Man, Person, People, Someone Else
Word Links for words containing 人 (sorted via character pairs)
人員 Staff, Employee, Employees, Worker(s), Personnel
參與人員 Participant(s)
工作人員 Workers, Staff
文書人員 Clerical staff
研究人員 Researcher, Researchers
維修人員 Maintenance staff
醫護人員 Medical Staff
電子技術人員 Computer Technician, Electronics Technician
小鎮的維修人員 Town maintenance staff or crew
人民 People, General public, Citizens (excluding ruling class)
當時人民 The people of that time
被統治的人民 People not of the ruling class, People who are ruled
人民幣 RMB
人民的生活 People's lives, Common people's lives
當時人民的思想與生活 The thoughts and lives of people at that time
回答他的人是 The person who answered him was
回答她的人是 The person who answered her was
那些人是毫無顧忌的 They had no scruples
人脈 Contacts, Connections, Resources
人脈廣 Wide network of contacts, Able to call on a wide network of contacts, Resourceful, Well connected
人際關係 Human relationships, Personal relationships, Relationships
人際與組織間 Between people and organizations
侮辱人了 Insulting
他們現在是城主的人了 Now they belonged to the prince, Now they were the prince's men
這也太侮辱人了吧 This is insulting
人多 Crowded
人多的 Crowded
人多嘴雜 Getting lots of people to agree is difficult, Secrecy is hard to maintain with too many people
人多的區域 Crowded area, Bustle
人多的陰暗處 Dark and crowded places
人物 Character, Person, Figure
一號人物 Person, Individual
卡通人物 Cartoon character, Cartoon person
歷史人物 Historical figure, Historical figures
人物主體 Person who is a picture subject, Subject of a portrait
將虛化背景以突出人物主體 Blurs the background so that the subject stands out
人物的動作 Person's actions
透過人物的動作 Through a person's actions, make use of a person's actions
如曝光時人物移動 If during exposure person moves
沒有重要人物的場合 When no one important is around, When no one important is around to hear, When no one important is listening
人生 Life, A person's life
自己的人生 Their lives
擁有趣味的人生 Have interesting lives, Have an interesting life
屬於我自己的人生 My own life
繼續過自己的人生 Continue with their lives, Go on with their lives
追求屬於我自己的人生 Pursue my own life
他們如何繼續過自己的人生 How did they continue with their lives
我人生中 My life's, During my life
人們 People
被人們 By people, By mankind
一般人們 Average people, People
人們在戶外活動 People doing things outdoors
人們把文字造出來了 People created characters
文字被人們造出來了 Characters or symbols were created by people.
這類人傾向視這為矛盾 Such people tend to see a contradiction, This type of person tends to see a contradiction
人像 Portrait
拍攝人像 Shooting portraits, Portraiture, Taking pictures of people
拍攝夜間人像 Shooting portraits at night, Night time portraiture
不使用閃光燈拍攝人像 Portrait shooting without using flash
人像模式 Portrait mode
適用於人像及逆光主 Suitable for portraits and backlit subjects
讓第一次見到她的人愛上她 Make people fall in love with her when first meeting her, Making people fall in love with her when first meeting her
喜歡讓第一次見到她的人愛上她 Liked to make people fall in love with her on first site
被人從飛機上丟下去的 Thrown out of an airplane, Dropped from an airplane
他是被人從飛機上丟下去的 He was thrown out of an airplane, Someone threw him out of an airplane
人為 Man-made
領導人為 In command, Under the command (of), Leader, Acting commander
人為開發區域 Developed areas
把染病的人完全隔離 Put infected person in complete quarantine, Put any infected people in complete quarantine
激怒人的 Infuriating
先發置人的 Preemptive
一組先發置人的 A preemptive
激怒人的無禮 Infuriating rudeness
聽的人的感受 Listener's feelings
從某些人的觀點 From the point of view of some people
像窮苦人的小母牛 Like a poor man's heifer
