
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 性


Can't blame human nature

buˋ nengˊ guaiˋ renˊ xingˋ

性 xingˋ
Nature, Character, Temper, Disposition, Quality, Property, Properties, Sex

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Phone , Tone


不能 buˋ nengˊ

怪人 guaiˋ renˊ

人性 renˊ xingˋ

怪人性 guaiˋ renˊ xingˋ

Words that rhyme with 不能怪人性 (wu-eng)

Grouped by first phone

bu, chu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

不曾 buˋ cengˊ

Have never

不曾停止 buˋ cengˊ tingˊ zhiˇ

Never stop

不曾說出口 buˋ cengˊ shuo¯ chu¯ kouˇ

Never said, Never spoken

不曾說出口的 buˋ cengˊ shuo¯ chu¯ kouˇ de˙

Never said, Never spoken

不成 buˋ chengˊ

Not suitable, Won't do, Won't succeed

不成人 buˋ chengˊ renˊ

Immoral person, Person of loose morals

不成功 buˋ chengˊ gong¯

Unsuccessful, Unsuccessfully

不成器 buˋ chengˊ qiˋ

Useless, Good for nothing

不成話 buˋ chengˊ huaˋ

Unreasonable, Ridiculous, Absurd

不成體統 buˋ chengˊ tiˇ tongˇ

Act inappropriately

補登 buˇ deng¯

Enter information

不等 buˋ dengˇ

Not uniform, Uneven, Varied

不吭一聲 buˋ keng¯ yiˋ sheng¯

Quietly, Without a sound

不能 buˋ nengˊ

Can't, Not able (to)

不能不 buˋ nengˊ buˋ

Have to, Cannot but

不能例外 buˋ nengˊ liˋ waiˋ

No exceptions

不能再前進了 buˋ nengˊ zaiˋ qianˊ jinˋ le˙

Can't go any further, Can't go further

不能再騎 buˋ nengˊ zaiˋ qiˊ

Could no longer ride, Could no longer be ridden

不能出門 buˋ nengˊ chu¯ menˊ

Can't go out

不能動 buˋ nengˊ dongˋ

Immobile, Can't move, Couldn't move

不能喝 buˋ nengˊ he¯

Can't drink

不能回頭了 buˋ nengˊ huiˊ touˊ le˙

Can't return, Can't turn back, No turning back

不能因為遇到困難就放棄 buˋ nengˊ yin¯ weiˋ yuˋ daoˋ kunˋ nanˊ jiuˋ fangˋ qiˋ

When encountering difficulty, don't give up, Don't give up just because you experience some difficulty

不能容忍 buˋ nengˊ rongˊ renˇ

Intolerable, Do not tolerate, Does not tolerate

不能怪人性 buˋ nengˊ guaiˋ renˊ xingˋ

Can't blame human nature

不能憑空杜撰 buˋ nengˊ pingˊ kong¯ duˋ zhuanˋ

It can't just be made up, It can't just be fabricated out of thin air

不能成功 buˋ nengˊ chengˊ gong¯

Won't work

不能打腰帶以下 buˋ nengˊ daˇ yao¯ daiˋ yiˇ xiaˋ

Not allowed to hit below the belt, Not hitting below the belt, No hitting below the belt

