Index for words including 回


Return, Turn Around, Go Back, Answer, Revolve, Circle, Complete, MW For Number Of Repetitions

Word Links for words containing 回 (sorted via character pairs)

回 huiˊ
Return, Turn Around, Go Back, Answer, Revolve, Circle, Complete, MW For Number Of Repetitions

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


回味 Aftertaste


回國 Return to home country


回收 Retrieve, Recover, Get back, Claim back, Reclaim

資源回收 Recycle, Recycling


回絕 Refuse, Decline


回彈 Rebound

從杯底回彈 Rebound from the bottom of the cup

看著奶油從杯底回彈 Watching the cream rebound off the bottom of the cup, Watching the cream bounce off of the bottom of the glass


回了 Back to

移居回了 Moved back to, Has or had moved back to


回孩 Pick up children from school


回顧 Look back on, Recap, Review

她在心裡反覆回顧 Replaying it over and over again in her mind

事後她在心裡反覆回顧 Replaying it over and over again in her mind afterwards


起死回生 Come back to life, Came back to life, Brought back to life

讓這個東西起死回生 Bring this thing back to life, Brought this thing back to life, Revived this thing

起死回生 Come back to life, Came back to life, Brought back to life


回條 Brief note, Receipt


回信 Write back, Reply, Respond, Write a response


回傳 Send back to, Transmit back to, Sent back to, Transmitted back to


回升 Pick up, Get back up


回得 Can come back

回得 Can go back


回復 Get back, Recover, Revert, Revert to

回復相機預設設定 Revert Camera to Default Settings


回答 Answer, Answers, Answered

直接回答 Directly answer, Answer directly

他沒有回答 He didn't answer

自己的回答 By my own answer, By their own answer

不想直接回答 Didn't want to answer directly

他沒有直接回答 He didn't answer directly

她沒有直接回答 She didn't answer directly

對某一問題的回答 Answer to a particular question, Answer to a question

回答 Answered

回答 Answer you, Give you an answer

回答 Reply

回答 He answered that it was

問題回答 Solution method, Problem solving method, Question answering method

他就會知道該怎麼回答 He'll know how he should answer, He knew how he would have answered, He knew what he would have said

她就會知道該怎麼回答 She'll know how to answer, She knew how she would have answered

回答問題 Answer the question

回答下列問題 Then answer the following questions

回答了他的問題 Answered his questions

回答了他沒有問出口的問題 Answered his unspoken question

回答了她沒有問出口的問題 Answered her unspoken question

回答錯了 Answered incorrectly, Gave the wrong answer

我被自己的回答嚇了一跳 I am surprised by my own answer

回答他的人是 The person who answered him was

回答她的人是 The person who answered her was


回歸 Return, Return to

回歸 Return to

回歸正題 Got back to the business at hand, Returned to the business at hand


回話 Reply, Answer

無法回話 Unable to reply, Couldn't answer

很客氣地回話 Politely answered


回家 Go back home, Return home

回家 Bring back home, Pick up and bring back home

回家 Didn't come home, Didn't go home, Had not come home

他們回家 They came home, They went home

他剛回家 He just went home

放學回家 Go home after school, Return home after school

早點回家 Come home early, Go home early

送你回家 Take you back home

開車回家 Driving home

駕雲回家 Riding home on a cloud

我希望你回家 I want you to go home

她可以自己找路回家 She could find her way back home

回家 I'm home, They are home, Arrived back at home

回家 Before mum gets home, Before mum went home

走路回家 While walking back home

我怎麼回家 How will I get back home?

