Didn't seem to reach past his elbows
siˋ hu¯ zhiˇ nengˊ daoˋ daˊ ta¯ de˙ shouˇ zhouˇ qianˊ
似乎 siˋ hu¯
只能 zhiˇ nengˊ
到達 daoˋ daˊ
他的 ta¯ de˙
手肘 shouˇ zhouˇ
Grouped by first phone
死不 siˇ buˋ
Would rather die
死不了 siˇ buˋ liaoˇ
Cannot die, Won't cause death
死不了的 siˇ buˋ liaoˇ de˙
Won't cause death, Non-vital
死不分開 siˇ buˋ fen¯ kai¯
Would rather die than separate
四處張望 siˋ chuˇ zhang¯ wangˋ
Look around, Glance around
四處張望找什麼順手可以用力拍死它的東西 siˋ chuˇ zhang¯ wangˋ zhaoˇ shenˊ me˙ shunˋ shouˇ keˇ yiˇ yongˋ liˋ pai¯ siˇ ta¯ de˙ dong¯ xi¯
Look around for something handy to swat it with
四處 siˋ chuˋ
Everywhere, All around
四處亂撞的 siˋ chuˋ luanˋ zhuangˋ de˙
Moving every which way and crashing into things
四處搜索 siˋ chuˋ sou¯ suoˇ
Searching all around, Searching everywhere
四處散佈著 siˋ chuˋ sanˋ buˋ zhe˙
Scattered all around, Littered with
似乎 siˋ hu¯
Seem, Seems, Seemed
似乎只想要 siˋ hu¯ zhiˇ xiangˇ yaoˋ
Ever seemed to want
似乎只能到達他的手肘前 siˋ hu¯ zhiˇ nengˊ daoˋ daˊ ta¯ de˙ shouˇ zhouˇ qianˊ
Didn't seem to reach past his elbows
似乎很滿意 siˋ hu¯ henˇ manˇ yiˋ
Seems satisfied
似乎感覺到 siˋ hu¯ ganˇ jueˊ daoˋ
Seemed to feel
似乎是 siˋ hu¯ shiˋ
Seemed to be
似乎沒有 siˋ hu¯ meiˊ youˇ
Doesn't seem
似乎沒有那麼絕望 siˋ hu¯ meiˊ youˇ naˋ me˙ jueˊ wangˋ
Doesn't seem that desparate
似乎沒注意到 siˋ hu¯ meiˊ zhuˋ yiˋ daoˋ
Seemed not to notice, Seemed to ignore
似乎無法將視線移開 siˋ hu¯ wuˊ faˇ jiang¯ shiˋ xianˋ yiˊ kai¯
Seemed unable to look away from
思路 si¯ luˋ
Train of thought, Clarity of thought, Degree of clarity of though or lack thereof
絲路 si¯ luˋ
Silk Road
死路 siˇ luˋ
Dead end
肆目 siˋ muˋ
Look as far as one can see, Stretch one's sight
肆無忌憚 siˋ wuˊ jiˋ danˋ
Reckless and indulgent, Unscrupulous
肆無忌撣 siˋ wuˊ jiˋ danˇ
Indulgent and reckless, unscrupulous
四五個 siˋ wuˇ ge˙
Four or five
四足動物 siˋ zuˊ dongˋ wuˋ
Quadruped, Quadrupeds
吃不下 chi¯ buˊ xiaˋ
Can't eat any more, Can't eat anything else
吃不到 chi¯ buˊ daoˋ
Can't eat, Couldn't eat
吃不了 chi¯ buˋ liaoˇ
Can't eat, Can't eat everything
吃不上 chi¯ bu˙ shangˋ
Miss a meal
馳步 chiˊ buˋ
Gallop, Galloping
尺度 chiˇ duˋ
Scale, Measure, Measurement
