
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 過


Crossed, Passed

yueˋ guoˋ

過 guoˋ
Experience, Pass, Go Through, Arrive, Past Perfect Tense, Pass On, Transfer, Visit

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 越過 (yue-wo)

Grouped by first phone

yue, lue, que, xue

越多 yueˋ duo¯

The greater the amount

越多越好 yueˋ duo¯ yueˋ haoˇ

The more there better

越過 yueˋ guoˋ

Crossed, Passed

越過了 yueˋ guoˋ le˙


越過走廊 yueˋ guoˋ zouˇ langˊ

Crossed the hallway

月落 yueˋ luoˋ

Moonset, Setting of the moon

yue, lue, que, xue

掠奪 lueˋ duoˊ


掠過 lueˋ guoˋ

Skim over, Look over, Flit over

yue, lue, que, xue

缺貨 que¯ huoˋ

Out of stock

yue, lue, que, xue

學過 xueˊ guoˋ

Learned, Studied

學過的東西 xueˊ guoˋ de˙ dong¯ xi¯

Things that have been studied or learned

學說 xueˊ shuo¯


學碩士學位 xueˊ shuoˋ shiˋ xueˊ weiˋ

Master's degree

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 14, 21, 24, 41, 42

掠過 lueˋ guoˋ

Skim over, Look over, Flit over

越過 yueˋ guoˋ

Crossed, Passed

越過了 yueˋ guoˋ le˙


越過走廊 yueˋ guoˋ zouˇ langˊ

Crossed the hallway

月落 yueˋ luoˋ

Moonset, Setting of the moon

44, 14, 21, 24, 41, 42

缺貨 que¯ huoˋ

Out of stock

44, 14, 21, 24, 41, 42

學說 xueˊ shuo¯


44, 14, 21, 24, 41, 42

學過 xueˊ guoˋ

Learned, Studied

學過的東西 xueˊ guoˋ de˙ dong¯ xi¯

Things that have been studied or learned

學碩士學位 xueˊ shuoˋ shiˋ xueˊ weiˋ

Master's degree

44, 14, 21, 24, 41, 42

越多 yueˋ duo¯

The greater the amount

越多越好 yueˋ duo¯ yueˋ haoˇ

The more there better

44, 14, 21, 24, 41, 42

掠奪 lueˋ duoˊ



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越過 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 過

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