
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 非



mianˋ muˋ quanˊ fei¯

非 fei¯
Without, Not, Non, Un, Opposition, Mistake

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Phone , Tone


面目 mianˋ muˋ

Words that rhyme with 面目全非 (yan-wu)

Grouped by first phone

mian, bian, dian, jian, lian, nian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

免不了 mianˇ bu˙ liaoˇ


面部 mianˋ buˋ


免除 mianˇ chuˊ

Exempt from

免付費 mianˇ fuˋ feiˋ

Free, No charge, Free of charge, No payment required

免付費客服專線 mianˇ fuˋ feiˋ keˋ fuˊ zhuan¯ xianˋ

Toll free customer service line

面露微笑 mianˋ luˋ weiˊ xiaoˋ

Smiling, Grinning

面目 mianˋ muˋ

Face, Appearance

面目全非 mianˋ muˋ quanˊ fei¯


面無表情 mianˋ wuˊ biaoˇ qingˊ

Expressionless, Without expression, Blankly

面無表情地看著他 mianˋ wuˊ biaoˇ qingˊ de˙ kanˋ zhe˙ ta¯

Looking at him without expression, Looked at him blankly

面無表情地看著她 mianˋ wuˊ biaoˇ qingˊ de˙ kanˋ zhe˙ ta¯

Looking at her expressionlessly, Stared at her blankly

mian, bian, dian, jian, lian, nian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

遍佈 bianˋ buˋ

Everywhere, All over, Spread throughout, Through, Spread

變出 bianˋ chu¯

Produce, Create, Come up with

便服 bianˋ fuˊ

Mufti, Casual clothes, Civilian attire

辨護 bianˋ huˋ

Defend, Justify, Defence, Justification

辯護 bianˋ huˋ


便路 bianˋ luˋ


變速 bianˋ suˋ

Gear shift, Shift gears

變速桿 bianˋ suˋ ganˇ

Gearshift lever, Gearshifter, Shifter

mian, bian, dian, jian, lian, nian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

顛覆 dian¯ fuˋ


顛覆的個性 dian¯ fuˋ de˙ geˋ xingˋ


電路 dianˋ luˋ

Electrical circuit

電路板 dianˋ luˋ banˇ

Circuit board, Circuit boards

電樞 dianˋ shu¯


電樞核心 dianˋ shu¯ heˊ xin¯

Armature core

玷污 dianˋ wu¯

Stain, Stained, Smear, Smeared

mian, bian, dian, jian, lian, nian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

堅不可摧 jian¯ buˋ keˇ cui¯

Impenetrable, Impregnable

堅不可摧的防禦盾牌概念 jian¯ buˋ keˇ cui¯ de˙ fangˊ yuˋ dunˋ paiˊ gaiˋ nianˋ

The impenetrable shield paradigm

見不到 jianˋ buˊ daoˋ

Can't see, Can't meet

見不得人 jianˋ buˋ deˊ renˊ

Shameful, Shady, Under the table, Unseen

見不著 jianˋ buˋ zhaoˊ

Can't see (someone or something)

撿出 jianˇ chu¯

Teased from, Gathered, Collected

監督 jian¯ du¯

Supervise, Oversee, Oversight

監督下放 jian¯ du¯ xiaˋ fangˋ

Under the supervision of

監督者 jian¯ du¯ zheˇ


肩負 jian¯ fuˋ


肩負著 jian¯ fuˋ zhe˙

Entrusted, Shoulder, Bear, Undertake

兼顧 jian¯ guˋ

Take into account

堅固 jian¯ guˋ

Sturdy, Robust, Strong, Stable, Solid

薦骨 jianˋ guˇ


監護 jian¯ huˋ

Guardian, Guardianship

艱苦 jian¯ kuˇ

Arduous, Hard, Difficult, Challenging

艱苦奮鬥 jian¯ kuˇ fenˋ douˋ

Work hard

柬埔寨 jianˇ puˇ zhaiˋ


漸入佳境 jianˋ ruˋ jia¯ jingˋ

Get better and better, Gradually get better, Gradually improve

劍術 jianˋ shuˋ

Swordsmanship, Sword play, Fencing

建樹 jianˋ shuˋ


減速 jianˇ suˋ

Slow down, Decrease speed

減速傘 jianˇ suˋ sanˇ

Parachute, Drag chute

減速的 jianˇ suˋ de˙

Decelerating, Slowing down

踐土 jianˋ tuˇ

Jiantu (Jin Wen Gong met there to pledge loyalty to the Zhou Dynasty)