遲付費用 chiˊ fuˋ feiˋ yongˋ
Late fee
尺骨 chiˇ guˇ
Ulna, Forearm bone, Elbow bone
尺骨之莖狀突 chiˇ guˇ zhi¯ jing¯ zhuangˋ tuˊ
Ulna Styloid Process
恥骨 chiˇ guˇ
Pubic Bone
恥骨上枝 chiˇ guˇ shangˋ zhi¯
Superior Pubic Ramus
恥骨下枝 chiˇ guˇ xiaˋ zhi¯
恥骨嵴 chiˇ guˇ jiˇ
Pubic Crest, Pubic tubercle
恥骨嵴和坐骨粗隆間的橋梁 chiˇ guˇ jiˇ hanˋ zuoˋ guˇ cu¯ long¯ jian¯ de˙ qiaoˊ liangˊ
Bridge The Gap Between The Pubic Bone And Ischial Tuberosities
恥骨結節 chiˇ guˇ jieˊ jieˊ
Pubic Tubercle, Pubic crest
恥骨聯合 chiˇ guˇ lianˊ heˊ
Pubic Synthesis
恥骨肌 chiˇ guˇ ji¯
吃苦 chi¯ kuˇ
Suffer hardship, Eat bitter
遲暮 chiˊ muˋ
Old, Aged, Slow, Unhurried
恥辱 chiˇ ruˇ
Shame, Disgrace
吃午餐 chi¯ wuˇ can¯
Eat lunch, Want lunch?, Lunch
此處 ciˇ chuˇ
Here, This place
磁浮 ciˊ fuˊ
Maglev, Magnetic levitation
伺服 ciˋ fuˊ
Servo, Servomechanism, Precisely controlled motor
伺服自動對焦 ciˋ fuˊ ziˋ dongˋ duiˋ jiao¯
Servo Autofocus, Servo AF
刺骨 ciˋ guˇ
刺目 ciˋ muˋ
刺目的白光 ciˋ muˋ de˙ baiˊ guang¯
Pricks of white light
刺入 ciˋ ruˋ
Pierced, Poked into
刺入她皮膚 ciˋ ruˋ ta¯ piˊ fu¯
Pierced her skin, Poked into her skin
次數 ciˋ shuˋ
Degree, Number of times
次數多到 ciˋ shuˋ duo¯ daoˋ
Number of times, Volume (number of times)
次數為 ciˋ shuˋ weiˋ
Are of degree
此物 ciˇ wuˋ
This thing, This matter
次組合 ciˋ zuˇ heˊ
日部 riˋ buˋ
Radical for Sun
日出 riˋ chu¯
日出時 riˋ chu¯ shiˊ
At dawn, At sunrise
日出而作 riˋ chu¯ erˊ zuoˋ
Start work at dawn
日復一日 riˋ fuˋ yiˊ riˋ
Day to day
日數 riˋ shuˋ
Number of days
溼布 shi¯ buˋ
Moist cloth, Damp cloth, Wet cloth
時不時 shiˊ buˋ shiˊ
From time to time
時不時我會覺得 shiˊ buˋ shiˊ woˇ huiˋ jueˊ de˙
Now and then it seems that
時不時點點頭 shiˊ buˋ shiˊ dianˇ dianˇ touˊ
Nodding from time to time
是不對的 shiˋ buˊ duiˋ de˙
Was wrong
是不是 shiˋ buˊ shiˋ
Is it or isn't it, Was it or wasn't it, Whether or not, Whether
是不是因為這樣 shiˋ buˊ shiˋ yin¯ weiˋ zheˋ yangˋ
Is it because of this?, Is it because of that?, Is that why?
是不是因為這樣你才不喜歡他 shiˋ buˊ shiˋ yin¯ weiˋ zheˋ yangˋ niˇ caiˊ buˋ xiˇ huan¯ ta¯
Is that why you don't like him?
是不是因為這樣你才不喜歡她 shiˋ buˊ shiˋ yin¯ weiˋ zheˋ yangˋ niˇ caiˊ buˋ xiˇ huan¯ ta¯
Is that why you don't like her?