回家的路 The road that leads back home

回家的路上 On the way home, While on the way home

搭校車回家的路上吃 Eat while riding the school bus back home

留在搭校車回家的路上吃 Saved to eat while riding the school bus home


回應 Response, Answer, Responded, Answered

揮手回應 Wave back, Waved back

毫無回應 No answer, No response

沒有回應 Did not respond

合理的回應 A reasonable response

都沒有回應 Nobody has responded

很合理的回應 A very reasonable response

朝她揮手回應 Wave back to her, Waved back to her

在我看來是很合理的回應 In my opinion it was a very reasonable response, It was a very reasonable response in my opinion

回應 Responding, Responding to


一去不回的 Gone for good, Won't ever return


回身 Turned

回身 Turned back toward


回波定位法 Echo location


回憶 Memory, Memories, Memory of, Recalling, Recollection, Retrospect, In retrospect, Looking back on

一天的回憶 Memories of the day, A day's worth of memory, A day's worth of memories

回憶 Thinking back, Recollecting, Recalling

回憶 Remember, Bring to mind, Remind, Reminded

回憶 Memoir

這讓他回憶 This reminded him, This reminded him of

一天的回憶就湧進他的心裡 Memories of the day flooded into his mind, A days worth of memories flooded into his mind

一天的回憶就湧進她的心裡 Memories of the day flooded into her mind, A days worth of memories flooded into her mind


我還來不及回神 Before I know it, Before I knew it


回合 Reunite


回饋 Give back


回小 Serial novel


回首 Look back


回落 Fall back


回頭 Return, Turn, Turned, Turn around, Go back

回頭 Don't turn around

回頭 See you in a sec, See you later

不能回頭 Can't return, Can't turn back, No turning back

回頭一看 Turned to look

回頭一看 I turned to look


回到 Return to, Returning (to), Returned

回到 Return, Returned, Returned once again

不斷回到 Kept coming back

重新回到 Returned refreshed, Returned ready to try again

把我拉回到 Pull me back

回到 Arrive(d) back at

回到 Came home, Coming back home, Arriving back at home

回到床上 Went back to bed

便回到床上 Then went back to bed

回到床上 Went back to bed

回到軌道 Return to orbit

回到我身邊 Come back to me, Come back to my side

回到軌道途中 During the trip back to orbit

他不想回到以前的生活 He doesn't want to return to his old life

回到他們的客艙換衣服 Return to their cabin to change, Returned to their cabin to change, Returned to their cabins to change


回不 Can't come back

回不 Can't go back

回不去了 Can't get back, Can't make it back, Won't make it back


回正 Became upright again, Returned to being upright


回電 Call back, Reply via electronic means

回電子郵件 Email reply


回覆 Reply, Respond


回面子的 Recover one's honor


回教 Islam


回去 Return to, Go back to, Goes back to

回去 Climbed back to

回去 Staple back, Staple back in place

走不回去 Can't go, Can't get back

回去 Go back to work on

我們回去 Let's go back, Let's return, Let's go home

回去年的夏天 Back to the summer of last year

心裡跳回去年的夏天 Flashing back to the previous summer


回報 Report, Give a report on returning, Reciprocate

得到的回報 In return, Get in return, Got in return

而得到的回報 And in return, And get the report

回報狀況 Send a status report


來來回回走 Walking back and forwards


頭也不回地 Without looking back, Without a second thought


回聲定位法 Echo location


回來 Return, Come back

回來 Get it back, Gets it back, Getting it back, Got it back

回來 Didn't come back, Hadn't come back

回來 Fly back

話說回來 Having said that, Anyway

走不回來 Not make it back, Not able to make it back

那天沒回來 Didn't come back that day, Didn't come home that day

但是話說回來 But then, But having said that

可能走不回來 Might not make it back, Might not be able to make it back

她會一再一再地回來 She'll keep on coming back

幫助他們頭髮長回來 Help their hair grow back

回來 Returned, Has returned

再沒回來 Didn't come around anymore

她會回來 She will come back

漸漸回來 Gradually returned, Gradually returning

終於回來 Finally returned, Finally came back

你不應該回來 You shouldn't have come back, You shouldn't have returned

再也不會回來 Was never coming back

妳不應該回來 You shouldn't have come back, You shouldn't have returned


回想 Recollect, Recall, Reflect, Look back on, Remember

回想 Thinking back on

回想 Recall, Remind, Reminded

讓他回想 Reminded him


回事 Report back

怎麼回事 What happened

到底怎麼回事 What's going on?