建築 jianˋ zhuˊ


建築公司 jianˋ zhuˊ gong¯ si¯

Construction company

建築家 jianˋ zhuˊ jia¯


建築工地 jianˋ zhuˊ gong¯ diˋ

Building site, Construction site

建築師 jianˋ zhuˊ shi¯


建築師們 jianˋ zhuˊ shi¯ men˙


建築物 jianˋ zhuˊ wuˋ

Building, Structure

建築靜靜傍著鄰居矗立 jianˋ zhuˊ jingˋ jingˋ pangˊ zhe˙ linˊ ju¯ chuˋ liˋ

The building stood quietly next to its neighbors

mian, bian, dian, jian, lian, nian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

簾幕 lianˊ muˋ


戀母情結 lianˋ muˇ qingˊ jieˊ

Oedipus complex, Male child's sexual desire for mother

戀慕 lianˋ muˋ

Yearn for, Pine for

臉譜 lianˇ puˇ

Face painting in Chinese opera indicating disposition or mood

mian, bian, dian, jian, lian, nian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

念不對 nianˋ buˊ duiˋ

Can't remember (from studying) correctly

年出廠 nianˊ chu¯ changˇ

Year of production

年初 nianˊ chu¯


年度 nianˊ duˋ


唸書 nianˋ shu¯


念書 nianˋ shu¯

Study, Read

拈住 nianˊ zhuˋ

Pinched, Gripped

粘住 nianˊ zhuˋ

Stick to, Stay stuck to

黏住 nianˊ zhuˋ

Stick to

mian, bian, dian, jian, lian, nian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

篇幅 pian¯ fuˊ


mian, bian, dian, jian, lian, nian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

前不久 qianˊ buˋ jiuˇ


潛伏 qianˊ fuˊ

Hibernate, Hibernates, Hibernating Hibernated, Lie quiscent, Latent

潛伏期 qianˊ fuˊ qiˊ

Period of hibernation

前赴後繼 qianˊ fuˋ houˋ jiˋ

Advance one after another

千古 qian¯ guˇ

Through the ages

嵌入 qian¯ ruˋ

Inlay, Inlaid, Set into, Embed, Embedded

嵌入式 qian¯ ruˋ shiˋ

Built-in, Integrated

潛入 qianˊ ruˋ

Dive into

簽署 qian¯ shuˇ

Signature, Sign, Initial

簽署者 qian¯ shuˇ zheˇ

Signatory, Signatories

前途 qianˊ tuˊ


前無古人 qianˊ wuˊ guˇ renˊ


前五晚都 qianˊ wuˇ wanˇ dou¯

The previous five nights, The last five nights

mian, bian, dian, jian, lian, nian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

天不從人願 tian¯ buˋ congˊ renˊ yuanˋ

Fate had other plans

填補 tianˊ buˇ

Filled, Fill in

天賦 tian¯ fuˋ

Talent, Inherent, Inborn

天幕莊園 tian¯ muˋ zhuang¯ yuanˊ

Skyfall Manor

添入 tian¯ ruˋ

Add to, Feed into

添入火中 tian¯ ruˋ huoˇ zhong¯

Feed into the fire, Feed into the flame

甜如蜜糖 tianˊ ruˊ miˋ tangˊ

Sweet like honey, Like honey

填入 tianˊ ruˋ

Fill in

填入適當數 tianˊ ruˋ shiˋ dang¯ shuˋ

Fill in the appropriate number, Enter the appropriate number

天數 tian¯ shuˋ


田鼠 tianˊ shuˇ

Field Mouse

天主教 tian¯ zhuˇ jiaoˋ

Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church

mian, bian, dian, jian, lian, nian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