和大多數人的想法相反者 Contrary to what most people think, Contrary to what the majority think
引人注意 Attract attention, Attention attracting presence, Presence
引人注目 Prominent, Noticeable, Conspicuous, Attention attracting
人山人海 Large crowd, Many people
人海茫茫 Vast sea of people
在人海茫茫的洛杉磯 In the vast crowds of Los Angeles, In the crowds of Los Angeles
人潮洶湧 Crowd, Crowded, Flood of people
車潮與人潮 Flood of cars and people, Ebb and flow of cars and people
在人潮洶湧的街上 On a crowded street
在人潮洶湧的街上玩 Playing in a crowded street, Having fun in a crowded street
人性 Human nature, Humanity, Human kind, People
人性的事 Humane
較自然而人性的道路 The more natural and human way
世界沒有比好奇心更屬於人性的東西了 Nothing more human than curiosity
人情 Sentiment, Emotion, Feelings, Favors, Good will
人情味 Hospitality, Human touch, Friendliness
對人情沒半點尊重 No respect for sentiment, No regard for human feeling
人心 Heart, Will, Emotion, Feeling, Morale
深入人心 Deeply rooted in the hearts of the people
扣人心弦 Exciting
沁人心脾 Touch one's heart, Affect someone deeply
溫暖人心的 Heart warming
人人 Everybody, Everybody's
人人都說 Everybody says that
不是人人幹得來 Isn't for everybody, Not everyone is suited to
人類 Human, Human being, Humanity, Mankind
古代人類 Ancestors
地球人類 Mankind
人類居住 Human habitation
人類的一小步 One small step for mankind
希望人類能利用它 In the hope that mankind can use it to
希望人類能利用它到達另一遙遠的星系定居 In the hope that mankind can use it to settle in a distant star system
人類本性 Human nature
人類的低劣本性 Humanity's baser natures, People's baser natures
曾是人類的東西 Things that had once been men, Thing that had once been a man
那些曾是人類的東西 Those things that had once been men
人類能利用它到達另一遙遠的星系 Mankind can use it to travel to a distant star system
希望人類能利用它到達另一遙遠的星系 In the hope that mankind can use it to travel to a distant star system
人不多 Not too many people, Only a few people, A small group of people
要的人不多 Didn't need too many people, Wanted a small number of people
和大多數那類人不一樣 Was different from the majority of people, Was different from most people
人工 Artificial, Man-made, Human labour
智慧型人工 Smart
自然的和人工 Natural and man-made
人工島 Man-made island, Man-made islands
人工技巧 Artifice
人工流產 Abortion
自然的和人工的都有 Both natural and man-made
人工智慧 Artificial intelligence, AI
人工智能 Artificial intelligence
人形 Figure
一個小小穿白裙的人形 A small figure wearing a white dress
一個反射在鏡子裡的人形 A figure reflected in a mirror, A reflected figure in a mirror, A reflected image in a mirror
人形偶 Mannikin
一個勇敢的人面臨苦難而面無懼色 In the face of adversity a brave man shows no fear, A brave man smiles in the face of adversity
經過的人都 Everyone passing by
什麼人都接受 Accept anyone, Take anyone
任何腦子清醒的人都不敢 None in their right mind would dare, Anyone clear headed wouldn't dare
她不需要人幫她打理床單 She didn't need turn-down service (at a hotel), She didn't need anyone making her bed for her
人力 Manpower
人力車 Velocipede, Human powered vehicle with one or more wheels
需要許多的人力和巧思 Requires the effort and ingenuity of many people
有更多人來 Have a lot more people come
不會找不熟的人來幫他 Will not reach out to strangers to help him, Would not reach out to strangers to help him
不會找不熟的人來幫她 Will not reach out to strangers to help her, Would not reach out to strangers to help her
人才 Talented Individuals, Talented, Suitable individuals
選拔人才 Selection of talented individuals, Selection of suitable individuals
別人 Other people, Anyone, Someone else
被別人 By someone else, By other people
不是別人 Not someone else, Not any other man
小看別人 Look down on others, Have a low opinion of others