不能揭露真相 buˋ nengˊ jie¯ luˋ zhen¯ xiang¯

Could not show the truth

不能用 buˋ nengˊ yongˋ

Can't use, Not allowed to use

不能直接 buˋ nengˊ zhiˊ jie¯

Can't just

不能移動 buˋ nengˊ yiˊ dongˋ

Cannot move, Should not move

不能老待 buˋ nengˊ laoˇ dai¯

Cannot wait for ever

不能讓 buˋ nengˊ rangˋ

Can't allow

不能開個窗戶來通風 buˋ nengˊ kai¯ ge˙ chuang¯ huˋ laiˊ tong¯ feng¯

Can't open a window for ventilation

不升 buˋ sheng¯

Not rising

不正之風 buˊ zhengˋ zhi¯ feng¯

Unhealthy wind

不爭氣 buˋ zheng¯ qiˋ

Discouraged, Easily give up, Disappointing

不爭氣的 buˋ zheng¯ qiˋ de˙


bu, chu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

初等 chu¯ dengˇ


出鋒頭 chu¯ feng¯ touˊ

Show off

出風頭 chu¯ feng¯ touˊ

Show off

觸碰 chuˋ pengˋ

Touch, Connect, Touched, Connected

出生 chu¯ sheng¯


出生在英國 chu¯ sheng¯ zaiˋ ying¯ guoˊ

Born in England

出生在韓國 chu¯ sheng¯ zaiˋ hanˊ guoˊ

Born in Korea

出生年月日 chu¯ sheng¯ nianˊ yueˋ riˋ

Birthday as year then month then day

出聲 chu¯ sheng¯

Make a sound

出聲了 chu¯ sheng¯ le˙

Made a sound

畜牲 chuˋ sheng¯

Livestock, Pack animal

bu, chu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

促成 cuˋ chengˊ

Bring into being, Materialize, Help to bring about, Contribute

粗風暴雨 cu¯ feng¯ baoˋ yuˇ

Violent storm

粗聲粗氣 cu¯ sheng¯ cu¯ qiˋ

Gruff, Grumpy, Gruffly, Grumpily

bu, chu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

腹橫肌 fuˋ hengˊ ji¯

Transverse Abdominus

附贈 fuˋ zengˋ


附贈物 fuˋ zengˋ wuˋ


bu, chu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

古城 guˇ chengˊ

Old city

古風時期 guˇ feng¯ shiˊ qiˊ

Archaic period (period in Greek history from 800 BC to 480 BC)

