
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 況


Private matters, Personal matters, Personal in nature, Private, Matters that are private

yinˇ si¯ de˙ qingˊ kuangˋ

況 kuangˋ
Condition, Situation, Furthermore, More Over

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Phone , Tone


隱私 yinˇ si¯

情況 qingˊ kuangˋ

Words that rhyme with 隱私的情況 (yin-i)

Grouped by first phone

yin, bin, jin, lin, pin, qin, xin

因此 yin¯ ciˇ

Therefore, And so, Consequently

因此如果我聽懂你的意思 yin¯ ciˇ ruˊ guoˇ woˇ ting¯ dongˇ niˇ de˙ yiˋ si¯

If I understand what you mean, If I'm following you

因此就由 yin¯ ciˇ jiuˋ youˊ

And so, Therefore, As a result

因此沒有問題 yin¯ ciˇ meiˊ youˇ wenˋ tiˊ

And so it wasn't a problem

因式 yin¯ shiˋ

Factors, Factor

因式分解 yin¯ shiˋ fen¯ jieˇ

Factor, Factorization

飲食 yinˇ shiˊ

Food and drink, Diet

隱士 yinˇ shiˋ


隱私 yinˇ si¯

Personal, Private

隱私權 yinˇ si¯ quanˊ


隱私的情況 yinˇ si¯ de˙ qingˊ kuangˋ

Private matters, Personal matters, Personal in nature, Private, Matters that are private