留給別人 Left for someone else
也會是別人 It would have been someone else
不要小看別人 Don't look down on others
如果換作是別人 If it were someone else, Were it anyone else
別人的 Others'
是別人的 It's someone else's
被別人碰 Being touched by others
別人在做 Someone else is doing it
要別人欣賞 Want others to appreciate
竟然有需要別人幫忙 Actually needing someone else's help
可是別人可以拿這個名字來對付他們 But others can use this against them
我只不過是要別人欣賞我這個人罷了 I just want others to appreciate me for who I am
別人的錢 Someone else's money
默默留給別人教他的事 A thing left unspoken for others to teach him
嚇人 Frighten someone, Threaten, Horrify, Horrifying
極度驚嚇人 Startling, Shocking, Alarming
嚇人的 Startling
嚇人聲勢 Swagger, Fearsome strut
中國人 Chinese person, Chinese
俄國人 Russian, Russians
外國人 Foreigner
美國人 American
英國人 British, English person, English people, British person, British people
韓國人 Korean (person), Koreans
從中國人 From Chinese, From the Chinese
他根本就不算是人 He was not even human, He was scarcely human
她根本就不算是人 She was not even human, She was scarcely human
你是個聰明人 You are a clever person, You are a smart individual, You are an intelligent person
男人 Man
帥男人 Handsome man
七個男人 Seven men
兩個男人 Two men
成年男人 Grown man
有兩個男人 There were two men
坐著七個男人 Seven men sat, Sat seven men
一個又大又黑的男人 A big dark man
騎著巨馬而過的男人 A man riding a huge horse, Men riding giant horses
是男人還是女人 Is it a man or a woman?
有個成年男人支持 Have the support of a grown man
為什麼男人如此愚蠢 Why are men so stupid?
眾人 Everybody, People
惹得眾人 Prompting or provoking the crowd
在提醒眾人 To remind everyone, Reminding everyone
好像在提醒眾人 As if to remind everyone, As if reminding everyone
周人 Zhou people, People of the Zhou kingdom
周人克商後 After defeating Shang 商, Zhou 周 then
周人勢力經過長期發展 The influence of the People of Zhou 周人 developed over a long period of time
軍人 Soldier, Military personel, In the army, Member of the armed forces, Armed services personnel
退伍軍人 Veteran
退伍軍人中心 Veteran's center
退伍軍人之家 Veteran's home
女人 Woman, Women
老女人 Old woman
持刀的女人 The woman with a knife, The woman holding a knife
漂亮的女人 Nice looking woman, Beautiful woman or women
個浪漫的女人 A romantic woman
是男人還是女人 Is it a man or a woman?
愛發牢騷的老女人 Querulous old woman
實際下手殺害他的女人 The woman who did the actual killing, The woman who actually committed his murder
女人懷裡 Within a woman's arms or bosom
在女人身旁醒來 Woke up next to a woman
看見一名年輕的女人朝他走過來 Saw a young woman walking towards him
這女人的很多事情是他不明白的 There was a lot he didn't know about her
婦人 Woman, Married woman, Female
引起好幾個保持站立的婦人斥責的眼光 Drawing censorious looks from several still standing women, Drawing disapproving looks from a few women who stayed standing
那人 That person, The person
直視那人的眼睛 Look into the man's eyes, Looks into the man's eyes, Looked into the man's eyes
好多人 Many people
很多人 A lot of people, Lots of people
許多人 Many people
有很多人 There are a lot of people, Lots of people, A lot of people
沒那麼多人 Not so many people, Not many people
無人 Unmanned, Uninhabited, No one
目中無人 Arrogant, Supercilious
無人任務 Unmanned mission
四趟無人任務 4 unmanned missions
遙控無人機 Remotely piloted vehicle, Drone
雙人 Two people, Two person
雙人沙發 Love-seat, Two person couch
雙人床 Two person bed, Double bed
一張雙人床 A double bed, One double bed
上下鋪雙人床 Bunk bed, Bunk beds, Bunks
他人 Others
其他人 Others
找到其他人 Find the others
是否傷害他人 Whether or not to harm others
還有很多其他人 As well as many others, Along with many others
其他人工島 Other man-made islands
那其他人呢 The others?, What about the others?