顯出 xianˇ chu¯

Manifest, Show

獻出 xianˋ chu¯

Present, Offer, Presented

獻出他的手 xianˋ chu¯ ta¯ de˙ shouˇ

Offered his hand

限度 xianˋ duˋ

How much, To what degree…

顯露 xianˇ luˋ

Reveal, Show

顯露出 xianˇ luˋ chu¯


線路 xianˋ luˋ

Line, Route, Circuit, Lines, Routes, Circuits

羨慕 xianˋ muˋ

Envious, Admire, Envy

陷入 xianˋ ruˋ

Fall into, Be trapped

陷入沉寂 xianˋ ruˋ chenˊ jiˊ

Fell silent, Went silent

顯著 xianˇ zhuˋ


mian, bian, dian, jian, lian, nian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

煙不多 yan¯ buˋ duo¯

Not much smoke, Little smoke

言部 yanˊ buˋ

Radical for Speech

演出 yanˇ chu¯

Performance, Act

演出了 yanˇ chu¯ le˙

Put on a show

研讀 yanˊ duˊ


掩護 yanˇ huˋ


嚴酷 yanˊ kuˋ

Strict, Harsh

掩目捕雀 yanˇ muˋ buˇ queˋ

Try to catch a bird with eyes closed, An act of self-deception

嚴肅 yanˊ suˋ

Serious, Serious looking, Solemn, Austere

沿途 yanˊ tuˊ

Along the way

煙霧 yan¯ wuˋ

Smoke, Smokey

煙霧迷漫 yan¯ wuˋ miˊ manˋ

Smoky, Filled with smoke

延誤 yanˊ wuˋ

Prevent, Fail (due to procrastination)

延誤了 yanˊ wuˋ le˙

Prevented (from)

厭惡 yanˋ wuˋ

Abhor, Loathe, Dislike

厭惡透了 yanˋ wuˋ touˋ le˙

Absolutely hated

眼珠 yanˇ zhu¯


眼珠轉來轉去 yanˇ zhu¯ zhuanˇ laiˊ zhuanˇ quˋ

Eyes moving from place to place, Eyes moving

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

遍佈 bianˋ buˋ

Everywhere, All over, Spread throughout, Through, Spread

辨護 bianˋ huˋ

Defend, Justify, Defence, Justification

辯護 bianˋ huˋ


便路 bianˋ luˋ


變速 bianˋ suˋ

Gear shift, Shift gears

變速桿 bianˋ suˋ ganˇ

Gearshift lever, Gearshifter, Shifter

電路 dianˋ luˋ

Electrical circuit

電路板 dianˋ luˋ banˇ

Circuit board, Circuit boards

見不得人 jianˋ buˋ deˊ renˊ

Shameful, Shady, Under the table, Unseen

見不著 jianˋ buˋ zhaoˊ

Can't see (someone or something)

