
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 均


Per capita

renˊ jun¯

均 jun¯
All, Also, To Be Fair, Equal, Even, Uniform

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 人均 (en-yun)

Grouped by first phone

ren, shen, zhen

人均 renˊ jun¯

Per capita

任軍需官 renˋ jun¯ xu¯ guan¯

Quarter Master

人群 renˊ qunˊ


人群裡 renˊ qunˊ liˇ

In the crowd

ren, shen, zhen

審訊 shenˇ xunˋ

Hearing, Trial, Examination

ren, shen, zhen

偵訊 zhen¯ xunˋ

Interrogate, Interrogation

偵訊室 zhen¯ xunˋ shiˋ

Interrogation room

Grouped in tone pairs

21, 14, 22, 34, 41

人均 renˊ jun¯

Per capita

21, 14, 22, 34, 41

偵訊 zhen¯ xunˋ

Interrogate, Interrogation

偵訊室 zhen¯ xunˋ shiˋ

Interrogation room

21, 14, 22, 34, 41

人群 renˊ qunˊ


人群裡 renˊ qunˊ liˇ

In the crowd

21, 14, 22, 34, 41

審訊 shenˇ xunˋ

Hearing, Trial, Examination

21, 14, 22, 34, 41

任軍需官 renˋ jun¯ xu¯ guan¯

Quarter Master


人-人 : > : > [人]-人均 : > [人]-人均 >

十-土 : > : > [均]-人均 : > [均]-人均 >

人均 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 均

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