跟其他人一樣 Same as anyone else
個人 Personal, Personally, Own, Oneself, Individual, Each individual's
一個人 A person
三個人 Three people, 3 people
兩個人 Two people
八個人 Eight people
四個人 Four people
幾個人 A few people, Several people
某個人 A particular person, Someone
每個人 Every person, Every person's
這個人 This person
那個人 That person
另一個人 Another person
每一個人 Each and every person, Everybody
不是每個人 Not everyone
其他幾個人 A few other people, Several other people, Several others
就你一個人 Just you, Just you, alone
就妳一個人 Just you, Just you, alone
載著一個人 Carry one person
只有他一個人 He is alone, He was alone
他們其中一個人 One of them
被他搶的那個人 The person he had mugged
如果我認識那個人 If I know that person, If that person is someone I know
所以你才會一個人 That's why you are alone, That's why you were alone
所以妳才會一個人 That's why you are alone, That's why you were alone
借助絞車兩邊的四個人 By means of four people on either side of the winch
一個人影 Silhouette of a person, Shadow of one person
一個人的 A person's
幾個人影 A few figures, A few silhouettes, A handful of shadows
我個人的 My own, My personal
十三個人種 Thirteen races of man, Thirteen races
等到只剩下他一個人了 Wait until he is alone
等到只剩下她一個人了 Wait until she is alone
等到只剩下那個女孩一個人了 Wait until the girl is alone
個人支票 Personal cheque
每個人都有 Every person has, Every person had, Each person has, Each person had
這個人答道 The man said
一個人的生活 A person's life, One person's life
一個人都沒有 There's no one here, There isn't even one person here
我個人的童年 My own childhood, My personal childhood
把某個人殺了 Kill someone, Killed someone
每個人的需求 Every persons needs, Every persons requirements
視個人能力調 Adjust for individual ability, Adjust for individual competence
跟每個人一樣 Like anyone else, Like everyone else, Like anyone
三個人已經在等 Three people were waiting
我是一個人來的 I came alone
只有四個人在現場 Only four people were present
但這個人難道不能直接 But couldn't this person just
從來沒跟這個人講過話 Had never spoken with this person
我自己一個人沒辦法做 I can't do it alone
其中沒有一個人有啤酒肚 Not one person among them had a beergut or beer belly
看我一個人有沒有辦法應付 To see if I could handle it alone
我只不過是要別人欣賞我這個人罷了 I just want others to appreciate me for who I am
兩個人都不理他 They ignored him
兩個人都不理她 They ignored her
這個人怎麼沒有頭 How is it that this person has no head
那麼是什麼使一個人的生活比另一個有趣 What makes one person's life more interesting than another's?