漸入佳境 jianˋ ruˋ jia¯ jingˋ

Get better and better, Gradually get better, Gradually improve

劍術 jianˋ shuˋ

Swordsmanship, Sword play, Fencing

建樹 jianˋ shuˋ


戀慕 lianˋ muˋ

Yearn for, Pine for

面部 mianˋ buˋ


面露微笑 mianˋ luˋ weiˊ xiaoˋ

Smiling, Grinning

面目 mianˋ muˋ

Face, Appearance

面目全非 mianˋ muˋ quanˊ fei¯


限度 xianˋ duˋ

How much, To what degree…

線路 xianˋ luˋ

Line, Route, Circuit, Lines, Routes, Circuits

羨慕 xianˋ muˋ

Envious, Admire, Envy

陷入 xianˋ ruˋ

Fall into, Be trapped

陷入沉寂 xianˋ ruˋ chenˊ jiˊ

Fell silent, Went silent

厭惡 yanˋ wuˋ

Abhor, Loathe, Dislike

厭惡透了 yanˋ wuˋ touˋ le˙

Absolutely hated

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

監督 jian¯ du¯

Supervise, Oversee, Oversight

監督下放 jian¯ du¯ xiaˋ fangˋ

Under the supervision of

監督者 jian¯ du¯ zheˇ


44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

篇幅 pian¯ fuˊ


44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

艱苦 jian¯ kuˇ

Arduous, Hard, Difficult, Challenging

艱苦奮鬥 jian¯ kuˇ fenˋ douˋ

Work hard

千古 qian¯ guˇ

Through the ages

簽署 qian¯ shuˇ

Signature, Sign, Initial

簽署者 qian¯ shuˇ zheˇ

Signatory, Signatories

天主教 tian¯ zhuˇ jiaoˋ

Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

顛覆 dian¯ fuˋ


顛覆的個性 dian¯ fuˋ de˙ geˋ xingˋ


堅不可摧 jian¯ buˋ keˇ cui¯

Impenetrable, Impregnable

堅不可摧的防禦盾牌概念 jian¯ buˋ keˇ cui¯ de˙ fangˊ yuˋ dunˋ paiˊ gaiˋ nianˋ

The impenetrable shield paradigm

肩負 jian¯ fuˋ


肩負著 jian¯ fuˋ zhe˙

Entrusted, Shoulder, Bear, Undertake

兼顧 jian¯ guˋ

Take into account

堅固 jian¯ guˋ

Sturdy, Robust, Strong, Stable, Solid

監護 jian¯ huˋ

Guardian, Guardianship

嵌入 qian¯ ruˋ

Inlay, Inlaid, Set into, Embed, Embedded

嵌入式 qian¯ ruˋ shiˋ

Built-in, Integrated

天不從人願 tian¯ buˋ congˊ renˊ yuanˋ

Fate had other plans

天賦 tian¯ fuˋ

Talent, Inherent, Inborn

天幕莊園 tian¯ muˋ zhuang¯ yuanˊ

Skyfall Manor

添入 tian¯ ruˋ

Add to, Feed into

添入火中 tian¯ ruˋ huoˇ zhong¯

Feed into the fire, Feed into the flame

天數 tian¯ shuˋ


煙不多 yan¯ buˋ duo¯

Not much smoke, Little smoke

煙霧 yan¯ wuˋ

Smoke, Smokey

煙霧迷漫 yan¯ wuˋ miˊ manˋ

Smoky, Filled with smoke

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

年出廠 nianˊ chu¯ changˇ

Year of production

年初 nianˊ chu¯


44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

潛伏 qianˊ fuˊ

Hibernate, Hibernates, Hibernating Hibernated, Lie quiscent, Latent

潛伏期 qianˊ fuˊ qiˊ

Period of hibernation

前途 qianˊ tuˊ


前無古人 qianˊ wuˊ guˇ renˊ


甜如蜜糖 tianˊ ruˊ miˋ tangˊ

Sweet like honey, Like honey

研讀 yanˊ duˊ


沿途 yanˊ tuˊ

Along the way

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

前五晚都 qianˊ wuˇ wanˇ dou¯

The previous five nights, The last five nights

填補 tianˊ buˇ

Filled, Fill in

田鼠 tianˊ shuˇ

Field Mouse

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

簾幕 lianˊ muˋ


年度 nianˊ duˋ


拈住 nianˊ zhuˋ

Pinched, Gripped

粘住 nianˊ zhuˋ

Stick to, Stay stuck to

黏住 nianˊ zhuˋ

Stick to

前不久 qianˊ buˋ jiuˇ


前赴後繼 qianˊ fuˋ houˋ jiˋ

Advance one after another

潛入 qianˊ ruˋ

Dive into

填入 tianˊ ruˋ

Fill in

填入適當數 tianˊ ruˋ shiˋ dang¯ shuˋ

Fill in the appropriate number, Enter the appropriate number

言部 yanˊ buˋ

Radical for Speech

嚴酷 yanˊ kuˋ

Strict, Harsh

嚴肅 yanˊ suˋ

Serious, Serious looking, Solemn, Austere

延誤 yanˊ wuˋ

Prevent, Fail (due to procrastination)