是不會 shiˋ buˊ huiˋ
It wouldn't, It wouldn't be
是不變的 shiˋ buˊ bianˋ de˙
Is constant, Is unchanged
勢不可當 shiˋ buˋ keˇ dang¯
是不能 shiˋ buˋ nengˊ
Are not allowed
師出無名 shi¯ chu¯ wuˊ mingˊ
To fight a war without a just cause
釋出 shiˋ chu¯
濕度 shi¯ duˋ
適度 shiˋ duˋ
師傅 shi¯ fuˋ
Master, Teachers, Masters, Tutors
師父 shi¯ fuˋ
弒父王 shiˋ fuˋ wangˊ
King slayer
世故 shiˋ guˋ
事故 shiˋ guˋ
Accident, Incident
事故的原因 shiˋ guˋ de˙ yuanˊ yin¯
Cause of the accident
事故真相 shiˋ guˋ zhen¯ xiang¯
Real cause of an accident, The real cause of the accident
視乎 shiˋ hu¯
To look at, How something looks
視乎場景而定 shiˋ hu¯ changˇ jingˇ erˊ dingˋ
Depending on the scene, Depending on how scene looks
市虎 shiˋ huˇ
City tiger, Euphemism for automobile, Repeated often enough a lie becomes accepted as truth
師母 shi¯ muˇ
Wife, Master's wife, Teacher's wife
是木頭做的 shiˋ muˋ touˊ zuoˋ de˙
Is made of wood
是如果我聽懂你的 shiˋ ruˊ guoˇ woˇ ting¯ dongˇ niˇ de˙
It is if I understand you
失速 shi¯ suˋ
時速 shiˊ suˋ
Speed (distance per hour)
時速一百七十五公里 shiˊ suˋ yi¯ baiˇ qi¯ shiˊ wuˇ gong¯ liˇ
175 kph, 175 kilometers per hour
時速一百哩 shiˊ suˋ yi¯ baiˇ li¯
One hundred miles per hour
食宿 shiˊ suˋ
Board and lodging
世俗 shiˋ suˊ
Temporal, Secular, Worldly, Mundane
世俗的緣分 shiˋ suˊ de˙ yuanˊ fen¯
Worldly fate
師徒 shi¯ tuˊ
Master and their apprentice or apprentices
試圖 shiˋ tuˊ
Attempt, Try
試圖移動 shiˋ tuˊ yiˊ dongˋ
Try to move, Try to shift
失誤 shi¯ wuˋ
Error, Flaw
失誤空間 shi¯ wuˋ kong¯ jian¯
Margin of error
失誤空間就變大了 shi¯ wuˋ kong¯ jian¯ jiuˋ bianˋ daˋ le˙
Increased margin of error, Margin of error is then increased
十五 shiˊ wuˇ
Fifteen, 15
十五年 shiˊ wuˇ nianˊ
15 years
十五年前 shiˊ wuˇ nianˊ qianˊ
15 Years before
十五年後 shiˊ wuˇ nianˊ houˋ
15 years later, After fifteen years
實物 shiˊ wuˋ
In kind
食物 shiˊ wuˋ
Food, Cuisine
食物來源 shiˊ wuˋ laiˊ yuanˊ
Food source
食物券 shiˊ wuˋ quanˋ
Food stamp or stamps
食物鏈 shiˊ wuˋ lianˋ
Food chain
史無前例 shiˇ wuˊ qianˊ liˋ
事務 shiˋ wuˋ
Work related tasks, General affairs, Transactions
事務所 shiˋ wuˋ suoˇ
事物 shiˋ wuˋ
Thing, Things
石柱 shiˊ zhuˋ
Pillars, Stone columns
石柱下有 shiˊ zhuˋ xiaˋ youˇ
Below the pillar was, Below the pillars there was
十足 shiˊ zuˊ
Pure, Out-and-out, Downright, Complete, Completely, Utterly, Perfectly, One hundred percent
世族 shiˋ zuˊ
Lineage, Aristocrats, Aristocratic, Aristocrat
世族子弟 shiˋ zuˊ ziˇ diˋ
Aristocratic offspring
織布機 zhi¯ buˋ ji¯
直布羅陀 zhiˊ buˋ luo¯ tuoˊ
Gibraltar (UK)
只不過 zhiˇ buˊ guoˋ
Only, Merely, Well
只不過不是 zhiˇ buˊ guoˋ buˊ shiˋ
Just not, Only not
只不過她不由自主 zhiˇ buˊ guoˋ ta¯ buˋ youˊ ziˋ zhuˇ