他不理會上頭那個人的嘲諷 He ignored the goading of the person above
她不理會上頭那個人的嘲諷 She ignored the goading of the person above
做人 Behave, Act in an upright manner
做人態度 Attitude, Behaviour
做人誠實 Act honestly
做人態度變得很差 Developed a poor attitude, Developed a bad attitude
私人 Personal, Individual, Private
半私人 Semiprivate
私人世界 Privacy
私人房間 Private room, Private rooms
私人物品 Private things
私人的床鋪 Private bed, Private beds
在半私人小隔間組成的巨大矩陣中 In a vast matrix of semiprivate cubicles
從人 Entourage
捨己從人 Give up one's views in favor of another's, Sacrifice one's views for the sake of another's
天不從人願 Fate had other plans
就是天不從人願 But fate had other plans
行人 Pedestrian(s)
外行人 Layperson, Laymen
動力滑輪行人 Power skater
行人們 Pedestrians, Walking people
行人道 Pavement, Sidewalk
待人 Treat people
接待人員 Receptionist
櫃檯接待人員 Desk Clerk
酒保與櫃檯接待人員 Bartender and desk clerk, Bartenders and receptionists
為人 For the sake of others, Acting in the interests of others, Acting on someone else's behalf
捨己為人 Give up one's interests for the sake of others, Sacrifice one's interests for the sake of others
不為人知 No one else knew about, Secret
為人著想 Thinks about other people
最為人津津樂道 Most talked about
最為人津津樂道的一場仗 The most talked about battle, Most talked about battles
那是整個戰爭裡最為人津津樂道的一場仗 It was the most talked about battle of the whole war
主人 Owner, Master
女主人 Hostess, Woman of the house
你的主人 Your master, Your masters
妳的主人 Your master, Your masters
我沒有主人 I do not have a master
他們不是我的主人 They are not my masters
我是我自己的主人 I am my own master, I am my own man, I am my own woman, I am my own mistress
主人公 The hero
高人 Expert, Master, Person of superior talent, Person of lofty character
高人一等 Cut above other people
自以為高人一等 Think one is better than others, Self-righteous, Priggish, Moralistic, Superior
族人 Clansman, Tribesman
農族人 Farming clan, Farmers
布農族人 Bunun tribe
族人們 Clansmen, Tribe
族人稱他 His fellow tribesmen call him
商人 Merchant, Trader, Businessman
商人們 Merchants, Businessmen
商人與周邊民族或國家的關係 The relationships between the people of Shang 商人 and neighboring nations 民族 or countries 國家
敵人 Enemy
一個已經暴露的敵人藏身處 A known enemy hideout
他追蹤男爵到一個已經暴露的敵人藏身處 He tracked the Baron to an exposed enemy hideout
讓人 Make people, Makes people, Making people, Made people
讓人們 So that people, Allowing people
讓人力車 Allowed the velocipede
讓人想起 Reminiscent
讓人意外 Unexpected, Surprising
真讓人期待呀 Really looking forward to it
讓人感到安心 Reassuring, Reassure people
讓人背脊發涼 Send a chill down the spine
讓人力車內部電池 Allowed the velocipede's internal battery
讓人們過得舒舒服服 Allowing people to live in comfort
讓人感到威脅而非不可思議 Caused people to feel intimidated rather than imbued with wonder
就像灰塵飄進鼻子裡讓人打噴嚏一樣 It was the same as dust getting into someone's nose causing them to sneeze
他們的體型使他們的精力讓人感到威脅 Their size made their energy intimidating, Their size made their energy menacing
家人 Family members, People in one's family
一家人 The family
全家人 Whole family
有家人 Have family
為家人 For my family
你的家人 Your family
我的家人 My family
是一家人 Stick together
我們一家人 Our family
很多人有家人 Lots of people have family
我沒有任何家人 I don't have any family
家人們 Family (members)
不想你的家人嗎 Don't you miss your family
趕不上和家人共進晚餐了 Missing dinner with the family, Late for dinner with the family
我為了這個快要趕不上和家人共進晚餐了 This is making me late for dinner with the family
成人 Adult, Grown up
不成人 Immoral person, Person of loose morals
撫養成人 Raise, Bring up
教養成人 Raised, Raised to adulthood, Brought up
約僅成人兩口份量 Only about two adult mouthfuls, About two adult servings
她覺得即使乖張的小孩也比成人好 She felt that even bratty children where better than adults, She preferred even recalcitrant children over adults
他的黨羽都是些什麼人 Who are his associates?, Who are these associates?
