
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 斷


Don't stop

moˋ zhong¯ duanˋ

斷 duanˋ
Resolve, Disconnect, Break Off, Cut, Interrupt, Sever, Define, Decide, Judge

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Phone , Tone


中斷 zhong¯ duanˋ

Words that rhyme with 莫中斷 (o-wong)

Grouped by first phone

mo, bo, po

模控學 moˊ kongˋ xueˊ


摩弄 moˊ nongˋ


莫中斷 moˋ zhong¯ duanˋ

Don't stop

mo, bo, po

波動 bo¯ dongˋ

Fluctuation, Fluctuated, Shifted, Ripple, Rippled

搏動 boˊ dongˋ

Pulse, Beat

播送 bo¯ songˋ

Broadcast, Send, Transmit

撥通 bo¯ tong¯


播種 bo¯ zhongˋ

Sow, Plant

mo, bo, po

破洞 poˋ dongˋ

Hole (due to damage)

破洞封上 poˋ dongˋ feng¯ shangˋ

Sealed the hole, Sealed the breach

破洞補好 poˋ dongˋ buˇ haoˇ

Fixed the hole, Repaired the breach

Grouped in tone pairs

41, 11, 14, 24, 44

莫中斷 moˋ zhong¯ duanˋ

Don't stop

41, 11, 14, 24, 44

撥通 bo¯ tong¯


41, 11, 14, 24, 44

波動 bo¯ dongˋ

Fluctuation, Fluctuated, Shifted, Ripple, Rippled

播送 bo¯ songˋ

Broadcast, Send, Transmit

播種 bo¯ zhongˋ

Sow, Plant

41, 11, 14, 24, 44

搏動 boˊ dongˋ

Pulse, Beat

模控學 moˊ kongˋ xueˊ


摩弄 moˊ nongˋ


41, 11, 14, 24, 44

破洞 poˋ dongˋ

Hole (due to damage)

破洞封上 poˋ dongˋ feng¯ shangˋ

Sealed the hole, Sealed the breach

破洞補好 poˋ dongˋ buˇ haoˇ

Fixed the hole, Repaired the breach


人-艹 : > : > [莫]-莫中 : > [莫]-莫中斷 >

丨-中 : > : > [中]-中斷 : > [中]-莫中斷 >

𠄌-㡭 : > : > [斷]-中斷 : > [斷]-莫中斷 >

莫中斷 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 斷

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