But she couldn't stop, But she couldn't stop doing it
止不住 zhiˇ buˊ zhuˋ
Can't stop
止不住力道 zhiˇ buˊ zhuˋ liˋ daoˋ
Unable to stop
止步 zhiˇ buˋ
之初 zhi¯ chu¯
At the beginning
支出 zhi¯ chu¯
只出現過一次 zhiˇ chu¯ xianˋ guoˋ yi¯ ciˋ
Only appear once, Only appeared once
指出 zhiˇ chu¯
Indicate, Point
指出來 zhiˇ chu¯ laiˊ
Pointed out, Indicated
制度 zhiˋ duˋ
System control, Management
制度化 zhiˋ duˋ huaˋ
支付 zhi¯ fuˋ
Pay using, Pay in (using)
制服 zhiˋ fuˊ
至福 zhiˋ fuˊ
致富 zhiˋ fuˋ
Become rich
蹠骨 zhiˊ guˇ
Meta-Tarsals, Foot Bones And Bones Of The Arch
指骨 zhiˇ guˇ
趾骨 zhiˇ guˇ
Phalanges, Toe bones
只顧 zhiˇ guˋ
Only care about
只顧自己 zhiˇ guˋ ziˋ jiˇ
Only care about one's self, Only care about themselves, Selfish, Self absorbed
質樸 zhiˋ puˇ
織入 zhi¯ ruˋ
Woven through, Woven into
植入 zhiˊ ruˋ
Insert, Implant, Inserted, Implanted
置入 zhiˋ ruˋ
Place into, Insert
之屬 zhi¯ shuˇ
Genus, Type, Types
質數 zhiˊ shuˋ
Prime number
指數 zhiˇ shuˋ
Indication, Indications, Reading, Readings
指數型 zhiˇ shuˋ xingˊ
Exponential, Numerous, Proliferating
指數為 zhiˇ shuˋ weiˋ
Index, Indicate, Reference
隻烏鴉 zhi¯ wu¯ ya¯
A raven
織物 zhi¯ wuˋ
Fabric, Cloth, Textile, Textiles
織物分子 zhi¯ wuˋ fen¯ ziˇ
Fabric molecule, Fabric molecules, Fabricule, Fabricules
植物 zhiˊ wuˋ
植物學 zhiˊ wuˋ xueˊ
植物學家 zhiˊ wuˋ xueˊ jia¯
植物的殘碎 zhiˊ wuˋ de˙ canˊ suiˋ
Plant debris, Plant residue, Vegetative residue, Vegetable residue
職務 zhiˊ wuˋ
蜘蛛 zhi¯ zhu¯
之助 zhi¯ zhuˋ
支柱 zhi¯ zhuˋ
指豬的十二指腸 zhiˇ zhu¯ de˙ shiˊ erˋ zhiˇ changˊ
Pig's duodenum
止住 zhiˇ zhuˋ
Stop, Stops, Stopping, Stopped, Came to rest
止住疼痛 zhiˇ zhuˋ tengˊ tongˋ
Stop the pain, Make the pain go away
知足 zhi¯ zuˊ
Contentment, To be content
自負 ziˋ fuˋ
自古以來 ziˋ guˇ yiˇ laiˊ
Since ancient times, Down through the ages
字母 ziˋ muˇ
Letter, Letters, Alphabet
字幕 ziˋ muˋ
Subtitle, Caption
自如 ziˋ ruˊ
字數 ziˋ shuˋ
Word count, Number of words
自誤 ziˋ wuˋ
Compromise one's interests, Cause damage to one's own interests, Act against one's self interests
資助 zi¯ zhuˋ
Provide financial aid
自主 ziˋ zhuˇ
Independent, Independence, Autonomous
自主控制 ziˋ zhuˇ kongˋ zhiˋ
Self control, Self controls, Self controlling, Self controlled
自主控制呼吸 ziˋ zhuˇ kongˋ zhiˋ hu¯ xi¯
Self controlled breathing, Autonomous breath control, Autonomous breathing control
自助 ziˋ zhuˋ
Self help
自助餐廳 ziˋ zhuˋ can¯ ting¯
Self-serve restaurant, Buffet, Cafeteria
Grouped in tone pairs
41, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44
日出 riˋ chu¯
日出時 riˋ chu¯ shiˊ
At dawn, At sunrise
日出而作 riˋ chu¯ erˊ zuoˋ
Start work at dawn
釋出 shiˋ chu¯
視乎 shiˋ hu¯