你從來也沒有逮捕過什麼人 You never arrested anyone
妳從來也沒有逮捕過什麼人 You never arrested anyone
病人 Patient, Patients, Sick or wounded
你另一個病人 Another of your patients
對病人而言 With respect to patients
白人 White person, White guy
白人垃圾 White trash
一個白人小孩 A white kid
金髮白人女孩 Blonde white girl
一個金髮白人女孩 A blonde white girl
聽的人 Listener
不熟的人 Stranger
全部的人 All of us, Everybody, Everyone
我們的人 One of ours, One of our own
持刀的人 The person with a knife, The person holding a knife
持劍的人 Person holding the sword, Swordsman, Swordsmen, Sword wielder, Men who wield swords
撞他的人 Person who crashed into him, Person who hit him
旁邊的人 The person beside me
更多的人 Lots of people
樂觀的人 Optimist
狂熱的人 Fanatic, Aficionado
處理的人 Dealing with people
賣菜的人 Vegetable seller
騎車的人 Rider, Cyclist
你喜歡的人 Someone you like, Someone you liked
同時代的人 Contemporary
很聰明的人 A very clever person
新到來的人 New arrival, Newly arrived, New arrivals
電話裡的人 Person on the other end of the phone
十全十美的人 Perfect person
在他前面的人 The person in front of him
在我位置的人 A man in my position
所有種族的人 People of all races
是她認識的人 Was someone she knew
祖籍英國的人 People of British ancestry
腦子清醒的人 Clear headed person
腦門帶點的人 Dothead, Dotheads
乘交通工具的人 Someone using a means of transportation, Someone riding a vehicle
他是個小氣的人 He is cheap, He was cheap, He is tight fisted, He is stingy
另一個騎車的人 Another rider, Another cyclist
她是個小氣的人 She is cheap, She was cheap, She is tight fisted, She is stingy
搞得一團亂的人 A person who messes up or causes trouble
是寫這程式的人 Was the person who wrote the program
與你有同感的人 People who as you feel the same way, People who feel the same way as you
踩著腳踏車的人 Person pedaling a bicycle, Person riding a bicycle
那個穿黑衣的人 The man in black
他們是很討厭的人 They are hateful people, They are loathsome people, They were nasty people, They were dislikable people
他只是個樂觀的人 He was an optimist
任何腦子清醒的人 Anyone clear headed, Anyone in their right mind
像你這般地位的人 A person in your position
像您這般地位的人 A person in your position
第一次見到她的人 Someone seeing her for the first time, Anyone seeing her for the first time
這些腦門帶點的人 These dotheads
長期營養不良的人 Chronically malnourished, Chronically undernourished
隨便流露感情的人 A person who casually expresses their feelings
一家穿著特別好的人 A particularly well-dressed family
很多與你有同感的人 Many who feel the same way as you
經常搞得一團亂的人 A person who frequently messes up or causes trouble
那種隨便流露感情的人 The type of person who casually expresses their feelings
那類會想出道理來的人 The sort of person who could figure it out
你會是我第一個殺掉的人 You will be the first person I kill
妳會是我第一個殺掉的人 You will be the first person I kill
一位對浪漫派詩人狂熱的人 An aficionado of romantic poets
像一個很不想嗅到什麼的人 Like a person eager not to sense a smell
沒人 No one, Nobody
再也沒人 No one would ever again, Never again would anyone
浴室裡沒人 No one was in the bathroom, The bathroom was empty
沒人用 No one is using
沒人住的 Vacant
沒人喜歡 Nobody likes
沒人在意 Nobody cares, Nobody minds
沒人用的 No one is using
沒人辦得到 Never works
村裡沒人知道 No one in the village knew
這裡沒人趁亂打劫 There had been no looting, There has been no looting
即使沒人在旁邊觀看 Even if there was no one there to see