延誤了 yanˊ wuˋ le˙

Prevented (from)

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

撿出 jianˇ chu¯

Teased from, Gathered, Collected

顯出 xianˇ chu¯

Manifest, Show

演出 yanˇ chu¯

Performance, Act

演出了 yanˇ chu¯ le˙

Put on a show

眼珠 yanˇ zhu¯


眼珠轉來轉去 yanˇ zhu¯ zhuanˇ laiˊ zhuanˇ quˋ

Eyes moving from place to place, Eyes moving

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

免除 mianˇ chuˊ

Exempt from

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

柬埔寨 jianˇ puˇ zhaiˋ


臉譜 lianˇ puˇ

Face painting in Chinese opera indicating disposition or mood

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

減速 jianˇ suˋ

Slow down, Decrease speed

減速傘 jianˇ suˋ sanˇ

Parachute, Drag chute

減速的 jianˇ suˋ de˙

Decelerating, Slowing down

免付費 mianˇ fuˋ feiˋ

Free, No charge, Free of charge, No payment required

免付費客服專線 mianˇ fuˋ feiˋ keˋ fuˊ zhuan¯ xianˋ

Toll free customer service line

顯露 xianˇ luˋ

Reveal, Show

顯露出 xianˇ luˋ chu¯


顯著 xianˇ zhuˋ


掩護 yanˇ huˋ


掩目捕雀 yanˇ muˋ buˇ queˋ

Try to catch a bird with eyes closed, An act of self-deception

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

免不了 mianˇ bu˙ liaoˇ


44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

變出 bianˋ chu¯

Produce, Create, Come up with

電樞 dianˋ shu¯


電樞核心 dianˋ shu¯ heˊ xin¯

Armature core

玷污 dianˋ wu¯

Stain, Stained, Smear, Smeared

唸書 nianˋ shu¯


念書 nianˋ shu¯

Study, Read

獻出 xianˋ chu¯

Present, Offer, Presented

獻出他的手 xianˋ chu¯ ta¯ de˙ shouˇ

Offered his hand

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

便服 bianˋ fuˊ

Mufti, Casual clothes, Civilian attire

見不到 jianˋ buˊ daoˋ

Can't see, Can't meet

建築 jianˋ zhuˊ


建築公司 jianˋ zhuˊ gong¯ si¯

Construction company

建築家 jianˋ zhuˊ jia¯


建築工地 jianˋ zhuˊ gong¯ diˋ

Building site, Construction site

建築師 jianˋ zhuˊ shi¯


建築師們 jianˋ zhuˊ shi¯ men˙


建築物 jianˋ zhuˊ wuˋ

Building, Structure

建築靜靜傍著鄰居矗立 jianˋ zhuˊ jingˋ jingˋ pangˊ zhe˙ linˊ ju¯ chuˋ liˋ

The building stood quietly next to its neighbors

面無表情 mianˋ wuˊ biaoˇ qingˊ

Expressionless, Without expression, Blankly

面無表情地看著他 mianˋ wuˊ biaoˇ qingˊ de˙ kanˋ zhe˙ ta¯

Looking at him without expression, Looked at him blankly

面無表情地看著她 mianˋ wuˊ biaoˇ qingˊ de˙ kanˋ zhe˙ ta¯

Looking at her expressionlessly, Stared at her blankly

念不對 nianˋ buˊ duiˋ

Can't remember (from studying) correctly

44, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43

薦骨 jianˋ guˇ


踐土 jianˋ tuˇ

Jiantu (Jin Wen Gong met there to pledge loyalty to the Zhou Dynasty)

戀母情結 lianˋ muˇ qingˊ jieˊ

Oedipus complex, Male child's sexual desire for mother


一-丆 : > : > [面]-面目 : > [面]-面目全非 >

口-目 : > : > [目]-面目 : > [目]-面目全非 >

人-人 : > : > [全]-全非 : > [全]-面目全非 >

丨-非 : > : > [非]-全非 : > [非]-面目全非 >

面目全非 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 非

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