
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 二


Double, Two times

erˋ beiˋ

二 erˋ
Two, Number, 2

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 二倍 (er-ei)

Grouped by first phone


兒輩 erˊ beiˋ


而被認定 erˊ beiˋ renˋ dingˋ

And so was assumed

而被認定已經死亡 erˊ beiˋ renˋ dingˋ yiˇ jing¯ siˇ wangˊ

And so was assumed to be dead

而被迫 erˊ beiˋ poˋ

And so are forced (to)

而被迫中斷任務 erˊ beiˋ poˋ zhong¯ duanˋ renˋ wuˋ

And so the mission was forced to be aborted

二倍 erˋ beiˋ

Double, Two times

而非 erˊ fei¯

Instead of, And so avoid, Rather than (dealing with)

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 21, 24

二倍 erˋ beiˋ

Double, Two times

44, 21, 24

而非 erˊ fei¯

Instead of, And so avoid, Rather than (dealing with)

44, 21, 24

兒輩 erˊ beiˋ


而被認定 erˊ beiˋ renˋ dingˋ

And so was assumed

而被認定已經死亡 erˊ beiˋ renˋ dingˋ yiˇ jing¯ siˇ wangˊ

And so was assumed to be dead

而被迫 erˊ beiˋ poˋ

And so are forced (to)

而被迫中斷任務 erˊ beiˋ poˋ zhong¯ duanˋ renˋ wuˋ

And so the mission was forced to be aborted


一-二 : > : > [二]-二倍 : > [二]-二倍 >

丿-亻 : > : > [倍]-二倍 : > [倍]-二倍 >

二倍 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 二

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