沒人喜歡自以為聰明的傢伙 Nobody likes a smartass
法人 Juridical person, Legal entity
執法人 Law enforcer, Law enforcers, Law enforcement officer, Law enforcement officers
財團法人 Corporation, Corporate, Legal entity
財團法人藥害救濟基金會 Corporate drug relief foundation
漢人 Han Chinese, Han people, The Han people, The Han
受到漢人保護 Came under the protection of Han Chinese
迷人 Charming, Tempting, Fascinating
很迷人 Tempting, Charming
舊金山般迷人 The charms of San Francisco
有舊金山般迷人 Had the charms of San Francisco
遭人 Been, Being
遭人打開 Being opened
遭人攻擊 Attacked
遭人盜竊 Been stolen from, Suffered a theft
遭人闖空門的受害者 Been burgled, Been the victim of a burglary, Being burgled
怪人 Mystery man, Weirdo, Strange person
某個怪人 Some weirdo
怪人性 Blame human nature
不能怪人性 Can't blame human nature
惱人 Annoying, Obnoxious
惱人的 Annoying, Obnoxious, Irritating
惱人的滴水聲 Irritating sound of dripping water
令人 Make people do something, Cause people to
會令人 Wouldn't it be, It would be
令人不安 Disturbing
令人厭惡 Abomination, Abhorrent
令人發狂 Maddening
令人驚訝 Surprising, Surprisingly
令人窒息的 Suffocating
令人驚喜的 Surprising
令人驚豔的 Stunning
令人耳目一新 Refreshing
令人尊敬的伙伴 Venerable partners
令人摸不著頭緒 Makes no sense
毫不令人感到意外 Not surprisingly
令人失望 Disappointing
得令人失望 Cause disappointment, Disappointingly
子彈的射程實在短得令人失望 The bullets had a disappointingly short range
令人寬心 Reassuring
那真令人寬心 How reassuring
令人愉快 Pleasurable, Pleasant, Make people happy
不令人愉快 Unpleasant
外觀上很不令人愉快 Externally unappealing, Unpleasant to look at
令人痛苦 Painful, Cause pain, Cause discomfort
體積大到令人痛苦 Painfully bulky
令人難過 Made one feel sad
有時候令人難過 Sometimes saddening
令人震驚 Shocking, Suprising
經常令人震驚 Often shocking
令人驚訝的 Surprising, Surprisingly
強韌得令人驚訝的 Surprisingly tough
令人不安的消息 Disturbing news
我收到了令人不安的消息 I've received disturbing news, I have received some unsettling news
驚人 Amazing, Astounding, Alarming, Surprising, Astonishing
最驚人 Most amazing, Most astonishing, Most astounding, Most surprising
驚人之大 Staggering, Unbelievable
最驚人的事 Most astonishing thing, Most astonishing things
閃出驚人強光 Emit intense flashes of light, Emit tremendous flashes of light
驚人的空洞 Stunningly inane
如此驚人的空洞 Was so stunningly inane
驚人的速度 Amazing speed, Startling speed
以驚人的速度 With amazing speed, With startling speed
驚人快速且堅定 Startling speed and determination, Alarmingly quick and determined, Shocking speed and steadiness
動作驚人快速且堅定 Moving with shocking speed and steadiness, Moved with alarming speed and determination
某人 Someone, A person
她認識的某人 Someone she knows, Someone she knew
丟給某人經辦 Given to someone to handle, Dumped on someone's desk
把某人當作朋友 Treat someone as a friend
一人 One person, Alone, Sole
另一人 The other person
其中一人 One of them
單獨一人 Alone
孤身一人 Alone
獨自一人 Alone, Single handedly, By one's self
空無一人 Empty of people
是單獨一人 Is alone, Was alone
男女各一人 One male and one female
不是單獨一人 Isn't alone, Wasn't alone
成年男女各一人 One man and one woman
未成年男女各一人 One minor of each sex
一人在家 Alone at home
第一人稱的角度 First person point of view
第一人稱 First person
孤身一人的 Isolated, Alone
透過第一人稱 Through first person
兩人 The two of them
他們兩人之間 Between the two of them, Between them