孤蓬 gu¯ pengˊ

Single Puff Of Thistledown, Solitary traveller

鼓聲 guˇ sheng¯

Sound of drums, Sound of drumming

bu, chu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

護城河 huˋ chengˊ heˊ


呼風喚雨 hu¯ feng¯ huanˋ yuˇ

Call the wind and shake the rain, Exert control

呼朋引伴 hu¯ pengˊ yinˇ banˋ

Friends and companions

呼聲 hu¯ sheng¯


bu, chu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

哭聲 ku¯ sheng¯

Cry, Cries, Crying sound, Sound of crying

bu, chu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

路程 luˋ chengˊ

Travel time, Distance to be travelled

路燈 luˋ deng¯

Street light

bu, chu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

目瞪 muˋ dengˋ


目瞪口呆 muˋ dengˋ kouˇ dai¯

Stunned, Dumbfounded, Staring with mouth agape

目瞪口呆地 muˋ dengˋ kouˇ dai¯ de˙


bu, chu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

怒瞪著 nuˋ dengˋ zhe˙

Glowered, Glared angrily

bu, chu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

鋪成 pu¯ chengˊ


bu, chu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

如封似閉 ruˊ feng¯ siˋ biˋ

Withdraw And Push

如縫的眼睛 ruˊ fengˊ de˙ yanˇ jing¯

Slitlike eyes

bu, chu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

豎橫折 shuˋ hengˊ zheˊ

Vertical calligraphy stroke with a horizontal bend followed by a vertical bend

bu, chu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

蘇城 su¯ chengˊ

Sioux city

俗稱 suˊ cheng¯

Commonly known as, Colloquially known as

塑成 suˋ chengˊ

Shaped, Molded, Fashioned

bu, chu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

土生土長 tuˇ sheng¯ tuˇ zhangˇ


圖騰 tuˊ tengˊ


bu, chu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

五層 wuˇ cengˊ

5th level, Fifth level

霧濛濛 wuˋ mengˊ mengˊ


霧濛濛的 wuˋ mengˊ mengˊ de˙


無能 wuˊ nengˊ

Impotence, Incapable, Without talent, Incompetent, Impotent

無能為力 wuˊ nengˊ weiˋ liˋ

Unable to help, Powerless, Helpless

無生 wuˊ sheng¯


無生命的 wuˊ sheng¯ mingˋ de˙

Dead, Not living

無聲 wuˊ sheng¯

Silent, Silently

五聲音階 wuˇ sheng¯ yin¯ jie¯


物證 wuˋ zhengˋ

Physical evidence

bu, chu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

築成 zhuˊ chengˊ

Build, Builds, Built

bu, chu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

組成 zuˇ chengˊ

Form, Compose, Constitute, Make up

組成單元 zuˇ chengˊ dan¯ yuanˊ

Building blocks, Components

阻風門 zuˇ feng¯ menˊ


足聲 zuˊ sheng¯

The sound of footsteps, Footsteps

阻生牙 zuˇ sheng¯ yaˊ

Impacted tooth, Impacted teeth

Grouped in tone pairs

42, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 41, 43, 44

不曾 buˋ cengˊ

Have never

不曾停止 buˋ cengˊ tingˊ zhiˇ

Never stop

不曾說出口 buˋ cengˊ shuo¯ chu¯ kouˇ

Never said, Never spoken

不曾說出口的 buˋ cengˊ shuo¯ chu¯ kouˇ de˙

Never said, Never spoken

不成 buˋ chengˊ

Not suitable, Won't do, Won't succeed

不成人 buˋ chengˊ renˊ

Immoral person, Person of loose morals

不成功 buˋ chengˊ gong¯

Unsuccessful, Unsuccessfully

不成器 buˋ chengˊ qiˋ

Useless, Good for nothing

不成話 buˋ chengˊ huaˋ

Unreasonable, Ridiculous, Absurd

不成體統 buˋ chengˊ tiˇ tongˇ

Act inappropriately

不能 buˋ nengˊ

Can't, Not able (to)

不能不 buˋ nengˊ buˋ

Have to, Cannot but

不能例外 buˋ nengˊ liˋ waiˋ

No exceptions

不能再前進了 buˋ nengˊ zaiˋ qianˊ jinˋ le˙

Can't go any further, Can't go further

不能再騎 buˋ nengˊ zaiˋ qiˊ

Could no longer ride, Could no longer be ridden

不能出門 buˋ nengˊ chu¯ menˊ

Can't go out

不能動 buˋ nengˊ dongˋ

Immobile, Can't move, Couldn't move

不能喝 buˋ nengˊ he¯

Can't drink

不能回頭了 buˋ nengˊ huiˊ touˊ le˙

Can't return, Can't turn back, No turning back

不能因為遇到困難就放棄 buˋ nengˊ yin¯ weiˋ yuˋ daoˋ kunˋ nanˊ jiuˋ fangˋ qiˋ

When encountering difficulty, don't give up, Don't give up just because you experience some difficulty

不能容忍 buˋ nengˊ rongˊ renˇ

Intolerable, Do not tolerate, Does not tolerate

不能怪人性 buˋ nengˊ guaiˋ renˊ xingˋ

Can't blame human nature

不能憑空杜撰 buˋ nengˊ pingˊ kong¯ duˋ zhuanˋ

It can't just be made up, It can't just be fabricated out of thin air

不能成功 buˋ nengˊ chengˊ gong¯

Won't work

不能打腰帶以下 buˋ nengˊ daˇ yao¯ daiˋ yiˇ xiaˋ

Not allowed to hit below the belt, Not hitting below the belt, No hitting below the belt

