
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 學


Middle school student, Elementary school student

zhong¯ xueˊ sheng¯

學 xueˊ
Learn, Study, Copy, Imitate, School, Scholar, Academy, Suffix for Academic Or Scientific Disciplines

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Phone , Tone


中學 zhong¯ xueˊ

學生 xueˊ sheng¯

Words that rhyme with 中學生 (wong-yue)

Grouped by first phone

zhong, dong, gong, kong, tong

終決定 zhong¯ jueˊ dingˋ

Finally decide (to)

中學 zhong¯ xueˊ

Middle school

中學生 zhong¯ xueˊ sheng¯

Middle school student, Elementary school student

鐘樂 zhong¯ yueˋ

Sound of ringing bells, Bell sounds

zhong, dong, gong, kong, tong

洞覺 dongˋ jueˊ

Understand clearly

洞穴 dongˋ xueˋ


zhong, dong, gong, kong, tong

公爵 gong¯ jueˊ


公約 gong¯ yue¯


zhong, dong, gong, kong, tong

孔雀 kongˇ queˋ


孔雀式 kongˇ queˋ shiˋ

Open Feathers Peacock Pose, Pincha Mayurasana

zhong, dong, gong, kong, tong

同學 tongˊ xueˊ

Classmate, Be in the same class

同學們 tongˊ xueˊ men˙

Class mates

Grouped in tone pairs

12, 11, 14, 22, 34, 42, 44

公爵 gong¯ jueˊ


終決定 zhong¯ jueˊ dingˋ

Finally decide (to)

中學 zhong¯ xueˊ

Middle school

中學生 zhong¯ xueˊ sheng¯

Middle school student, Elementary school student

12, 11, 14, 22, 34, 42, 44

公約 gong¯ yue¯


12, 11, 14, 22, 34, 42, 44

鐘樂 zhong¯ yueˋ

Sound of ringing bells, Bell sounds

12, 11, 14, 22, 34, 42, 44

同學 tongˊ xueˊ

Classmate, Be in the same class

同學們 tongˊ xueˊ men˙

Class mates

12, 11, 14, 22, 34, 42, 44

孔雀 kongˇ queˋ


孔雀式 kongˇ queˋ shiˋ

Open Feathers Peacock Pose, Pincha Mayurasana

12, 11, 14, 22, 34, 42, 44

洞覺 dongˋ jueˊ

Understand clearly

12, 11, 14, 22, 34, 42, 44

洞穴 dongˋ xueˋ



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中學生 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 學

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