兩人正穿越馬路 As the two of them crossed the road
我們兩人都有的 We both have, That we both have
他們兩人之間的小玩笑 It was a little bit of a joke between the two of them
多數人 The majority, Most people
大多數人 Most people, The vast majority of people
絕對會震撼到大多數人 A sure way to shock the vast majority of people
哪些人 Those people
有些人 Some people
某些人 A certain person, Certain people
這些人 These people
那些人 Those people
老人 Old person, Old people
是個老人 An old man
他的目光始終沒離開發抖的老人 His eyes didn't leave the shivering old man, He kept his eyes on the shivering old man
老人家 Old man
老人之家 Old people's home, Old folks home, Home for the elderly
壞人 Bad guy, Bad guys, Thug, Thugs
用來防壞人 Use as defense against bad people
有壞人牽涉進來 Criminals were involved
大人 Adults
連大人 A succession of adults
負責任的大人 Responsible adult, Responsible adults
這算哪門子負責任的大人 What kind of responsible adult does this?
這是大人的事 This is grown-up stuff
大人多數留在飛船上 Most of the grown ups stayed on the airship, Most of the adults remained on the spaceship
本人 My, I am, Himself, Herself, Themself, Themselves
日本人 Japanese, Niponese
生日的小壽星本人 The birthday girl herself, The birthday boy himself
今天生日的小壽星本人 The birthday girl herself, The birthday boy himself
殺人 Kill, Murder
好幾宗殺人 Several murders
你有沒有殺人 Have you killed anyone?
殺人未遂 Attempted murder
好幾宗殺人未遂 Several attempted murders
殺人機器 Killing machine
是個訓練有素的殺人機器 A well trained killing machine
好幾宗殺人未遂案 Various counts of attempted murder
把殺人變成了藝術 Turn murder into a kind of art, Turn killing into a kind of art, Turning killing into a form of art
有人 Have someone, Have somebody, Someone, Anyone, Anybody, Some people
所有人 Everybody, Every one
沒有人 No one else, Nobody
幾乎所有人 Almost everyone
我們所有人 All of us
殺光所有人 Kill all
街上所有人 Everyone on the street
有人用 Someone used
有人脈 Has contacts, Has connections, Has resources
有人要 Somenone wants to, Someone wanted to
有人說 People say, They say that
所有人員 The entire team, Everybody on the team
所有人都 Everybody
很少有人來 Very few people come over, Don't have many people over
有人殺了他 Someone killed him
有人認出了他 Someone recognized him, He was recongized
有人認出了她 Someone recognized her, She was recongized
沒有人知道 No one knows, Nobody knows
不會有人知道 No one knew, No one had any idea
當然不會有人知道 Of course now one had any idea, Of course nobody had any idea
有人失去生命 Someone died, Someone lost their life
有人煙的地區 Inhabited area, Inhabited areas
很高興有人打擾 Was happy for the interruption
有人在注意我們 We are being watched
時常有人停下來看 People stop to look all the time
有人在對他背誦英詩 Someone was reciting poetry to him
有人看到天才也不認得 Some people don't recognize talent when they see it
觀點幾乎所有人暗自都有 A point of view implicitly shared by almost everybody
不再有人覺得他們天生可愛 Nobody still found them naturally endearing
好讓所有人知道你是武裝的 So that everyone knows that you are packing
不再有人覺得他們天生可愛的年齡 The age where nobody found them naturally endearing, The age where they were no longer naturally endearing to anyone
需要有人陪伴 Would like some company
她需要有人陪伴 She would like some company
所有人都聽得見 Everyone could hear
聲音大到所有人都聽得見 Loud enough for everyone to hear
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