
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 回


Going back to

chongˊ huiˊ daoˋ

回 huiˊ
Return, Turn Around, Go Back, Answer, Revolve, Circle, Complete, MW For Number Of Repetitions

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Phone , Tone


重回 chongˊ huiˊ

回到 huiˊ daoˋ

Words that rhyme with 重回到 (wong-wei)

Grouped by first phone

chong, cong, gong, hong, nong, song, tong, zhong

衝回 chong¯ huiˊ

Rushed back into

衝回居住艙 chong¯ huiˊ ju¯ zhuˋ cang¯

Hurried back to the habitat

重回 chongˊ huiˊ

Go back, Return

重回到 chongˊ huiˊ daoˋ

Going back to

chong, cong, gong, hong, nong, song, tong, zhong

聰慧 cong¯ huiˋ

Astute, Intelligent, Clever

從未 congˊ weiˋ

Never, Had never

從未告訴過 congˊ weiˋ gaoˋ suˋ guoˋ

Had never told

從未實行 congˊ weiˋ shiˊ xingˊ

Had never done it, Had never carried it out

從未把製造商的保證看得很認真 congˊ weiˋ baˇ zhiˋ zaoˋ shang¯ de˙ baoˇ zhengˋ kanˋ deˊ henˇ renˋ zhen¯

Had never taken the manufacturer's promise seriously

從未真正去過那裡 congˊ weiˋ zhen¯ zhengˋ quˋ guoˋ naˋ liˇ

Had never actually been there, Had never been there

從未認真 congˊ weiˋ renˋ zhen¯

Never really, Never seriously

chong, cong, gong, hong, nong, song, tong, zhong

公會 gong¯ huiˋ

Union, League, Society, Federation

工會 gong¯ huiˋ

Trade union, Union

恭維 gong¯ weiˊ

Compliment, Praise, Flatter

chong, cong, gong, hong, nong, song, tong, zhong

紅檜 hongˊ guiˋ

Red Cypress

洪水 hongˊ shuiˇ

Flood, Deluge

洪水氾濫 hongˊ shuiˇ fanˋ lanˋ

Flood, Flooding

宏偉 hongˊ weiˇ

Grand, Magnificent, Huge, Immense

紅嘴黑鵯 hongˊ zuiˇ hei¯ bei¯

Black bulbul

chong, cong, gong, hong, nong, song, tong, zhong

弄回來 nongˋ huiˊ laiˊ

Get it back, Gets it back, Getting it back, Got it back

chong, cong, gong, hong, nong, song, tong, zhong

送回 songˋ huiˊ

Take back, Return to

送回來 songˋ huiˊ laiˊ

Bring back

送回去給 songˋ huiˊ quˋ geiˇ

Deliver back to, Send back to, Deliver to, Send to

chong, cong, gong, hong, nong, song, tong, zhong

同歸於盡 tongˊ gui¯ yuˊ jinˇ

Die together

同為 tongˊ weiˋ


chong, cong, gong, hong, nong, song, tong, zhong

中規中矩的 zhong¯ gui¯ zhong¯ juˇ de˙

Measured, Proper, Neutral

中尉 zhong¯ weiˋ


Grouped in tone pairs

22, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 42

重回 chongˊ huiˊ

Go back, Return

重回到 chongˊ huiˊ daoˋ

Going back to

22, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 42

中規中矩的 zhong¯ gui¯ zhong¯ juˇ de˙

Measured, Proper, Neutral

22, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 42

衝回 chong¯ huiˊ

Rushed back into

衝回居住艙 chong¯ huiˊ ju¯ zhuˋ cang¯

Hurried back to the habitat

恭維 gong¯ weiˊ

Compliment, Praise, Flatter

22, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 42

聰慧 cong¯ huiˋ

Astute, Intelligent, Clever

公會 gong¯ huiˋ

Union, League, Society, Federation

工會 gong¯ huiˋ

Trade union, Union

中尉 zhong¯ weiˋ


22, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 42

同歸於盡 tongˊ gui¯ yuˊ jinˇ

Die together

22, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 42

洪水 hongˊ shuiˇ

Flood, Deluge

洪水氾濫 hongˊ shuiˇ fanˋ lanˋ

Flood, Flooding

宏偉 hongˊ weiˇ

Grand, Magnificent, Huge, Immense

紅嘴黑鵯 hongˊ zuiˇ hei¯ bei¯

Black bulbul

22, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 42

從未 congˊ weiˋ

Never, Had never

從未告訴過 congˊ weiˋ gaoˋ suˋ guoˋ

Had never told

從未實行 congˊ weiˋ shiˊ xingˊ

Had never done it, Had never carried it out

從未把製造商的保證看得很認真 congˊ weiˋ baˇ zhiˋ zaoˋ shang¯ de˙ baoˇ zhengˋ kanˋ deˊ henˇ renˋ zhen¯

Had never taken the manufacturer's promise seriously

從未真正去過那裡 congˊ weiˋ zhen¯ zhengˋ quˋ guoˋ naˋ liˇ

Had never actually been there, Had never been there

從未認真 congˊ weiˋ renˋ zhen¯

Never really, Never seriously

紅檜 hongˊ guiˋ

Red Cypress

同為 tongˊ weiˋ


22, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 42

弄回來 nongˋ huiˊ laiˊ

Get it back, Gets it back, Getting it back, Got it back

送回 songˋ huiˊ

Take back, Return to

送回來 songˋ huiˊ laiˊ

Bring back

送回去給 songˋ huiˊ quˋ geiˇ

Deliver back to, Send back to, Deliver to, Send to


丿-千 : > : > [重]-重回 : > [重]-重回到 >

口-囗 : > : > [回]-重回 : > [回]-重回到 >

一-一 : > : > [到]-回到 : > [到]-重回到 >

重回到 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 回

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