
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 回


Fling back, Slam back

shuaiˇ huiˊ

回 huiˊ
Return, Turn Around, Go Back, Answer, Revolve, Circle, Complete, MW For Number Of Repetitions

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 甩回 (wai-wei)

Grouped by first phone

shuai, kuai, wai

甩回 shuaiˇ huiˊ

Fling back, Slam back

摔碎 shuai¯ suiˋ

Smash, Smashes, Smashed, Shatter, Shatters, Shattered, Break, Breaks, Broke

摔碎了 shuai¯ suiˋ le˙

Broke, Smashed, Shattered

衰退 shuai¯ tuiˋ


shuai, kuai, wai

快睡吧 kuaiˋ shuiˋ ba¯

Go to sleep now

shuai, kuai, wai

外匯 waiˋ huiˋ

Foreign exchange

外圍 waiˋ weiˊ


Grouped in tone pairs

32, 14, 42, 44

甩回 shuaiˇ huiˊ

Fling back, Slam back

32, 14, 42, 44

摔碎 shuai¯ suiˋ

Smash, Smashes, Smashed, Shatter, Shatters, Shattered, Break, Breaks, Broke

摔碎了 shuai¯ suiˋ le˙

Broke, Smashed, Shattered

衰退 shuai¯ tuiˋ


32, 14, 42, 44

外圍 waiˋ weiˊ


32, 14, 42, 44

快睡吧 kuaiˋ shuiˋ ba¯

Go to sleep now

外匯 waiˋ huiˋ

Foreign exchange


冂-⺆ : > : > [甩]-甩回 : > [甩]-甩回 >

口-囗 : > : > [回]-甩回 : > [回]-甩回 >

甩回 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 回

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