To look at, How something looks
視乎場景而定 shiˋ hu¯ changˇ jingˇ erˊ dingˋ
Depending on the scene, Depending on how scene looks
似乎 siˋ hu¯
Seem, Seems, Seemed
似乎只想要 siˋ hu¯ zhiˇ xiangˇ yaoˋ
Ever seemed to want
似乎只能到達他的手肘前 siˋ hu¯ zhiˇ nengˊ daoˋ daˊ ta¯ de˙ shouˇ zhouˇ qianˊ
Didn't seem to reach past his elbows
似乎很滿意 siˋ hu¯ henˇ manˇ yiˋ
Seems satisfied
似乎感覺到 siˋ hu¯ ganˇ jueˊ daoˋ
Seemed to feel
似乎是 siˋ hu¯ shiˋ
Seemed to be
似乎沒有 siˋ hu¯ meiˊ youˇ
Doesn't seem
似乎沒有那麼絕望 siˋ hu¯ meiˊ youˇ naˋ me˙ jueˊ wangˋ
Doesn't seem that desparate
似乎沒注意到 siˋ hu¯ meiˊ zhuˋ yiˋ daoˋ
Seemed not to notice, Seemed to ignore
似乎無法將視線移開 siˋ hu¯ wuˊ faˇ jiang¯ shiˋ xianˋ yiˊ kai¯
Seemed unable to look away from
41, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44
師出無名 shi¯ chu¯ wuˊ mingˊ
To fight a war without a just cause
之初 zhi¯ chu¯
At the beginning
支出 zhi¯ chu¯
隻烏鴉 zhi¯ wu¯ ya¯
A raven
蜘蛛 zhi¯ zhu¯
41, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44
吃不下 chi¯ buˊ xiaˋ
Can't eat any more, Can't eat anything else
吃不到 chi¯ buˊ daoˋ
Can't eat, Couldn't eat
師徒 shi¯ tuˊ
Master and their apprentice or apprentices
知足 zhi¯ zuˊ
Contentment, To be content
41, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44
吃苦 chi¯ kuˇ
Suffer hardship, Eat bitter
吃午餐 chi¯ wuˇ can¯
Eat lunch, Want lunch?, Lunch
師母 shi¯ muˇ
Wife, Master's wife, Teacher's wife
之屬 zhi¯ shuˇ
Genus, Type, Types
41, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44
吃不了 chi¯ buˋ liaoˇ
Can't eat, Can't eat everything
溼布 shi¯ buˋ
Moist cloth, Damp cloth, Wet cloth
濕度 shi¯ duˋ
師傅 shi¯ fuˋ
Master, Teachers, Masters, Tutors
師父 shi¯ fuˋ
失速 shi¯ suˋ
失誤 shi¯ wuˋ
Error, Flaw
失誤空間 shi¯ wuˋ kong¯ jian¯
Margin of error
失誤空間就變大了 shi¯ wuˋ kong¯ jian¯ jiuˋ bianˋ daˋ le˙
Increased margin of error, Margin of error is then increased
思路 si¯ luˋ
Train of thought, Clarity of thought, Degree of clarity of though or lack thereof
絲路 si¯ luˋ
Silk Road
織布機 zhi¯ buˋ ji¯
支付 zhi¯ fuˋ
Pay using, Pay in (using)
織入 zhi¯ ruˋ
Woven through, Woven into
織物 zhi¯ wuˋ
Fabric, Cloth, Textile, Textiles
織物分子 zhi¯ wuˋ fen¯ ziˇ
Fabric molecule, Fabric molecules, Fabricule, Fabricules
之助 zhi¯ zhuˋ
支柱 zhi¯ zhuˋ
資助 zi¯ zhuˋ
Provide financial aid
41, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44
磁浮 ciˊ fuˊ
Maglev, Magnetic levitation
十足 shiˊ zuˊ
Pure, Out-and-out, Downright, Complete, Completely, Utterly, Perfectly, One hundred percent
41, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44
十五 shiˊ wuˇ
Fifteen, 15
十五年 shiˊ wuˇ nianˊ
