
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 下


Drooping, Hanging down, Drooped, Hung down

xiaˋ chuiˊ

下 xiaˋ
Below, Beneath, After, Down, End, Under, Finish, Inferior, Get Down, Get Off, MW Number Of Repetitions

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 下垂 (ia-wei)

Grouped by first phone

xia, jia

下垂 xiaˋ chuiˊ

Drooping, Hanging down, Drooped, Hung down

下水 xiaˋ shuiˇ

Launch a boat, Internal organs of poultry and other animals

霞蔚 xiaˊ weiˋ


夏威夷 xiaˋ wei¯ yiˊ


夏威夷島 xiaˋ wei¯ yiˊ daoˇ

Hawaiian Island

下為一組 xiaˋ weiˋ yiˋ zuˇ

Forms 1 set, Constitutes 1 set

下墜 xiaˋ zhuiˋ

Fall, Drop, Lower, Falling

下墜時 xiaˋ zhuiˋ shiˊ

While falling, During the fall

xia, jia

葭葦 jia¯ weiˇ

Reeds and rushes

價位 jiaˋ weiˋ


Grouped in tone pairs

42, 13, 24, 41, 43, 44

下垂 xiaˋ chuiˊ

Drooping, Hanging down, Drooped, Hung down

42, 13, 24, 41, 43, 44

葭葦 jia¯ weiˇ

Reeds and rushes

42, 13, 24, 41, 43, 44

霞蔚 xiaˊ weiˋ


42, 13, 24, 41, 43, 44

夏威夷 xiaˋ wei¯ yiˊ


夏威夷島 xiaˋ wei¯ yiˊ daoˇ

Hawaiian Island

42, 13, 24, 41, 43, 44

下水 xiaˋ shuiˇ

Launch a boat, Internal organs of poultry and other animals

42, 13, 24, 41, 43, 44

價位 jiaˋ weiˋ


下為一組 xiaˋ weiˋ yiˋ zuˇ

Forms 1 set, Constitutes 1 set

下墜 xiaˋ zhuiˋ

Fall, Drop, Lower, Falling

下墜時 xiaˋ zhuiˋ shiˊ

While falling, During the fall


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下垂 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 下

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