
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 回


Nobody has responded

dou¯ meiˊ youˇ huiˊ ying¯

回 huiˊ
Return, Turn Around, Go Back, Answer, Revolve, Circle, Complete, MW For Number Of Repetitions

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Phone , Tone


沒有 meiˊ youˇ

都沒有 dou¯ meiˊ youˇ

回應 huiˊ ying¯

Words that rhyme with 都沒有回應 (ou-ei)

Grouped by first phone

dou, chou, hou, kou, mou, ou, rou, shou

都沒必要 dou¯ meiˊ biˋ yaoˋ

Not needed, Not necessary

都沒有 dou¯ meiˊ youˇ

None, Absolutely nothing, Nothing at all, Not even

都沒有回應 dou¯ meiˊ youˇ huiˊ ying¯

Nobody has responded

dou, chou, hou, kou, mou, ou, rou, shou

籌備 chouˊ beiˋ

To prepare

抽肥補瘦 chou¯ feiˊ buˇ shouˋ

Take from the fat to give to the lean, Take from the rich and give to the poor

愁眉 chouˊ meiˊ


愁眉不展 chouˊ meiˊ buˋ zhanˇ

Was frowning, Looked depressed

愁眉苦臉 chouˊ meiˊ kuˇ lianˇ

Sad, Worried, Morose

愁眉苦臉地 chouˊ meiˊ kuˇ lianˇ diˋ

Morosely, Worriedly

dou, chou, hou, kou, mou, ou, rou, shou

後備 houˋ beiˋ


後備箱 houˋ beiˋ xiang¯


後背 houˋ beiˋ

Back side of body, Back

dou, chou, hou, kou, mou, ou, rou, shou

口碑 kouˇ bei¯

Word of mouth

dou, chou, hou, kou, mou, ou, rou, shou

某類 mouˇ leiˋ

Some sort of, Some kind of

dou, chou, hou, kou, mou, ou, rou, shou

歐美 ou¯ meiˇ

Europe and America

dou, chou, hou, kou, mou, ou, rou, shou

肉類 rouˋ leiˋ


dou, chou, hou, kou, mou, ou, rou, shou

收費 shou¯ feiˋ

Collect fees, Charge for services

收費日 shou¯ feiˋ riˋ

Billing date

收費月份 shou¯ feiˋ yueˋ fenˋ

Collection period

收費高速公路 shou¯ feiˋ gao¯ suˋ gong¯ luˋ

Turnpike, Toll highway

Grouped in tone pairs

12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 34, 44

抽肥補瘦 chou¯ feiˊ buˇ shouˋ

Take from the fat to give to the lean, Take from the rich and give to the poor

都沒必要 dou¯ meiˊ biˋ yaoˋ

Not needed, Not necessary

都沒有 dou¯ meiˊ youˇ

None, Absolutely nothing, Nothing at all, Not even

都沒有回應 dou¯ meiˊ youˇ huiˊ ying¯

Nobody has responded

12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 34, 44

歐美 ou¯ meiˇ

Europe and America

12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 34, 44

收費 shou¯ feiˋ

Collect fees, Charge for services

收費日 shou¯ feiˋ riˋ

Billing date

收費月份 shou¯ feiˋ yueˋ fenˋ

Collection period

收費高速公路 shou¯ feiˋ gao¯ suˋ gong¯ luˋ

Turnpike, Toll highway

12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 34, 44

愁眉 chouˊ meiˊ


愁眉不展 chouˊ meiˊ buˋ zhanˇ

Was frowning, Looked depressed

愁眉苦臉 chouˊ meiˊ kuˇ lianˇ

Sad, Worried, Morose

愁眉苦臉地 chouˊ meiˊ kuˇ lianˇ diˋ

Morosely, Worriedly

12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 34, 44

籌備 chouˊ beiˋ

To prepare

12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 34, 44

口碑 kouˇ bei¯

Word of mouth

12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 34, 44

某類 mouˇ leiˋ

Some sort of, Some kind of

12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 34, 44

後備 houˋ beiˋ


後備箱 houˋ beiˋ xiang¯


後背 houˋ beiˋ

Back side of body, Back

肉類 rouˋ leiˋ



十-十 : > : > [都]-都沒 : > [都]-都沒有回應 >

丶-氵 : > : > [沒]-沒有 : > [沒]-都沒有回應 >

十-𠂇 : > : > [有]-沒有 : > [有]-都沒有回應 >

口-囗 : > : > [回]-回應 : > [回]-都沒有回應 >

丶-广 : > : > [應]-回應 : > [應]-都沒有回應 >

都沒有回應 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 回

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