15 years
十五年前 shiˊ wuˇ nianˊ qianˊ
15 Years before
十五年後 shiˊ wuˇ nianˊ houˋ
15 years later, After fifteen years
蹠骨 zhiˊ guˇ
Meta-Tarsals, Foot Bones And Bones Of The Arch
41, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44
馳步 chiˊ buˋ
Gallop, Galloping
遲付費用 chiˊ fuˋ feiˋ yongˋ
Late fee
遲暮 chiˊ muˋ
Old, Aged, Slow, Unhurried
時不時 shiˊ buˋ shiˊ
From time to time
時不時我會覺得 shiˊ buˋ shiˊ woˇ huiˋ jueˊ de˙
Now and then it seems that
時不時點點頭 shiˊ buˋ shiˊ dianˇ dianˇ touˊ
Nodding from time to time
時速 shiˊ suˋ
Speed (distance per hour)
時速一百七十五公里 shiˊ suˋ yi¯ baiˇ qi¯ shiˊ wuˇ gong¯ liˇ
175 kph, 175 kilometers per hour
時速一百哩 shiˊ suˋ yi¯ baiˇ li¯
One hundred miles per hour
食宿 shiˊ suˋ
Board and lodging
實物 shiˊ wuˋ
In kind
食物 shiˊ wuˋ
Food, Cuisine
食物來源 shiˊ wuˋ laiˊ yuanˊ
Food source
食物券 shiˊ wuˋ quanˋ
Food stamp or stamps
食物鏈 shiˊ wuˋ lianˋ
Food chain
石柱 shiˊ zhuˋ
Pillars, Stone columns
石柱下有 shiˊ zhuˋ xiaˋ youˇ
Below the pillar was, Below the pillars there was
直布羅陀 zhiˊ buˋ luo¯ tuoˊ
Gibraltar (UK)
植入 zhiˊ ruˋ
Insert, Implant, Inserted, Implanted
質數 zhiˊ shuˋ
Prime number
植物 zhiˊ wuˋ
植物學 zhiˊ wuˋ xueˊ
植物學家 zhiˊ wuˋ xueˊ jia¯
植物的殘碎 zhiˊ wuˋ de˙ canˊ suiˋ
Plant debris, Plant residue, Vegetative residue, Vegetable residue
職務 zhiˊ wuˋ
41, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44
只出現過一次 zhiˇ chu¯ xianˋ guoˋ yi¯ ciˋ
Only appear once, Only appeared once
指出 zhiˇ chu¯
Indicate, Point
指出來 zhiˇ chu¯ laiˊ
Pointed out, Indicated
指豬的十二指腸 zhiˇ zhu¯ de˙ shiˊ erˋ zhiˇ changˊ
Pig's duodenum
41, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44
史無前例 shiˇ wuˊ qianˊ liˋ
只不過 zhiˇ buˊ guoˋ
Only, Merely, Well
只不過不是 zhiˇ buˊ guoˋ buˊ shiˋ
Just not, Only not
只不過她不由自主 zhiˇ buˊ guoˋ ta¯ buˋ youˊ ziˋ zhuˇ
But she couldn't stop, But she couldn't stop doing it
止不住 zhiˇ buˊ zhuˋ
Can't stop
止不住力道 zhiˇ buˊ zhuˋ liˋ daoˋ
Unable to stop
41, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44
尺骨 chiˇ guˇ
Ulna, Forearm bone, Elbow bone
尺骨之莖狀突 chiˇ guˇ zhi¯ jing¯ zhuangˋ tuˊ
Ulna Styloid Process
恥骨 chiˇ guˇ
Pubic Bone
恥骨上枝 chiˇ guˇ shangˋ zhi¯
Superior Pubic Ramus
恥骨下枝 chiˇ guˇ xiaˋ zhi¯
恥骨嵴 chiˇ guˇ jiˇ
Pubic Crest, Pubic tubercle
恥骨嵴和坐骨粗隆間的橋梁 chiˇ guˇ jiˇ hanˋ zuoˋ guˇ cu¯ long¯ jian¯ de˙ qiaoˊ liangˊ
Bridge The Gap Between The Pubic Bone And Ischial Tuberosities
恥骨結節 chiˇ guˇ jieˊ jieˊ
Pubic Tubercle, Pubic crest
恥骨聯合 chiˇ guˇ lianˊ heˊ
Pubic Synthesis
恥骨肌 chiˇ guˇ ji¯
恥辱 chiˇ ruˇ
Shame, Disgrace
此處 ciˇ chuˇ
Here, This place
指骨 zhiˇ guˇ
趾骨 zhiˇ guˇ
