42, 11

擁塞 yong¯ sai¯

Bottleneck, Block, Jam


冂-⺆ : > : > [用]-用來 : > [用]-用來 >

十-木 : > : > [來]-用來 : > [來]-用來 >

用來 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 用

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