印製出 yinˋ zhiˋ chu¯

Print out, Print, Print output

yin, bin, jin, lin, pin, qin, xin

賓士 bin¯ shiˋ

Mercedes Benz

瀕死 bin¯ siˇ

On the edge of death, On the verge of death, Close to dying

瀕死靈魂 bin¯ siˇ lingˊ hunˊ

Perishing souls

yin, bin, jin, lin, pin, qin, xin

謹敕 jinˇ chiˋ


僅次於 jinˇ ciˋ yuˊ

Second only to

今日 jin¯ riˋ

Today, Nowadays

近日 jinˋ riˋ


金飾 jin¯ shiˋ

Gold jewelry

僅是 jinˇ shiˋ

Merely, Just

僅是普通的直覺 jinˇ shiˋ puˇ tong¯ de˙ zhiˊ jueˊ

Just ordinary or run of the mill intuition

僅是籠罩在地平線上 jinˇ shiˋ longˊ zhaoˋ zaiˋ diˋ pingˊ xianˋ shangˋ

Encompassed the horizon

近視 jinˋ shiˋ

Myopia, Short-sighted

金斯利 jin¯ si¯ liˋ


近似 jinˋ siˋ

Near, Like, Very close to

近似值 jinˋ siˋ zhiˊ

Approximate, Approximation, Approximately

禁止 jin¯ zhiˇ

Prohibit, Prohibited, Proscribe, Ban, Banned, Forbid, Forbidden

禁止的 jin¯ zhiˇ de˙

Proscribed, Prohibited

禁止飲食 jin¯ zhiˇ yinˇ shiˊ

Eating and drinking prohibited, No eating or drinking, No food or drink

金子 jin¯ ziˇ

The gold

金字 jin¯ ziˋ

Gold letter, Gold letters, Gold lettering

金字塔 jin¯ ziˋ taˇ


金字塔扭轉伸展式 jin¯ ziˋ taˇ niuˇ zhuanˇ shen¯ zhanˇ shiˋ

Wide Leg Standing Twist, Privrtta Prasaritta Padottanasana

yin, bin, jin, lin, pin, qin, xin

鱗翅類 linˊ chiˋ leiˋ

Lepidoptera, Insects that include butterflies and moths

鱗翅類學者 linˊ chiˋ leiˋ xueˊ zheˇ

Lepidopterist, Person who studies butterflies, Butterfly collector

臨時 linˊ shiˊ


臨時起意 linˊ shiˊ qiˇ yiˋ

Impromptu, Spur of the moment, In an offhand way, In an impromptu manner

林子 linˊ zi˙

Trees, Woods, Forest

yin, bin, jin, lin, pin, qin, xin

品質 pinˇ zhiˊ


yin, bin, jin, lin, pin, qin, xin

親師 qin¯ shi¯

Parent teacher

侵蝕 qin¯ shiˊ

Erosion, Encroach upon, Eat away, Erode

秦始皇 qinˊ shiˇ huangˊ

First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty

寢食難安 qinˇ shiˊ nanˊ an¯

Not rest, Sleepless, Not sleep easily

寢室 qinˇ shiˋ


親子 qin¯ ziˇ

Son, Natural born child

親自 qin¯ ziˋ


親自來 qin¯ ziˋ laiˊ

Come in person

親自去 qin¯ ziˋ quˋ

Go in person

親自單挑 qin¯ ziˋ dan¯ tiao¯

Personally single out

親自拜訪 qin¯ ziˋ baiˋ fangˇ

Visit in person

親自挑人 qin¯ ziˋ tiao¯ renˊ

Pick choose whomever one likes

親自照顧 qin¯ ziˋ zhaoˋ guˋ

Personally take care of, Personally look after

親自處理 qin¯ ziˋ chuˇ liˇ

Personally take care of, Take care of in person

親自辦理 qin¯ ziˋ banˋ liˇ

Personally manage, Personally handle

yin, bin, jin, lin, pin, qin, xin

新石器時代 xin¯ shiˊ qiˋ shiˊ daiˋ

Neolithic age

新石器晚期代 xin¯ shiˊ qiˋ wanˇ qiˊ daiˋ

Late neolithic age

心事 xin¯ shiˋ

On one's mind, Weighing on one's mind

新世界 xin¯ shiˋ jieˋ

New World

新世界體制之類 xin¯ shiˋ jieˋ tiˇ zhiˋ zhi¯ leiˋ

New World Order

新式 xin¯ shiˋ


心思 xin¯ si¯

Thought(s), Ideas, Intelligence, State of mind, Mood

心思細密 xin¯ si¯ xiˋ miˋ


心知 xin¯ zhi¯

Intelligence, The mind, Consciousness, Knowing

心知肚明 xin¯ zhi¯ duˋ mingˊ

Know perfectly well, Knew perfectly well, Had known for a long time

Grouped in tone pairs

31, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 25, 32, 34, 44

隱私 yinˇ si¯

Personal, Private

隱私權 yinˇ si¯ quanˊ


隱私的情況 yinˇ si¯ de˙ qingˊ kuangˋ

Private matters, Personal matters, Personal in nature, Private, Matters that are private

31, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 25, 32, 34, 44

金斯利 jin¯ si¯ liˋ


親師 qin¯ shi¯

Parent teacher

心思 xin¯ si¯

Thought(s), Ideas, Intelligence, State of mind, Mood

心思細密 xin¯ si¯ xiˋ miˋ


心知 xin¯ zhi¯

Intelligence, The mind, Consciousness, Knowing

心知肚明 xin¯ zhi¯ duˋ mingˊ

Know perfectly well, Knew perfectly well, Had known for a long time

31, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 25, 32, 34, 44

侵蝕 qin¯ shiˊ

Erosion, Encroach upon, Eat away, Erode

新石器時代 xin¯ shiˊ qiˋ shiˊ daiˋ

Neolithic age

新石器晚期代 xin¯ shiˊ qiˋ wanˇ qiˊ daiˋ

Late neolithic age

31, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 25, 32, 34, 44

瀕死 bin¯ siˇ

On the edge of death, On the verge of death, Close to dying

瀕死靈魂 bin¯ siˇ lingˊ hunˊ

Perishing souls

禁止 jin¯ zhiˇ

Prohibit, Prohibited, Proscribe, Ban, Banned, Forbid, Forbidden

禁止的 jin¯ zhiˇ de˙

Proscribed, Prohibited

禁止飲食 jin¯ zhiˇ yinˇ shiˊ

Eating and drinking prohibited, No eating or drinking, No food or drink

金子 jin¯ ziˇ

The gold

親子 qin¯ ziˇ

Son, Natural born child

因此 yin¯ ciˇ

Therefore, And so, Consequently

因此如果我聽懂你的意思 yin¯ ciˇ ruˊ guoˇ woˇ ting¯ dongˇ niˇ de˙ yiˋ si¯

If I understand what you mean, If I'm following you

因此就由 yin¯ ciˇ jiuˋ youˊ

And so, Therefore, As a result

因此沒有問題 yin¯ ciˇ meiˊ youˇ wenˋ tiˊ

And so it wasn't a problem

31, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 25, 32, 34, 44

賓士 bin¯ shiˋ

Mercedes Benz

今日 jin¯ riˋ

Today, Nowadays

金飾 jin¯ shiˋ

Gold jewelry

金字 jin¯ ziˋ

Gold letter, Gold letters, Gold lettering

金字塔 jin¯ ziˋ taˇ


金字塔扭轉伸展式 jin¯ ziˋ taˇ niuˇ zhuanˇ shen¯ zhanˇ shiˋ

Wide Leg Standing Twist, Privrtta Prasaritta Padottanasana

親自 qin¯ ziˋ


親自來 qin¯ ziˋ laiˊ

Come in person

親自去 qin¯ ziˋ quˋ

Go in person

親自單挑 qin¯ ziˋ dan¯ tiao¯

Personally single out

親自拜訪 qin¯ ziˋ baiˋ fangˇ

Visit in person

親自挑人 qin¯ ziˋ tiao¯ renˊ

Pick choose whomever one likes

親自照顧 qin¯ ziˋ zhaoˋ guˋ

Personally take care of, Personally look after

親自處理 qin¯ ziˋ chuˇ liˇ

Personally take care of, Take care of in person

親自辦理 qin¯ ziˋ banˋ liˇ

Personally manage, Personally handle

心事 xin¯ shiˋ

On one's mind, Weighing on one's mind

新世界 xin¯ shiˋ jieˋ

New World

新世界體制之類 xin¯ shiˋ jieˋ tiˇ zhiˋ zhi¯ leiˋ

New World Order

新式 xin¯ shiˋ


因式 yin¯ shiˋ

Factors, Factor

因式分解 yin¯ shiˋ fen¯ jieˇ

Factor, Factorization

31, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 25, 32, 34, 44

臨時 linˊ shiˊ


臨時起意 linˊ shiˊ qiˇ yiˋ

Impromptu, Spur of the moment, In an offhand way, In an impromptu manner

31, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 25, 32, 34, 44

秦始皇 qinˊ shiˇ huangˊ

First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty

31, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 25, 32, 34, 44

鱗翅類 linˊ chiˋ leiˋ

Lepidoptera, Insects that include butterflies and moths

鱗翅類學者 linˊ chiˋ leiˋ xueˊ zheˇ

Lepidopterist, Person who studies butterflies, Butterfly collector

31, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 25, 32, 34, 44

林子 linˊ zi˙

Trees, Woods, Forest

31, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 25, 32, 34, 44

品質 pinˇ zhiˊ


寢食難安 qinˇ shiˊ nanˊ an¯

Not rest, Sleepless, Not sleep easily

飲食 yinˇ shiˊ

Food and drink, Diet

31, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 25, 32, 34, 44

謹敕 jinˇ chiˋ


僅次於 jinˇ ciˋ yuˊ

Second only to

僅是 jinˇ shiˋ

Merely, Just

僅是普通的直覺 jinˇ shiˋ puˇ tong¯ de˙ zhiˊ jueˊ

Just ordinary or run of the mill intuition

僅是籠罩在地平線上 jinˇ shiˋ longˊ zhaoˋ zaiˋ diˋ pingˊ xianˋ shangˋ

Encompassed the horizon

寢室 qinˇ shiˋ


隱士 yinˇ shiˋ


31, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 25, 32, 34, 44

近日 jinˋ riˋ


近視 jinˋ shiˋ

Myopia, Short-sighted

近似 jinˋ siˋ

Near, Like, Very close to

近似值 jinˋ siˋ zhiˊ

Approximate, Approximation, Approximately

印製出 yinˋ zhiˋ chu¯

Print out, Print, Print output


冂-阝 : > : > [隱]-隱私 : > [隱]-隱私的情況 >

丿-禾 : > : > [私]-隱私 : > [私]-隱私的情況 >

丶-白 : > : > [的]-的情 : > [的]-隱私的情況 >

丶-忄 : > : > [情]-情況 : > [情]-隱私的情況 >

丶-氵 : > : > [況]-情況 : > [況]-隱私的情況 >

隱私的情況 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 況

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