Phalanges, Toe bones
41, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44
尺度 chiˇ duˋ
Scale, Measure, Measurement
此物 ciˇ wuˋ
This thing, This matter
死不 siˇ buˋ
Would rather die
死不了 siˇ buˋ liaoˇ
Cannot die, Won't cause death
死不了的 siˇ buˋ liaoˇ de˙
Won't cause death, Non-vital
死不分開 siˇ buˋ fen¯ kai¯
Would rather die than separate
死路 siˇ luˋ
Dead end
止步 zhiˇ buˋ
只顧 zhiˇ guˋ
Only care about
只顧自己 zhiˇ guˋ ziˋ jiˇ
Only care about one's self, Only care about themselves, Selfish, Self absorbed
指數 zhiˇ shuˋ
Indication, Indications, Reading, Readings
指數型 zhiˇ shuˋ xingˊ
Exponential, Numerous, Proliferating
指數為 zhiˇ shuˋ weiˋ
Index, Indicate, Reference
止住 zhiˇ zhuˋ
Stop, Stops, Stopping, Stopped, Came to rest
止住疼痛 zhiˇ zhuˋ tengˊ tongˋ
Stop the pain, Make the pain go away
41, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44
伺服 ciˋ fuˊ
Servo, Servomechanism, Precisely controlled motor
伺服自動對焦 ciˋ fuˊ ziˋ dongˋ duiˋ jiao¯
Servo Autofocus, Servo AF
是不對的 shiˋ buˊ duiˋ de˙
Was wrong
是不是 shiˋ buˊ shiˋ
Is it or isn't it, Was it or wasn't it, Whether or not, Whether
是不是因為這樣 shiˋ buˊ shiˋ yin¯ weiˋ zheˋ yangˋ
Is it because of this?, Is it because of that?, Is that why?
是不是因為這樣你才不喜歡他 shiˋ buˊ shiˋ yin¯ weiˋ zheˋ yangˋ niˇ caiˊ buˋ xiˇ huan¯ ta¯
Is that why you don't like him?
是不是因為這樣你才不喜歡她 shiˋ buˊ shiˋ yin¯ weiˋ zheˋ yangˋ niˇ caiˊ buˋ xiˇ huan¯ ta¯
Is that why you don't like her?
是不會 shiˋ buˊ huiˋ
It wouldn't, It wouldn't be
是不變的 shiˋ buˊ bianˋ de˙
Is constant, Is unchanged
是如果我聽懂你的 shiˋ ruˊ guoˇ woˇ ting¯ dongˇ niˇ de˙
It is if I understand you
世俗 shiˋ suˊ
Temporal, Secular, Worldly, Mundane
世俗的緣分 shiˋ suˊ de˙ yuanˊ fen¯
Worldly fate
試圖 shiˋ tuˊ
Attempt, Try
試圖移動 shiˋ tuˊ yiˊ dongˋ
Try to move, Try to shift
世族 shiˋ zuˊ
Lineage, Aristocrats, Aristocratic, Aristocrat
世族子弟 shiˋ zuˊ ziˇ diˋ
Aristocratic offspring
肆無忌憚 siˋ wuˊ jiˋ danˋ
Reckless and indulgent, Unscrupulous
肆無忌撣 siˋ wuˊ jiˋ danˇ
Indulgent and reckless, unscrupulous
四足動物 siˋ zuˊ dongˋ wuˋ
Quadruped, Quadrupeds
制服 zhiˋ fuˊ
至福 zhiˋ fuˊ
自如 ziˋ ruˊ
41, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44
刺骨 ciˋ guˇ
次組合 ciˋ zuˇ heˊ
市虎 shiˋ huˇ
City tiger, Euphemism for automobile, Repeated often enough a lie becomes accepted as truth
四處張望 siˋ chuˇ zhang¯ wangˋ
Look around, Glance around
四處張望找什麼順手可以用力拍死它的東西 siˋ chuˇ zhang¯ wangˋ zhaoˇ shenˊ me˙ shunˋ shouˇ keˇ yiˇ yongˋ liˋ pai¯ siˇ ta¯ de˙ dong¯ xi¯
Look around for something handy to swat it with
四五個 siˋ wuˇ ge˙
Four or five
質樸 zhiˋ puˇ
自古以來 ziˋ guˇ yiˇ laiˊ
