
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 伯


Count, Rank of nobility, Earl

boˊ jueˊ

伯 boˊ
Uncle, Father's Older Brother

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 伯爵 (o-yue)

Grouped by first phone

bo, po

伯爵 boˊ jueˊ

Count, Rank of nobility, Earl

伯爵茶 boˊ jueˊ chaˊ

Earl Grey Tea

剝削 bo¯ xueˋ

Exploit, Take advantage of

bo, po

破約 poˋ yue¯

Break a promise

Grouped in tone pairs

22, 14, 41

伯爵 boˊ jueˊ

Count, Rank of nobility, Earl

伯爵茶 boˊ jueˊ chaˊ

Earl Grey Tea

22, 14, 41

剝削 bo¯ xueˋ

Exploit, Take advantage of

22, 14, 41

破約 poˋ yue¯

Break a promise


丿-亻 : > : > [伯]-伯爵 : > [伯]-伯爵 >

丿-爫 : > : > [爵]-伯爵 : > [爵]-伯爵 >

伯爵 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 伯

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