
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 空


Air freight, Transport by air

kong¯ yunˋ

空 kong¯, kongˋ
Empty, Have Free Time, Space, Air, Sky, In Vain, Bare, Hollow, Deserted

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 空運 (wong-yun)

Grouped by first phone

kong, tong, zhong

空軍 kong¯ jun¯

Air force

空運 kong¯ yunˋ

Air freight, Transport by air

kong, tong, zhong

童軍團 tongˊ jun¯ tuanˊ

Boy Scout troop

童軍團團長 tongˊ jun¯ tuanˊ tuanˊ zhangˇ


通訊 tong¯ xunˋ


通訊器材 tong¯ xunˋ qiˋ caiˊ

Communications equipment, Communications array

通訊設備 tong¯ xunˋ sheˋ beiˋ

Communications equipment

kong, tong, zhong

中旬 zhong¯ xunˊ

Middle ten days of a month

Grouped in tone pairs

14, 11, 12, 21

空運 kong¯ yunˋ

Air freight, Transport by air

通訊 tong¯ xunˋ


通訊器材 tong¯ xunˋ qiˋ caiˊ

Communications equipment, Communications array

通訊設備 tong¯ xunˋ sheˋ beiˋ

Communications equipment

14, 11, 12, 21

空軍 kong¯ jun¯

Air force

14, 11, 12, 21

中旬 zhong¯ xunˊ

Middle ten days of a month

14, 11, 12, 21

童軍團 tongˊ jun¯ tuanˊ

Boy Scout troop

童軍團團長 tongˊ jun¯ tuanˊ tuanˊ zhangˇ



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空運 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 空

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