Since ancient times, Down through the ages
字母 ziˋ muˇ
Letter, Letters, Alphabet
自主 ziˋ zhuˇ
Independent, Independence, Autonomous
自主控制 ziˋ zhuˇ kongˋ zhiˋ
Self control, Self controls, Self controlling, Self controlled
自主控制呼吸 ziˋ zhuˇ kongˋ zhiˋ hu¯ xi¯
Self controlled breathing, Autonomous breath control, Autonomous breathing control
41, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44
刺目 ciˋ muˋ
刺目的白光 ciˋ muˋ de˙ baiˊ guang¯
Pricks of white light
刺入 ciˋ ruˋ
Pierced, Poked into
刺入她皮膚 ciˋ ruˋ ta¯ piˊ fu¯
Pierced her skin, Poked into her skin
次數 ciˋ shuˋ
Degree, Number of times
次數多到 ciˋ shuˋ duo¯ daoˋ
Number of times, Volume (number of times)
次數為 ciˋ shuˋ weiˋ
Are of degree
日部 riˋ buˋ
Radical for Sun
日復一日 riˋ fuˋ yiˊ riˋ
Day to day
日數 riˋ shuˋ
Number of days
勢不可當 shiˋ buˋ keˇ dang¯
是不能 shiˋ buˋ nengˊ
Are not allowed
適度 shiˋ duˋ
弒父王 shiˋ fuˋ wangˊ
King slayer
世故 shiˋ guˋ
事故 shiˋ guˋ
Accident, Incident
事故的原因 shiˋ guˋ de˙ yuanˊ yin¯
Cause of the accident
事故真相 shiˋ guˋ zhen¯ xiang¯
Real cause of an accident, The real cause of the accident
是木頭做的 shiˋ muˋ touˊ zuoˋ de˙
Is made of wood
事務 shiˋ wuˋ
Work related tasks, General affairs, Transactions
事務所 shiˋ wuˋ suoˇ
事物 shiˋ wuˋ
Thing, Things
四處 siˋ chuˋ
Everywhere, All around
四處亂撞的 siˋ chuˋ luanˋ zhuangˋ de˙
Moving every which way and crashing into things
四處搜索 siˋ chuˋ sou¯ suoˇ
Searching all around, Searching everywhere
四處散佈著 siˋ chuˋ sanˋ buˋ zhe˙
Scattered all around, Littered with
肆目 siˋ muˋ
Look as far as one can see, Stretch one's sight
制度 zhiˋ duˋ
System control, Management
制度化 zhiˋ duˋ huaˋ
致富 zhiˋ fuˋ
Become rich
置入 zhiˋ ruˋ
Place into, Insert
自負 ziˋ fuˋ
字幕 ziˋ muˋ
Subtitle, Caption
字數 ziˋ shuˋ
Word count, Number of words
自誤 ziˋ wuˋ
Compromise one's interests, Cause damage to one's own interests, Act against one's self interests
自助 ziˋ zhuˋ
Self help
自助餐廳 ziˋ zhuˋ can¯ ting¯
Self-serve restaurant, Buffet, Cafeteria
丿-亻 : > 似: > [似]-似乎 : > [似]-似乎只能到達他的手肘前 >
丿-爫 : > 乎: > [乎]-似乎 : > [乎]-似乎只能到達他的手肘前 >
口-口 : > 只: > [只]-只能 : > [只]-似乎只能到達他的手肘前 >
𠄌-厶 : > 能: > [能]-只能 : > [能]-似乎只能到達他的手肘前 >
一-一 : > 到: > [到]-到達 : > [到]-似乎只能到達他的手肘前 >
丶-辶 : > 達: > [達]-到達 : > [達]-似乎只能到達他的手肘前 >
丿-亻 : > 他: > [他]-他的 : > [他]-似乎只能到達他的手肘前 >
丶-白 : > 的: > [的]-他的 : > [的]-似乎只能到達他的手肘前 >
丿-千 : > 手: > [手]-手肘 : > [手]-似乎只能到達他的手肘前 >
冂-月 : > 肘: > [肘]-手肘 : > [肘]-似乎只能到達他的手肘前 >
人-丷 : > 前: > [前]-肘前 : > [前]-似乎只能到達他的手肘前 >
似乎只能到達他的手肘前 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 到
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