不能揭露真相 buˋ nengˊ jie¯ luˋ zhen¯ xiang¯

Could not show the truth

不能用 buˋ nengˊ yongˋ

Can't use, Not allowed to use

不能直接 buˋ nengˊ zhiˊ jie¯

Can't just

不能移動 buˋ nengˊ yiˊ dongˋ

Cannot move, Should not move

不能老待 buˋ nengˊ laoˇ dai¯

Cannot wait for ever

不能讓 buˋ nengˊ rangˋ

Can't allow

不能開個窗戶來通風 buˋ nengˊ kai¯ ge˙ chuang¯ huˋ laiˊ tong¯ feng¯

Can't open a window for ventilation

促成 cuˋ chengˊ

Bring into being, Materialize, Help to bring about, Contribute

腹橫肌 fuˋ hengˊ ji¯

Transverse Abdominus

護城河 huˋ chengˊ heˊ


路程 luˋ chengˊ

Travel time, Distance to be travelled

豎橫折 shuˋ hengˊ zheˊ

Vertical calligraphy stroke with a horizontal bend followed by a vertical bend

塑成 suˋ chengˊ

Shaped, Molded, Fashioned

霧濛濛 wuˋ mengˊ mengˊ


霧濛濛的 wuˋ mengˊ mengˊ de˙


42, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 41, 43, 44

出鋒頭 chu¯ feng¯ touˊ

Show off

出風頭 chu¯ feng¯ touˊ

Show off

出生 chu¯ sheng¯


出生在英國 chu¯ sheng¯ zaiˋ ying¯ guoˊ

Born in England

出生在韓國 chu¯ sheng¯ zaiˋ hanˊ guoˊ

Born in Korea

出生年月日 chu¯ sheng¯ nianˊ yueˋ riˋ

Birthday as year then month then day

出聲 chu¯ sheng¯

Make a sound

出聲了 chu¯ sheng¯ le˙

Made a sound

粗風暴雨 cu¯ feng¯ baoˋ yuˇ

Violent storm

粗聲粗氣 cu¯ sheng¯ cu¯ qiˋ

Gruff, Grumpy, Gruffly, Grumpily

呼風喚雨 hu¯ feng¯ huanˋ yuˇ

Call the wind and shake the rain, Exert control

呼聲 hu¯ sheng¯


哭聲 ku¯ sheng¯

Cry, Cries, Crying sound, Sound of crying

42, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 41, 43, 44

孤蓬 gu¯ pengˊ

Single Puff Of Thistledown, Solitary traveller

呼朋引伴 hu¯ pengˊ yinˇ banˋ

Friends and companions

鋪成 pu¯ chengˊ


蘇城 su¯ chengˊ

Sioux city

42, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 41, 43, 44

初等 chu¯ dengˇ


42, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 41, 43, 44

如封似閉 ruˊ feng¯ siˋ biˋ

Withdraw And Push

俗稱 suˊ cheng¯

Commonly known as, Colloquially known as

無生 wuˊ sheng¯


無生命的 wuˊ sheng¯ mingˋ de˙

Dead, Not living

無聲 wuˊ sheng¯

Silent, Silently

足聲 zuˊ sheng¯

The sound of footsteps, Footsteps

42, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 41, 43, 44

如縫的眼睛 ruˊ fengˊ de˙ yanˇ jing¯

Slitlike eyes

圖騰 tuˊ tengˊ


無能 wuˊ nengˊ

Impotence, Incapable, Without talent, Incompetent, Impotent

無能為力 wuˊ nengˊ weiˋ liˋ

Unable to help, Powerless, Helpless

築成 zhuˊ chengˊ

Build, Builds, Built

42, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 41, 43, 44

不正之風 buˊ zhengˋ zhi¯ feng¯

Unhealthy wind

42, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 41, 43, 44

補登 buˇ deng¯

Enter information

古風時期 guˇ feng¯ shiˊ qiˊ

Archaic period (period in Greek history from 800 BC to 480 BC)

鼓聲 guˇ sheng¯

Sound of drums, Sound of drumming

土生土長 tuˇ sheng¯ tuˇ zhangˇ


五聲音階 wuˇ sheng¯ yin¯ jie¯


阻風門 zuˇ feng¯ menˊ


阻生牙 zuˇ sheng¯ yaˊ

Impacted tooth, Impacted teeth

42, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 41, 43, 44

古城 guˇ chengˊ

Old city

五層 wuˇ cengˊ

5th level, Fifth level

組成 zuˇ chengˊ

Form, Compose, Constitute, Make up

組成單元 zuˇ chengˊ dan¯ yuanˊ

Building blocks, Components

42, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 41, 43, 44

不吭一聲 buˋ keng¯ yiˋ sheng¯

Quietly, Without a sound

不升 buˋ sheng¯

Not rising

不爭氣 buˋ zheng¯ qiˋ

Discouraged, Easily give up, Disappointing

不爭氣的 buˋ zheng¯ qiˋ de˙


畜牲 chuˋ sheng¯

Livestock, Pack animal

路燈 luˋ deng¯

Street light

42, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 41, 43, 44

不等 buˋ dengˇ

Not uniform, Uneven, Varied

42, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 41, 43, 44

觸碰 chuˋ pengˋ

Touch, Connect, Touched, Connected

附贈 fuˋ zengˋ


附贈物 fuˋ zengˋ wuˋ


目瞪 muˋ dengˋ


目瞪口呆 muˋ dengˋ kouˇ dai¯

Stunned, Dumbfounded, Staring with mouth agape

目瞪口呆地 muˋ dengˋ kouˇ dai¯ de˙


怒瞪著 nuˋ dengˋ zhe˙

Glowered, Glared angrily

物證 wuˋ zhengˋ

Physical evidence


一-一 : > : > [不]-不能 : > [不]-不能怪人性 >

𠄌-厶 : > : > [能]-不能 : > [能]-不能怪人性 >

丶-忄 : > : > [怪]-怪人 : > [怪]-不能怪人性 >

人-人 : > : > [人]-怪人 : > [人]-不能怪人性 >

丶-忄 : > : > [性]-人性 : > [性]-不能怪人性 >

不能怪人性 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 性

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