這麼回事 This is the case

這是怎麼回事 What is this about

可不是這麼回事 This is not the case


回扣 Rebate


吼回 Shout(s) back

吼回 Shout back in return


噴回 Spat back, Jetted back, Shot back

噴回溫水 Spat back warm water, Jetted back warm water in return


居回 Returns, Moves back to


跑回 Run back (to)

跑回去看 Hurried back to check

跑回這裡了 Ran back to here


心裡跳回 Mentally jumping back to


甩回 Fling back, Slam back


收回 Recover, Retrieve, Recall, Recoup, Repossess

按下以將其收回 Push it back down

您可用手指按下以將其收回 You can use your fingers to push it back down


變回 Bring back, Change back into


召回 Recall


駁回 Turn down


重回 Go back, Return

重回 Going back to


衝回 Rushed back into

衝回居住艙 Hurried back to the habitat


往回 Backwards, Towards self

往下往回 Down and back

往回 Pull back (towards self)

往回 Go back, Backtrack, Backtracking

往下往回 Down and back


放回 Put back

放回 Put back


調回 Recall


返回 Return (to)

返回營區時 While returning to the site


退回 Return


送回 Take back, Return to

送回 Transmit, Send back to

送回 Bring back

被學校送回 Sent home from school

送回去給 Deliver back to, Send back to, Deliver to, Send to

送回來的 Transmitted back to

送回來的資料 Returned data transmissions

送回來的資料顯示 Returned data transmissions indicates (that)


這回 This time, Now

這回毫不遲疑 No hesitation this time, No hesitation now

在他的世界裡根本沒這回 No such thing in his world, Did not belong in his world


拿回 Retrieve, Take back

拿回 Have back, Get back, Take back

從架上拿回帽子和傘 Retrieve their hat and umbrella from the rack, Retrieved their hat and umbrella from the rack

你要拿回你的生活了嗎 Are you taking your life back?

妳要拿回妳的生活了嗎 Are you taking your life back?


一回 Once, One time, An occasion, A round (boxing)

一回 Once, One time, On one occasion

一回 One and the same thing, Caused by, One thing

一回 The same thing, One and the same thing

並非同一回 Not the same as, Not quite the same as

一回事了 Take it seriously

把茶當一回事了 Take tea seriously

太把茶當一回事了 Take tea too seriously

他們太把茶當一回事了 They were too serious about the tea, They took the tea too seriously, They were making too big deal out of the tea


取回 Retrieve


走回 Return to, Went back to

走回 Walked home, Walked back home


來回 Come and go, Back and forth, Return journey

來回回走著 Walking back and forwards


找回 Find, Get back

那些想要把他們找回來的 Those who wanted them to return, The people who wanted their return

找回 Get back

找回 Find her, Get her back

想要把他們找回 Wanted them to return, Wanted their return


抽回 Withdraw, Pull away from


挽回 Try for redemption, Redeem

現在還有時間挽回 There's still time for retrieve the situation, There's still time to turn the tide


推回 Pushed back, Pushed back to, Pushed it back


藉以換回 In exchange for


搶回 Take back


撤回 Withdraw, Pull out, Pull back

我們撤回 We are pulling out, We are coming out


撿回 Retrieve


擲回 Throw back, Toss back

擲回桌上 Threw back onto the table

當飛盤擲回桌上 Tossed back on to the table like a frisbee


切回 Switch back, Cut back

以新的攝影機角度切回 Cut back to a new camera angle, Switched back to a new camera angle


轉回 Returned back to, Turned back to

轉回 Turned back to

轉回去面對 Turned back to face

轉回去面對他 Turned back to face him


帶回 Bring back, Carry back

帶回 Brought back

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